Nikki lê vien next top model all star năm 2024

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies is a nonprofit think tank which promotes ideas about how technological progress can increase freedom, happiness, and human flourishing in democratic societies. We believe that technological progress can be a catalyst for positive human development so long as we ensure that technologies are safe and equitably distributed. We call this a “technoprogressive” orientation.


Where do I even start? 🥺 I never ever thought the day would come where I would have to say R.I.P to one of my closest friends. I’m sorry baby I’m so sorry! I love you more than you’ll ever know 🩷. You’re forever in my heart, my mind and my soul, alongside each and every memory we created. You were the support I needed in my life as a friend and I’m so angry that I only had limited time with you 🥺 God really does take them soon. I’m blessed to know you and I’m still so proud of you beautiful. I still love you so so much and that’ll never change 🥺🩷 besties 4L and after

... Jesh’ay

Morgan Nicole Mace

My sweet and beautiful daughter passed on 8/10/302022. She just turned 20 on 7/10. She will be for ever loved and missed by all who knew her.

... Deborah

Brandon m morales

I lost my son 2016 from a overdose of fentanyl 😢it’s still hurts the same no parent should have to suffer losing a child from drugs

... Kim

Rob Jensen, and Spencer Lewis

Losing friends to overdose is the worst, I’m always asking myself what I could have done differently, could I have said something that would have changed the outcome of this terrible deadly disease, or been there for them more than I was. I know they were both hurting, but Spencer, you just celebrated 1 whole year clean! And Rob, you’re my very best friend forever for 25 years and I miss you everyday and still cry when I talk about you! You both will forever be in my heart and I will continue to help people who are also struggling! Love you and miss you both so much! Gone but never Forgottnen! Love Katie

... Katie

Craig T

Happy Birthday Mate, our first celebration of your life without you. It hurts alot. Time seems to be taking us further away from you and that scares me. Its hard to explain why that scares me but it feels like you with us is getting further and further away. I want to stop it and keep you as close to us as possible. We celebrate you today I will go to mum and dads and with Larissa, we will all celebrate you together, we will celebrate who you are and how loved you are. I made you a wagon wheel cake for you. Love your devoted sister.

... Nicole

Austin Williams -bartley

Forever 24 , we miss you so much , oh how I wished our love could have saved you ,but the fentanyl had you for the start . Leaving behind so many broken hearts from your mama to your precious boy, my great grandson ,and your soul mate since middle school . We miss you . June 18,2023

... Janet

Dear Craig, Today the 13th Feb would have been your 48th . Happy Birthday love. They say there is a reason and they say time will heel but neither time or reason will change the way we feel.. The days are gone that we used to share but in our hearts you are always there. Our memories with you are always there we miss you more than anyone knows We will celebrate your birthday as a family on Sunday we will eat, talk, laugh and cry and your chair will be there. Love always Mum Dad

... Mum Dad


The Whalley community or Surrey B.C. lost Spencer on Dec 29th 2023. My world came crashing down and fell apart. He said nobody cared nobody would miss him..Spence you were a caring person with such a thrive for life and hilarious humour. You changed my life into something I’d never dreamed of. You were an amazing father to your two children, a great older brother who took care of him when kids.. and for me, an amazing spouse. Your relapse spiralled out of control so quickly and we all were powerless to stop it. The impact of losing you has hurt so many people here, more then you could imagine. Everybody loved you Spence beside your brother, me most of all. 10yrs and gone forever from my life. I cherish every second and memory we shared I’ll always love u and never forget u Spencer..happy new yr I think not!, 2024 awakened and ready to fight for your life and soul against toxic drugs . IDK how to do this without you here. The world is a lot less bright without u in it..goodbye for now my friend, my love, my wonderwall SPENXER V MOORES OCT 26TH/82-EC 29TH/23 READY TO FIGHT. 41 forever LOVE

... Robyn aka angrybird xoxo


Grandma’s favorite! Everyone’s friend! My son, Reynaldo carries the name Danilo after you. You were so giving, helping anyone in need. You lived hard, you lived fast, you lived by your own set of rules. You were a master of the code switch, always “Black” with me and a chameleon of characters for others.

Your birthday was the other day, and I was reminded of your death. Truth is, through others you’re still living amongst us! Thank you for being a donor, your organs have saved lives.

A few years before your departure, you confessed to me that you were a believer. You often made jokes about “organized religion” but you insisted that I raise my son “right.” I’m listening! He is being given the tools, I hope he follows a righteous path. He knows YOUR NAME, which is apart of his name. He knows your journey. He knows your children!!!

You might be gone but you’ll never be forgotten and when I’m dead you’ll still be remembered!

Love always, Cuz Cuz

... Olivia Guzman

Elizabeth Visocan

To a beautiful person with a kind soul. You were so caring and loved. So sweet and kind, always giving to those around you. I will miss our talks, I am sad and sorry you didn’t come talk to me these last couple of months. I will miss you dearly, fly high beautiful angel.

... Ericca


Baby sister, we all love and miss you so much. Fly high, sweet girl.

... Chrissy

Lily Ledbetter

To the most radiant person to ever enter my life. The world lost something special when Lily left.

... Corey Bryant

Kyle Smith (Son, father, brother, uncle, grandson, and dear friend)

I’m so grateful to have had you for nearly 32 years; you’ve blessed my life, Son! Although dad and I almost lost you to a handful of near death accidents, nothing could have surprised us more when you pulled out of falling off Beacon Rock. Breaking nearly every bone on your right side, having a brain injury, paralysis to your right side of face, and losing your mobility for a couple weeks, and then to take yourself (with walker) back up Beacon Rock a month later! Since then, you accomplished having Zoey and Shyloh and worked your way up to general manager for JSCF – YOU WERE/ARE an AMAZING INDIVIDUAL! Dad and I will never stop talking about how blessed we were to have you as our son. And we will never stop telling your kids how much you loved them and how special they made you feel as their father. WE MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU, SON!! Kyle will be remembered, loved, and missed by ALL who knew him. <3

... Christine (Mom)

Craig Talbot

7months on the 11th Jan . Miss you so much it hurts daily. Love always

... Mum and Dad

My beautiful daughter Sharee

I can’t believe I’ll never see you again my darling girl. It felt so wrong leaving you behind yesterday I just want to hold you and tell you how much you are loved. I hope you are at peace Till we meet again, hugs and kisses mum xx

... Gai

Craig Talbot

Craig We will miss you so much this Christmas, it will be the first Christmas ever that we have not all been together I have been going through all our family photos and it breaks my heart that there will never been another Xmas photo of you with Larissa, Lachlan. Nikayla, Me, Dad, Nicole, Craig, Drew and Michelle. Oh how I wish for 1 more day with you to tell you how much you are missed and loved . Merry Xmas love Mum

... Mum

Chris Roberts

My uncle passed away from a overdose May 1st 2022 while his “friends” left him there with no hesitation and took everything. I really just think my uncle deserves some type of justice even if it’s just being on a page.

... emma rayne


Christina was my baby sister. We lost her 12/17/2018 just 12 days after her 40th birthday and 8 days before Christmas. She has been dealing with addiction since the age of 15 had been clean for 8 years when she relapsed. My father and I fought all we could for 3 years to try to get her sober again but she got introduced to fentanyl and it became her life. She left behind 2 handsome boys the oldest is now 21 and the youngest is 19. We love you and miss you. You will live in our hearts forever we will never let your memory fade.

... Amy

Craig Talbot

Mate our first Xmas without you. The seat next to me at lunch empty. It was always going to be a difficult time for us as a family but we pulled together mate you would be proud. Larissa visited your grave before coming to lunch and she gave us all beautiful photos of it to put somewere special. We all cried alot and shared stories its so very raw still and the aches run deep. Drew and Shell did a lovely slide show of all old photos there was some absolute beauties in them that warmed my heart a little and made me cry alot. Mum and dad made it through but the pain runs deep and is etched in their faces and movements. I have so much to share with you I write you at least once a week to download everything in a diary I call after my CT. Me and Craig are heading back to Penang today haven’t been since you passed away and it brings alot of traumatic feelings but I also remember such great memories so I hope to make some more. You are loved so much , you are deeply missed, you are my brother.

... Your loving sister Nicole

Cara Thompson

A lie ripped our world apart! You found your one true love in this world and the devotion you gave that love was unconditional and I know that nothing I could have done would have made you see the truth you were actually living. That unbreakable loyalty drug you into the shadows..for YEARS you lived your life lying to those that truly loved you. You actually believed that you lived in the beauty of light…YOU were wrong. When you gave yourself so fully to your lie any signs of light left your eyes. I have never seen such empty black eyes before and it was frightening. Your soul and body were devoured by your “one” love. As you weakened your love wanted to infect those around you and in your sickness you obliged. I am sorry that you were so weak. I lost you to the dank underworld and you went happily, joyfully, beautifully with your love. The love that killed the warmth you had and twisted your brain and made you into a cruel liar that had you not been so weak would have killed for! I am angry with YOU and your ONE. I will never understand nor forgive what your one true love did! And because you gave your soul freely you will never forget it either your eternity will be one filled with the darkness you followed in this life. I hope one day the anger subsides enough so I can pity you.

... B.

My friends, family, and other loved ones

RIP to the angels who passed away. Jeremy (LJ), Slim, Pops, Mark G, Timothy B, Zack, Monica G, Ace, Amanda Rich, JB C, Lindsay, Jake, Paul, Jessica V, Chelsea, Yoder’s, Dads questionable and anyone else I forgot.. Love you till I see you again ❤️

... Lacy

Erin Little

I love and miss you so much. You are, were the most beautiful daughter, mother, friend and person anyone could know. Fentanyl took you away. I know how hard it was for you and how hard you wanted to fight it. It wasn’t your fault, I know how it happened and they will answer to God. Rest in peace, I will see you when I get there. All my love Mom

... Cindy

Anjali Laroia Foster

You were the greatest mother and the best wife. We miss you every single day. We will forever love you with all our hearts!

... Joseph

Craig Talbot

11/06/2023 was the day we lost you forever Craig. There is never a moment that we don’t wish that day never happened, we try to act normal and move on but we can’t our hearts are broken. Love you forever Mum Dad ❤️

... Mum Dad

Garrett Lee Newman

Garrett was a smart fun guy sadly his addiction took his life on august 4 2023 at 33 years old. He leaves behind a beautiful daughter and a handsome dog. He will be forever loved forever missed

... Tracie

Chris Hartman

We miss you every single day. I hope you are at peace now <3

... Katie Hartman

We lost my brother, Michael, December 4 2020. He left behind his daughter, step-daughter, sister, parents, cousins, aunts & uncles. Family meant everything to him. I wish love was enough to save him, but sadly it wasn’t. The system failed him. He’s forever 35 and forever in our hearts. I miss you brother. Love, your sister ❤️

... Sarah

Justin Dale Thomas

A Tribute to my brother

“You knew what you was doin’ when you made us; so with all due respect

You coulda forgave him, you didn’t have to take him” – Dr.Dre

My older brother Justin Dale Thomas passed away while he was living in a Manitoba Housing unit on Kennedy between May 5th and July 20th, 2023, likely from an overdose, as the Winnipeg police say he was surrounded by drugs when they found him. He started engaging in “Illegal activities” at the age of 13, I was 8 years old at the time. He was a young boy searching for companionship and a sense of belonging, seeking male role models. This is a natural desire for any child and not a criminal inclination, but rather a basic human need. It isn’t uncommon for people to prioritize making judgments rather than trying to understand and empathize with Justin or individuals like him who face similar challenges. Many fail to recognize the immense intricacies of the human condition. In my last conversation with Justin, he conveyed regret for the decisions he made during his early years, and he made it clear that many of the challenges he faced can be attributed to that time in his life. He felt trapped in his circumstances, and it is evident that both the justice system and the school system let my brother down. Starting at the age of 13, if he had received the necessary support and guidance, I firmly believe that Justin would still be with us today.

As a young girl, I often spent weekends lying awake at night next to my mom, feeling an overwhelming sense of uneasiness. I would anxiously wait for the phone to ring, silently hoping that nothing bad would happen to him during that time. Lying in bed, I could sense my mother’s anxiety, worry, and panic, even though she tried to hide it. When I found out you left us, my heart broke for her first.

Justin could have been a model for sure, I remember walking home one time from school and he must have had 10 girls following him down the back lane. But it was his soul that was the most admirable thing about him, Justin didn’t have a judgemental bone in his body. You could tell him anything and he would try to understand. He was the type of person who would have given you the shirt off his back if you needed it. And he was smart, especially with technology sometimes I would envision him working at Best Buy or the Apple store. It has been quite the experience to witness and see the outpouring of love from so many people which is an enduring testament to his true essence and “being” on this planet.

Even in the last few years of his life, whenever I saw him, he would ask if I needed anything, such as money or food. Despite his physical suffering, he remained concerned about my well-being. In some of our toughest moments, instead of dwelling on his own pain, he would try to make me smile and shield me from the heavy burden he carried on his shoulders while I sobbed in front of him. Me and my mom spent a lot of time going to visit Justin at the detention center on Kenaston during Justin’s teen years. I remember I was so excited each time we went to see him because my brother, my mother, and I shared so many moments of laughter. And anytime the three of us were together, it felt like home. My brother possessed an exceptional sense of humour, and he could make anyone smile. Even if I didn’t understand the joke, I didn’t know what they were talking about, or to be honest, they were likely making fun of my serious demeanour, I couldn’t help but laugh too. I longed to experience their laughter once more. My mother and brother taught me the valuable lesson of making the best out of any situation, whether we were in a jail visitation room, waiting for the bus in the cold, or eating expired Kraft Dinner because we couldn’t afford anything else. They showed me the importance of not letting these challenges hinder us but instead finding ways to make the most out of them. Gina (my mother) and Justin shared an extraordinary bond and demonstrated immense love for each other, no matter what. This brings me solace as it assures me that Justin departed this world knowing he was cherished by his sole parent.

I have a vivid memory of one of the last times I saw you. I drove Mom to your place to drop off a winter jacket. Despite the freezing temperature of 25 below, you came out wearing only a T-shirt, blue jeans, and bare feet. I hesitated about getting out of the car, ultimately choosing to stay inside out of laziness. Little did I know at that moment that it would be the last time I would see you. I couldn’t take my eyes off you as you embraced Mom. I often dream about getting out of the car and telling you to come with us, urging you to come home.

I am not really religious, and I am barely spiritual, but there are two moments in my life that I just can’t explain. I am not sure of the date, but I distinctly recall a moment when my mother and I were having dinner at Chicken Delight with one of her friends. And I couldn’t eat, which, if you know me, is odd. I also had this overwhelming feeling of uneasiness and anxiety. I shared with my mom that I felt like something bad was going to happen. Now, I know that this experience is defined as a premonition. That evening my mom woke me up in the middle of the night and I think I went to my auntie’s house, and the next thing I knew I was walking into a hospital room, and there he was, beaten to a pulp, I can still vividly remember the look of his swollen eyes. From that moment forward, Justin was never the same. This is something that my mother helped me realize, and I didn’t fully comprehend it until now. We believe that Justin likely suffered from brain damage, which affected his decision-making abilities. I hope that one day I will be able to forgive myself for not recognizing the significance of that moment in his life. My second “premonition, ”It was probably just odd timing, but if it has any real significance, I apologize deeply to my brother for not acting on these feelings earlier. I had this intense feeling that something was wrong. When we received the news of Justin’s passing, my mom realized that his phone activity had stopped on May 5th. On May 7th, my therapist made a note: “Olivia is having difficulty sleeping and is experiencing distressing thoughts about death.” At that time, I didn’t have any dots to connect, and I thought it was just some random new anxiety. It’s often said that everything is revealed beforehand, but only to those who are perceptive. Perhaps you were trying to communicate something to me, or maybe at that moment, a higher power was giving me the gift of insight without explicitly showing me. I deeply regret not taking action based on that intuition, and I am truly sorry. I understand that even if I had taken action, maybe I wouldn’t have been able to save him, but perhaps we would have answers about what happened to him. Instead, my mother and I are left with a multitude of unanswered questions that will forever remain a source of pain and longing. During the last few months of Justin’s life, I didn’t reach out to him. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to help him if he asked, and I didn’t want to have to say no. I prioritized my own feelings over being there for someone I loved. Now, I realize that what he likely wanted from me most was to simply acknowledge his humanity.

Justin, my dear brother,

I deeply regret not being there for you in a way that I can be proud of today. It troubles me greatly to know that you passed away alone, and it weighs heavily on my heart that it took us a considerable amount of time to realize that you were no longer with us. Losing you has brought me great sadness, and your absence has created an emptiness within me that cannot be replaced. The pain of losing you is beyond words and burdens my spirit. It is devastating to accept that I will never witness your smile or hear your voice again. I am left with an intense feeling of longing and a profound yearning for another opportunity from the universe.

The memories we created together will forever be cherished, but the pain of your absence is a constant reminder of what I have lost. Grief has become a companion that walks beside me, a heavy burden that I carry every day. I am heartbroken over all the things we will never get the chance to do together. It pains me that you can’t enjoy your incredible son, who looks just like you, he’s funny like you and especially silly like you. Today we made silly faces at each other, over FaceTime while he laughed his head off. And all I could think about was that I wish you were here. You wouldn’t believe how smart he is, how kind he is, how curly his hair has gotten, he points at your beautiful face and is proud to call you his dad. I’m sorry that you had to carry so much pain alone. Not being able to say goodbye is one of the hardest truths I haven’t accepted yet. I yearn for the days when our bedrooms were next to each other, the hours spent sitting with you and watching you play video games, our daily walks to school, or the moments when the three of us would dance in the living room to music videos. Even the silly times, like when we would stuff as many cheese slices in our pants as possible before going to bed. I would do anything to go back to those moments.

Every day, when I think of you, I try to force myself to reflect on the good moments we shared and the laughter we enjoyed. Despite the sorrow that consumes me, I hold onto the hope that one day, the pain will ease. By sharing my regrets and experiences, I hope others can learn from them and cherish the people they hold dear. And at the end of the day, we must value people’s humanity above all else. In my father’s culture, I learned about the concept of oneness and unity. Instead of saying “you and I,” many Caribbean people say “I and I.” This signifies that there is no separation between us, but rather a shared sense of identity and collective consciousness that recognizes our shared humanity. I deeply regret every phone call I wanted to make but didn’t, every text I wanted to send but held back, and every moment I wanted to say “I love you” but remained silent.

Justin, you were always my hero, and even in your death, you remain so. I am still broken by your loss, you left too soon, and I miss you, but I hope that we will be together again. Some say that losing a sibling is one of the most painful losses a person can experience because sisters and brothers get it, they were there. Experiencing grief is the cost we bear for loving someone, and if I had to choose between grief and nothing, I would choose grief. While my grief may transform over time, it will never truly end, just like my love for you Justin.

I will always search for your presence, anticipate your joyful expression, and listen to your laughter until we meet again.

Love you forever, your baby sister.


... Olivia

Craig Talbot

Son, father, brother, uncle, brother inlaw, cousin, nephew, grandson. You are and always will be such an integral part of our family puzzle. Without you, our puzzle can never be complete again. The missing piece leaves a space that hurts so deeply. The pain shows on mum and dads faces in a way that can’t be explained but can be felt in all our hearts. Take it easy mate your devoted sister xxxxx

... devoted sister


The poison of one pill took you from this life. You should be here. Your smile, your hugs, your laugh, your spirit and your love for us all. You should be here. Your birthday is today. You should be here. We all are trying to be strong. But it’s hard; you aren’t here. We will miss you for the rest of our lives. We love you for always.

