Testnet airdrop: VeniceSwapReward: 1 Venice (~$10)News: GemnyDistribution date: July 15th🔗Airdrop Link: airdrop page-Complete all

Testnet airdrop: VeniceSwap
Reward: 1 Venice (~$10)
News: Gemny
Distribution date: July 15th

🔗Airdrop Link: airdrop page

-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit your ETH wallet address
-For the First 5,000 eligible users

-Please refresh and be patient as the server is down

Done DoneDoneDone

⚠️Please remember: We are airdrop hunters and only participate in free airdrops, please do not buy any airdrop tokens

Testnet airdrop: VeniceSwap
Reward: 1 Venice (~$10)
News: Gemny
Distribution date: July 15th

🔗Airdrop Link: airdrop page

-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit your ETH wallet address
-For the First 5,000 eligible users

-Please refresh and be patient as the server is down

Done DoneDoneDone

⚠️Please remember: We are airdrop hunters and only participate in free airdrops, please do not buy any airdrop tokens