Rest on his laurels nghĩa là gì

In Ancient Greece, victorious athletes were presented with laurel wreaths to wear. They were, and still are, signs of great accomplishment, unless you start resting on them...

Rest on his laurels nghĩa là gì

To ‘rest on your laurels’ means that you get lazy or complacent about what you could achieve because you’re too busy basking in the memories of former glories. It’s a phrase that continues to have significant relevance in the world of sport (‘Yeah, you may have won the World Cup but don’t rest on your laurels!’), which is also where it originated.

Winning competitors in the Ancient Greek Phythian Games, a forerunner of the Olympics founded roughly in the 6th century BC, were given wreaths made of the aromatic laurel leaves as a symbol of their triumph.

It was believed that the god Apollo declared the laurel plant sacred after his true love – the nymph Daphne – was turned into one. That is why Apollo was depicted wearing a crown of laurel. As the Phythian Games honoured Apollo, a laurel wreath was the appropriate prize for a victor, or ‘laureate’.

The Romans borrowed the idea and began presenting laurel wreaths to victorious military commanders. But there was no implication that ‘resting’ on them was bad. Roman generals could spend the rest of their careers savouring their past successes. The negative connotation, and the saying, only came about millennia after the decline of the Ancient Greek and Roman empires.

A ‘laureate’ is still an esteemed title today, with recipients of the Nobel Prize being referred to as Nobel Laureates.

This article was taken from BBC History Revealed magazine

not rest on your laurels Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

look to one's laurels

Idiom(s): look to one's laurels


to take care not to lower or diminish one's reputation or position, especially in relation to that of someone else potentially better.
• With the arrival of the new member of the football team, James will have to look to his laurels to remain as the highest scorer.
• The older members of the team will have to look to their laurels when young people join.

look to one's laurels|laurel|laurels|look

To make sure that your reputation is not spoiled; protect your good name; keep your record from being beaten by others. Tom won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels. Look to your laurels, Joan. Betty says she is going to run against you for head cheerleader.

rest on one's laurels

Idiom(s): rest on one's laurels


to enjoy one's success and not try to achieve more.
• Don't rest on your laurels. Try to continue to do great things!
• I think I'll rest on my laurels for a time before attempting anything new.

rest on one's laurels|laurel|laurels|rest

v. phr. To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels.

rest on your laurels

depend only on past success to help you, you're only as good... If you win an award, you can rest on your laurels, or you can set new goals.

not rest on (one's) laurels

To continue putting forth effort, trying to innovate, or working to advance one's career or status instead of relying on one's past achievements or accolades to remain relevant or successful. I know your first novel was a smash success, but don't rest on your laurels or you're going to fade into obscurity. Despite its dominance in the market, the company has never rested on its laurels, continuing to produce interesting and innovative designs.Learn more: laurel, not, on, rest

not rest on your laurels

COMMON If someone does not rest on their laurels, they continue working hard to make sure that they continue to be successful rather than relying on the success they have already had. Note: In ancient Greece, the laurel or bay tree was associated with the god Apollo. The winning competitors in the Pythian games, which were held in honour of Apollo, were given crowns or wreaths of laurel. We will not rest on our laurels. There is still much to be done. He never rested on his laurels but continually evolved as an artist. Note: People sometimes say that a person or organization rests on their laurels. The trouble with all successful restaurants is their tendency to rest on their laurels.Learn more: laurel, not, on, rest
Learn more:

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rested on his laurels|rest on his laurels", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rested on his laurels|rest on his laurels, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rested on his laurels|rest on his laurels trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. They rested on their laurels after their victory.

2. You can never rest on your laurels.

3. However, Frey and his partners did not rest on their laurels after the sale.

4. We have no cause to rest on our laurels.

5. He looks to his laurels.

6. There is absolutely no reason to rest on one's laurels.

7. That is the only time when you can rest on your laurels.

8. Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels.

9. Little time was granted to Lee and his men for resting on their laurels.

10. The religious authorities, who were very active during the nationalist struggle, rested on their laurels after independence.

11. The government can't rest on its laurels and must press ahead with major policy changes.

12. Rose laurels.

13. In such a competitive market, the leading company can't afford to rest on its laurels.

14. The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels.

15. There is no sense in resting on your laurels.

16. The situation in the lead-up to the London Olympics is grim and we cannot rest on our laurels.

17. But there is no room for resting on our laurels.

18. Motorola has long been a leader in that as well, and it has never stopped to rest on its laurels.

19. She won laurels for her first novel.

20. Paul won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels.

21. This evolution of Diamond Rio signals that the group is not ready to rest on its laurels -- at least not voluntarily.

22. His hands rested on his abdomen.

23. His chin rested on his hands.

24. The path was lined with laurels.

25. All other laurels are overshadowed by hers.

Nghĩa là gì: laurels laurel /'lɔrəl/

  • danh từ
    • cây nguyệt quế
      • laurel wreath: vòng nguyệt quế
    • (số nhiều) vinh dự, vinh hiển, quang vinh
      • to win (gain, reap) laurels: thắng trận; công thành danh toại
      • to look to one's laurels: lưu tâm bảo vệ vinh dự đã đạt được; phòng ngừa kẻ kinh địch
      • to rest on one's laurels: thoả mân với vinh dự đã đạt được
  • ngoại động từ
    • đội vòng nguyệt quế cho (ai)

Idiom(s): look to one's laurels


to take care not to lower or diminish one's reputation or position, especially in relation to that of someone else potentially better.• With the arrival of the new member of the football team, James will have to look to his laurels to remain as the highest scorer.• The older members of the team will have to look to their laurels when young people join. To make sure that your reputation is not spoiled; protect your good name; keep your record from being beaten by others. Tom won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels. Look to your laurels, Joan. Betty says she is going to run against you for head cheerleader.Idiom(s): rest on one's laurels


to enjoy one's success and not try to achieve more.• Don't rest on your laurels. Try to continue to do great things!• I think I'll rest on my laurels for a time before attempting anything new. v. phr. To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels.depend only on past success to help you, you're only as good... If you win an award, you can rest on your laurels, or you can set new goals.Idiom(s): look to one's laurels


to take care not to lower or diminish one's reputation or position, especially in relation to that of someone else potentially better.• With the arrival of the new member of the football team, James will have to look to his laurels to remain as the highest scorer.• The older members of the team will have to look to their laurels when young people join. To make sure that your reputation is not spoiled; protect your good name; keep your record from being beaten by others. Tom won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels. Look to your laurels, Joan. Betty says she is going to run against you for head cheerleader.Idiom(s): rest on one's laurels


to enjoy one's success and not try to achieve more.• Don't rest on your laurels. Try to continue to do great things!• I think I'll rest on my laurels for a time before attempting anything new. v. phr. To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels.depend only on past success to help you, you're only as good... If you win an award, you can rest on your laurels, or you can set new goals.