... Jenn

My Big Brother

Hi Brother, Usually I cry, more so sob aloud to you with high hopes of you hearing me. Since you’ve found the peace your sweet, sad, tired, beautiful soul had been craving I’ve come across a few memorial and tribute pages. I usually share posts on social media dedicated to you but today Id like to try something new. Last night I sat at my kitchen table (as if your ashes weren’t in front of me) ,with my earbuds in and cried for 4 and a half hours. In-between gasps and sobs I managed to sing while the pain escaped. I was so tired, and so sad. Anger comes in 2nd, while loneliness takes first place. I might have my children(thank you for watching over the process, ensuring nothing but victory),Tj, my coworkers, mesha(more now than ever I guess) and whoever else i physically come across through this life… But they aren’t you. They aren’t the brother I was torn from, while he was torn from me. They aren’t the brother that went through what I went through, what I’m somehow by the grace of God still go through. They aren’t MY big brother. A year and 6 months apart… Or whatever the math is…and we literally were dealt the same suit of card the minute we were given life. Except God saw you tired. He saw you fighting, but fighting alone. He saw you try your best to do right by my nephews, and every right you did, you were done wrong in return. He saw the way you lived and learned, loved and lost, and when he heard your last cry for peace he pardoned you. I’m so fucking mad but I’m so fucking glad. Feeling how I feel, knowing you felt the same way? I can’t help but be grateful that you could finally rest because big brother I get it. BUT you didn’t get the chance to have me guide you , it was stolen from us. I was given the chance to be guided by you, I was given that. Thank you for making sure I had the strength to turn down those deep dances with the devil. Thank you for waking me every time I nodded. Thank you for waking me when my light had gone out. Thank you for giving me the courage and strength to fight the fight I’ve faught, that gave me joint custody of my son. Sleep easy big Brother. I miss the missing piece of me that’s keeping me whole. SCREAMING LONG LIVE AARON SCOT BARBER-EASTON

FOREVER27 Sunrise : 1.27.93 – Sunset: 6.10.20

... Baby Sister


We all love and miss you so very much. Your footy team won the grand final and we had a bet for you on the Melbourne cup your number 13 . Our hearts are forever sad. Take it easy mate. Love Mum and Dad

... Mum and Dad

Craig Talbot

5 months since we lost you mate. Wow the pain runs so deep through our whole family. Mum and dad come up today and I gave mum some wagon wheels to put at the cemetery for you. I look at videos just to hear your voice and I ring your phone hoping you will answer. But I know you never will. You are so loved and missed. Take it easy mate xxxxx your devoted sister


Sharla Breezy Beckham

Breezy, I’m so sorry it seems as though we all have failed you. I wish I would have gotten to hug you one more time. I wish I could have saved you. You’ll always be beautiful and you’ll always be young & you’ll always be my lil brat I will never ever stop loving or missing you. This one hit the hardest. I’m sure you already know that your mom will not let you die in vain. We’re fighting for you & you already know, we won’t stop. Not ever . Love You Always, Dani

... Danielle AKA Dani

Rachel Hodges

“Goodbyes are not forever; goodbyes are not the end; they simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Palitha Ariyarathna

“Rest in peace, beloved friend. You are gone but never forgotten.”

... Kaitlin

Amber Eleanor Berkowski

... Mark O’Quinn

Justin Miller

Justin, I so wish I would have known you were battling this again. Ever since I met you I felt drawn to you. We talked numerous times for hours each time, about life and love, our past and our futures. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to talk to you. So sorry this happened while you were alone! If I could trade places with you I would- gladly! Spread your wings and fly baby….your demons aren’t chasing you anymore! Until we meet again, my sweetness!

... DJ

Jared Engel

I know how cliche it is to describe someone as the most kindhearted, caring, loving person ever but with Jared all those things are true. He was such a lovable adorable goof ball who just actively tried to uplift everyone around him. He was such a sweet sweet soul. I miss him so much. He was so kind even though he was clearly really really hurting. He started using heroin when he was about 16 to numb that pain and then fentanyl when it took over the drug scene. I loved Jared so much so it was incredibly devastating watching what the drugs did to him. I myself have been an opiate addict but thankfully never became addicted to fentanyl. Jared couldn’t live on drugs but he also felt he couldn’t live without them. I just can’t believe that after him only being 28 for just a few hours, after we spent a whole day just laying in bed next to each other soaking in each other’s presence and talking and laughing about anything and everything that I would get a call I would never forget. I picked up the phone expecting it to be Jared saying he was ready for the appointment I was to drive him to that day. It was his mother. She explained how she had found him and how he was gone and I couldn’t believe it at first I thought I was dreaming but when I realized i wasn’t i felt my heart shatter. I adored him so much. I miss him so much. I feel such anguish and anger and a never ending whirlpool of emotions even now. Jared was special. He was the kind of person that even just being near them made you feel so much better. He radiated love and warmth and we all feel so cold now without him. I keep thinking back to his birthday and the day we spent together and how he told me he was going to be getting help and I didn’t have to worry because I just had the most ominous feeling ever and I couldn’t help but to ask him to just not do the drugs anymore – me knowing myself all to well that plea falls on deaf ears when someone is truly addicted to a substance. He tried to reassure me and say he wouldn’t die but I knew in my gut something was off that day. Jared had love and warmth for everyone but himself. It devastates me knowing how little he cared for himself because if he could’ve only seen how much he meant to me, to his mother and father, to his friends then maybe things would’ve ended differently. Jared was the light and the warmth in whatever space he occupied and now that he’s gone it’s really tough to want to keep on going. I know for a fact I am not the only one who feels that sentiment.

To Jared: We all love you. You brought a light into the lives of everyone who knew you. We didn’t have the forever we promised each other and I truly wanted to spend the rest of my life with you but since you’re gone now I will never not cherish all the memories good and bad over the few years our love had to live. Your mother, your father, your friends and I were all hoping one day you would really feel and accept how special and important and loved you are because you deserved to feel how you made everyone around you feel. Everyone keeps telling me that they haven’t completely succumbed to their grief by hanging on to the hope that wherever you are that you finally do feel that love and you’re at peace and you are not only content but completely unburdened by everything you once were and you are finally able to be truly happy. I’m not really religious but I can wholeheartedly say that If there is a god you most definitely were a godsend and now you are an angel. We all miss you so much. We all love you so much. We can’t wait to see you again. I look forward to the day we get to laugh again about how lanky you are and how utterly short statured I am by comparison. I can’t wait to tell you in person that I love you and tease you about being a walking talking tree just so you can laugh and pat me on the head again and tell me that if I took my platforms off I’d be too short for you to even hear what I said because I’d be so far away. I adore you and hope for everlasting tranquility and happiness to radiate around you and flow through you just as you had done. You are radiant and you continue to shine even if at the moment your light is not able to reach us. You are the embodiment of warmth, a warmth this world now lacks. We really miss you.

... Serena

My son

Every breath I take is unbearable. It hurts my heart with every inhale and exhale. Fentanyl claimed my sons last breath on October 10th 2023. He was 25 years young. His father came home from work and found him in his room. All I keep thinking about is my son suffered by himself. After notifying his FB friends about his death, I never realized just how many people my son poured his love, smiles, friendship, and zeal for life into people. I had personally spoken with a few and read that he actually saved their life. I’m honored and humbled but in the same sense I became bitter. If my son saved their life, why couldn’t I or anyone have saved his? I know, horrible for me to think. I feel horrible because I wondered where I missed the ball. I had just talked to my son the night before and we were laughing and me saying “my baaaabyyyy” never missing a moment to say I love you. My heart is torn into a MILLION pieces. I miss my son. I begged almighty God to please wake me up because I don’t like this dream. Sadly, it’s a reality. I find myself all over the place, screaming crying out. I want my son! Please anyone reading this, please keep me lifted in prayer.

My prayers to any parents who have to bury your child before you: May the Lord keep you covered in his tender wings, protect you, wipe your weeping eyes and remind you he will never leave you nor forsake you. In Jesus name. Amen.

... Devastated momma

My 24 year old son Nick Rucker

Nick was killed on April 23, 2021 after splitting half a pill he believed to be a Percocet, that one pill was actually one of millions of Counterfeit Pills made entirely of fentanyl and binder powder made to mimic pharmaceutical pills. He had no idea he was about to consume the deadliest poison to ever be a part of the drug supply. He had never heard of fentanyl or even narcan. Please tell everybody you know about Fentanyl Poisoning so it doesn’t happen to someone you love!!

... Nick’s Mom Angela Marie

Vinny Knight

My big brother Vinny was taken far too early from this world at only 21. He will forever be missed. He was such a strong kid. He loved and cared so hard and never failed to put a smile on your face. We will forever spread awareness for you.

... Gianna

My mom,dad and uncle

I don’t have a memory of drugs not being a part of my life when I was five my amazing father died in a car accident with drugs in his system. Not a year later my uncle died of an overdose. This August my mom passed of a fentanyl overdose leaving me a orphan a month before being 18 I will forever miss my family and wonder what my life and theirs would have been like without drugs

... Abby

Conner My son

My son Conner suffered from ADHD. He was prescribed Adderall which he quit taking because he felt like a zombie. Months later he started taking oxycodone illegally he was in active addiction for two years. June 29,2022 I lost my youngest child of four he was 23 yrs old. He passed from fentanyl poisoning! Conner was very positive person never bad mouthed anyone. He loved to hear about people’s difficulties in life and tried helping who he could. Conner had such a huge heart He told me once he would like to be a therapist and talk with people. My family and I have lost a beautiful soul! I’m missing him every single minute of every day! So so hard! I pray for all you moms and dads who have lost a child! Sending love!

... Rebecca

CJ Adams (Calvin L. Adams, Jr)

CJ, my son, was 22 years old, when I found him dead from a fentanyl overdose. I always thought cystic fibrosis would kill him, never thought he would die from an overdose! He knew it was fentanyl he was doing and had recently went to rehab and a sober living facility. Fentanyl took him and I never got to say goodbye. I don’t understand it. It’s been 3 months and still doesn’t feel real. I love you CJ you will always be my baby boy and I know I’ll see you again in heaven, but this still is the worst thing ever. We all love and miss you so much! 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

... Janele L

Marty McGhee

Lover and friend of 10 years. You passed suddenly and accidently from an overdose of fentanyl laced heroin on January 9th 2023. And I found your body. I miss you.

... Holly W

John Clarence Frank Jr.

My dad, John Frank, died on June 10th 2020 of Drug Overdose. In the midst of a global pandemic, where the world had already changed so much, ours stopped spinning. Dad had struggled with addiction in many many forms over his life. From alcohol, then painkillers. What apparently no one knew is that the limited access to opiates caused him to start using an over the counter drug called imodium. He subsequently succumbed to that use and died in his sleep, of overdose.

My Dad was funny, hilarious some may say. He’d laugh so hard sometimes he’d have full tears and just that energy would make someone not knowing the joke, full of laughter and ease. He never one time met a stranger and could talk to anyone like he had known them for ages. He was skilled in painting and carpentry. His love for country music has been passed down to my brother and I, as well as his slight southern drawl. He had 2 wonderful biological children who worshiped him, bringing me to Jacob. Jacob had a bond with my dad that not even his sudden and untimely death could stop, they called it E.S.P. Then, there’s me, Haley. My dad and I could never quite see eye to eye after the age of 15. We are alot alike. Stubborn, driven, and emotional. He also had that same ESP for me, knowing almost immediately if I was suffering in silence. My dad had a big life, many people who loved him and would have done everything they could’ve to help him through. Addiction was a small piece of his life, but it took everything. Today I honor my father by sharing his story. By being loud and not ashamed. If love could’ve saved him he would’ve lived forever.

Long Live JCF.

... Haley


Craig . 4 months today miss you more each day and wishing we could turn back the clock Love you always TAKE IT EASY MATE

... Marilyn

Tara Argo

The Whirlwind and the Tumbleweed. A whirlwind comes from whence nobody knows, With a promise of breeze but really hurricane blows. It has no compass, no resistance, and a force all it’s own, so it goes. Upon the poor tumbleweeds who spin n churn ending up who knows. The poor tumbleweed,ba ball of fury, rage and pain, rolling over n over again and again. Never to root, nor rest, just be blown across the plain. Until the tumbleweed is burst upon a rock to end the pain. The whirlwind owes the tumbleweed foes for their broken limbs and dust the final poor tumbleweed pose. Addiction and humans nature already shows….the relationship of Whirlwind to Tumbleweed.. nobody really cares But Heavenly Father knows. Jesus silences the wind and picks up broken tumbleweed, washes blood off His stone…and carries it all back to His throne. Love anyway is what one must do, when whirlwind and tumbleweed pass your life thru. And if you must be the Rock to catch all hell too; there is no greater pain than Loving and Loosing you.

To my wife Tara from your husband Dale

... Dale

Jason Tyler Street (Stokke)

1/24/79 – 6/6/23 Jason Tyler, you were absolutely amazing! My heart belonged to you from the day we met. I lost such a huge part of myself when you left this earth and I miss you everyday. I love you more than words can say. You were my best friend, my partner, my future husband.. saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Rest in peace baby.

... Dawny

Beverly and Leslie

I never knew the depths of your drug addictions. I’m sorry. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you girls. I will love you forever. Life seems to come full circle for all of us… It’s just never easy.

... Barbara Dunn

My Daddy; Richard Paul Warren

Without a Father..

Things shouldn’t be the way they are, It’s hard to explain the way I feel, It’s been hard, but to this day, Your being gone doesn’t seem that real.

I don’t know if there’ll ever be a day, I can go through without a tear, It’s so hard to face the facts, It’s so hard without you near.

I lie down at night, sobbing hard, It’s impossible to hold it in, Having you with me, throughout my life, Is a game that I just can’t win.

There so many things going through my head, I can still remember it as clear as day, Doing my job, when Mom walked in, I know what she was going to say.

I looked in her eyes, and I felt it down deep, Scared of what I was going to hear, You were in the hospital and it didn’t look good, So immediately, we were on our way there.

Tears started falling hard down my face, The car seemed to be going so slow, I wanted to find out how you were doing, But inside I was afraid to know.

I didn’t know what to expect, as I walked in the room, Til I die, I’ll never forget that night, Watching you lie there, bloody and shaking, Praying to God you were putting up a fight.

The next days were calmer, more things under control, I woke up and went to sleep with a prayer, You were so convinced that nobody loved you, But daily and nightly everybody was there.

I’d have given my life, to see your eyes open, Hold me close or to call out my name, Everything happened so fast and unclear, And I know my life will never be the same.

A couple days passed, not too much time, When the decision came in that was made, They told me you were gone, and that it was over, After that, everything just began to fade.

Life began to blur, things seemed unreal, I couldn’t believe this was happening to me, So many things happening in life, And none of which you’ll be able to see.

Graduating High School, in which you’ve always had faith, Getting married and growing real old, All of these things in which I wanted you with me, My life was only beginning to mold.

You had left your three children, all still growing, Along with your mother whom is taking this hard, A grandson, only months old, will never get to know you, All of our lives will forever be scared.

So many people you have left behind hurting, So many things it’s too late for me to say, I’m still only a teenager, now without a father, I can’t understand why it must be this way.

Times going on slowly, each days a challenge, I just want you to know you still have all my love, Your not here with me in person, but just make me a promise, You’ll never stop watching me down from above.

... Your little girl, Kristen

My dear brother from another mother

The days have been long and it not the same it seems as if, my whole world stood steel I’ll never forget you my friend , Tim rest n peace my friend

... Boo

Izac E Babilonia

It’s been a little over 4 months since your soul left this earth, and not a day has passed that I don’t miss you. You were so loved, by more people than you knew & I wish you were still here. It still feels like a bad dream that I’ll wake up from & I’ll see your name pop up on my phone again with something goofy. You were one of the best friends I’ve ever had, I got a tattoo for you so you can still come on adventures with me. We never did make it to Denver, but I promise I’ll get us there. I know your soul was too bright & beautiful & creative for this world, so I hope you’re finally at peace. I love you forever buddy.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction, please – get help.

... Victoria

Robert ( Robby) A. Booker, Jr.

This tribute is to our son Robby. He passed away December 5, 2022, of an accidental overdose of cocaine lased with fentanyl at the young age of 34. He is survived by his father, mother, fiancé’, sister, three brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles and a host of friends who misses him dearly. He was a joy to be around. You wouldn’t know if he felt down or was having a bad day, he would always crack a smile and try to make you laugh. On June 11 of this year, he would have been a proud father of a baby boy.

... Robert Booker, Sr.

My daughters, Darlene and Angel Fiorentino

Angel and Darlene were born 2 years apart, died 2 years apart at the same age, 30 years young.. Both girls extremely blessed with beauty and an even more beautiful heart. Caring ,kindhearted ,loving mothers you would never suspect ever did drugs. Not what you see on TV. Cared more about others than they did themselves. Died because of fear that someone would find out. Fear of prosecution or persecution relapsed alone no one to save them cuz they didn’t want anyone to know. Things need to change! The victims are not the criminals. they shouldn’t be scared into dying alone because of fear or shame of someone finding out.. Lock up the dealers they’re the ones murdering our kids victims need help and understanding. Society needs to stop the stigma and stereotyping and start understanding. Last time I talked my oldest daughter she said the government was putting fentanyl in the heroin to kill off the drug addicts cuz they’re an expense to society. I said yeah and covid-19 was to kill off the elderly to balance out social security. And laughed it off. I thought she was just conspiracy theorying. She’ was voluntarily going into a rehab that day. . They let her go home in 30 days without giving her any warnings for reminders about her tolerance knowing most people relapse in 30 days isn’t long enough. Too many rehabs just in it for the money don’t care about our kids. I didn’t even know she was home until it was too late. She died relapsing on heroin with fentanyl in it that night. I have three simple apps I call, “Angel apps, ” after my first daughter that died. to help save lives.

... Paul Grieving father

Jeff Burdette

Jeff was a father a comedian a very loyal friend.

... Savannah

Chris Cole

I miss you more than I could ever have imagined Gripper. I’d give anything to turn back time. I love you.

... Mom

Christian Weisz

Christian was a happy child, always joking around, goofy, and making everyone around him laugh and smile. As a young boy he played baseball and football and in high school he was on the track team where he threw shot put and discus. He was a reluctant model for his mother’s photography classes but had the biggest, best smile. He adored his siblings, and they always had a great time being together (well almost always, there was that one time he needed stitches after a skirmish). . On November 13, 2020 he became a father, to the light of his life, his daughter Ivy Quinn Weisz. Christian had found the job that suited him best, father. Christian loved Ivy with all his heart and soul. To watch them together was to understand a father daughter bond that was truly precious. Ivy loved being with him and to watch her eyes light up when she saw him was truly a vision to behold. It truly breaks our hearts that he has left her and the rest of us way too soon. To know Christian was to love him and our world will never be the same without him. His light burned too brightly and was extinguished way too soon. We will love you forever and ever.

... Glenda Carmack

Timothy Popely

Tim, you will always be my best friend and a man who never let me down or abandoned me. I work with people in recovery now to honor your death. May the angels surrounding you hold you in their wings until I come to meet you one day.

... Lauren


I lost my son 2/22 to a fentanyl overdose, he was so much more than an addict, he was kind and funny and hardworking and I miss him so much, love you BW

... Mom

Jeffrey M Tarzwell

Please watch over and keep us safe as we support those who must find the strength to fight this horrible thing called addiction. Love you with all my heart. Love Dad

... Scott

Margaret Murphy

... Christina


Remembering a young man who loved his daughters, parents, wife and family💜💜💜

... Christina Sanchez

Jacob R. Pesanti

I am a SON, I am BROTHER, I am a GRANDSON, I am a NEPHEW & COUSIN I love Montana and the outdoors. I am deeply loved and missed!

