Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

I have to go with Dr. Doom. Dudes as smart if not smarter than Reed Richards and he's also damn near as good at the mystical arts as Stephen Strange.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos w/ IG would be both most powerful and most evil.

Honorable mention for Green Goblin under 'most evil'

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos , Galactus , Apocalypse , Ultron , and Dr Doom.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

@xanni15: Is Hulk very villainous?

Also, is Ultron up for the position? Age of Ultron makes him seem pretty evil.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

I'd have to go with one of the mystic entities like Dormammu, Cthon, Surtur, or some other inter-dimensional being. Thanos belongs up there with them with all his intelligence, strength, technology, and other skills. Below them, I would place Kang, Doom, and Ultron as the main threats. Never read much X-Men, so I don't know where Apocalypse would rank but I know he is up there.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

The score so far,

Thanos 7

Ultron 4

Dr Doom 3

Dormammu 2

Apocalypse 2

Green Goblin, Galactus, Cthon, Surtur, Kang 1

Not sure that I agree with this though. The title of this thread is kind of misleading, because the OP's post asks for the most evil, not necessarily the most powerful.

I haven't read any comics about Dormammu or Cthon or Surtur, but I think they are more powerful than Thanos. And really, Thanos isn't that evil either. Just misguided (like Enosisik2 said).

I vote Bullseye for the most evil. He freaks me out.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil


No question. No doubt.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

@enosisik2 said:

Apocalypse potentially


Thanos is evil but he has a great deal of honor and often does fight for good or shows mercy .

Apocalypse has no good qualities , shows little to no mercy and has little honor .

Enough said

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Most powerful crossover villain would be Thanos with an Infinity Gauntlet or Onslaught from the original crossover Prof X and Magneto psyche combo plot. They've both messed up the majority of the Marvel Universe coming at them at once. Dr. Doom would likely be the most powerful "casual" villain in a sense that he's regularly encountered and doesn't require crossover events to defeat, but still has done some miraculously powerful stuff.

In terms of sheer malice and evil, I'd go with Apocalypse or , again, Onslaught.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Most evil, Mephisto!

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos, Dormammu, Surtur and Kang are all excellent villains. I miss when Loki was a villain too :(

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

thanos, ultron, kang and onslaught

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Chaos King Mikaboshi

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil


Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil


Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos , Galactus , Apocalypse , Ultron , and Dr Doom.

yeah, these are rather the big ones. I have a hard time deciding between them for who is the most powerful; solid top 5, for sure. Although I'd be inclined to include Mr.Sinister (since his most recent incarnation in the last volume of UXM) and some versions of the Hulk.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Mephisto or apocolypse. BTW anyone who put galactus is wrong he is not evil and feels remorse and intense guilt about the way he has lived and killed

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos and apocalypse

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Obviously not the most powerful but definitely the most evil is massacre from spiderman he was the first villain spiderman had no choice but to kill and someone says he is the highest functioning sociopath on the planet

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Most villains aren't really evil by definition. Galactus is a force of nature, Lizard wants to cure humanity of disease and injury, Thanos wants to impress the woman he loves, and Ultron wants to make earth a perfect society, the list goes on and on. Some villains are just plain evil: Red Skull, Joker, Dr. Doom , Green Goblin, Apocalypse. IMO, Red Skull is the most evil though.

10 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Im sure lots will disagree, but for most evil, NormanOsborn

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil


9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

actually, for "most powerful" shouldn't it be the Beyonder?

he/she/it toyed with both Galactus and the Phoenix Force as though they were no different than normal people.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Magneto because all molecules are held together by electromagnetic force, so he could essentially kill anyone he pleases.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

I would say Galactus.

And although he isn't necessarily the most "powerful", Dr Doom is still one of the most dangerous and scary villains in all of Marvel

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Most powerful should be Hyperstorm.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos and Ultron

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Most powerful: Thanos

Best "casual" villain: Dr. Doom

On a side note, I don't consider Galactus to be evil. He is absolute neutral, as he shows no malice towards the beings whose worlds he devours. While he is a menace, he is by no means a villain.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Omega Red, Green Goblin, Red Skull, King Pin, Thanos, Apocolypse are my favourites, but Im suprised no mention of the carnage or venom symbiotes

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos. He's killed half the universe and continued to kill thousands more throughout his time, and with the Infinity Gauntlet, he is virtually limitless to the evils he can do.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

In terms of Power... I'd say Hyperstorm, FF villain from DeFalco's run...

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

The Phoenix. I thought she was the most powerful and I'm sure ya all know it.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

the best part of a really good Marvel villain, they could very easily be seen as misunderstood heroes. They allow their methods to overshadow their intent. But overall powerful AND evil...?

But Red Skull and Purple Man get my votes as pure evil

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

I don't know. It could be so many that I can't decide. I thought Thanos, but then again, I don't know.

9 years ago

Thanos is not top 3 the most powerful eveil

I would probably say Apocalypse probably has the edge on Thanos. Thanos if he has the guantlet is one thing, but without it Apocalypse would beat him imo. Plus Thanos has had stories where he is almost good, at least nuetral. Apocalypse is always evil.

Is Thanos the most powerful villain?

But as terrifying in strength as Thanos is, he may yet be outclassed by a multiversal threat like Kang. On the one hand, Thanos is clearly the superior foe when it comes to sheer physical power.

What is more powerful than Thanos?

Kang is more powerful than Thanos Thanos certainly presented the Avengers with a challenge, and his power continued to grow as he amassed the various infinity stones. Kang, though, seems to have almost limitless power once he can access even one aspect of his hyperadvanced technology.

Which super villain is stronger than Thanos?

Kulan Gath surpasses Thanos as the ultimate bad guy, as seen when he not just defeated the Avengers but killed most of Earth's heroes in a shocking and terrifying display of this Conan the Barbarian villain's power. To add insult to injury, Kulan Gath ate them afterward.

Which 3 beings was Thanos afraid of?

The theory posits Ego, Odin, and The Ancient One as three of Thanos' greatest fears, and he waited until all of them were dead to make his move. This would make sense, as all of these characters were massively powerful and had strong ties to the Avengers, which meant they could be called in for backup at any time.