What is considered the most accurate estimate?

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Designed to help those that are preparing to take the PMP or CAPM Certification Exam, each post within this series presents a comparison of common concepts that appear on the PMP and CAPM exams.

Two estimating techniques that may appear on the PMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, and PMI-RMP exams are analogous estimating and parametric estimating. Both estimating techniques can be used to determine both project cost and project durations.

Analogous Estimating

Analogous estimating uses a similar past project to estimate the duration or cost of your current project, thus the root of the word: analogy.

Used when there is limited information regarding your current project, an analogous estimate is considered “top-down” and is generally not as accurate as other estimating techniques.

Because the project manager’s, and possibly the team’s, experience and judgment are applied to the estimating process, it is considered a combination of historical information and expert judgment.

For example, if it cost $7,100 to develop a website a few months ago and you are responsible for developing a new similar website, you estimate it to cost $7,100.

Parametric Estimating

Parametric estimating, a more accurate technique for estimating cost and duration, uses the relationship between variables to calculate the cost or duration.

Essentially, a parametric estimate is determined by identifying the unit cost or duration and the number of units required for the project or activity.

The measurement must be scalable in order to be accurate.

For example, if it took me two hours to mow my one acre yard last week and this week I’m mowing four acres, I could estimate that it will take eight hours to mow.

However, if the first one hour was spent transporting my tractor and preparing it to mow, the estimate would need to be scaled appropriately: 1 hour for transporting and then four hours to mow, for a total of five hours.


You are the project manager for the annual Earth Day 5k road race, with three primary components: marketing, registration, and race-day coordination.

For marketing, there will be 500 flyers printed up at a cost $0.20 each.
It took two weeks for the flyers to be printed for last year event, so you estimate two weeks for the printing of the brochures for this event.

Last year it took one week to design the on-line registration form and the cost to host the registration website was $850.00 You estimate the same this year.

There will be four people used to coordinate the race. Each resource will be paid $25 per hour and they will be working an estimated seven hours, based on the race last year.

Cost: $100 for brochures (parametric estimating 500 x $0.20)
Duration: two weeks (analogous)

Cost: $850 (analogous)
Duration: one week (analogous)

Cost: $700 (parametric estimating  4 x $25 x 7)
Duration: 7 hours (analogous)


Similarities between analogous and parametric estimating:

  • Can be used for both duration and cost estimating
  • Essentially a combination of historical information (leveraging past projects/activities) and expert judgment

Differences between analogous and parametric estimating:

  • Analogous is considered top-down and is less accurate than parametric. Analogous estimating uses an “analogy” – comparing a past similar project to your current project.
  • Parametric is more accurate, specifically when the underlying data is scalable. Parametric uses a relationship between variables (a unit cost/duration and the number of units) to develop the estimate.

See all posts in our PMP Concepts Learning Series

What is considered the most accurate estimate?

There is no doubt that the world is getting more globalized and its impact on businesses is not going unnoticed. Regardless of the size of a firm or where it chooses to operate, one requirement stays constant, i.e. proper costing. A company would be in a very precarious position if it did not pay close attention to cost information. “Why accuracy is important in estimate?”, “What is the importance of estimation?”. It is critical for a firm to meticulously manage costs so that profit can be precisely measured against them in each month, this tells a firm how well they are performing. Furthermore, precise cost data enables a company to create well-informed foresight for making better future decisions. So in this blog, Apptivo brings to you the importance of estimation and how they can improve business performance.

Accurate estimation for businesses

A cost estimate is the service provider’s best guess about how much the job will cost. The goal of cost estimating is to anticipate the quantity, cost, and price of resources needed to execute a job within the scope of the project. Cost estimates are used to bid on new business from prospective clients as well as to inform the work and budget planning processes. An estimate is much more than a simple cost breakdown of a project. Expense estimates outline the assumptions behind each cost, as well as inclusions and exclusions, and related risks, to bring the project to reality. What you include in the estimates you give clients will be determined by your particular business.