... Lisa

Justin Tognetti-Brooks

8/28/1995 – 7/23/2023 Everybody misses you, Everyone feels the pain Of loss and grief and misery, of never seeing you again. We worry that we failed you, We’re scared we let you down, And although you decided to leave us, We wish you were still here now. We wonder if we could have done more, Even though we know we tried, We understand this is forever, We feel empty, deep inside. If only we each could have told you That we love you, one more time. If only we hadn’t lost you, If only this weren’t goodbye.

... Madea

Maria Teresa Madia

I miss all the light and love you bought to the world. You tried to get recovery and I know life just kept coming at you. You were an amazing artist and an amazing thinker. Your Spirit so big. I look for you in all that is good. You’re still my courage in the dark times. Always loving you. You would be so proud of your baby girl! Amina is amazing just like you.

... Teresa

Jose Antonio Vasquez

Jose on August 4,2021 at 9:17 pm, my life changed from happiness to pure devastating grief. Everyday I wait for your return but yet you never come. I will love your forever. I will save lives because of your death on Grass Day and every day.

... Susan

Brandon Morino

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about your beautiful smile and miss your hugs. Your compassion for others was so special, you touched so many lives and I am so happy to have you in mine for 21 years. Changes will be made in your honour on how prescriptions are returned to pharmacy’s. Love and miss you every day my sweet boy xoxox

... Kristina Morino


We miss you more than you know. Every day hurts a little more without you but it’s one more day closer to seeing you again. Rest In Paradise sweet girl. KB 9-13-1994/8-2-2021

... Cait

Avery Costley

Avery Costley February 1995-April 2023 Passed from a fentanyl overdose. He was a kind gentle soul who loved animals, family, video games, movies and motorcycles. He is missed by so many. Fly high Avery

... Brooke

Michael Hart

Glad for you that your pain is gone. I am grateful for the 39 years you shared with me. Be at peace now.

... Kate


My son was kind and loving, hard working. He wanted to get better and help other people with the horrible disease of addiction, I lost him on 2/15/2022 I miss him and love him so much

... Mona

Samantha Lyn Keegan

Beloved daughter and sister. Samantha will be remembered for her love and kindness, her ventless and her braveness fighting this gut wrenching disease of addiction. We miss her with every breath we breath. 6/27/92-10/17/18

... Kathy

Bryson Strom

He was a loving son and father. He left behind a family that adored him, that included a 3 year old daughter and 4 year old son. They were his universe. Sadly, some issues that pressed him that created his desire to self medicate instead of sharing his stresses, created the stage for a drug poisoning. We miss him every day. Bryson, we love you.

... Tracey

My beautiful talented boy, Jonathan Newman passed away of an overdose on June 20, 2023. Jonathan was an awesome guitar player and singer. He had the biggest heart. He would literally give you the shirt off his back. Leaving a huge circle of loved ones behind, he is missed so much.

... Mae

Chase Bisbee

Chase Bisbee Age 19 Dec 15, 1997 to Feb 18, 2017 I miss you everyday. When you died I felt that my heart would never be able to heal. I say say your name with pride and trudge forward to fight Overdose. Time is now to end the Stigna and Shame! Love Chases Mom

... Lisa

Ryan Montgomery Lewis

Because YOU existed. Because YOU matter. Because YOU made a difference. Because YOU made an impact. Because of YOU, I am a better person. I love you and miss you more every day. Because of you♡

... Mom

Katie Bell

We miss you dearly, and nothing fills your void. You always said there was beauty in the struggle, and you fought so hard at times, now we fight our broken hearts and you are finally free. You lit up every room you ever entered, your spirit was so warm we all loved our Kate-Kate. I will meet you one day at the gates baby girl. forever25

... Mom


I don’t know what to say, I just lost you in July and I don’t believe my grief will ever end. I had the happiest moments of my life with you. I’m blessed to have loved and to have been loved by you.

... Morgan

Andrew Tharp

Andy, my love, I miss you every second of every day. I miss you so much. You weren’t supposed to leave me yet. We were supposed to have so much more time together. It all happened so quick I still can’t quite grasp you’re really gone. But I know you’re with me and watching over me. You’d be so proud of me baby I’m 76 days clean today. I’m doing what you wanted for us baby. I’m actually doing it. Me and your mom still talk, we’ve grown pretty close. I wish you were still here sometimes I catch myself having to remember you’re not coming home. I’m not getting another phone call. I love you Andrew Christopher Tharp. You’ll always be my soul mate, love of my life, and best friend. For eternity baby just like we promised

... Tayler

Austin Blake Bordeaux

My Son its been 5 years now since we lost you and had to say Goodbye to you. I miss you more than words could ever express . I love you son always have always will. Everyone in our family misses you . We are incomplete without you .my heart is forever broken . The day you died you took s huge piece of my heart with you. The pain is still as raw today as it was the day i lost you. If love could have saved you , you would still be alive today .. i love you i love you soo much ! Love you forever , MOM

... Danielle ( Mom)

Dalton Lee Condra

My son who passed 11/4/22 at the age of 26. I miss you so much.

... Amy

Nick Musgrove

Bubby, your light still shines brightly through the many, many lives you touched. We carry you in our hearts daily and we miss you more than words can say! We love you to heaven and back.


... Mom & Dad


In heartfelt memory of my beloved son, John—always in my thoughts and forever missed….

... Mom

Christina R. Lindberg

To my sister who we lost in April 2020 due to Drug Overdose, you are missed by so many but you will never be forgotten and always be remembered! I love you so much always and forever Big Sis 💜

... Erin

Taylor Rohaly

My cousin, my best friend, my sister, i miss you every day, 7 years since you left this plane of existence at 22 years old. . some days are rougher then others I hope you have found peace. i love you tay tay

... Chrissy

Ricardo Jr Rodriguez

To my nephew who couldn’t fight his battle with drug addiction. He died on an overdose to soon. He was 36year old . RIP Richie 08/31/2023 😓

... Nilda

Kenny M.

Thank you for being part of my journey. I miss you.

... Josie

Robert Wayne Cooper Jr.

A loving and loved, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Cousin and soo much more! You will be forever missed and in our hearts always!

... Rebecca

John Madden

I miss you everyday not a day goes by that your not missed and on my mind I love you little brother rip 10-01-2017

... Wendy

Christopher Velez

On March 16, 2022 I lost my son (my big baby boy) to an accidental overdose. My heart has been shattered since. Christopher was a kind, loving, caring, and charismatic young man. He always had a huge smile on his face no matter what! He was judged by many because of his struggle with addiction. I never ever gave up on my son. God knows how I fought for him. I was always there for him and that’s what gives me peace. He fought so hard to stay sober for himself, his babies, his big brother, his grandmother, for his tio’s and for me! His depression, anxiety and mental illness was too much for him. He was sober eight months before his passing. Please be kind when you see an addict, they’re fighting a tough battle. It can happen to anyone. Today on National Overdose Awareness Day and every day I honor you my love. I love you and miss you everyday. Te amo mi bebe bello!

nationaloverdoseawarenessday 💛🌻💔

... Zoraida (MOM)

Adam Steinberg

We miss you every day. You made a difference in your 27 years of life and will always be remembered by those who love you.

... Mom & Dad

Michael Shields

In memory of my brother. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. I love you, Mikie. Can only imagine what it will be like when we are reunited. ❤️👼

... Missy DalBon

Chad Rodrigue

You will forever hold a spot in my heart for as long as I live. 🖤💜🖤 Never in a million years did I think this would be you…

... Forever

Phelps Wells

... Jon S


Thirty years has gone by, but you’re always in my thoughts. Much loved and missed every day.

... Little Sis

Mason Cusuman

You will always be remembered and loved! You are so very missed by everyone

... Joell beaton


We miss your wonderful smile and loving hugs but our memories of you are always with us.

... Mom & Dad

All of those taken too soon

Today I’m so angry at this disease, called addiction. To those who were taken too soon. To their loved ones left grieving. To those still in active addiction. Enslaved to their addiction. And to the warriors and butterflies in recovery.

... Joanna

Those who are struggling

From a person struggling with you, don’t do it at all. It’s not worth it, please think twice before doing such harm to yourself. There are many people who care for you, you may not realize it but they do care and will support you every step of the way. Do not be afraid to reach out for help, even if you cannot ask for help – this is not the way to get your help. It will come to you eventually, keep on hanging on and care + love yourself, people will love and care for you when you cannot do so yourself. Whoever is struggling, I love you very much – you can do it and you will grow up and strive for your best life.

... Kei

Shawn Powers

Miss you so much. Can’t believe your gone still. It’s been 6 years plus and I still feel the pain when I first lost you. We love you so much. Til we meet again my sweet angel. Love, Mom

... Dawna

Ryan Wayne Orcutt

A dim shadow falls upon a grieving mother whose heart aches for her son, but a bright light shines once again when memories return. Miss you so much. I look forward for when we reunite. Forever34. Forever your Mom.

... Crystal

Bryson Hunter Strom

Was the father of my 2 children, the love of my life and his passing devastated many. He was smart, witty, and strived for a successful life. He will forever be missed. RIP Bryson

... Katie

Sean Adamson

My dear little brother I wish you knew how much you are missed. Your brilliant mind, your boisterous laugh and your beautiful face. You are thought of daily and none of us will ever be the same. Look down on us and keep us safe from this evil that keeps taking such beautiful souls. We love you bubba.

... Melissa Adamson

Bryson Strom

Dear God of All, We come to you grieving with broken hearts over our loved one who has become the victim of an overdose. Our sorrow knows no depths as we consider the preciousness of the life lost and the cruelty of the addition and the terrible accident that robbed them of a good life and cause their death.


... Amanda

Nick Antoni

You rode faster than your guardian angels could fly, brother. You and deeply loved and missed. I have your dogs.

... Heather

Neo Zinali

I miss you every second thank you for teaching me to listen with my heart rather than my ears save a spot for me love you to the moon and saturn 🪐

... Kya

Johnathon Schweickart

I will carry you in my heart forever and always. Rest easy my friend.

... Chels

Shakhel Lee Gray

A colleague, a part of a family, a nephew, cousin and a really great friend. That’s Shakhel Lee Gray ‘till the end. He had a very loving heart That’s why he was loved since the start. He came in quick (Speedy) as quick as He had to depart. A loving husband and oh how she stole your heart ❤. You were one of the most responsible Fathers and Man. He would do anything for his family and showed his love the best way that he can . He did everything he could and worked hard to reach for his dreams and reap a reward in this life at just age 23. With so much dedication and passion He left a hole in our hearts But also he aided us by leaving a big contribution to our mission. MENTAL HEALTH IS REAL! The pain and sickness he felt inside He kept to himself and would hide. His reassuring words, that say “he’s alright .” Guess he didn’t want us to worry and be in dismay. In the end though he wasn’t able to survive and Fentanyl Poisoning took his life. This suddenly left us all in disbelief and surprise It’s sad we weren’t able to say goodbye or just see your smile one last time. Especially his twin daughters, Mom and Sister who couldn’t help but cry. Thank you so much for all the memories. There’s a lot of moments that we can reminisce to always keep your memory alive You may now rest in peace, in tranquility but now you can worry no more. With God’s promise we can all find comfort in knowing, we’ll all see each other again one day and until then, please prepare the heavens and always shine down on us from above.You truly were our light here on earth and now from the heavens above. Forever Loved and never forgotten!!



Arnie & Josh

7/6/2000 and 2/12/2019 were the hardest days of my life. I know you are at peace and look forward fo seeing you both again.

... Cheryl/Auntie

Chaz “Mikey” Simpson

It’s been almost 5 months now since I got the worst phone call of my life. My worst nightmare came true, losing you. I got the autopsy report back a few days ago and it confirmed you died from a fatal alcohol and fentanyl combo. Fentanyl or opiates were never your drug of choice. You lost your dad young to heroin and swore that would never be you. Porter is almost 2 now and still looks exactly like you. She even gives these looks that makes us all “that’s Mikey”. Raising our daughter without you brings new challenges to my life and I wish you were here every day. It breaks my heart knowing how much you loved her and how she won’t get to experience your silliness, contagious laugh, and wild antics first hand. I promise to never let her forget you because I know I won’t. I miss my partner in life. The one who saved me, the one I talked to every day, the one I will never forget. Your memory is present no matter where I go or what I do. You impacted so many peoples lives and I only hope to spread awareness in honor of you. I’ve been working with men & women struggling with substance abuse for my last OT clinical rotation. They remind me of you too much, but I hope and pray your story reaches out to them. You are the light that will never go out in our lives. We love you so much. I miss you with every inch of my soul.

... Jessica

Antoine Nauleau

I hope you’re in peaceful place now after so many years of battling for us.

... Paul

Hadi Mahmoud, My Brother

Miss you each and every day brother, I’m going to make you proud someday. A brother’s love is a brother’s love.

... Mahdi Mahmoud

Cameron Lee Hadighi

We miss you terribly Cameron 🙏🏻 thank you for being a wonderful son for 32 years. Your smile would light up a room. Your laughter was contagious! We want you to know how much you are loved forever son🙏🏻💗

... Diane

First Responders

Thank you so much for your service for responding to those who need it.

... Choudhury

Terry Chafin

I want to pay tribute to my son, Terry Chafin, who, I found dead from an heroin overdose on November 21, 2018. Terry was 26 yrs old and had his whole life ahead of him. He had 17 months of abstinence, one week before he died. He was a precious, kind, thoughtful, sweet human being and is so very missed by so many. He was a closet user and because of that, very few people even knew he was an addict. It was the hardest thing I have ever gone through and I pray that no other parents ever have to go thought that. I know I’ll get to see him again one day, as I know he loved Jesus and had a personal relationship with him. I look to the clouds often and tell him I miss him.

... Tommie

Terry Chafin

I miss my baby boy every hour of every day! He was such a light in so many lives. He had 19 months sober a week before the overdosed. I found him on the morning before thanksgiving, it is a day I will never forget. I never knew pain until that day. Terry was a king, caring, considerate, sweet and wonderful human! He is so missed my so many! I will see him again one day as he loved his Jesus with all his heart. We will continue to live only because that is what he would have wanted. It would be so easy to just give up. 26 is way too young to die. Your family loves you so much my sweet Terr-Bear!

... Mom

Craig Shulda

It was ruled accidental but the pain is the same and the absence is the same. Your brother misses you terribly.

... Kim

Brett Vincent Foster

My beautiful wonderful son !!! You left us on January 7th, 2012….It feels like yesterday !! Your now in heaven with your father and little brother !! You tried sooo hard to get off of Opiotes !! We went to see Dr. Sponagle at Ellis Hospital in Tarpon Springs, Florida so that you could go thru the blood cleansing that was supposed to cure you….Remember Brett, you saw a program on “DR. PHIL” and we jumped at the chance !! It cost us $15,000 dollars…What a racket !!!! How many people capitalized off of this addiction…..Criminal !! I am still sooo angry at what this nation failed to do to protect its people.

I love you my son and miss you terribly !!! Momma

... Rebecca


It’s been 16 years now and my heart aches like it was yesterday. I wish that anyone had been with you when you OD’d to give you one more chance to get sober. I’ll miss you until the day I die. Love you still sis.

... Michelle


Chris was the most amazing, confident, carefree person we have ever known. Ask him anything and he would know just what to say. He brought a smile to everyone’s face, always made people happy when they were around him. He was everyone’s best friend. He will be missed by so many people.

Chris.. your smile, your humor, your wit, your caring ways, your intelligence, just everything about you is something we will truly miss. You were a shining star and will continue to be our shining star watching over all of us.

We love you so much and will miss you each and every day that goes by. Rest in peace until we all meet again.

... Aunt Maria and Uncle Rob

Christopher V

I love and miss you fc keep watching over us 💔🥺

... iliana Fontan

Curtís Andrew Tabolotney

To my beloved boyfriend, life partner and future husband, whom I miss with all my soul, with his beautiful eyes full of hope and joy, his jokes and his inexhaustible energy as a child, intelligent, handsome, loved by his old friends from the high school and family I will carry you in my mind and my heart until we meet again, I love you and I will always love you.

... Fernanda


You are missed every day!!

... Jose

Kimberly H.Wike

Mama, I miss you everyday, I will recover so loud that everyone will hear and I hope someone will want to join me in this journey.

... Joshua Wie


It’s been almost 3 months of missing you, not hearing my phone ring from you to say hello, not driving together somewhere, not having you attend dinner and family events, and not creating more memories. But the memories I do have will last forever. I wish I was there for you the moment you left. My heart is forever broken. I miss my kind, funny, handsome, smart and loving son. So many people love you honey – your brother, your sister, your dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and your pal pooch who we treat like gold! I and everyone else will always love you forever and your memory will be kept alive. Remember that! You made a wonderful impression on everyone. You are my guardian angel now watching over me and your loved ones. I know you are here with me, I see your signs and love them so keep them coming! I know you are in heaven making some music and doing your photography and making everyone laugh. You were so good at anything you tried from playing the saxophone in grade school to singing and playing guitar in a rock band. Rest in peace my angel ! I love you always and forever, until we meet again, your loving Mom.

... Mom

Josh Reefie

We love u so much! Miss u everyday! You’ll never know the impact u had on our lives. Xoxo

... Nikki

Frank Anthony Sanella

Frank, I just want you to know that you are truly missed, and thought of everyday. It was very unfortunate that this disease got a grasp on you, and this time it did not let you go! Your mom, your family, and me your best friend, think of you every day! I miss you more than you know “Road Dog.” I am not angry with you, but I am angry with this disease that unfortunately has taken so many lives, and important people away from their families. Fly safe my friend!

... Linda Jo


Your smile and contagious humor will always be a memory that will last forever ❤️

... Erica

My son, Spencer

Your life was cut far too short from one pill of Suboxone nearly 11 years ago. You are forever loved and missed. Oh how your sister, dad and I miss you.

... Mom

Torru, Eli, Riley, Koda and Little Jim

Torru was my dad. I hope that he is happy and I miss him. The rest were my friends. I’m sorry you chose the wrong path, but. it is helping me with my recovery. I miss all of you. I wish you were here, all of you. I believe in myself now. I am getting better, and will not make the same mistakes… In Jesus’ name, Amen

... Sergio

Victims of Substance Abuse

I may never know your situation or what exactly you’ve been through. I’ll never know the painful, traumatic, harsh, and difficult things you’ve experienced but what I will say is that I know it’ll get better. Life is filled with a lot of negativity but there’s also a lot of positivity as well. There will always be both but of course it won’t be 50/50. As long as you find your foundation of what makes you happy, then you’ll be alright. It doesn’t have to be a lot or extravagant but something that’s meaningful to you personally. Stay strong and I believe in you. You got it.

... Spencer

To Everyone

I pray for everyone who is affected by this cause and I want you to know that you can get over anything through God yes it will be hard because it is reality but deep down you got this you are in control I love you

... Malaika

Samantha Clemons

There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t miss you! You were poisoned and killed and it’s so unfair. I tried so hard to save you but the mental health and addiction robbed you. You’d be so proud of your beautiful daughter. We love you and miss you.

... Your sister, Hollie

Jessica Taylor Kuipers

Tragically, my daughter died from an overdose of methamphetamines. Her final breath was taken at 1:25am on August 31, 2018 barely over 2 months after her 20th birthday. The irony of this day is definitely not lost on me. It was only today in 2023 that I knew this date was International Overdose Awareness Day.

... Kevin

Connor Fredrick White

To my loving son who lost his life to Fentanyl poisoning at the age of 17 in 2021, we miss you everyday my angel.


Everyone in the road of recovery

Stay strong, your journey matters so take it easy a step a day. You’re capable and resilient, you’re never alone in this. You’ve got this!

... Maria

Amanda L Onischuk

Today is 14 yrs since you left this world, my darling daughter. You are forever in our hearts and minds, Am. Your brief 25 yrs here has impacted so many to this day. We will never forget the beautiful energy that was YOU. Until we meet again in the Afterlife. I love you. Mom 💜🖤

... Tracy

Service Supporters

Thank you for your selfless service to people in need. God bless you.

