Lỗi could not find icm file asus splendid năm 2024

ouch, ok i although im on the AMD side of things for win10, unfortunate for me, given the whole crimson crisis ....

I only ran into the ( Only Asus products ) error, and when that happened, my notebook was back from RMA and logging in for first time, with Splendid and all software already pre-installed before RMA

when i opened my app's i recieved that error message. except i got your error message for speldid whe it did open blank and at re-install, but my winFlash error told me i wasnt a notebook!!!

You can open System Information and it will be listed on the first opening page. Found under Administrative Tools in the menu.

To say the least i ended up sendingthe unit back to RMA becuase of these exact same error, i found no solution for the errors your seeing. I had to call support explain , and create RMA now becuase it was repaired that way or if it a legit reason to send to RMA not sure, but my RMA was re-created becuase of what i explained.

I think it means Windows-10 upgrade has wiped-out your original UEFI code... but please dont hold me to that, i only knew what i was seeing, and it was the exact same errors you posted in your screenshot.

I have just bought a X-series laptop came with Win-8.1, and had major problems after upgrading to windows-10.

I have the solution. This solution works best with Catalyst set to factory default , then uninstalled first. I noticed Splendid mess's with catalyst and the color reactivation process. It might be a good idea to uninstall both Catalyst and Splendid at same time. Catalyst ONLY. Only uninstall catalyst, so when catalyst is re-installed it can pickup on the color scheme and recognize other software is in control.

First, i after first activation Windows-10 does things unknowing to in the background and trys to reinstall components including AV IF it can verify the software. What has happened is it has uninstalled spledid leaving everything including the sub -folders on the machine without really uninstalling it properly.

You have to RUN Command --Regedit Click My Computer, then Find Splendid. Delete all registry keys of Splendid And the sub-folder on the C:\ drive ,


Delete that.


Install first the Windows 8.1 Splendid, DO NOT REBOOT wait 5 minutes I did not set any special compatibilty installing the 8.1 version, you hear alot about run as admin,force win8 Ect .... Click it normal, windows-10 compatibility list has this added.


Immediately install the win 10 upgrade Splendid, DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING after install , before install or During install,


Try opening Splendid only after the computer isn't working/hard drive lite cpu workload, fully logged in. Then open Splendid.

If Splendid is working, Sign-out ..... Very important people don't ever sign out, but that will save settings, Reboot from sign-in screen, Enjoy your Spledid.

Hope this helps, i now have a fully-functional X-series 550 laptop running the 15.7 Catalyst and runs great and have everything installed on it , even the sound.

I've recently bought Zenbook ux430un. For it had a range of problems, I had to take it to the service center, where they reinstalled motherboard and, thus, windows 10. Unfortunately, several utilities, including Splendid, were missing after that. I downloaded it from the official cite (for my laptopt model, yes), but it gave me "could not find ICM file" error during the installation. I've already tried windows reinstallation, but it didn't help. Also they say the sollution is to download splendid for win 8 and use ICC files from that package - still no luck.

Ya, easy to correct once windows-10 places all the registry keys correctly, but i now found looking on my older AMD systems that i upgraded, no problems found that

There seems to be some kind of windows-10 conflict happening and Catalyst picks up on a built-in win10 3rd party display control app. I kept it uninstalled and after finding out that i left it uninstalled.

My older system are old, 6xxxx series and below system with almost no driver support on some of them, all AMD of course, probably switching, but anyways 😄

Been a AMD customer since 2003-2004, all system OK and running perfectly.

NVidia probably wont conflict, dont know, but i do know after the first full system reset (keep nothing) Splendid ends up working as intended and its seamless like i saw in win 8.1

Could be Windows ends up seeing it in the registry and loading it disabling what ever display control it is using, but if anyone has insight on that would be great.

Cant wait until win10 is a finished polished product and people get around to knowing all the little things. This was my only problem in Win10 brand new X-series laptop that now failed the manufactures tests, but i highly doubt Splendid had anything to do with it.

Should be fine, i loved Splendid when i really saw it , but on my system it was way to much hassel to get to run properly, but it did run, it did load, any error vanished, but getting there took about 2-3hrs.