triple c là gì - Nghĩa của từ triple c

triple c có nghĩa là

Corcidin Cough, Cold and Congestion. A risky source of the dissacosiative drug Dextromethorphan (DXM) which produces sedative effects and a trippy high, but contains CPM another active ingredient which can cause problems breathing. There have been several instances of overdose from corcidin.


I popped a few tripple cs and now Im feelin trippy.

triple c có nghĩa là

Triple C", sometimes also known on the street as "skittles" (due to the fact that they typically come in the form of a small red pill, similiar in appearance to the candy), comes from "Coriciden Cold and Cough", an over-the-counter cough medicine containing the drug Dextromethorphan. (Sometimes referred to as DXM)

The pills have become increasingly popular as a recreational drug due to it's legality and the high which can be obtained by taking excessive dosages (typically 8 to 16 pills, although some users take even more). Exceeding the recommended dosage (usually 1 or 2 pills) will often cause nausea, and can occasionally result in very serious injury (such as liver damage) or death.

(Note: I am a paramedic, and have seen first-hand the consequences of overdosing on DXM. This is not propaganda or myth... the last patient I hauled who'd overdosed on them, ended up in a very serious heart arrythmia which nearly caused his heart to stop. He also suffered from some permanent liver and kidney damage. Believe the warnings.)


"I took some Triple C's and now I'm tripping."

triple c có nghĩa là

a cough medicine, Coricidin HBP.
I took 12 my first time.
dont unless you are looking for a hellla insane trip.



triple c có nghĩa là

coriciden cold and cough, a drug no one should start using, extremely dangerouse, and i am a testiment. i should be mentally retarded, but made a loooong recovery. stick to weed, even though its more expensive.

i started taking the drug when i found out that it wont show up on drug tests. i took eight the first time, and continued to use them more than three hundred different times, my immunity built up, and at the end, i was taking 24 at once. and one day i overdid it. i took 48 over the period of 12 hours..... bad decision! i ended up legally psychoatic in the hospital, and for 14 days straight, i couldnt think straight, it wasnt a prolonged high, i actually got aquainted with how it feels to be retarded. and somehow i pulled out of it. my stomach wasnt pumped, so its a wonder that i even lived. my iq score went down from 142 To 130 after all this....

so just smoke some weed, ccc is terribly addictive.

take my word litterally, this story is all true, this drug can be more dangerouse than crack.- i didnt even know my name.


that kid is tripping on triple c! too bad he doesnt know what can happen.

triple c có nghĩa là



triple c messes you up.
i was coherrent with 16 and was able to pull off being normal. i was walking but didn't feel my feet touch the ground. bright lights seemed to pop out like a 3-d book. you get this feeling like you're floating and that you're looking at the world through a glass. you're not really there, you're just observing the world but you're not really there. it was fun

i soon upped my dosage. my next time a can recall, i had taken 24 and was having interesting trips. at this point, you can't really do anything other than lay in one spot. my friend and i were tripping that we were grasshoppers and suddenly the walls felt like skin. at this point, you really CAN'T get away with it infront of your parents like others have said. you can't really speak or move much because there's just too much going on in your head.

now this one, the one that made me stop doing this stuff...i had never really came down from my high over a three day period (this stuff is extremely addicting) and decided i'd take one more big dosage before i came down for the week. i took about 32. i was in hell. horrible horrible trip. i was tripping that i was myself, but years later, completely relient on this drug. i was chained to a wall, severely malnourished and sickly (like a more grotesque version of golum from Lord of the Rings). all i wanted was this drug. no food, no water, just the drug. complete silence surrounded me, other than the ambient disturbing A Clockwork Orange style score in my head. god appeared and told me i was pathetic and a waste of life. he then showed me hell, saying this is where i was going. ever seen Hellraiser 2? watch it. imagine that times 15 and that's what it was for me. i felt my brain shut completely off. i couldn't say a word other than "more". i wanted out of this nightmare so bad but at the same time i just wanted more to fuel my high. mind you, it was broad daylight out and my mind sort of pulled a curtain over the sun, making everything blacker than black...if that's possible. i imagined everyone just viewing me through a sort of barred window in a door, like an asylum, just shaking their i was some freak attraction. the people closest to me would stare with disappointment. i couldn't tell them sorry. just that i wanted more. i felt like alex from A Clockwork Orange. forced to watch something and you can't escape it and it just torments you, makes you insane. i actually pulled my pocket knife out of my back pocket and thought about killing myself to end the torment because i thought it was all real. thankfully i made myself believe that i hit rock bottom and the only way left was up.

it got a lot worse than that but i figure that's enough. i'm just saying, be careful. i thought i was okay, being that i never abused anything in my life. but before you realize it, you're doing more and more. i say stick with one pack (16). it's when i upped it past 16 that i started getting bad trips. my honest opinion though...stick with robo-tripping. you feel sick before you feel good but i've never had a bad trip on that.

triple c có nghĩa là

Coricidin cough and cold. This drug is different to say the least. I love it and I hate it at times. There are 4 different plateaus to experience and all 4 are definitely different. Ive noticed that the lower doses (5-8 for me) tend to allow me to function normally but just be happy and feel like I can conquer the world if I tried. When I take 10-14 I feel almost like a drunk feeling but still functional and amazing. Its hard to think and focus in on things though. When I hit higher doses is when I start to actually feel more of a high. It is a dream like experience that is sort of hard to explain. I tend to think a lot of about life and my purpose and sort of feel almost depressed in the end. I have yet to hit the last plateau. All in all it is an amazing drug that I wish I could be on every second of every day. The biggest problem is deciding what feelings I wish to achieve. I highly suggest you try it a few times and experience the plateaus. Like myself and many other people feel, this drug is life changing.
OH and listen to music on it! Its the best.


How many Triple C's should we take today?

triple c có nghĩa là

Cop Calling Cunt: a spoiled girl who constantly calls the cops when ever she is in a negative situation she created


dude, that triple c just hit me up, pissin' me off!

triple c có nghĩa là

a small round red pill that can be purchased at a few pharmacies but most places, like Wall Mart and CVS do not carry it because it is often used to have a strange and unique trip. The store brand name is Coricidin cough and cold (any other coricidin pill will have no effect and some can make you throw up repeatedly. over dosing on It is relatively safe unless you use it often. The first time you try this for fun you should only take 8 (half the box) and after that you can move up as you feel comfortable doing so. This pill also has many risks. If you do it a lot t can create holes in your brian similar to meth would. also it can become addictive and your body can gain immunities with make you feel the need to take more witch can cause liver or kidney failure.


Hey man i stole a box of triple c from Publix you wanna trip with me? its really awesome

triple c có nghĩa là

Clorocidin, small red cough and cold pills that are sold over the counter when eaten, make you trip and discover everything there is to know about life


I just ate some Triple C's and and now ill turn you into a chesseburger

triple c có nghĩa là

like robo which ive messed around with and isnt that cool, fucks you up but makes u bleed out of your brain. last nigh me and my friend took 8 each and after like an hour or so were tripping balls. later that night after trying to piss for prolly like 15 mins i sat on the toilet with the door locked and thought to myself how shitty of a way would this be to die and i unlocked the door pulled my pants up and saw my friend leaning up on the door and he said he was contemplating it too. but it was fun as shit and makes u mad fucked up.
do it a couple of times but thats it unless u wanna turn tard.


man i was madd fucked up off that ganj and those "triple c s last night i near shit myself