... Mia

Danielle M Swain Smith

Not a day goes by that something doesn’t remind me of you. A smell, a laugh, a twinkle in your daughters faces. The smile on your baby boy’s face is the spitting imagine of you. I was so ignorant about addiction at the time. I forever tried to keep you straight. I thought if you trusted me more than anyone that you would tell me when you were struggling and wanting to go back on the pills. For years Danielle I didn’t give you enough tough love. Maybe I felt responsible for your addiction because I divorced your father. I didn’t feel as though I fought hard enough for you. Maybe just maybe I wasn’t a good enough Mother to you….I know all things are not true. it was and will always be my mind trying to give reason to something that didnt have a reason. I know that you didn’t feel heard, or seen. I know you felt held back every-time you tried. Let down by everyone you ever trusted. You gave up and you gave in. I hope you know I didnt give up on you. I won’t give up on you now and I differently didn’t give up on you then. I will raise your daughters, I will love them as if I myself gave birth to them. I will do absolutely anything and everything I need to do be help them break that cycle. I will never ever let them down. In your honor they will know you, all of you. Not the sweet loving parts. I will forever as long as I breath make sure all your children know just how much you loved them and I explain to them that Mommy didnt give up on you. She gave up on herself. I will love you until my last breath and then I will love through the rest of eternity. For you are my child, my daughter, my 1st born, my gift from God himself. Forever & Always Momma


... Momma Dukes

Families of overdose victims

Thank you for being there for those who have experienced overdose. Your strength and commitment to those you love does not go unnoticed.

... Ver


Remember that you’re stronger than you think, and you’re never alone in your journey. Each step you take is a triumph, and your resilience is inspiring. Keep believing in yourself.

... Jack

Laura Renee Bowles-Butler

For my sister who lost her life June 10th due to fentanyl. She struggled for many years and although help was offered her, she couldn’t find her way out. She loved her family, especially her daughter Sierra. She had the best sense of humor, was a great baker of zucchini bread, and had a special knack with plants and flowers. Even in the midst of addiction, she would make sure to reach out on my birthday, August 31st. I miss her and will always wish I could have done more. I love you Laura.

... Jennifer Newman

People trying to overcome drug addiction

I motivate you to avoid drug addiction in order to having a better future.

... Joël


... Samuile


I would like to encourage the people who has lost their child because of drug overdose. I really encourage the fact that losing someone and continuing the life as before.

... Nathanim

Jimmy K

Jimmy, I think about you every day. Your energy and presence and intelligence and talent and humor and EVERYTHING. You stole the attention from any room you ever walked into. I miss you and I wish you were still here. 💔 I wish you could be here in this physical world for your family and your son. But I’m so glad that you got to have the gift of parenthood. I know you wanted that. I will never forget you Jimmy.

... Erin


Hey there!!! I just wanted to say that you are doing a fantastic job!! Please keep up the good work and know that people are counting on you !!!

... Jean-Claude


Hey there!!! I just wanted to say that you are doing a fantastic job!! Please keep up the good work and know that people are counting on you !!!

... Jean-Claude

Meredith Brock

We miss your beautiful face, your loving kindness and your spunky spirit.

... joy Gaertner


... Carree

Chris Reid

Chris was funny, smart, curious, and caring. He was my nephew, my friend, my connection to everything that was cool. He was a natural leader with charisma and charm that lit up the room. I hate that he wasn’t stronger than the drugs he was addicted to. Overdose took him on June 9th but I know he is still with me – everytime I hear a cool song, or wear a cool tshirt, or see cool sneakers.

... Aunt Susie

Edee Ramos

I miss you sister, it’s been 2 years and it still is hard to believe that you are gone. When I see your daughter and grandkids, I experience profound sadness that you aren’t here to watch them grow up. I love you

... Sheila Clark

General population

What happens in the past doesn’t have to impact your future in a negative way. Just learn from your mistake and be better for your future.

... Meli

Anyone who is overcoming substance abuse

Please know that you are not alone in this struggle and that even strangers like myself are rooting for you!!!!! There’s always light at the end of the tunnel and I sincerely hope that you will get there after all that you have gone through. All the best to you.

... I

Dusty Eggert

My son Dusty passed away on August 10, 2023 after many years of battling addiction. He was a father,son, brother and uncle. Please be at peace now.i love you son

... Tammi

People trying to overcome drug abuse

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Each day without substance abuse is a step towards reclaiming control of your life and building a brighter future.

... Andrea

In memory of those lost to opioid overdoses, may we remember their lives and the struggles they faced. Let’s raise awareness about the opioid crisis, support those who are struggling, and work towards finding effective solutions to prevent further tragedies.

... mm

Hi, I just want to let you that you gat this. Making the decision of stopping or ending drugs intake is a difficult decision but you made it. Keep going strong and stay positive. And please talk to someone when you think you are going down that path again.

... Anatole


November 21st, 2015 we lost our dear Ray to a fentanyl overdose. He had recently gotten back on his feet after a relapse and had been doing well until his first use led to an OD. There’s not day that goes by that I don’t feel the absence of his presence. Thankful that I get to see his smiling face live on through his sons. He is dearly missed.

... Alysa

Sarah D.

Sarah, It has only been a few months since we lost you, but the pain is as fresh as the day it happened. Our entire family misses and loves you so much. I see your light and love in the eyes of your beautiful Daughter (my precious Granddaughter). She will always know how much her Mommy loved and cared for her.

... Carol

Mimie Mpofu

My Dear Friend Mimie,

You are remembered everyday by everyone who loved you. We all miss your infectious smile and laugh. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

... Kaeley

John Phillips

I’m Sorry I wasn’t able to Help you Little Brother. I wish we could have been closer. I regret not reaching out to you sooner.

... Patrick


Beautiful, caring, loyal, giving, talented, and the list goes on for our beautiful girl, Sara.Your determination and courage will never be forgotten, we will always and forever be proud of you, and love you beyond words. You are forever in our hearts.

... Mom


We lost our daughter in law of 10 years to a suspected overdose on June 8, 2023. She left behind a son, 4 years old. His daddy is my son, and he is also left with a hole in his heart. I tried for many years to save her and get her the help she needed. She had so much pain in her short 29 years on this earth. She suffered at the hands of family, mentally & physically. I pray her son never has to endure what she did. This needs to stop. No child should ever have to lose a parent, especially to drugs!

... Audra

Jacynta and your husband and daughters.

Jacynta, In heaven, I want you to know that your name lives on in our hearts with a beautiful young lady we named after you. I know it was hard for us at times, (me included, as a I regretted it at times) but if you were here, you would see just how wonderful your daughters are and the great job you did bringing them up and giving them strength and courage to do the things they have done so far. I met your girls when they were about my own children’s ages, and I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I wish you more peace in heaven and just know that it would’ve been great to have met you, maybe one day we will meet again.

... Lana

Luke, Will, John, & Evan

I was an addict, and I thankfully am still here today. However; many of the friends I have known and loved are not and it has taken a toll on me like no other.

Luke- Your smile could light up a room, and you were always SO funny…and sometimes a drama queen;) I love you. Will- You always thought your sister and I were a bunch of morons, but you loved us anyway. Also, sick beats. I love you. John- My bus buddy for LIFE! You had such a gentle soul and were always so kind to anyone you encountered. I love you. Evan- My sunshine. You were so full of life, and just a joy to be around…even if you were teasing me! I miss your calls. I love you.

My boys didn’t go down without a fight. Addiction is real, and man is it a monster. My heaven is filled with the people I love most- and I will NEVER stop advocating for them.

... Riley

Ryan F. Andree

My boy, you are so very loved and missed. I cherish every day you were here. Rest peacefully.

... Erna

Stacy Lynn Duda, my best friend and sister

Dear Stac, I know you are finally at peace. The battles you were fighting here on earth ended the day your life ended. That is something that replaces the sadness I feel at times. Something I use to rationalize it all I guess. But there is no true rationalization for it. The sadness, shock, grief and just the missing you never goes away. There have been times that all the girlfriends have got together where I just think to myself… wait, someone is missing. Maybe I’ve even said it out loud. It’s you.. you are missing from those moments. Your laugh, your silliness… it will never be replaced. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to just sit on the phone with you for hours one more time. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to have you come to my new house and want to stay. We were always true sisters. I miss you and I miss your girls. I know you are watching over them and can never be replaced in their life. I promise to reach out and check on them one day. I’m sorry I haven’t done better at remaining in their lives. I want you to know that I always talk about you. I make sure that your memory lives on. I talk about you often with my kids. I even took Patrick and Carlee to see your gravesite. They had vacation bible school just down the street in Medway. I know it’s kinda crazy.. but I thought you may have led us to that church to be close to you. When we got there, I told them this is where we can come to talk to you and Patrick (the talker) said “hey Stacy. I miss you. I hope you are at peace now and I hope your baby is ok.” He was talking about Kaleigha. You and Patrick always had such a special connection. I love you forever and ever! Remembering you today and everyday! My sister

... Jamie


To our dear Connor, your smile and kind spirit are missed every day. It’s only been 5 months without you here on earth with us and we are all suffering your loss. Fly free, sweet nephew, we wish peace and freedom from the pain you were feeling. We love you and know we will see you again one day. Peace and Love to you…

... Aunt Susan

David Byers

Just a little over a year ago I lost my 27-year-old son to an accidental fentanyl overdose. The pain is almost unbearable most days. I miss him badly. He never hurt anyone or anything but himself, and gave everything he had to others. Love taken too soon.

... Charles Byers

David Byers

Just a little over a year ago I lost my 27-year-old son to an accidental fentanyl overdose. The pain is almost unbearable most days. I miss him badly. He never hurt anyone or anything but himself, and gave everything he had to others. Love taken too soon.

... Charles Byers


Thank you for staying strong and eating dedicated through these times.

... Christine


You will never be alone in your journey.

... Lela

First responder

Thank you for saving the lifes of many and thank you for your quick response to all the people that have addiction

... DB

Family members

So sorry for all of those who had to deal with a family member dealing with addiction and have had overdosed

... Ikram


You are forever loved and forever missed. Love you!

... Tracy


I hope GOD be with you and let him lead you to a better life.

... Bru


A great friend who lost his sister to soon and suffers with that pain every day. May your pain get better with each passing day!

... Lisa

First responders

Thank you for your service

... Boris

Dominic Garcia

You will always be loved and missed.

... Tia Nikki

First responder

Thank you so much for you service I really appreciate it you guys are amazing !!!

... Erick

My Sonny - Marvin Sharpe

You beautiful human! Missed beyond words every day. Forever and ever in my heart. I love you!

... Mom

Aarron James Campolei Yorgey

September 5, 1996 – April 26, 2023 Missing My Little Brother-Michele Meleen

I was supposed to protect him, to show him this life, to love him and tease him, cause and take away strife.

But my baby brother is gone, now I need him to help me, because I’m missing my little brother and need him to set me free.

... Sarah Joy

Ronald DAD Burridge

I know your life was hard and I hate it so bad as of how it ended!!! But I want you to know I Learned from Some of your mistakes, I’ve found a new way of life. You would be so proud of me.!!!! Love you DAD

... Ronnie

All of my clients

I have worked within the addictions/homeless community for about 3 years now. We have lost countless people. People who mattered. I miss all of your faces. Please take care of yourselves and don’t use alone. You may think people don’t care about you, but I assure you there is always someone thinking of you and how important you are.

... Heather

Patrick Lepore

You are now an angel doing the good work with God.

... Chrissy

Frank Simpkins

Love n miss you dearly..GONE NOT FORGOTTEN!

... Colleen

Brad king

Miss you and you will always be in my heart ❤️

... Amanda

Our Son Randy ❤️

Fly on My Sweet Angel Fly on through the sky Fly on My Sweet Angel Forever I will Be By Your Side 💙

... Dad and Mom

Daven Barish Alyssa and Danica Crow

You are remembered every day and will never be forgotten. The amount that you are missed is immeasurable.

... Trichelle

Matthew Joseph Christy-Jensen

It’s been 8 months. The reality that you’re gone is still overwhelming. Bay was heartbroken you couldn’t see her graduate high school. I promise you that our little girl (3) will remember you! She will know what a strong and good man her daddy was! And most importantly how much you loved her, and her older sisters! A stuffed bear made from one of your old shirts, sprayed with your cologne sleeps by her side every night. It’s so hard to trust God’s plan but I do because it’s the only thing that brings me peace. We will be forever missing and loving you, baby. See you in my dreams.

... Your Wife and best friend

Damaris Yates

I wish you could be here, to see the family and mostly to share your love with your Mum and our sister, it’s been hard for her. I hope you feel the sunshine everyday.

... Elena

My brother

Thinking about you today bro and everyday. Thinking about all the laughs we had growing up you. Taken too soon through an addiction that robbed us of you. Love you always. x

... Natalie

James Lee Motta Jr

In loving memory or our son and brother. We love and miss you everyday. Continue to shine your light upon us buddy!

... Carla

Daniel McMillen

You’re missed by me, your children, brothers, friends, and coworkers. Moving forward has been hard. I’d imagine you’re up there making everyone laugh with your silly jokes and wondering why we still cry when we think about all that happened.

... Christy

Nichloas James Dallas

To the most perfect child God gave to me on 9/26/86. My one child and SO very very loved and missed in the spirit world, in Paradise, in Heaven, in Peace. He passed the night before giving me a salty kiss on my cheek as I gave him a hug after 11:30 at night he was still planting 2 Holly bushes in out front door area my husband bought. He just had to get it done..he wanted to before he left. My husband his stepdad and he used to plant so many bushes and rose bushes and Nicky would cut me one when coming home and hand me a few – one he had planted a few years before a “Peace Rose” bush and it was so fragrant. It meant so much he always did that for me. He had passed the night my husband drove him home to Philly. He had passed in his sleep w/an accidental opioid/Fentanyl drug death. I have, and never will be the same. Like other mother’s in my grief groups we just live with this pain. Though it eases as times goes by it does not go away only we as mothers and fathers know this [with me after 5 years] that longing for my dear son that darkness always inside, at any moment a deep sense of loss pours over my body. It – just -happens. Part of my heart left when he died. He left me with the love of nature that is amazing as it keeps me alive…joyful. Not much does now. God Bless all the parents and siblings and friends who lost a loved one to a drug related death as an OD. We all hold each other up I see it and it is beautiful because we know..more then anything the pain this brings. some with stigma but we really don’t know who that is? They may be among family members and friends. But we move on and it hurts to be ignored because we love our child and know they didn’t want life to be this way AND we loved them like I did and in my heart still do so unconditionally. Love to all of our children today. Love to the families and friends. Think of something or happy or just one image of them smiling, a memory and do so daily it helps seeing that face in my eyes like a bookmark! They would want you to remember them happy and I know my son would only want to know I’ll alright here on Earth. I am still here and he made it happen through passing on his love of nature and remembering his cheek kisses and beautful hugs.

... Marianne Guzzardo

John Thomas Phipps

an amazing father, son, brother, cousin, friend, and uncle. Your babies miss you and one day we will all meet again. I love you.

... Isabelle Valientine Phipps


You lit up the room, you made life complete. You will never be forgotten and I will love you always.

... Mom

My Love

Oh how I miss and hurt for you. You hid your pain behind your million dollar smile, although I know the cost you paid to keep up appearances. I wish we had more time to heal and grow together. I know you’d still be here if we did. I promise to love and treasure you for the rest of my life and I’m honoured that I was able to spend the rest of your life with you. Sending tons of love 💗

... Alison xx

Kaylah Orban aka Kenny Orban

In loving memory of my beloved daughter Kaylah 8-19-1998 who left this world at the tender age of 22 from opiates laced with fentanyl 9-9-2020. She was also going through a transgender transformation and taking testosterone for hormone replacement from female to male. Her beautiful Spirit is missed by so many. We love You sweet Angel. Fly high and free from all the pain this world every gave You. Love all ways Mama.

... Heather

Edward Thomas Johnston

My first love passed away just about 2 weeks shy of his 21st birthday. Eddie cared deeply about animals and was particularly moved by music. Eddie loved his dog Maisy and he loved his work, as he was a disability worker. Eddie suffered with dystonia and having a lived experience with this disability as well as addiction and mental illness, he provided such a unique and valuable approach to his clients. One of Eddie’s favourite pass times was sitting on the porch, smoking a taste flow filter winnie blue, a beer in one hand (possibly a VB) throwing the ball for Maisy, with music playing. Eddie enjoyed playing GTA, spending time with his nieces and nephews, playing tennis with his dad, and watching shows with his mum and sisters. Eddie preferred the cold because you can always put more clothes on, he went through stages of eating only mi goreng for weeks and he hated hippies. Eddie had so many unique quirks and will forever remain in my heart, as well as his other loved ones hearts.

... Kiara

Richard Glen Crain

to my Dad: I miss you and think of you everyday. It’s been six years yet I still talk to you like you’re right beside me. You inspire me to be more honest about my struggles. I’m sorry you went through your struggles alone. I regret not being more understanding- but I understand now. Love you, your only Daughter.

... Kailey


You are loved and missed so much…life is not the same without you! Never Forgotten

... Your Sister, Jen


... Wife

Our beautiful daughter, sister, and Auntie "G"

This is our Angela Mary. Her life ended from a fentanyl overdose on June 30th 2018. She was such a beautiful person, funny, caring, giving and loved by her family to no end. We cherish the 35 years she was with us and hold tight to every memory. Life isn’t as bright without her. Our love for her lives on💔

... Sue


Still missing your cheek manny…love you always 😘

... L

Cameron claycomb ward

... Mom

Vera Randazzo

Forever missed , forever loved .. forever sorry we couldn’t fix it .. forever sorry for those that harmed you .. forever sorry we couldn’t protect you .. I love you sweet girl .. rest now ..

... Aunt Dee

Rachel Skanron

A beautiful soul. I am the luckiest man in the world to have had you as my daughter. Nothing brought such joy to my life like that wonderful little girl who always had a smile, a witty remark, and a solution to any problem. The last part was brutal, but your suffering is over. You paid your dues in this world several times over. May your soul dance with the angels in heaven, and shine through the dark clouds to help me see the way through my grief.

... Dad

Sachin, dindyal,lale

We will meet sure after life

... Jahangir

Alexandria Price

You were more than your addiction. You were my beautiful rainbow baby, smart, funny, silly, great mom to my first grandbaby, and my best friend. I will try to live life and give your boy the best life he could have. I love you. I miss you dearly.

... Ally Poos Momma


My dearest Boy. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. What you were will not happen again – love always.

... Girlie


I wish I knew how much you were struggling and how self-medicating was so much part of your survival strategies. I know that you loved me and that you knew that I loved you. We all miss you so much – the big party you and the quiet contemplative you – all of you, every day.

... Katrina

Joel Schumann

Son, brother, uncle & friend to many. He had the biggest heart & the best sense of humor. He is missed so much 💜.

... Jamie


Taken too soon. We will never forget you or stop loving you. We miss you every day. My niece at 19 was taken by a drug overdose.

... Amelia

Desmond Loutit & Jackie Bear

My sister in law passed in Jan. 2023 and my brother joined her on the other side May 2023. They lost the good fight, and were incredible human beings. I think the message they both gave off to the world was to always be kind. They were always willing to help anyone in need or give someone a place to stay. Fly high.

... Kayla


We miss you. Your passing was so sudden, I know you wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on seeing our kids flourish. They are amazing. Your kids are doing well considering the loss and hole that was left. They carry on your amazing laughter and cheekiness. I know you are at peace now.

... kathryn


A bright spot in so many lives, my friend and co-worker Cameron, died in 1993 just four months after she was married. She was vivacious, giving, loving, and helpful to all. She was only 26 when she passed away. She came to me in a dream before I got married. The day before she died she left me a message on my machine saying that she wanted to ask me something and I told myself I’d call her back the next day but it was too late. We all mourned her and I still think about her.

