What router command allows you to determine whether ip access list is enabled?

What router command allows you to determine whether an IP access list is enabled on a particular interface?

A. show ip port

B. show access-lists

C. show ip interface

D. show access-lists interface

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Only the show ip interface command will tell you which interfaces have access lists applied. show access-lists will not show you which interfaces have an access list applied.

What router command allows you to determine whether an IP access list is enabled on a particular interface?

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Q._ What router command allows you to determine whether an IP access list is enabled on a particular interface?

  • A).show ip port
  • B).show access-lists
  • C).show ip interface
  • D).show access-lists interface

What router command allows you to determine whether an IP access list is enabled on a particular interface? Computer security

  • show ip port
  • show access-lists
  • show ip interface
  • show access-lists interface
Answer: show ip interface
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