What standard is set at a level that may be reached with reasonable effort?

(i) Attainability of standards, that is, the ease with which it is possible to achieve the standards, and

(ii) Frequency with which the standards are revised.


On the basis of these two factors, it is possible to classify standards as ideal, normal, basic, current or expected actual standards.

1. Ideal, Perfect, Maximum Efficiency or Theoretic Standards:

Ideal standards (costs) are the standards which can be attained under the most favourable conditions possible. The level of performance under ideal standards would be achieved through the best possible combination of factors — the most favourable prices for materials and labour, highest output with best equipment and layout, and maximum efficiency in the utilisation of the production resources—in other words, maximum output at minimum cost. Such standards reflect only goals or targets without any hope of performance being currently achieved.

These standards are extremely tight and do not provide for waste and inefficiency in any form; no material is wasted; no units are spoiled; there are no idle hours; operators work at predetermined speeds; the available capacity is fully utilised. The ideal standard represents the ultimate goal to strive for, but its attainment is impossible over sustained periods. It sets its sights on the stars.

2. Normal Standards:

Normal standards are the average standards which (it is anticipated) can be attained during a future period of time, preferably long enough to cover one business cycle. Standards are set on a normal capacity basis which represent a volume that averages out the company’s peak and slack periods. Constant unit costs are employed throughout the cycle, regardless of changes in current costs or selling prices.


These standards are not revised until the cycle has run its full course. This generally results in an incorrect valuation of inventories and consequent errors in the profit disclosed as the inventories are understated in periods of high prices, and overstated when prices are low. Since these standards do not reflect the goals to be attained, they are not often used.

3. Basic Standards:

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK) defines a basic standard as the standard which is established for use unaltered for an indefinite period which may be a long period of time. Basic standards are seldom revised or updated to reflect current operating costs and price level changes.

Basic standards representing a fixed base are used primarily to measure trends in operating performance. Although useful, basic standards must be adjusted before they can be used for performance evaluation purposes. They can be based upon any capacity level that is selected initially to develop the standards.

4. Currently Attainable or Expected Actual Standards:

Current standards are standards which are established for use over a short period of time, and are related to current conditions. They represent current costs to be expected from efficient opera­tions. These standards do not anticipate ideal performance; they are difficult, but possible to achieve.


Currently attainable standards are revised to reflect changes in methods and prices. Much effort and costs are involved in developing these standards. Based on engineering estimates, currently attainable standards are most expensive of the four types of standards. But these standards are most accurate and very useful to management in product costing, inventory valuations, estimates, analyses, performance evaluation, planning, employee motivation, and for managerial decision-making and external financial reporting.


LO 8.1Why does a company use a standard costing system?

  1. to identify variances from actual cost that assist them in maintaining profits
  2. to identify nonperformers in the workplace
  3. to identify what vendors are unreliable
  4. to identify defective materials


LO 8.1This standard is set at a level that may be reached with reasonable effort.

  1. ideal standard
  2. attainable standard
  3. unattainable standard
  4. variance from standard


LO 8.1This standard is set at a level that could be achieved if everything ran perfectly.

  1. ideal standard
  2. attainable standard
  3. unattainable standard
  4. variance from standard


LO 8.1This variance is the difference involving spending more or using more than the standard amount.

  1. favorable variance
  2. unfavorable variance
  3. no variance
  4. variance


LO 8.1This variance is the difference involving spending less, or using less than the standard amount.

  1. favorable variance
  2. unfavorable variance
  3. no variance
  4. variance


LO 8.2What are some possible reasons for a material price variance?

  1. substandard material
  2. labor rate increases
  3. labor rate decreases
  4. labor efficiency


LO 8.2When is the material price variance unfavorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.2When is the material price variance favorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.2What are some reasons for a material quantity variance?

  1. building rental charges increase
  2. labor rate decreases
  3. more qualified workers
  4. change in the actual cost of materials


LO 8.2When is the material quantity variance favorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.2When is the material quantity unfavorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.3What are some possible reasons for a labor rate variance?

  1. hiring of less qualified workers
  2. an excess of material usage
  3. material price increase
  4. utilities usage change


LO 8.3When is the labor rate variance unfavorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.3When is the labor rate variance favorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.3What are some possible reasons for a direct labor time variance?

  1. utility usage decrease
  2. less qualified workers
  3. office supplies spending
  4. sales decline


LO 8.3When is the direct labor time variance favorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.3When is the direct labor time variance unfavorable?

  1. when the actual quantity used is greater than the standard quantity
  2. when the actual quantity used is less than the standard quantity
  3. when the actual price paid is greater than the standard price
  4. when the actual price is less than the standard price


LO 8.4A flexible budget ________.

  1. predicts estimated revenues and costs at varying levels of production
  2. gives actual figures for selling price
  3. gives actual figures for variable and fixed overhead
  4. is not used in overhead variance calculations


LO 8.4The variable overhead rate variance is caused by the sum between which of the following?

  1. actual and standard allocation base
  2. actual and standard overhead rates
  3. actual and budgeted units
  4. actual units and actual overhead rates


LO 8.4The variable overhead efficiency variance is caused by the difference between which of the following?

  1. actual and budgeted units
  2. actual and standard allocation base
  3. actual and standard overhead rates
  4. actual units and actual overhead rates


LO 8.4The fixed factory overhead variance is caused by the difference between which of the following?

  1. actual and standard allocation base
  2. actual and budgeted units
  3. actual fixed overhead and applied fixed overhead
  4. actual and standard overhead rates


LO 8.5Which of the following is a possible cause of an unfavorable material price variance?

  1. purchasing too much material
  2. purchasing higher-quality material
  3. hiring substandard workers
  4. buying substandard material


LO 8.5Which of the following is a possible cause of an unfavorable material quantity variance?

  1. purchasing substandard material
  2. hiring higher-quality workers
  3. paying more than should have for workers
  4. purchasing too much material


LO 8.5Which of the following is a possible cause of an unfavorable labor efficiency variance?

  1. hiring substandard workers
  2. making too many units
  3. buying higher-quality material
  4. paying too much for workers


LO 8.5Which of the following is a possible cause of an unfavorable labor rate variance?

  1. hiring too many workers
  2. hiring higher-quality workers at a higher wage
  3. making too many units
  4. purchasing too much material

Why does a company use a standard costing system?

Standard costing system is used by company to identify variances from actual cost that assist them in maintaining profits.

Why does a company use a standard costing system quizlet?

standard costs are used to prepare budgets for multiple activity levels. use the knowledge about the variances to promote learning and continuous improvement in the manufacturing operations.

What are some possible reasons for a labor rate variance?

Causes of a Labor Rate Variance.
Incorrect Standards. The labor standard may not reflect recent changes in the rates paid to employees. ... .
Pay Premiums. The actual amounts paid may include extra payments for shift differentials or overtime. ... .
Staffing Variances. ... .
Component Tradeoffs. ... .
Benefits Changes..

What are some reasons for a material quantity variance?

If there is a material quantity variance, one or more of the following is usually the cause:.
Low quality of raw materials..
Incorrect specification of materials..
Raw materials obsolescence..
Damage in transit to the company..
Damage while being moved or stored within the company..
Damage during the production process..