... Terri

Charles Clark

My son was a kind, loving, smart guy. The disease of addiction took his life. He tried very hard to survive his addiction but it was just too much. I think about him daily. Grateful to have had 34 years with him. Love you and miss you.

... Teresa


What a loss to the world. Dave had such a big brain. Well read, intelligent and a great communicator. He was a kind man. Such a loss and its still felt by so many.

... Vanessa

Matty Wolford

My son Matty died from an accidental overdose early 2018. He was only 29 years of age. Matty was a wonderful son and the life of all of our family parties. Our family is not only smaller but quieter. He was witty and fun to be around. But he said it was a lot of pressure to constantly entertain. He was diagnosed with social anxiety and he used substances to cope. We were so proud of his 18 months of sobriety in 2016-17. He felt like such a failure when he relapsed. He was not a failure, he was an addict that was trying to get better. I miss him everyday. He was my angel.

... Jane

Taz hook

My brother Taz was only 30 years old and passed away July 8th 2023, although life put us on different paths and I wasn’t able to have that brother bond as we grew older, just know I love and miss you dearly, I wish you were still here every day.

... Zach

Anthony Roberton

I understand your struggle, I know why you left this earth. You are missed, you are remembered. You were amazing. Thank you for the time you shared with me.

... Fiona

Freddy, Hector, Marc Anthony , and. Mickey

I miss you all so much… Loved and not forgotten

... Ari

Rhianna Jade

💜Rhianna beautiful Rhianna!💜 Our hearts ache for you! Loving Mother, Sister, Daughter, niece, cousin, Friend and so much more! Taken too soon, no last words no goodbye. We miss you so much Our beautiful Angel in the sky! Until we meet again, we hold you close in our hearts and think of you all of the time! We will Love and miss & Will Remember YOU Forever and a day! 💜

... Kerry


Your smile, laughter and sass are always missed, even 1447 days later. Thank you for being my baby girl.

... Mom


Em I miss you sooooo much and I know your 4 children miss you more. It’s been 9 years and we think of you often and remember your beautiful smile and loving caring ways . You loved people and friends and nature and being creative. I know you didn’t want to leave us, you loved us all too much. You took a deadly dose given to you by God knows who and then you were gone from us all. You were only 32 years old . You left behind children aged 13 down to 6 years old. Your life mattered a lot to each one of us including your brothers and father and grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and cousins. We loved you so much 😢 💜 . You will be remembered in all the good ways you shared yourself with others . I will talk to your children about your life and they will know you even though you aren’t physically here. Until we meet again. I love you always and forever.

... Kathy

Adam Goerdt

Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you or speak your name. You were a free spirit and touched so many lives. May your memory live on through our love and children.

... Tamara

Gabrielle Rule

The most loving, caring, giving, beautiful daughter, sister and friend. My beautiful daughter lost her battle with addiction unknowingly poisoned by pure fentanyl. God only takes the good ones.

... Dianna

Mike Edwards

My son Mike died of a drug overdose April 12, 2018. I struggled with getting him clean for 6 years. But the addiction was too strong. His love for beautiful daughter wasn’t enough to keep him clean. I miss him every second of everyday. He was my baby and my best friend. I will love him forever

... Cindy

Seneca (Bird) Gibbs

We love and miss you so very much. I miss your smile, your walk, your laugh and especially your big bear hugs. I am so thankful that the Lord chose me to be your Mom.

... Sylvia

Jamie Dean Newman

It’s heading on 4yrs since you left your physical and not a day goes by where you’re not in our thoughts, the world’s not as bright without you in it. It’s not goodbye, It’s see you soon…… miss you Jamie xx

... Leah

Για όλους τους φιλους μου που έφυγαν άδικα !

Αισθάνομαι άσχημα που δεν είχα τις γνώσεις που έχω τώρα ,ισως να είχα μπορέσει να σώσω κάποιον από τους φιλους μου που πέθαναν τόσο νέοι ! Για το τίποτα γιατί δεν ξέραμε

I feel bad that I didn’t have the knowledge I have now, maybe I could have saved one of my friends who died so young! For nothing because we didn’t know

... Christos

Joey (J)

I never stopped loving you ❤️. I miss you everyday and I wish we had more time together. Your legacy will be continued.

... Linds

Jeff Grover

I would like to say that I lost my son in January 2012 and I think of him every single day. I love and miss him so much. Until I see you again Jeffro!

... Mom

Liam Johnstone

My beautiful boy Liam, 29 forever. You left us in Dec 2020. You are missed beyond words, every day of my life. All my love forever Mum xxx

... Zoe Johnstone

Patrick Shannon

You were a great son to your father and an awesome person as an individual man. Unfortunately God didn’t allow you to roam the earth much longer without your dad. We miss you down here; you were loved by many and we all think of you often! I know our relationship wasn’t the best of relationships but I still loved and respected you as the man you grew to become

... Savana

Steven McCurry

You are missed and loved. I think of you daily. I’ll continue trying to help others in your honour. Rest in peace 143 ☮️❤️😊 April 6, 1988-September 25, 2020

... Kimberly

Angelica Bolton

I would like to honour my youngest daughter Angelica. She was a beautiful person inside and out. The world is a darker place without her in it.

... Gloria

Clarence Cecil Fultz jr.

I miss you everyday brother!

... Jana

Ben Mills

My son Ben died aged 27, 5 years ago from a heroin overdose, I would like him to be remembered not just for the way he died but also for the kind, caring and loving young man he was, and for his death to bring hope and better outcomes for the many others including their families that are living under the shadow of addiction, I love you Ben forever and will never stop being your mum xx

... Hilary

Jeffrey Greenberg

I bless the day you were born. You were always so special to me, and I know you would have given your life for me if the need arose. I hope you knew how much I always loved you in spite if your illness. I hope you heard all the love I repeatedly told you while you were in the hospital. You will always be in my heart. I love you to the moon & back & to eternity.

... Mommy

Michael Cechovic

No amount of time eases the pain of losing you. You will forever be missed ”

1 nephew “

... Aunt Cindy


Resting in God’s arms. You tried so hard. You were the best dad you could be and our son is now a fine young man.

... Alison

Gina Rose Warner

Gina was beautiful, inside and out. She was taken from us too soon. She left behind a beautiful baby boy Vinny. She struggled with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse throughout her life. She will forever be in our hearts.

... Toni

My son, Hayden

You are missed everyday! It’s been almost 3 years without you. We keep you alive by speaking your name, sharing our memories, and joining special events to recognize your struggles. We love you. Thank you Jesus, we were blessed with 25 years of this precious soul. Shine down on us son. LHS 1995-2020

... Teresa/Mom

John D. Oberle

It doesn’t seem like you’ve been gone more than 3 years now. You will not be able to ride the big waves expected from a grazing tropical storm this week. Your basketball sits silent in the garage. We think of you every day and try to remember the good times. You are forever loved and missed.

... Mom and Dad

Tara Lynn Caton

My beautiful angel you are so missed , your energy, your beauty, and most of all your willingness to be there for others in need. Every day, every minute, every second, you are in my thoughts. The world is dark without you. Love Mum

... Karen

Joe Gratton

Everyday I think of all the beautiful memories and will treasure them as I navigate this life with you gone ahead of me . My wonderful son. I love you always, Mom

... Lori

Tosha O.

She had a big heart, was a great friend and sister, and raised a beautiful daughter (my niece). She didn’t know what she was getting into, and it should have been me who is in her place. I should have died when I overdosed in 2010, but it was her who passed away in 2017. Relationships are extremely important, and one thing I can take away from this is that no matter the circumstances, never turn your back on somebody. Always offer friendship.

... Kevin

Chloe Bencivego

My precious daughter Chloe, we all miss you so much. I knew nothing about addiction when we lost you at the young age of 17. I have learned a lot, too late for you. Learning all I can to possibly save someone else. I love you baby bear!

... Tina Bencivengo Culp

My son, Shawn M. Leins

I wouldn’t have left you alone kid if only I would’ve known. You were taken from us way too early and I still don’t understand why. I miss and love you every second of every day.







... Lisa (mom)

David Cacciatore

My beautiful boy lost his battle on Christmas 2019 I miss his beautiful smile , wit, intelligence , and warm heart .

... Elizabeth

Steven "Spyke" Rankin

Butterfly Vision *Beautiful Blue *Baby Boy *Brilliant *Buoyant *Bruised *Broken *Blossoming *Born Again *Begin Anew

eternally25 I will miss you forever and love you always, more than you realized

... ~Mom (Kim)

Jake, Chelsea, Bailee, Les & Daniel

The preciousness of theses lives that were lost and the cruelty of the addition is absolutely heartbreaking . Such a terrible and sometimes preventable accident that robbed all them of a good life. I miss you all # weseeyou

... Stacy

Branden Hicks

Love him still, his smile!!!

... Stephanie Nicholson

Fred Sadler

fantastic person, loved him

... Stephanie Nicholson


I miss you. I miss everything about you. You are my firstborn, my first love and the one that gave me the most precious gift of all, you gave me the title of Mom…what an honour! I think about you all of the time. You consume my thoughts and my heart. Just saying that I love you and miss you isn’t enough. You were so smart, so loving and the most giving person I’ve ever known. This world seems so empty without you. See you soon. Remember, I love you so much.

... Mom

Emily Jane Hastings


Pulled behind the boat on the summer lake we hit the wake at the same moment the inner tubes we held to flying free the water harder than we could imagine.

I was nineteen. You were seven. Both of us suddenly in green cold chaos. My first thought EMILY! as I pushed you to the surface and I sank down lower into weeds and fear.

When I came up I was gasping nearly drowned terrified of water but it didn’t matter.

Twelve years apart we were always twins me and mini-me standing at the big mirror in the bathroom side by side putting on makeup “You’re the prettier sister!” “No, you’re the prettier sister.”

You were always just amazing. You stood up for people. In rehab you would give the other girls advice: “Stick up for yourself!” “You’re confident!” “You’re beautiful” When your friend had a job interview you helped her choose out clothes, lent her awesome shoes, yelled out, “Girl! You wear those ho heels!” and she got the job.

Emily, how did we get here, so far from each other? Was it me, I wonder all this guilt and anger? Was it you, or something in you, deep in water?

In the end I couldn’t separate the addict from the sister. I couldn’t save you

from the drugs that pulled you down from the heroin that killed you from the alley where they found you not far from where we grew up together and saved each other over and over all those years ago.

6/3/1985 – 8/31/2015 My beautiful baby sister, never forgotten, missed everyday and love you.

... DawnMarie Hastings

Leroy Brodsky

Leroy was my boyfriend he overdosed on May 17,2021. After decades of using. He tried very hard to beat the demon. He is missed by his family and friends. .

... Christine McGary

Heather Baltz

It has been over 5 years since you left us. You are missed so much by your mom, myself and your brother and sister. But, no one misses you more than Braelyn and Tyler. It is not fair that they have to grow up without you. We talk about you often and visit the cemetery at least every other week. I don’t know how heaven works, but I know you are there and I hope you are able to watch Brae and Ty grow up. They miss you so much. Love from Dad❤️

... Michael

Selina Marie Koop

My dear daughter, Selina Marie, sister, aunt, cousin, a friend of many, musician, avid animal lover, gardener, protector of nature, activist for the disenfranchised, died suddenly on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 after attending the Cloverdale Rodeo. Unbeknownst to her, she used a recreational drug, etizolam (similar to Adivan) which was heavily contaminated with fentanyl, and immediately went into cardiac arrest that evening only minutes after arriving home. Alone. Sadly missed by many. Always remembered.

... Margaret

Ian Alan Harms

To my son, my hero, I miss everything about you, your voice, laughter, beautiful smile. You will always remain in our hearts.

... Sylvia


People who love you very much told me you had died of cancer. Just this year, your brother, who still misses you so, so much, told me what had actually happened; that it was heroine that took you. I am sorry for the nightmares that existed in your life. I am sorry that I did not stay in touch to try and give you love and positivity. I pray for your family and friends. I pray that you are now at peace and happy forever.

... L. A.

Christopher Joseph Straughan 11/16/1990 - 4/25/2010

I love you to the moon and back my son and I will forever. I think of you each and every day and miss you so very much. I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you were taken at the young age of 19. You were such an amazing person. So kind, loving, funny, and a peacemaker. Love, Mum

... Janet E Janes

Neil Macintyre

Never forgotten and always loved. Memories will always be cherished. Life is not the same without you, miss you every day and so thankful you were my brother. The best 💙 love always

... Sarah


You are so missed son by all your family and your true friends. So wish we could turn the clock back and have that coffee. Hope you are at peace. Big hugs from your precious Jessica xx

... Mum

Kyle Duncan

You were a lovely bright boy Kyle, gone too young (17). Safe now in the arms of Jesus.💜

... Gail


This is my brother Joey. He was a son, a brother, a brother in law, an uncle, a grandson, a cousin, a friend. He was so many more things, most importantly he was loved beyond measure. He had the biggest squad cheering in his corner and so many people who loved him for all he was and so much more. Our world shattered on March 20, 2023. Gone too soon but to NEVER be forgotten. We love and miss you so much.


... Nicole


Graham you were our son, love, and miracle. You fought so hard to overcome your addiction. We miss you and always will love and remember you. Dad, Mom, and sis-Chandler

... Graham

Graydon McDonald

Everyday, everyday, We honour you, we love you so much and we miss you more than you will ever know. You are the best sibling that I never asked for but I am so blessed to have had. I would do it all over again even knowing we only had 28 years together. For that I am so grateful. I love you forever.

... Didi

Marissa Caitlyn Ladatto

Marissa was a sweet soul with so much love for those lucky enough to call her family and a friend. Marissa was a precocious child who would surprise you with her quick wit, brilliant writing, and exceptional vocal talent. She was compassionate; her church group went to Dallas to pass out food and coats to people who are homeless, and Marissa would wash their feet. She volunteered with animals, worked with abused children in Ukraine and supported and participated in local Black Lives Matter and Pride marches. She would continuously look for creative outlets to express herself, from photography to painting to theatre as she grew older. Marissa sang anytime she got the chance, whether it was a one man show in the shower, karaoke, church or school performances and voted “most likely to be famous” for the Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Dallas class of 2020. Marissa worked and attended Dallas college prior to her death with the hopes of becoming a third-grade teacher with a focus on history.

... Marissa’s Mom aka Amy

Woo Lee Burke

Please continue to watch over me and help guide me to finding a purpose and figuring out why bad things happen to good people. I promise, in your name, I will raise awareness. I miss you and I love you beyond words ❤️ Forever my sister Always my bestie 💓 if it wasn’t for you…you already know!

... Gina

Andrew Schooley

Andrew Schooley lost his life on July 28 2023 , the overdose epidemic is real and taken lives by the day with unprecedented numbers. I remember Schooley as a kind hearted and adventurous man that cared genuinely for his family and his street family. Two separate cultures and valued bonds that many addicts face every day. The struggle of balancing the 2 separate lives, a battle among MANY battles of the life of an addict. Unfortunately most of the time the blood family loses as addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. After the news that Andrew passed away, I reached out to do a ceremony at Moccasin flats in Prince George BC. The encampment where many unsheltered and challenged people live and feel safe and call ” HOME”, yes we won the Supreme Court case against City of Prince George in 2022. The ceremony involved smudge, brushing and drumming. The ceremony had both Schooley’s blood relations and street relations to endure both his families. Andrew’s sister spoke of his struggle with both families and how he would be at ease with all them together to honour his life. I was honoured to host and witness this ceremony. I’m a recovering addict, clean since Sept 6 2017, fresh off the streets of EAST VANCOUVER and many cities I was fear and loathing. I could relate well with the struggle of separate life styles and how many lose the battle with family and street life. I pray for solution with compassion and boundaries. I want justice for those big PHARMACEUTICAL’s that release the deadly drugs and kill our people with mental health and addictions issues. Let’s walk as ONE.. Together WE Can……..!

... Wesley

Maranda Pace

To My beautiful Angel in Heaven! You are loved and missed more than words could ever describe. You are and will always be my baby girl. Remembering you and honouring you daily and sharing your story, being your voice. Fighting this fight for you and so many others to hopefully make a difference. I love you Always and Forever!! Mom

... Melody/Mom

Stuart B Thomson

In loving memory of Stuart Thomson 12th of October 1997- 9th of February Beloved Son, Brother, Cousin, Nephew, loyal friend and colleague

Not Lost, Just Gone Before

... Ruth

Marlee Jean U

I am so proud of you. Others survived their addictions because of what you did for them. You were an old soul with a big heart. Since you were a young child, people would describe you as “A breath of fresh air!”

... Mom (Donna)

Jessica Giberson

To my darling daughter, Jessica, I miss you so much baby. I long to see you again.

... Joanette


Had I known it in time you won’t have gone too soon. RIP my friend

... Haobam Nanao

Craigy boy.

My beautiful boy Craig age 22. Forever young. Love you to the moon and back. Mum💔

... Maureen


Dionne, my heart aches – I fear you have been forgotten by many but not by some. I hope you found respite. 27/04/1996 – 14/12/2020.

... Zoe

Brian Hogg

We all miss you Hoggy. I will make sure SeanPaul never forgets his daddy. Rest easy until we meet again

... Kate

Garrett Magazzine

My son, Garrett, passed away on February 10, 2023 from an accidental overdose on a pill laced with Fentanyl. My heart is forever broken over the loss of my beautiful son. He was only 20 years old. Today and every day we remember and miss him.

... Lori

The now-angels of DeKalb County Drug Court

Your bright, shiny souls and faces are missed on this earthly voyage. You are loved and thought of so very often.

... Lisa

My brother, Lon

We may have lost him but he lives on in the smile and brown eyes of his daughter. And he lives on through a scholarship for teens in recovery and impacted by addiction with our Lon Michael Recovery Road Foundation. You are missed and loved every day.

... Heather


Remembering GA today. So sad . Grateful for the time we had with you. Your family and friends hold you in our hearts and thoughts

... Liz

James McMillan

My son James. Loved and sorely missed. 16th December 2022 aged 29.

... Jayne

My son, Liam

... Mum


20 years of not knowing what life would have been like with you in it. You are loved and missed and there will forever be an insidious “what if” in my mind and a hole in my heart. Thank you for loving me despite not being biologically yours and for giving what you could despite the battles you fought. I hope you are at peace and in a better place; and I Won’t Back Down.

... Casey

Everyone who has lost some they loved..

Too many, Too soon have been taken from their journey in life and the life they deserved to live, anyone that is struggling with addiction needs to know they’re not only hurting themselves but also their families and friends who are suffering through the pain of watching the people they care about slowly drift away, but also those suffering from depression and anxiety or mental health disorders need to be understood that their life is worth living and that it is important to the people who love them.

... Ryder

Richard Oliver Schwartz

March 26, 1989 – April 18, 2019

“If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever”

... Natalie Schwartz


My precious beautiful son Luke passed away of an overdose, I miss him unbearably, I love you so much my son, until we meet again xxxxxxxxx

... Corina

Eric Peters

My brother, my first best friend.. I am lost without you. I am so sorry your not here to know how much of an impact you’ve had on so many lives. Including mine. You’ve always stood for what you believed in. And right or wrong handled the consequences. Your always quick to get your hands dirty and help those who couldn’t help themselves. A tough but encouraging approach. You’ve matured in so many ways, I’ve been so proud. A solid man. A true go getter. A loyal fan. As I watch the Raiders this year, I hope your watching too. I will miss your humor. How you had your gentle nature and had a great relationship and loved spending with my kids, that will be one of my fondest memories. Among every one of my childhood days with you. Our hearts are shattered. My only hope is one day I can share stories with your children. I will always love you. I promise to keep your memory alive. Visit past memories when I can. Until then rip Eric. 😢💜💔

... Amanda

Robert Wood

You will no be forgotten. We miss you so much. I LOVE you with all my heart. Until we meet again my sweet son, Robert Wood. Forever 26.

