Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024

Excel automatically adds grand totals to a pivot table, if there are multiple items in the row area, or in the column area. See how you can change the automatic grand total headings (sometimes), and quickly remove grand totals if you don’t need them.

Change Grand Total Headings

Most of the time, the automatic heading is Grand Total, but sometimes it’s “Total”, followed by a pivot field name.

This video shows when each type of heading appears, and how you can change them.

It also shows why you might see a warning message, saying that you “Cannot edit subtotal, block total, or grand total names.”

For the written steps, and sample file, go to the Pivot Table Grand Totals page, on my Contextures site.

Video Timeline

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:52 Add a Column Field
  • 1:15 Change the Heading Text
  • 1:55 Add Another Value Field
  • 3:01 Change Total Field Heading
  • 3:51 Get the Sample File

Remove One Grand Total

To remove either grand total from a pivot table, use this quick tip

  • In the pivot table, right-click on a Grand Total heading cell
    • Do NOT click on a grand total number cell
  • In the pop-up menu, click Remove Grand Total

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024

Remove Both Grand Totals

To remove both grand totals, follow these steps to use a command on the Excel Ribbon.

  • Select any cell in the pivot table
  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Design tab
  • In the Layout group, at the left, click Grand Totals
  • In the drop down list, click the Off for Rows and Columns command.

Tip: That menu also has commands to turn the Grand Totals on, after you’ve removed them

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024

Grand Total Tricks

The two videos below show tricks for pivot table grand totals. I use these workarounds because there’s no built-in way to do either of these things in a pivot table:

  • Show Grand Totals at the top of a pivot table
  • Include multiple Grand Totals in a pivot table

Watch these videos to see the workaround steps, and there are written instructions on the Pivot Table Grand Totals page of my Contextures site, as well as sample files to download.

Microsoft Excel PivotTables are a great way to summarize data. They’re easy to create and they display information in meaningful ways, such as subtotals and grand totals for sums, counts and averages. The article, How to display multiple subtotal rows in a Microsoft Excel PivotTable shows you how to insert multiple subtotal rows into a PivotTable without repeating data. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add multiple grand totals to a PivotTable.

SEE: Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365: A side-by-side analysis w/checklist (TechRepublic Premium)

I’m using Microsoft 365 on a Windows 10 64-bit system, but you can use older versions of Excel. Excel for the web supports PivotTables. You can download the Microsoft Excel demo file for this tutorial.

Let’s suppose you track sales for several cities across the US and you want to see subtotals for regions. Figure A shows the source data and the first PivotTable you might design. As you can see, by default, Excel displays a SUM() function for subtotals and grand totals, but you might run into situations where you need more than one grand total.

Figure A

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
The initial PivotTable will show one subtotal for each region and one grand total that sums all the values.

To create this PivotTable, click anywhere inside the data source Excel Table and then do the following:

1. Click Insert.

2. Inside the Tables group, click PivotTable.

3. In the resulting dialog, click Existing Worksheet, and then click G2 in the Location control.

4. Excel will insert a blank frame. Using the fields list shown in Figure A as a guide, build this PivotTable by dragging fields to the appropriate sections.

The grand total at the bottom is a sum, by default. Let’s add a second grand total row that shows the average sale.

How to add multiple grand total rows to a PivotTable in Excel

When you create a PivotTable, Excel will insert a grand total at the bottom that returns the sum of the value column. Sometimes, you might need a second or even multiple grand total calculations, such as sum, average and so on.

The good news is that you can display multiple grand totals. The bad news is that the process isn’t intuitive, and it requires several steps.

To begin, return to the source data and add a column (Figure B). Change the heading to GrandTotal and leave the data cells empty. To insert the column, right-click column D’s (Region) header cell and choose Insert from the resulting submenu. I purposely omitted the space character between Grand and Total to make it easier to differentiate between this new grand total row and others.

Figure B

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Add a new field to the source Table.

Right-click any cell in the PivotTable and choose Refresh to add the new field (Figure C).

Figure C

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Refresh the PivotTable.

Drag the new GrandTotal field to the Rows list, making sure it’s at the top of the list (Figure D). The result is a new row at the top of the PivotTable. The region cell displays (blank) and the amount cell displays the same thing as the grand total row at the bottom does, 657704. Otherwise, nothing else changes.

Figure D

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Drag the new field to the Rows list.

Next, move the new row to the bottom of the PivotTable as follows:

1. Click inside the PivotTable and click the contextual Design tab.

2. In the Layout group, click the Subtotals dropdown.

3. Select Show All Subtotals At Bottom of Group.

Doing so will move the subtotal rows to the bottom of their groups. As you can see in Figure E, it also displays the new grand total row based on the GrandTotal column at the bottom of the PivotTable.

Figure E

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
The Grand Total row is now at the bottom of the PivotTable and displays Grand Total. Excel seems to know that this is a grand total and not a subtotal.

This next step seems counterproductive, but remove the new row at the bottom of the PivotTable:

1. Select and then right-click the Grand Total row, the last row in the PivotTable.

2. Choose Remove Grand Total from the resulting submenu.

3. Select the row above and replace (blank) with Grand.

As you can see in Figure F, the row is gone, and the row that was above now displays Grand Total.

Figure F

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Remove the new Grand Total row at the bottom of the PivotTable.

If you’re feeling a tad lost, don’t worry, because we’re almost done. We’ve managed to display a new subtotal at the bottom of the PivotTable but Excel knows that the amount calculations are grand totals and not subtotals.

Now we’re ready to add the multiple grand total rows as follows:

1. Right-click the Grand Total cell at the bottom of the PivotTable.

2. Choose Field Settings.

3. In the resulting dialog, click Custom.

4. In the Select One Or More Functions list, click Sum, Average and Max (Figure G).

Figure G

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Select the functions you want to see at the bottom of the PivotTable.

5. Click OK to see the new grand totaling rows at the bottom of the PivotTable.

As you can see in Figure H, the PivotTable has three grand total rows at the bottom. And remarkably, they calculate grand totals instead of subtotals.

Figure H

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
Add grand total rows to the bottom of the PivotTable.

At this point, you might want to replace the (blank) text in the grand total rows. To do so, go back to the top of the PivotTable and select the cell that displays (blank) and replace it with a space character. You can’t leave it empty. The cell will appear blank and the PivotTable will no longer display (blank) in the grand total rows. Figure I shows the new grand total text, sans (blank) and the Currency format in the amount field.

Figure I

Show grand total in pivot chart at top năm 2024
The finished PivotTable has three grand total rows instead of only one.

This solution is a bit convoluted and not one that most users would just stumble across by accident. Despite the many steps, it does work.

How do I sort by grand total in a pivot chart?

Right-click a value, such as the Grand Total for the Arts & Photography genre, point to Sort, click Sort Largest to Smallest, and the Genres are sorted from the largest to smallest Grand Total Sales amounts.

How do you show grand total in a pivot chart as a percentage?

The default is “No Calculation”. But by opening the Show values as dropdown menu, you can see a variety of options for how your totals are displayed. Once you select % of Grand Total in the dropdown menu and press OK, your PivotTable values are shown as percentages.