Project managers who are unable to keep costs under control will quickly find themselves battling in a field defined by the art of managing resource restrictions. After all, no one wants to work with someone who is always overspending. Cost estimating enables you to do what you claim you’ll do while staying within the budget limits imposed by executives and stakeholders. When it comes to setting up a project’s parameters, precise project cost estimating must take the front seat as one of the defining elements of successful progress. Using accurate estimation for your business yields the following advantages for you.

It supports more accurate planning

You’ll be able to easily create a work breakdown schedule, assign work to personnel, and stick to estimated timetables if you can precisely forecast what activities and resources are required to complete the job. With accurate estimating, you can efficiently plan your workflows once you have a proper budget drafted for every task.

It results in improved profits

Different factors such as unforeseen events, poorly scoped work, and inflation can cause job costs to rise over time, posing a risk to finishing the job on time and within budget, as well as meeting profitability targets. Accurate estimating accounts for both expected and unexpected costs, ensuring that your profit margins are protected.

It results in more efficient resource management

You can ensure you have the specific skills needed to complete each deliverable, identify resourcing gaps, hire additional people as needed, and take on new projects with confidence now that you have a better understanding of the tasks and timelines required to complete work.

You can build stronger relationships with clients

Accurate estimating provides a detailed breakdown of all project costs. Clients are more likely to trust your expertise and expect changes to the cost estimate as the project progresses if they understand the “why” behind a project’s cost. This leads to better working relationships.

It results in improving business image and reputation

With accurate cost estimation, funds and resources can be more efficiently allocated to individual project operations. As a result, the project timeline is meticulously planned and assets are expected to arrive on time. And when projects are completed on time and within budget, you’re more likely to have satisfied customers, repeat business, and referrals. This increases the reliability of your business in the market and improves your image & reputation.

Using previous job data and learning from previous projects is crucial for producing reliable estimates. It’s critical to keep track of all employee time and costs, as well as job progress, throughout a project so you can assess work performance and team productivity. You’ll be able to uncover difficulties, prevent underestimating, and develop more accurate cost estimates for future jobs if you have a better grasp of how your team is performing compared to how you’re estimating.

Using Estimates Software for accurate estimating is the key to predicting precise costs. Apptivo’s Estimates App makes it simple to send sales quotes to your customers. You’ll be able to keep track of sales possibilities, create estimates for them, and then turn these estimates into invoices or work orders after they’re finished. It is among the best estimating software available in the market that provides great capabilities of online quote approvals as well as automated quote processing. You can simply convert a prospecting opportunity to an estimate and override existing estimate information with Apptivo’s quoting software. Such capabilities allow for more accurately estimating your business budgets and project expenses.


Estimation is a key technique for predicting and controlling project risks. Accurate project estimates to aid in the identification of cost and schedule requirements with relative precision, lowering the danger of running out of time, resources, and money during a project. However, even with years of expertise, project managers struggle to provide reliable project estimates. So, Apptivo’s Estimate software empowers your experience with advanced estimation capabilities to improve your business performance and effectively manage operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to eSign your Estimates?
  • How to create an estimate template from another estimate in Apptivo?
  • How do I get approval from a customer for my estimate?

What is the most accurate estimation?

Explanation: Detailed estimate: A detailed estimate is the most accurate method and consists of working out the quantities of each item of works and working the cost. The dimensions are taken directly from the drawings and quantities of each item are calculated.

What is considered the most accurate estimate in project management?

Parametric estimating. Parametric estimation is an extremely precise way of estimating a project. Whether you're looking at timeline, cost, or resource requirements, parametric estimates are more accurate than other forms of estimate because of how they are calculated.

What is an accurate estimate?

What is Estimate Accuracy? Accuracy is the degree to which a measurement or calculation varies to its actual value; thus estimate accuracy is an indication of the degree to which the final cost outcome of a project may vary from the single point value used as the estimated cost for the project.

Which method of estimating will provide the most accurate estimate?

Parametric Estimate This technique gives more accuracy in project estimation.