... Mom

Jennifer Carol Mason

To know Jennifer was to love her, through the good and the bad. She not only cared immensely for her 4 girls, but she also had a love for helping others, especially the elderly and other addicts. Jennifer was a Peer Support Specialist who was proud of the work she had done in her own recovery and the work she did to share her story to others who struggle. Although her earthly life ended on August 6, 2023, she will live on through her girls and her good friends who she called family.

... Cheyenne Gray

Nick Girardin Sr

You are missed loved and remembered by Your children and grandchildren

... Luanne

Kaitlyn Ava Peters

Loving you changed our lives, losing you has done the same.

... Kim & Rick

Ryan Stephen Morawski

It has been 2 years, since you were taken. Not a day goes by,without a thought of you. You were handsome, extremely smart,and had ,a most unique gift,of Rap 🎵🎶,which will stay with us left behind,forever. Thanks be to God,for you.

... Rita Morawski

Dylan Michael Moran my son.

This tribute is for my son Dylan. My first born of my 2 children. He was my best friend, my shadow. My entire world since the moment I conceived him. He’s been gone 8 year’s this past July. He was only 22 year’s old when he passed away. He had a son he adored and a daughter he never got a chance to meet, born after he passed away.still takes my breath away as it will for the rest of my life. I will keep his memory alive for as long as I am on this earth. I miss him beyond word’s can describe.i love you dearly Dylan. All my love Mom

... Traci


Our world was shattered when you left us. We miss your beautiful smile and incredible hugs. We know that you are safely Home in the Arms of our Lord, away from the demons that plagued you. We miss you and love you. Until we meet again 🙏🏻✝️❤️

... Mom, Dad, Matthew, and everyone who knew you.

Aaron Neal Wilson

My love, my 1st son. You were only 29 when god wrapped you up and took you to a place you would never be sick again, wouldn’t feel any pain,where you could laugh and smile that beautiful smile till eternity. Everyday is a day closer to be with you again.When you were born, I never in a million years would have ever thought you would leave us and your beautiful 2 children. I wish I was at home, because I constantly checked on you. Life has gotten no easier.When I want to feel good, I will sit and think about some of the dumbest things you did or said, Sometimes I can feel your presence, and I know you are my guardian angel.aaronwilsonforever29.I love you my boy and I miss you like crazy. Love, Mother

... Pamela


My little brother, Brandon, died on June 17, 2021 from taking a Xanax laced with fentanyl. He was funny, witty, loving, and touched many people’s hearts. He struggled with his addiction and perpetually feeling misunderstood. I’m convinced he used drugs to self-medicate and numb his pain stemming from trauma. I wish I had the knowledge I have now while he was still alive so I could approach his addiction with more compassion and empathy. He probably would have felt better understood and validated. It is difficult to enjoy aging on this earth without him. I think about him every day and although the grief continues to shift its form and intensity, it is still omnipresent. I love you, Eekers. Forever 32.

... Ryan

Carlos Lafaille

Accidental overdose at the age of 19 in 1999 in Victoria BC Canada. Love forever

... Mom

Scott Micheal Gauthier

To my dear son Scott , who passed away on March 30th, 2023 in his 44th year, of an overdose. I miss you dearly son. My heart 💔morns for you every minute of the day. Never more than a thought away. Loved and remembered every day. I will always love you Scott. Love Mom. 💜💜💜🕊️🪶🦅🦋

... Sandra

Walter tulloch

We love and miss u, never be forgotten.

... Heidi M Tulloch

Andrew Joseph Rogissart

You are always in my heart baby bro. I think about you & miss you ever day. I wish you would have reached out to someone when you were slipping. My only comfort is knowing you aren’t suffering anymore. You were a good boy Andrew. You mattered to so many people & you left a positive impact on more lives than you could’ve ever known. Rest peacefully baby bro you are with angels now.

... Nicole

Gabriel Dickey, my son

Not a day goes by that I wish this was just a nightmare and I would wake up. We all feel that way. We all miss you…oh so much. I hope you are able to see now just how loved you have always been. You are my only son and best friend and I miss you and love you more than you could ever comprehend. I love you, Stuey.

... Lisa, Momma

My Son Thunderbird calling

I love you in this life time and the next ..we miss you!! we ,miss you!! we miss you we! AS THE WAVES COME AND GO SOME ARE STRONG SOME ARE not, its been 14 long months my boy I have no words to describe the pain I feel in my broken heart. I Love you. I miss you. I MISS YOU

... MOM Chelsea rae AND Angel

John Diamond

In memory of my youngest John who passed away February 21st 2014 aged 21…In my thoughts EVERY day and always will be

... Mary

Xavier Alexander Davis

My Sweet, Loving Loyal Son whose life was snatched away from him by Fentanyl – Xavier Alexander Davis 1991- 2020. I love and miss you more than words can ever convey. We love you forever and ever.

... Nancy Stegall – Mama

Cory Williams

Beloved son and grandson – lost too young at 27. There was so much living left to do – and I know you would have gotten through the struggles and done great things. I love you, Cory.

... Jenn Potter (Mom of Cory)

Seth Schneehagen

In loving memory of my son. Seth died of a fentanyl overdose 2 years ago. He was bright, and my bright light. He was funny, and fun. He was creative, and an artist. His passions were street art and day trading. He was complex and kind and struggled to find a place where he could find joy. He died alone at age 31. 💜

... Nancy Towle

Mikhail Alexander White

I miss you my son and can’t believe you are not here anymore and I am so sorry that I was not there to prevent this from happening to you and I love you and please forgive me ❤️❤️

... Teresa White

Corey Moore

Miss you everyday and continue to work hard, spreading awareness and love to those in need. I would give anything to hear your ridiculous laugh just one more time. Be seeing you xo

... Lisa

Jay Baker

In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you ❤️

... Lisa


My heart goes out to you. You were an amazing soul. I love you

... Michelle

Michael Allen IV (MA4)

My baby boy, I have been lost this year without you! But I carry you in my heart! I love ya so much and miss you too!! Forever 22 Forever and Always no Matter Where Forever ya Biggest fan Forever a Mamas Boy💜💜💜💜

... Your Mama Crystal

My son Emmanuel Mbeng 11

I’m still dreaming about you every day even though it’s been 5 yrs since the cold hands of the snatched you from us because of an accidental Overdose. To other families going through this ordeal I know your pain and suffering and understand where you are! God be with you all.

... Grace

Charlie Kennith Herb

Charlie, we love you and miss you so much. Not a day goes by that we don’t think about you. Stephanie, Taylor & Connor

... Stephanie

Jason Viegas

Jay, Its been 8 years…. Miss you so much.

... Tracy

Marcel Fahey

We lost you during Covid, restrictions were in place so we waited to honor you and was able to do it this month. The day grazed us with sunshine. The venue was in a small church overlooking the valley. The emotions were strong, the service was wonderful. The day kept bringing us small miracles as your brother and sister from far away attended and your daughters met for the first time. We miss you so much but you will forever live in our hearts and souls. We talked about you every day. My anger has diminished, peace is now reachable. I will fight for you and for everyone who leaves us this way. We need to do better. Drug policies need to change. Stigma needs to be erased. People in their 30s have lost more friends then those who are in their 60s. This is unacceptable.

... Carol Fahey

Keith Alexander Oldham

Keith left this world in September 2016. He was a larger than life personality and a wonderful friend, son and colleague. Keith was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. However, his mother’s family came from small town north of Sudbury, Ontario. He was all Canadian – down to earth, funny and kind. Despite his struggles, he was always willing to help others. He loved being the guy with “the truck” and he wasted no time getting things done. Keith loved family, friends, motorcycles, hockey and going up North. He was one of a kind – a diamond in the rough. He had the kindest eyes and the biggest smile. We miss you Keith.

... Carolann

Isaac Eaton

you struggled so hard in your life and now we have the unfortunate peace of knowing you won’t be struggling anymore, but that doesn’t take the pain of losing you away, you will always be missed and loved

... Jessica

Jordan Welch

Words can’t express how much we miss and love you. You will be forever missed. We will continue to share our memories with your son. He misses you very much. 1/7/97-3/3/23 forever 25

Love mom

... Heather

Shawna Hofstee

Shawna you are so very missed in our lives especially Callumns. You have probably teamed up with Sean and Liam. Love you forever my sweet daughter-in-law.

... Roseanne

Liam O'Farrell

Miss you so very much my sweet boy. Hope you and your dad are reunited. Love you forever. Granma.

... Roseanne (Granma)

Sean Patrick Hamilton

Sean I miss your smile, I miss your laughter, I miss your charm, I miss your voice and I miss your songs. I just miss you so very much my son. Love you forever.

... Mom (Roseanne)

Gabriel Dickey, my son

I miss you every day, my boy. You are loved so much more than you know and missed even more. They say if love could have saved you, you’d still be here. That is so accurate. We all miss you tremendously and I hope you can see now how much you mean to us. I love you…oh so BIG!

... Momma

Tajir Williams

Dedicated to my son Tajir Williams who passed away from a fentanyl overdose the day after his 21st birthday on October 7, 2019. Tajir we miss you, life is not the same without you. Love, Mom and family!

... Tauheedah Washington

Darin scsrito. Son

He left this world out 30 2018. Last I saw him was leaving for work @ 4 pm. At 10 pm 2 officers arrived, advising me (live alone) that he od’d at work from fentanyl. He was my 1st born & I will never reconcile his loss…I contribute to most related services to help others & feel its a way of honouring his life. I pray for all who are struggling including their families. Parents should never outlive their children.

... Mom.pat


Sweet boy I hope you are at peace

... Mom

Robert J. kilgerII

Love and miss you more than you can imagine Love , hugs & kisses

... Nancy & Bob

My dear cousin Richard

Long time ago. Still sad, still missed.

... Mary

Chelsea Alea Muglia

My daughter Chelsea Alea Muglia lost her life from an accidental overdose on September 19th 2022. Chelsea was an intelligent, kind beautiful and special humane daughter. She was 33 when I found her in a hotel bathroom all be herself not breathing. She was my daughter first and also my best friend . My life will never be the same without her. For months after her death I contemplated my death so I could join her, I couldn’t imagine my life without her, I’m also a recovering addict. But then I realized that doing that wouldn’t solve anything or make things right and I know that she would be very angry with me. I had to be strong for her and share my experience, strengths and hope with all that has loss anyone from an overdose. If my story can save one life it will have been worth it, that’s the least I can do for my daughter. My broken heart will never mend but I hope to help other parents from experiencing this horrible tragedy.

... Caroline Muglia

Our son, Kyle V. Smith

Oh, my Sweet Angel! We are so overwhelmed by your absence, as it’s been extremely difficult. As I sit here trying to form words to express our loss, it stings. My heart aches for your bear hugs, tender smiles, and witty-humor; you are deeply missed by everyone who knew you. You not only changed lives for the better when you were here on earth, but even in heaven, you are saving lives; you truly are a “Heart of Service”. Things are never going to be the same until I see you again in our Heavenly Home. I love you and miss you so very much!! <3

... Mom (“Madge”)


My sweet Ja bear my best friend, love of my life. your addiction killed you. the disease won. in a matter of moments my whole world changed. i’m hurting, but i will never forget the love we shared and the life we had together. I will love you for eternity and back Ba

... sarah D

Dave Porecca

I miss you! Gone but never forgotten. 7.4.2018

... Mary D

Jeff & Chris

Gone too soon, too tragically. Remembered and loved by so many.

... Caitlin

Celina Mae Maldonado

She is my sister. She loved to sing loudly with me in car rides. She looked up to me and told me that all the time, but didn’t share her secrets with me. She is still laughing in my mind. Her smile was big and bright. She was anxious, she had a lot of racing thoughts and fears that she rarely shared with me and our family. She was nervous about driving on highways and hated driving in the city which is where I lived the last few years of her life. She loved the beach and fishing, she loved catchy lyrics and rapping fast along her favorite rappers and singing along with her favorite pop artists. She loved Chinese food, especially crab rangoons. She was a carhop at sonic just like I was when I was her age. I gave her my clothes, my car, my love and now all I feel is deep, skin crawling loss that can shove me outside my body, sometimes and I feel like I am floating away watching my life go by because I lose sight of what I still have here with me. That’s the kind of bond we shared. I miss you so incredibly much Celina. I still fall asleep a few nights each week thinking about you, pretending you are still with us. My music video, Welcome Back, is coming out this Thursday on International Overdose Day, and it feels surreal that it’s actually here. Maybe people will read this and watch it, understand it’s message, recognize the pain behind the lyrics and videography and find the hope it brought me. Maybe they will strive for that 30 day coin. A part of me is lost with your body, I know your spirit is with me. But through my work as a therapist and my art through the lens of loss and grief and hope and commitment to recovery, I get to keep you alive. Until I see you again Celina Mae, your big sis. -Bri

... Bri (BriCee)

Sonny William

Brother, words will never be enough, Your loss will forever linger.

... Crystal

Damon Marthe

I will love you and miss you forever.

... Momma

Tia Brady

Tia was the family clown. My baby sister. Passed Aug 30th 2021 from an accidental overdose. Always remembered. TT

... Sasha

Ian Michael Bickford

I miss you every day. I wish I could tell you how much you have impacted my life. I think about you every day and am extremely thankful for our time together. Hold my babies tight up there. XOXO

... Kiddo

Justin Olson

Fly high Oly everyone is having a coke with a smile. Till we see you again!

... Amy and Family

Nathan Scott Dixon

You were and still are my best friend. I miss you so much.

... Kayla

Nicholas Ryan Salvatore

I met Nick in May of 2020. Although I only spent a few short months with him, he was the love of my life at that time. He continually battled with his fentanyl addiction. He tried to hide it, but I knew. On 10/04/2020, I came home to find him overdosed on our bed. Nick was a kind and loving soul, who lit up the room with his presence. I miss him every day and still love him so much.

... Missy

Walter J. Vichosky III

In loving memory of my Dad. We miss you every day! I will always keep your memory alive.

... Amanda

Anthony South 10/13/1994 - 07/22/2022

Anthony was only 27 when he passed away. He had a great job he loved He loved his Camaro. Him and his grandpa would always talk about cars. We loved him very much. I thank God for the time we had with him. He was the best grandson that any grandparents could ever ask for. We love you honey ❤ Grandma and Grandpa

... Grandma Janice & Grandpa Dan

George McWain

Drugs took your life, maybe not by overdose but your gone just the same! Wish you were still here. I’m still fighting the battle of addiction with your niece.

... Trina

Scott Micheal

Died March 30th 2023 in his 44th year. He was my brother. My first friend. I couldn’t save him from the grips of his addiction but maybe his story can help save others. And through this, he’s taught me so much about compassion. Until we meet again dear brother. Loving you, always.

... Stefanie

Amaga Pangierella

I just wish you would have had the chance to see how beautiful life can really be. You are forever loved my beautiful friend.

... Desiree

Treshawn Delaney

I miss you everyday and love you so much! 3/8/22 will forever be the worst day of my life…losing you was one of the hardest things I’ve went through. You were such a handsome young man with an infectious smile and laugh! You could light up any room! I promise you will live on with everything I’m trying to do so other people don’t lose their loved one like we did! I know you are at peace and can’t wait till we meet again…I love you son!!

... Mom

Derek Crytser

The first born to his dedicated and accomplished parents! Three younger brothers that loved him dearly. A popular standout high school football player. Derek went on to study at a Big 12 university – he lived every kids dream! Derek was smart but struggled with his own demons. Despite that, he received two degrees and went on to study at a top ranked PhD program. Still, he struggled with demons and a lack of access to medication assisted treatment. Eventually Derek succumbed to his addiction in July 2018. His family and friends continue to honor his memory. We all can learn something from Derek’s death – fight for equitable access to treatment and know that underneath personal accomplishments may be demons that have to be confronted. The stigma people suffering from addiction face is real and oftentimes holds them back. Reassess what you think about those suffering from addiction! TOGETHER WE CAN END THE STIGMA!

Derek, I think about you often! I miss the hours long philosophical talks and discussions. You made me smarter! I know I speak for everyone who knew and loved you! Peace my friend.

... Amy Cook

Shane Walsh

Shane-O You are so missed by your loved ones! We hate you are gone and will forever remember you!

... Momma


We miss you all so much as we cherish our memories of each one of you! We will honour, educate others on the importance of drug overdose awareness & light a candle 🕯️ Gone too soon brother Terry Isaac/ nephew Eric Isaac / Morenda Isaac ♥️♥️♥️

... Georgina Isaac

Joey Ritchie

My beautiful son Joey passed from an overdose on 4/18/2015. He lived a big life in his 28 years – college, Army Sergeant, and business owner. He flipped cars and loved mechanics and playing bass and drums. His energy and fire seemed to enter the room before he physically appeared! And his spirit does the same now in a thought, in a song, on certain dates and in nature. He gave incredible, all encompassing bear hugs but he battled demons of anxiety and addiction. He left too soon but his soul lives on and has taught the value of life and much gratitude. Thank you Joey, Mom

... Debbie

Jeremy Kiefel

Not only do we lose a person,we lose all their dreams,and future that so much planned for. Overdose death ends the dreams.

... Tracey

Joanie S

Today I remember Joanie and grieve her tragic death. She was a childhood friend with so much potential. I grieve for the pain she was carrying and the choices she made in her final days. I grieve for the pain her family has carried all these years since her death. I pray for hope, strength, and courage for all who are lost in darkness and for their loved ones who are seeking ways to be supportive. Joanie – you are loved and we miss you.

... Sarah

Chadd Huard

Your family misses you so much, you had so much to live for a future wife, children and grandchildren. You will never leave us and will always be with us Mum, Dad and Julian

... JHL


There is not a day goes by that I don’t think about you.. I miss you so much. I know you are finally free, flying high. you will never be forgotten my friend. Until we meet again…. I love you my dear friend

... Crystal


... Haley


Our sweet Louis. We loved you everyday and we miss you everyday. We will never forget you and we will honour your life for the rest of ours. You are never far from us and you will be in our hearts forever.

Into the freedom of the wind and sunshine, we let you go. Into the dance of the stars and the planets, we let you go. Into the winds breath and the oceans swell we let you go. Go safely, go dancing, We love and miss you xxxxxxxxx.

... Mama

Joshua Shoemaker

Remember my son, he was a good person who would do anything for anyone who was is need. He made a bad choice & lost his life from a fentanyl poisoning. He was loved by alot of people. I will see him again…

... Ricketta Shoemaker

Amanda S.

I am looking around for the last check, chairs are clean, balloons are colorful, light music is warming the room, food tables are set; ready! Sounds we gonna have a Very happy event! All I need is them to come in and fill the empty spaces with their laughter!! This is by far the hardest goal to accomplish, but never can be hopeless! Today is a VERY nice day! Dancing crazy, without any directions, my eyes are filled with happy tears, we are having a good time, after who knows how long! Ah, here is she, my lovely A! Her look is going far from the walls, it’s scary to follow her look, what is she thinking about? I have to high five a few happy women to reach out to A. Her purple mixed with pink hair, is braded beautifully and reminds me of her childhood. “What’s wrong my dear?” “Look, they are SO HAPPY” her sad look goes to the sky! “Come join us for a dance and be happy too.” “How are they SO HAPPY??” I am scared to follow her look! “Is everything ok? Let’s talk” “Not a good time now” “Okay, let’s talk later” is my last words to her! The happy crowd swallows me and my fears! “Never trust too much happiness” I am swearing to myself! The call is only one hour between me and A, between A and overdose! Every time MUST be a good time to talk! Next time I will punch every No in the face! I should not be scared of sad looks! Miss you dearly A, and your purple mixed with pink braded hairs!

