What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs 500 being calculated at 5

The difference between the simple interest received from two banks on Rs. 500 for two years is Rs. 2.50. What is the difference between their rates ?

  1. 0.25%
  2. 0.5%
  3. 1%
  4. 2.5%

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : 0.25%


NCERT 1: History (Our Past I - Class 6th)

10 Questions 20 Marks 12 Mins


The difference between the simple interest received from two banks on Rs. 500 for two years is Rs. 2.50.

Formula used:

Simple interest = P × R × T/100

P = Principal, R = Rate and T = Time


According to the question,

⇒ 500 × R1 × 2/100 - 500 × R2 × 2/100 = 2.5

⇒ 10 (R1 - R2) = 2.5

⇒ R1 - R2 = 0.25 %

∴ The difference between their rates is 0.25%.

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Last updated on Oct 11, 2022

The UPSC Examinations 2021 Reserved List has been released. 63 candidates have been recommended by the commission to fill in the remaining posts. With reference to the 2022 exam cycle, The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination was conducted on the 16th, 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th of September 2022. This is one of the most coveted jobs in India. The candidates are required to go through a 3 stage selection process - Prelims, Main and Interview. The marks of the main examination and interview will be taken into consideration while preparing the final merit list. The candidates must go through the UPSC Civil Service mains strategy to have an edge over others.

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What will be the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 is calculated at 5% per year for 3 years and 4% per year for 4 years?

500 रुपये के मूलधन पर 3 साल के लिए 5% प्रति वर्ष और 4 साल के लिए 4% प्रति वर्ष की दर से साधारण ब्याज के बीच क्या अंतर होगा?

Answer A.

A.Principle = 500 Rs For first simple interest - Rate = 5% Time = 4 year Simple Interest = P*r*t/100 SI = 500*5*4/100 = SI = 75 Rs For second simple interest - Rate = 4% Time = 4 year Simple Interest = P*r*t/100 SI = 500*4*4/100 SI = 80 Rs The difference between Simple Interest is 80-75 = 5 Rs. So the correct answer is option A.

A.मूलधन = 500 रु प्रथम साधारण ब्याज के लिए - दर = 5% समय = 4 वर्ष साधारण ब्याज = P*r*t/100 SI = 500*5*4/100 = SI = 75 रुपये दूसरे साधारण ब्याज के लिए - दर = 4% समय = 4 वर्ष साधारण ब्याज = P*r*t/100 SI = 500*4*4/100 SI = 80 रुपये साधारण ब्याज के बीच का अंतर 80-75 = 5 रुपये इसलिए सही उत्तर विकल्प A है।

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A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs. 4016.25 at the rate of 9 p.c.p.a. in 5 years. What is the sum?

एक राशि पर 5 वर्षों में 9% प्रति वर्ष की दर से कुल 4016.25 रुपये का साधारण ब्याज प्राप्त हुआ। राशि क्या है?

A.Rs. 4462.50(4462.50 रु )

B.Rs. 8032.50(8032.50 रु )

Answer D.


The effective annual rate of interest corresponding to a nominal rate of 6% per annum payable half-yearly is:

अर्ध-वार्षिक देय 6% प्रति वर्ष की साधारण दर के अनुरूप प्रभावी वार्षिक ब्याज दर है:

Answer D.


Find the compound interest on Rs. 5000 for 1 year at 8% per annum, compounded half-yearly.

5000 रुपये पर 1 वर्ष के लिए 8% प्रति वर्ष की दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज ज्ञात कीजिए, जो अर्ध-वार्षिक रूप से संयोजित है।

Answer B.


Rs. 1,000 is invested at 5% per annum simple interest. If the interest is added to the principal after every 10 years, the amount will become Rs. 2,000 after

1,000 रुपये प्रति वर्ष 5% साधारण ब्याज पर निवेश किया जाता है। यदि ब्याज प्रत्येक 10 वर्षों के बाद मूलधन में जोड़ा जाता है, तो वह राशि 2,000 रू कितने वर्ष बाद हो जाएगी ?

D.16(2/3) years(16 (2/3) वर्ष)

Answer D.

  • Test: SI & CI- 1


Related What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

5% for 3 years (SI) = 15% of the amount; At the same time 4% SI for 4 years means 16% of the amount. The difference between the two is 1% of the amount. 1% of 500 = Rs. 5

  • Reply

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What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? for Quant 2022 is part of Quant preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Quant exam syllabus. Information about What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for Quant 2022 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?.

Solutions for What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Quant. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Quant Exam by signing up for free.

Here you can find the meaning of What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per annum for 4 years?a)Rs. 5b)Rs. 10c)Rs. 20d)Rs. 40Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice Quant tests.

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5% for 3 years (SI) = 15% of the amount; At the same time 4% SI for 4 years means 16% of the amount. The difference between the two is 1% of the amount. 1% of 500 = Rs. 5

What is the difference between the simple interest on a principle of Rs 5000 being calculated at 5% pa for 3 years and 4 Pa for 4 years *?

Thus, the difference in interest is Rs. 38.125.

What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest on Rs 500 for 2 years at 10% pa compounded yearly?

At the rate of compound interest of 10% per annum, find the sum of money for which the difference of compound interest and the simple interest in 2 years is Rs. 500. The difference between the compound interest (compounded annually) and simple interest on a certain sum at 10% per annum for 2 years is 3631.

What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal?

Simple interest is based on the principal amount of a loan or deposit. In contrast, compound interest is based on the principal amount and the interest that accumulates on it in every period.

What is the difference in the interest if a person invests Rs 500 each in both the below 2 schemes for 2 years?

Detailed Solution The difference between the simple interest received from two banks on Rs. 500 for two years is Rs. 2.50. ∴ The difference between their rates is 0.25%.