Slow roll là gì poker

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What is Slow Rolling in Poker? Plus The 4 Sickest Slow Rolls Ever

Slow rolling is one of the most despised moves in poker.

This article will explain what a slow roll is, then youll see a countdown of the top five grossest slow rolls ever.

What is a Slow Roll in Poker?

A slow roll is when a player purposefully pauses before calling a (usually all-in) bet with an extremely strong or unbeatable poker hand. Its also considered a slow roll when a player intentionally pauses before revealing the winning hand at showdown.

A pure show of bad sportsmanship and taunting, the goal of a slow roll is to give the opponent hope that they are going to win the hand, only to pull the rug out from under them.

Slow rolling will almost certainly draw the ire, or in some cases laughter, of other players at the table.

Lets take a look at five filthy slow rolls that left others in the poker room fuming:

#4. Phil Hellmuth vs T.J. Cloutier

This hand between a pair of poker legends takes place at the Showdown at the Sands in 2003. For old-school poker fans, this hand has a little bit of everything.

Phil Hellmuth sits down at the table and limps with A3, getting into the action before hes even finished situating his chips. T.J. Cloutier calls in the small blind with T9, and Phil Gordon checks from the big blind.

The flop comes K7J, and action checks to Hellmuth, who bets and gets called by only Cloutier.

The turn brings the A, and we get to see Cloutiers heart rate go up into triple digits, thanks to a special heart rate monitor in play for the viewers at home. Cloutier leads out and Hellmuth, now with top pair, calls.

The river comes the 3, and Cloutier puts out a big bet and gets called by Hellmuth. You win, Phil, concedes Cloutier as Hellmuth tables his two pair.

Not amused by Cloutiers slow roll

The problem is that Hellmuth did not win the hand. After several moments, Cloutier turns over what he though was an inferior ten-high, but is actually the third nut flush.

This example of slow roll poker was almost certainly unintentional on Cloutiers part, as Cloutier explains to Hellmuth that he didnt realize he held a spade. The move infuriates Hellmuth nonetheless.

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#3. Samantha Abernathy vs. Mikel Habb

On the way to a career-high payday at the 2016 Aussie Millions, Samantha Abernathys tournament run almost ended on the losing end of a slow roll from opponent Mikel Habb.

Facing an under-the-gun open raise to 50,000, Habb decides to make a small three-bet to 112,000 with KK in the small blind. Abernathy goes all in for 514,000 from the big blind with 66, and the original raiser folds.

Habb then goes into one of the more theatrical poker slow rolls weve ever seen, showing feigned anguish and getting up from his seat with his hands behind his head. After a few moments, Habb makes the call and starts celebrating.

This example of slow roll poker prompts the commentators to root for a six to hit the board and eliminate Habb.

Dishing out the slow roll karma

#2. Shaun Deeb vs. Mike Matusow

Shaun Deeb has a well-earned reputation as one of pokers most notorious slow rollers, and he puts that image on display in this hand against Mike Matusow on Poker Night in America.

The hand starts with Matusow opening from the lojack with JJ , and Deeb making the call with 55 on the button. Deeb hits an optimal flop for his hand, with T55 appearing on the board and giving Deeb quads.

Matusow c-bets $1,000 on the flop, and Deeb casually calls. The turn comes 4, and Matusow goes all in, putting in a 1.5x overbet for $4,675.

Holding the invulnerable nuts, Deeb goes into the tank. He gets Matusow to count out the bet before making the call.

Unlike some of the other slow rolls on this list, Deebs needle to Matusow delights the other players as the table. Matusow, however, isnt pleased.

The king of the poker slow roll

#1. Andreas Gann vs. Donnacha ODea

A truly filthy poker slow roll tops our list, and takes place at the 2015 Irish Open. The tournament had reached the final table, with eight players remaining.

Irish poker legend Donnacha ODea opens for 2x the big blind from the hijack with A6. Andreas Gann, with just five big blinds remaining, makes the curious decision to just flat call from the small blind with KQ.

The flop comes a favorable 8 A 6 for Gann, giving him the nut flush. Gann checks, and ODea quickly c-bets with his two pair, betting enough to put Gann all in. Gann decides to tank for well over a minute before triumphantly making the call and tabling the nuts.

Ganns actions draw the ire of other players at the table, as well as the announcers, who are left rooting for an ace or a six to hit the board

The lesson to be learned here is this: slow rolling often goes wrong.

Note: Want to upgrade your poker skills? Get free preflop charts and start playing like a pro before the flop. Download now!
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