... Zahra

Eddie S.

Dear Eddie, I can’t believe your gone! Never in a million years would I have thought that you would die from a drug overdose. I’m so sorry you had to die alone and I’m sorry that the legal system is failing all of the people addicted to drugs by locking them up for having a disease and then overdose and die when they are released without no real help. It breaks my heart and you will forever be missed and thought of. Till we meet again buddy.

... Becca


I thought I was teaching you but I realize now you were teaching me. I miss you so much but I am glad your pain is over. Hugs and Smooches Elephant Shoes and Back I love you.

... Momma

Stevie J

We miss you and we love you. You will never be forgotten.

... Jeanne

Jim Smith

Dad, I miss you so much and think about you every day. I wish things could have been different between us, but I find peace in knowing that we have finally found peace with each other, and can healthily participate in each others lives now.

... Hannah

My Son Austin Romberger 💙

My sweet son I will miss you and your sweet smile everyday! I hope you found the peace up there you couldn’t find down here! Mamma mises you 🩵💙

... Dee

My beautiful husband

Thank you for always loving me and our three children and grandson. You were a wonderful human. I’m so sorry this is how it ended for all of us. I’ve loved you since we were sixteen and I’ll love you forever. LIVE FREE❤️

... Valerie

Kevin Timothy Hopper II

Kevin Timothy Hopper II was born January 17, 1983 and his life tragically ended March 21, 2023 at 2:13 am due to a fentanyl overdose. Kevin loved his children, all six of them because though he had four biological, he cared for and lived his step daughter and nephew as his own. Kevin’s main priority was making memories as a family. He loved to play telestrations, ride bikes, play all kinds of games, have nerf wars, singing and dancing, he loved the times when we snuggled on the couch or went to the store to people watch, or to play video games. He loved watching his kids grow into amazing human beings. He cared for his family’s two dachshunds so much that he held them like babies. He loved staying fit and healthy and made sure to attend meetings to help maintain sobriety. He never complained when it came to doing things to make others happy. Kevin beat an addiction 5 years ago and helped so many other people struggling. He was a hard worker who strived to be better. Kevin’s last night of his life was great. He, his fiancé, his youngest son, and his step daughter had pizza and a dance party. His legacy will be continued through his loved ones. The best we can do for him is to share his story to honor him as a loving person who cared for others deeply. He was the best fiancé, daddy, and step daddy. He is loved and missed by so many.

... Katy


In Loving Memory of My Precious Son KURTIS WILLIAM ROCK May 9, 1990 – March 25, 2018 Hard to realize 5 years have passed yet my grief has not passed at all. The world has changed but my love for you has not. I miss you more than ever, thinking about you every day. I am only thankful that your time spent in Heaven must be wonderful! I love you more than I can say, as always, Love Mom

... Marlene

James Matthew Penner

Our son James passed from this life to the next on April 8 2023. James was a wonderfull Father Husband Brother Son Uncle Nephew Grandson Cousin Brother inlaw and Friend to many. James was 41 years of age and left us all broken hearted and trying to find a path forward. He would not have wanted us to be sad. James would want us to carry on with our lives with him close by to talk to when ever we have a need and to face any challenges head on as he always did. We can’t speak of James much in past tense. We have him with us and thank him often for what he showed us all. His kindness love and genuine caring for all who spent anytime with him will be with us all forever. We honour our son James with kindness compassion and love to whom ever struggles and to their loved ones.

... Brian & Karen

Nick Valentino

I love and miss you my dear son. I am so proud of how hard you fought your addiction. Please remember me in heaven and know how much I will always love you my sweet boy.

... Katherine

Victor M Cambray, Rafael J Cambray, Trevor Cambray

You guys left too soon. All three of you are my brothers, your pain was released the day you died. The pain started in my heart. I learn everyday how to handle my pain. I love you guys.

... Selina Cambray Ginger

Roger Royal

Hard to write about it, even though it’s been 10 years. A decade has passed but it still feels like yesterday. I still forget I can’t call Roger and check in on him. When I see Roger’s daughter in town, I forget that she didn’t get to really know and love the person that I knew and loved. Oh man, it breaks me. He was so much more than a friend. Roger was so kind and compassionate, he cared for people so much that (at times) it hurt him. He deserves to be here today with his friends and family. We deserve that too. He’s my favorite memory now and will be for many more decades to come.

... Kirstin

Mason Wakefield

Such a beautiful young soul gone too soon, losing the good fight against addiction at 26. Mason was kind, gentle and a loving person. He loved cats and tinkering with technology, taking things apart and learning how they work by putting them back together. He had struggle with addiction for many, many years prior and thought he was invincible when it came to taking drugs, never once thinking an overdose could happen to him. Everyone is aware of the effects of addiction on those around an individual but the effects of an overdose are x100 worse. On October 10th 2022, I came home to find the love of my life, the person who I was supposed to marry, unresponsive on the floor due to an overdose. I gave him CPR until paramedics arrived, they tried life saving measures for about 30 minutes before pronouncing him deceased. I had known something was wrong as I was driving home, on the phone getting reassurance from his mother that everything was going to be fine, but it wasn’t. I counted down the miles home, the steps up to the front door, and seconds of me turning the key to know exactly what it was that I was going to see on the other side of that door once I opened it. I would never wish for this to happen on my worst enemy, absolutely no one deserves to go through this trauma first hand like I have, it is life changing and I will never be the same person. Due to this, I since carry Narcan everywhere I go, I know where Narcan is given out publicly and how to get it from a Pharmacy without a prescription. People are not defined by their addictions or mental illnesses, they are still beautiful people on the inside like Mason. I miss him dearly and think about him constantly and where/how my life would go if he was still here. I love you so much baby

... Kimberly R

Gregory Alan Bowler

Gregory was my oldest son. He was so talented, spoke several languages, could repair anything, had such a big heart, was so kind, and yes, he also was an addict who tried again and again to overcome his addiction. He would have never given up until he had succeeded. Nor will I never stop for medical help to be available for those who really want and need it to overcome their addiction. My son owed 175 dollars, so he was not timely prescribed the medication that would have saved his life when he relapsed after rehab, or which might even have prevented the relapse that cost his life. He is missed every single day! He left the world a better place. The same cannot be said for the person who delayed his getting the help they were required to provide. Anybody who is struggling with addiction and who asks for help should be able to get it. It should not be reduced to a business decision. It should be treated as the life and death decision it truly is. Let‘s fight for the changes needed so that the lives lost were not in vain.

... Gregory‘s mother


I miss you my beautiful child. You’ll never be far from my thoughts and always in my heart. Forever 33

... Mom


It has been 5 years since your son and I lost you. We talk about you often and wish you were still here to be able to see your son grow over the years. Your son is now in 7th grade and a great football player. There is so much of you in your son. Not just the looks but the heart. He will make someone laugh like crazy with the goofy things he does just like you did. He will help anyone he can just like you did. He misses you greatly. ❤️

... Renee

Donovan Howells

My monster baby, you have been gone so long. I miss you everyday forever. I love you Dono

... Mom

Jake Gattrell

I miss you more than a moose. Please come home.

... Mom

Taylor Gattrell

The whole town misses you Taylor.

... Mom


My brother was more than his addiction. He was a son, a brother, an uncle, a cousin and a friend. He was human. He loved and felt so much, he was caring and had a huge heart. He wanted to be loved and give love. He was also lost and alone and learned later in life that his addictions went hand in hand with his mental health. He was always loved and will still be loved even though he has left this world. Forever 39, March 4, 2023. RIP little bro ❤️

... Andrea

Ryan Colt Anderson

Your biggest fear was that you would be forgotten, if the day came you were no longer with us. But it is nearly impossible to forget someone who had a heart of gold, an unforgettable smile and a love unlike any other. Always and forever will you be remembered, missed and loved.

... Anne

Jacko Taylor

Little brother I miss you so incredibly much. It’s been 3 years since your death and you are still constantly on my heart. I love you always and forever.

... Brittany Taylor

Danial Korver

It feels like yesterday.

Not a minute goes by when we don’t think about you.

We are changed forever.

As a family we wish we could have done more to protect you and keep you safe.

We miss you, we miss your infectious laugh, your spirituality, your perfect coffee making, your dedication to your grandmother, our early morning greetings and the pride you expressed when talking about Levi.

Our loss will always be there.

We love you and miss you forever x💔🌺

... Katrina

John J Gray

My beautiful John, Just another young body tossed on the ground. Your founders knew your face but not your story. The blue tossed you like a piece of meat into the wagon. The pain of losing you is heavy, but knowing that you are free and out of pain gets me through each day. I’ll forever miss that crazy smirk of yours. Those funny Christmas’s you gave us. Your loving touch. Now I understand what you tried to show me and how much you suffered. I love you until we meet again, my son.

... Mom


Son, you are missed. My world is that much more empty without you here. In your name, we forge new paths to end this crisis. Love, Mom

... Shirley

Timothy Begemann

Chef, boat mechanic, daddy, son, and brother, Timmy was a bright light in the world. He was so talented, and could do anything he wanted to. He loved any activity on the ocean. He was a great fisherman. He taught himself to cook and became head chef of a restaurant. He taught himself how do repair boats, and became a boat mechanic. He took his girlfriend’s new baby under his wings and became her daddy. He was best friends with his two brothers. He was my ride or die. He was my precious first born. He was loving and good to his very core. He knew Jesus and helped many young men to stay on track. The world lost a bright light the day he went to Heaven.

... Tilly


You are loved and missed every day.

... Frances

Raul (Brocha) Hernandez

My dad accidentally overdosed on heroine on Aug 25,2018, he had always used but this was his first and last Overdose. He wasn’t perfect but he was my dad whom I love and miss everyday. Love your Pony

... Valerie


Kurt, you passed away January 3, 2022 at the age of 29. We acknowledge how hard you tried to beat this disease. You never wanted this for yourself and it hurt you so bad to see the pain it caused our family. We want you to know we never lost faith in you and believed in you and loved you unconditionally – even though you sometimes doubted our ability to do so. You were not meant to die that day. We will never know what really happened leading up to your overdose but we pray you have found peace and you are skateboarding through the heavens with your little brother Austin. Not an hour goes by without thinking of you.

... Mom

The man under the tree

We were never told your name, like it was a shameful secret. We were not able to mourn or pay respect to a person with no name. You were let down by the system and it makes me so angry that nothing even changed after you passed away in such a tragic way. You are thought about often and I’m sorry.

... Liz

Brandi Czenk

You were a sassy ray of Sunshine with a heart as big as all outdoors. You had so much potential, there were so many people you would have been able to help with your story of resilience and tenacity. I miss you…

... Vauna

Scott Henry Naumann

May the circle be unbroken.

... M Nauman

Zackary Leard

My son passed away on December 7th 2019 and will be forever missed. Fentanyl poisoning took him away from his family and his daughter. One pill can kill. It not only took my son, but took all our hopes and dreams of what he was capable of. I love you, son. Until we have to meet again, one day closer to you! Love, mama

... Bianca


Phoebe was my best friend at the hardest time of my life. As a fellow military wife, she was with me through deployments, field trainings and so much more. Phoebe made every effort to make sure I was never alone. We spent nearly every day together for 3 years until our husbands were transferred to new duty stations and we had to separate. Phoebe took her own life at the age of 27, just 2 days before Christmas in 2018. She left behind 3 beautiful young children.

... Caitlynn

Evan P Heron

Gone but never forgotten, passed away due to an accidental overdose 8th November 2021

Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you.

... Gavin

Justin Hunter

To my big brother who not only fought for our Country but who also fought for his life through drug addiction, January 13 2022 my brother lost is fight with addiction. My brothers strength opened my eyes to my own purpose, to help addicts find purpose in their own lives and to educate people on Over doses, Narcan and the good samaritan law. Altapointe has made this possible for me and you both.

... TaShonda

Christopher Velez

To A Loving Son In Heaven Our time together was special So were the memories we made And although you live in Heaven now Those memories never fade I bow my head in silence And remember my son with love And I know that you are up there Watching from above Everyday’s a struggle And nothing feels the same And my heart breaks a little more Everytime I hear your name You’ll always be remembered And time may heal my heart But a piece of me is missing Since the day we had to part If Heaven is for Angels Then I know that’s where you’ll be And I know you will be waiting When Heaven calls for me

... Zoraida

Corey Costello

We lost my brother August 15th, 2022. A whole year without you. We miss you! We miss your smile, your laugh, the way you jumped up to help others, and most of all watching you with your boys. You would be so proud of your boys. They are handsome like you! I wish love could have saved you! The system failed you. You deserved better! Forever in our hearts. Forever 35. Sending you lots of love!

... Shae


My sister I love you more than I can explain, I miss you more than I can express, I need you everyday still sister, though your no longer alive I know your at peace and no longer suffering, I promise to tell your children how much you loved them, and to tell them what a beautiful soul you were, I’ll forever cherish our memories, your name I will speak of, I will bring awareness and hopefully bring prevention of drug overdose to others by speaking your name, I love you so much, and I will see you again someday, please watch over me you’re now my angel.

... Rosemarie

My son, Justin Ian Crist

My son was born 2/23/1998 Justin overdosed from fentanyl poisoning in 6/3/2023 he was only 25. He struggled with addiction for 8 years and even though we went on that terrible journey through hell with him I loved and support him and stood by my son unconditionally His smile lit up every room, he loved to see others laugh. My son had the biggest heart, he would give the shirt off his back to a stranger in need. He was my only son and I will honor him for the rest of my life❤️

... Mom, Carol

RaeAnna Elaine Kading

Christmas Eve 2019 You were clean for 10mo. We were all so proud of you… couldn’t wait to spend the first Christmas together in 8 yrs. But when you wouldn’t answer your phone I knew something bad happened. The whole family was waiting at your sisters house for us. I found you, but you were already gone forever… instead of showing up late with you, I arrived alone shattered in complete despair, not with gifts, good tidings, or Christmas Day cheer. I had to tell everyone your sister your daughter, grandma, and all our family members that you were dead… They say you can’t overdose on meth… And I say… is my daughter’s death proof enough to change your mind? I miss you so much your beautiful eyes your silly laugh your loving hugs our lil’ pep talks and most of all your heart of gold… only God knows why… but on Christmas?? Why God? I know you watch over us Annie. I know you do… I forgive you. I Love you forever 2moro as will every 2moro be just another day without you Xoxo….Mom

... Kim


You are missed! I love you

... Edna

6 friends .

I understand suicide yet unlike you my dear friends my attempt did not end my life. I love each of you each day . And live on in each of your names.

... Luke

Roger Graham Jr

My Brother will be forever 34* he was born 8/5/83-5/23/18 he had a smile that lit up any room and was a beautiful soul! He lost his battle to this disease. Not one single day has went by where he didn’t cross my mind I will honor and keep his memory alive for as long as I live! I love you Roger & miss you every single day!

... Krystal

Andy Efymow

My brother Andy passed away on 9/1/2017. The last words I spoke to him in this life were spoken in anger. And while we had a very strained relationship, I loved him more than he ever knew. He was my first friend. My big brother. I wish we had more time to fix things. I wish I could tell him how much he mattered. I wish he were here. I love you, big brother.

hiraeth (n.) A deep homesickness; an intense form of longing or nostalgia for a place long gone. 💜

... Kerri

Jake William Senst

Our beautiful, loyal, funny wonderful boy, we miss you so much, it hurts everyday.

... Barbara and Robert Senst

Tosh Croom

Your sons love you and miss you and I miss you even more!!!! Making you proud. Keep watching over us! WE LOVE YOU

... Carla

Brien Brisson

This tribute is for my Dad 9/2/1952-8/19/2011 He died of a methadone overdose. Daddy O you were my rock! You were always my biggest fan! Telling me how proud you were of me. I can still feel you cheering me on sometimes. I love you Dad!! You were the best Dad and funnest Grandpa B. Cheyenne and Denver had such a great time with you. I wish you could have been with us longer! I miss you RIP

... Kristy

David S. Gans! III

To our beautiful son, brother, relative, and friend! Such a kind and loving person, with a gentle and caring spirit. We miss you every day. Forever in our hearts. You will never be forgotten.

... Maryrose Gans

Erin Campbell

May your life forever live on in the hearts & minds of those who loved you 💜 i miss you dearly

... carly


Son, I wish I could turn back time and hug you so tight!! I wish you were here, you should be here. You are so missed and loved and I’m sorry your life ended so young!! Forever 24 my boy, until we meet again!!

... Theresa

James A Carroll Jr.

“After Glow” “I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one, I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles When life is done. I’d like to leave an Echo Whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun of happy memories. That I leave when wife is done”

We love you so much Jr. ! You’re missed by so many but you are always with us all watching over us with your handsome smiling face. Thank you for watching over us, we appreciate you. Remaining strong and always trying to make you proud. You were taken way too early but you may be gone here but you are never forgotten!

... Shannon Peters

My Brother Adam, Forever 39

Adam was a Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew and a friend. He would help anyone who asked. He loved the outdoors and photography. He would always have a camera in hand to capture photos in nature. When he was younger he was a Boy Scout and volunteer fire fighter. He was always looking for something new to get in too. Later in life after he was in recovery, he would read a lot and studied different religions and would find time to journal and meditate often. Finding his journals has been a gift to our family. He fought his demons for 8 years before they eventually won. It makes my angry and sad he is not here anymore. Our family misses him terribly.

... Shelley

Paige Bish

Hey sweet princess, I love you so so much, my heart aches everyday without you around. You will be gone 2 yrs sept.17, it seems like an eternity. I celebrated your 33rd birthday August 9. I hope you enjoyed it. Sayge is getting so big, she misses you so much, she looks exactly like you. You are so loved and missed, I pretty much cry everyday because of the hole in my heart and life. It is so very tough without you, no phone calls, no visits, no smelling your perfume, or looking at those big beautiful blue eyes, hearing your voice, wondering what colors your hair would be. Your passing really took the wind out of my sails sweetheart. I know I will see you again, I will never let you go. Until then, rest easy in God’s arms. I love you, Dad.

... Brion

Jennifer L. Nadeau June 13, 1987-March 5, 2021

My sister helped so many overcome their addiction, but couldn’t help herself. You are missed everyday.

... ~Cherie`

Richard Michael Harrington

My dad died of an overdose in the middle of the night on October 3, 2010. He was exactly 1.5 months away from his 42nd birthday. I was 18 and we hadn’t spoken for several months because I had to distance myself for my own wellbeing.

When he wasn’t using, he was the best dad. One that every kid wants and deserves. My dad was my idol. My dad was my Superman. We rode our bikes to 7/11 to get slurpees, to A&W for burgers and root beer floats. We played basketball and video games and board games. We cuddled and watched cartoons on Saturday mornings. We went hiking and camping and fishing. He would take me up into the Cascades just to have a snowball fight and build snowmen. When it snowed, my dad would wake me up in the middle of the night to drive around, finding the most pristine, untouched parking lots to do donuts in. My dad was a kid at heart. One of the silliest, goofiest, kindest, most gentle people that could ever exist. My dad was a firefighter, a paramedic, an x-ray tech, and a phlebotomist. He saved people’s lives daily… until his addiction destroyed his life.

I spent all of the years leading up to his death and a few years after burning with rage. I thought that he didn’t love me enough to stop using. I spent so many nights sobbing in bed, begging and pleading to God for my daddy to come back to me. I know now I was my dad’s favorite thing in the entire world. I know now that my dad wanted so badly to overcome his addiction. I know now that he tried over and over and over again. I know now that he was suffering from so much more than just his addiction.

I became a drug and alcohol counselor a decade later. Now I help save lives, in his honor.

I will love him fiercely and cherish those beautiful memories for the rest of my life. I’m so thankful to have learned what I know now, and I’m so thankful that neither of us have to suffer anymore.

Lyrics from Sober for Days by Me Vs Myself, the song that played right before I gave my eulogy at his memorial: “I wanna live for something beautiful, I wanna close my eyes and picture myself already there, Feel the life I’d kill to have pour into me, So maybe then I can see, I wanna live for something so much more, I wanna feel inside and hope that God can free me someday, From these addictions I’ve accumulated over the years, And be entirely sincere. I know it’s hard to see me this way, But trust me when I tell you I’ve been sober for days and days and days, I’ve gotta live with the pain, ‘Cause it’s the only way, That I can see you again, ‘Cause I know how this ends. You know I tried my best to hide it, You know I tried my best to fight it.”

... Luke

Evan P Heron

You are missed and loved everyday hope you are at peace now all our love 💜

... Anne Heron

Brehanna Cotney

To my beauty in the sky, we miss you and love you so much. Looking forward to our reunion one day beyond the rainbow. Your voice will be heard💜

... Mom

Allen Gordon

We miss you Allen Gordon. You left a hole in our hearts. You are loved!

... Jackie

Fifteen years ago today the 10th of July I lost you to overdose. Not a day goes by I don’t think of you. Mostly with a smile but some days I shudder thinking of the anguish and battle you had. What a brave soldier. You were a dad leaving me a wonderful gift, you were a son and a brother who kept us on our toes, made us laugh and cry, a friend to many, your grandfather’s love held you up and despite your battle each day you went to work and did your best. I miss you, you are missing from our lives. Love you past the moon and back xx

... Margaret

Kasandra Rene Deleon 1/28/95-7/5/23

... Ashley


Craig, 1106/2023 we lost you to a heroin overdose. Wow our life has changed forever and the pain feels overwhelming for all of us. We said good bye on Friday 30/06/2023 to you knowing our family would never be the same. Wish we could just go shopping one more time and wish every day that my phone will ring and it will be you but it wont. what I would give for one more argument 🙂 We all love you more thank words. Perth WA

... Nicole

KymberLee Kay Phillips

February 12th of this year a overdose took my daughter away from me. Her name is KymberLee Kay Phillips. She is forever 20 years old. She is mommy! She is a daughter, granddaughter, aunt, sister, cousin and a best friend. I miss her everyday! No person deserves to lose someone to such an ugly disease so please anyone reading this…do what you can to help because even if you only help one person that can easily add up to hundreds of other life’s being positively transformed and possibly even saved over one person. That’s it! All it takes is one.

... Jennifer


Jesse my beautiful boy. I miss your bear hugs, your little grin, running my fingers through your curls. If only love could have saved you. The worst day of my life was February 24, 2023, when we lost you at the young age of 23. I love you so much. I miss you so much it hurts. Rest in peace pep. Mom

... Josee


This is my youngest and only son Matt. Matt lost his life on the first day of spring, March 20, 2019 from Fentanyl poisoning. Matt had many challenges but worked every day along side his dad doing irrigation on Sanibel Island. He was not perfect but we loved him & helped him as best as we could. He left his sister who had a very close bond with & never met his other sister that he never knew he had. He had many friends who he loved & always loved to make people laugh. He had a huge heart & his bear hugs were the best. He’s left a huge whole in our hearts. He is forever loved, missed & 26. Life will never be the same without him. Remember each day is a gift & tomorrow is not guaranteed.

... Kathleen


In loving memory of my son Jason Gryp. A beautiful soul taken way too soon.

... Terri

Taylor Reverendo

What a wonderful sweet boy…funny, kind, and so talented. I wish I could have found the right words to make a difference. We all will miss you forever, RIP sweet Taylor, love you tons, Aunt Cathy Taylor Reverendo – died by overdose July 3, 2023

... Aunt Cathy

Marshall Ethan O’Neil

Marshall Ethan O’Neil was without a doubt my favorite person on the planet.

When my grief washes over me, I long for the sunny days in April 2012 when we were driving with the windows down. Listening to some underground hip-hop or “crunchy groove.” I picture him in his black shin high socks, just above his vans, his basketball shorts, his tanktop he wore intentionally because he worked hard for his muscular arms, his olive skin, long dark hair that hung across his deep brown eyes, that he’d push out of his face with the hand that held the birthmark he was self-conscious about. The way he’d shift his weight on his feet. His gait. His laugh.

Marshall was brilliant. The only person I know that effortlessly passed calculus in college without having to study. His tongue was sharp and his wit unmatched. The kind of guy that held my hair back when I was sick and helped me clean up the mess, but didn’t hesitate to call me “Pukeahontas.” His features stern, but it was all a facade. He was like a candy that was hard shelled on the outside, but gooey and soft on the inside.

He brought up heroin once to me in May 2012. He said, “I’ve heard couples that do this together form a deep bond and that it’s an amazing experience.” We fought that night and I asked him to never mention it again. I never tried heroin. He did.

Our romance went up in flames. Marshall was in and out of prison. By 2014, I began my bachelors program working on my certification to become a drug and alcohol counselor. I figured, there was no reason anybody wanted to suffer with a substance use disorder and there had to be more that we as a culture were missing. Although I moved on romantically, my thoughts and love always dwelled with him. I wrote him letters every chance I could. He’d call me to check in and we’d talk for hours. I shared everything I retained from my addiction studies trying to get to the bottom of his relapses and behaviors.

One of the main points he always mentioned that resonated with me was his constant shame. “I keep going back because I am damaged goods. It’ll never matter anyway. This is what I am and always will be” he would say.

In fall 2016, Marshall was released from prison. He entered into a halfway house. I remember getting a call from him at dusk on an October day asking me to come pick him up. I had my newborn son with me, but my own voice echoed in my head where I said I would always be there for him if he needed me. His voice sounded shaky and I could tell he was upset. When I got there, I saw his deep brown eyes that I loved so much were bloodshot and his pupils were pinpoints. I didn’t have to ask when he simply responded to my prolonged look with “it’s the half-way house, it’s full of it.”

Should we call your parents? Your best friend? Should we call your PO? Do I take you to the hospital? I was panicked.

“Nah… I’m alright. Nobody will help me anymore anyway.”

We drove around and talked. We walked through the mall and I bought him a new hat with his favorite baseball team on it. He carried my newborn baby around the mall in his car seat. He had me drop him off at a house I was unfamiliar with. He leaned over from the front seat of the car and gave me a long hug. He told me he loved me and thank you. That was the last time I saw him.

Marshall overdosed on heroin in the early morning hours of November 26th, 2016. Never again will I hear his unique brand of droll mockery. He left behind his two brilliant parents who would have moved the earth for him, his younger brother who looked up to him greatly, and his 3 dogs who he doted on.

Most days I think my grief has settled, but I will say nothing triggers me quite like the word “overdose.” I work with clients with addictions almost every day, I hear their stories, I hardly flinch. But when we did the Naloxone training on how to assist in the event of an overdose, I had to excuse myself for the rest of the day because I couldn’t stop crying.

I work now with other peoples “favorite person on the planet” in hopes I can educate, empower, support, and advocate for them. In hopes that their loved one will overcome this impermeable beast that is addiction.

I will end my sentiment with a quote from Johann Hari’s 2016 TED Talk.

“…to say to them, I love you whether you’re using or you’re not. I love you, whatever state you’re in, and if you need me, I’ll come and sit with you because I love you and I don’t want you to be alone or to feel alone. And I think the core of that message — you’re not alone, we love you — has to be at every level of how we respond to addicts, socially, politically and individually. For 100 years now, we’ve been singing war songs about addicts. I think all along we should have been singing love songs to them, because the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.”

I love you Marshall, more than you ever knew or will know. I wish with every fiber of my being that you were here with my still. Until next time my dearest friend

... Kelly

Adam G. Watson

To my sweet and courageous son Adam G. Watson, forever 27. After so many attempts to save himself , Adam left our world on February 6, 2016. Fentanyl poison! Adam through his parents voice created an awareness about substance use and the need for Immediate help, he helped us to understand the pain of addiction. Thank you my angelic, kind sweet Adam. We miss you every moment of everyday , love mum and dad and your brothers and sisters 2023 IOAD

... Christine


... Suzi


My little brother, Brandon, died from an accidental fentanyl overdose on June 17, 2021. He was 32 years old. I think about you so much and have to hold back from calling or texting all the time. It feels like part of me is missing. Love you.

... Ryan

Sean Timonen

Sean Timonen

My best friend, my sunshine. Strong, tall and intelligent with the best storey telling capabilities. The kind of person you loved to laugh with. I miss you more then my heart and mind could have ever imagined. This world was a better place with you in it.

... Laura

Anthony C. Davidson

After over 15 years of struggling with his addiction, and newly sober (22 days) fentanyl and alprazolam stole my beloved dad, Anthony C. Davidson at the age of 51. He was an iron worker before a serious back injury and left him having multiple lower back surgeries and being considered disabled. Starting with monitored prescription drugs to numb the pain this addiction slowly progressed into heroin until heroin was obsolete. Fentanyl came and took over along with methamphetamines and for years he “controlled” his addiction, or so he thought. But there is no such thing. Tony was a very talented artist, wood worker, construction worker, smart ass, and most of all a wonderful loving husband and father. It’s sad that I knew this day would come but I always thought, “what if?” What if he were to get sober and stay sober? I had hope until the back to back death of my grandparents, his parents, this year 3/3/23 and 3/9/23. Without warning. After that it’s as though a downward spiral ensued. I hope that with death you find peace dad. You are loved by so so many people, even people you would’ve never guessed that love you. I promise to help take care of mom and you would be so proud of her today— 4 days sober! This has been a traumatic experience to her and has opened her eyes, mind, heart, and soul. She is going to make you proud. I love you and will miss you so so much. My children love their pappy and you were stolen far far too soon. I will forever cherish the days we had leading up to your passing. At least papa and mama know we all came together again, one last time. Love you daddy. I’ll be seeing you.

... Mackenzie


To my beautiful son Max 1989-2015. There is not a day that goes by that I and your brothers and sister don’t think of you. I miss you so much. Your kindness knew no bounds. Your laughter filled my heart. Your brilliance Max, from the day you were born you shone so bright, you drew everything and everyone to you, effortlessly because you made everyone feel good about themselves. Your wit, your kindness, your generosity, and that amazing sense of humor is so missed . I miss that beautiful face of yours and the sound of your voice. I am so sad that you are not here to grace the world with the gifts you entered it with. I love you Max, Mom x0x

... Kate

Nick Gibson

I lost my only sibling and little brother, Nick Gibson, to fentanyl on 11/02/20. He was the smartest, funniest and most talented person I’ve ever known. I am forever changed by his passing and miss him every day with every fiber of my being.

... Brittany


My sweet son, Anthony. I miss you so much and still struggle with your loss after 4 years. I wish I could have stopped it from happening somehow. I can still hear your greeting “hi ma” when you called me every day to check in. I am trying to see the beauty of the world through your eyes.

... Linda


Cassandra, my beautiful daughter was poisoned by fentanyl. Sadly she trusted the wrong friends and after spending a few days on life support the Lord took her home. She was an organ donor and she continues to touch people this day through her life and death. Cassie had a smile that could light up any room and she would befriend the most awkward and shy person. Her greatest legacy is the 4 beautiful children she left behind. We will love you forever and miss you always until we meet again. Love, mom Cassie – 7/12/83-4/16/22

... Caroline


Irma,20 anni, died by overdose in 2017 in Venice.

... Chiara


Irma,20 anni, died by overdose in 2017 in Venice.

... Chiara


Federico, 18 anni, who in 1996 in Venezia.

... Chiara


To my beautiful boy Bryce,

Oh, how we miss your sweet smile and your amazing hugs. I will never get to experience so may things for your future that we all wanted for you. I know you did not want to die you wanted to “Live” Life did not go as we planned, drugs stole your future.

If only we could be together to help end this terrible and heartbreaking wave of senseless deaths. I want to tell all of the world how mad I am at what this disease has done to so many lives.

Let me tell you it is nothing to mess around with kids. You are dealing with poison that will kill you, no kidding! I am a nurse and there is nothing more infuriating is knowing these drugs are on the streets.

Please let’s get on board and write to your Mayor and other political leaders to put a stop to the spread of this. It will lead to anxiety and depression, that will crush your soul.

I want to see Idaho get involved in the fight against this serious problem that is killing our kids.

If you or someone you know needs information, please see the resources attached to this newsletter to help them. Let’s be kind and not put labels on addicts, they need our help asap.

Thank you for your support. I miss my son. We (my husband and his sister) lost him just two months ago and I know he would want me to fight to help other families not go through the pain and suffering of drugs.

Our future kids depend on us to be their advocates.

... Kim


Michelle had a smile that would light up a room. She is missed dearly by all who knew her

... patricia

Joey T Lauricella

Joey T Lauricella You will live in our hearts forever Wish you were here Love, Mom and Dad

... Dorine

Gregory Stephen Rossiter jr

Gregory Stephen Rossiter jr overdosed accidentally. He was a father,a grandfather and many other great things.

... Amy

Derek Hickerty

... James


Aidan 1997-2023

I have heard it said before drugs did not deserve you. Your life was so much more than how it ended. You suffered with depression and mental problems and the answer you sought killed you. You will be forever 25 and loved and missed, you deserved so much more in this life than you got. We will never stop loving and missing you . Rest peacefully my Aidan, Forever your family.

... Pam

Jesse Rivera

Jesse Rivera, you are forever and forever loved.

... Rose

Brent there is a not a day that passes that don’t think of you … how I miss your smile , laugh, what I wouldn’t do to hear you say mom . Rest easy sweet boy

... Laurie


My brother David was an angel from the moment he was born. Enduring abuse, sickness, and struggle, he was still a light to those around him. David was always looking to brighten people’s day with kind words, a listening ear, or a thoughtful gift. Heroin was not something David sought out, older peers put the needle in his arm. He was active in recovery and therapy, trying everything to be well. Addiction is a disease. It is not the person’s fault. A small relapse laced with fentanyl took my little brother’s life and took the sunshine from this world. I can’t wait to see him again! D.O.B. 08/09/1995 – 08/18/2022

... Beth

Collin Austin Wallace

Collin Austin Wallace June 1993 – March 2023 Massachusetts In memory of my handsome, tall, strong, intelligent son, who hadn’t used for 3 and a half years. Before that he was in rehabs three times, by his choice. We all question what made him seek out and inhale fentanyl that killed him. It was an accidental death. He wouldn’t have truly chosen to leave his Mom, Dad, sister, extended family, cat, neighbors, friends, coworkers. Or his dirtbike and 4 wheeler. It just doesn’t make sense. He was the safety guy. Always wore a helmet, safety goggles, protective boots and everyone had to wear a seat belt when riding in his truck, or the truck wouldn’t move. He loved bon fires, always with water hose or gallons of water handy. He had narcan taped near his front door and near the inside of his truck door in case he saw someone in need of help. He had friends who are alcoholics or addicted to something else, but he encouraged and supported them to get or stay sober. Come talk with me any time, he’d tell them. He was a hard worker with many talents. He knew everything from mechanical, technical to horticulture. He loved family and would drive hours to be with them. We’re all still in shock. Something has to be done to help people never try deadly drugs and to help them if they do biologically get addicted. Our families, towns, states and nation are loosing some very valuable citizens to addiction. Collin was one of them and he’s missed very much. 💔

... Beverly

Zachary Lanman Christopher Lanman Joshua Kraft Sarah Kraft

... Mary-Lou

Roby Basaneze

Roby Basaneze, parti beaucoup trop tôt. Ton passage dans la vie de ceux que tu as côtoyé ne sera jamais oublié. Veille sur ta famille et repose en paix.

... Josiane

Jose Alberto Morales

In loving Memory of the father of my children Jose Alberto Morales, Forever 47

... AnnaLisa

Leo Noakes – accidental fentanyl overdose Zack arias Williams – accidental fentanyl overdose Luke Rabinowitz – heroin overdose

... Denyell


My son Nathan passed away on the 14th February 2020 at home. His post mortem results state heroin toxicity. He was my only child and we were close. He was such a wonderful and caring person to his friends and a wonderful dad to his son. Through the years, he had his ups and downs and wasn’t the most easiest person to be around at times. He started using heroin in his late teens, went on a methadone program and got off the methadone and seemed to be on the right path until that dreaded day I found him at home. I am a nurse with qualifications in drug and alcohol and yet could not save my own child. He was at college studying music as he is very talented and could play 3 instruments. I miss him terribly, his dog Nigel misses him.

... Debbie


... Tammi

Katy Grant

My sister Katy Grant. She died on May 7th 2010 of an accidental overdose of pain pills. We love n miss you so much💚

... Cortney

Adrian Romero

To my beloved son Adrian Romero had battled his whole life with addiction since the age of 14 years old. I love and miss my son dearly he just could not break free from the chains of addiction. Those who knew him best and tried to help him pray for him miss him most it was very hard seeing someone you love be in so much hurt and pain i just wish i could just talk to him one more last time words can’t even describe what i feel how much he is missed love you son

... sonya

Jamie Newman

Jamie Newman 1976-2019 And to all those we have loved and lost. Forever loved and never forgotten. Leah and Josh xxoo

... Leah-sage

Grant Richard Butts

My brother Grant Richard Butts age 25 passed March 27, 2023

... Sara

Kirralee Hagstrom

My Little Sister 💜

Kirralee Hagstrom 10-01-17

... Kelleyanne

Christopher Wayne

Christopher Wayne, You should be here! I love you and I miss you Forever and always baby boy💜

June 20,1991-November 25,2021

... Elsie


Today my son Jonathan’s life matters! And I can say that without feeling ashamed of the illness of the drugs that took his life. This illness that hooked into his brain did not define him. If asked if he wanted to shoot a needle in his arm or live free without it he would have chosen life. He would have chosen his family. He would have chosen fly fishing and what peace it gave him. He was the happiest little kid you could ever know, and as an adult was a big hearted person who was kind to all and who would have helped anyone in need without a second thought. As his mother I understood and loved him unconditionally. I have grieved the 22 years for each year he used and for every detox, recovery and rehab program that made promises that would heal him of this disease. It has been 3 years now since he overdosed and left us. I still grieve. Our government needs to do is step up and control the influx of drugs entering our country instead of killing our children!

... Barbara

My 23 yr old daughter passed away from a drug overdose on May 2, 2023. I dont ever want a parent to suffer the way we have

... Jaimie


This tribute is dedicated to my daughter Sofia, who is struggling with an addiction to opioids. May Sofia and others enjoy happiness and the root of happiness. May Sofia and others enjoy health and the root of health.

... Peter

Cody Fahm

To my son Cody Fahm! My son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, God father, and friend! You matter! Never forgotten! Loved you the day you were born to the day I close my eyes for the last time and beyond! Mom❤️

... Barbette


I lost my precious Son Josh 12/12/16 at 32 yrs old from an accidental fentanyl overdose. He was such a great man that loved his family and friends. I miss his laugh and his kisses so much. My life will never be the same. I started a group to help those who have lost a loved one to overdose. I will fight forever to get this monster out of our country!

... Wendi


Mark You were more than my husband You were my best friend You were part of my soul As long as I breathe… will always be remembered Love is not a big enough word or expression.

... Lisa

Erin Campbell

Erin Campbell 05/25/98-08/23/18

... Cortney


My Son, Blair, battled addiction since the age of 15. He passed away on June 22nd, 2019, at the age of 37, of accidental overdose. Blair went to lots of treatment facilities over the years and was incarcerated a few times as well. Blair was a very intelligent man. He grew up attaining honor roll and taking honors classes all through school. He could have done some really great things with his life. He had a priceless sense of humor and he gave the best hugs. He is a father of a son and a daugher.

We will love and miss you Blair forever!

... Monica


My sweet Mike, it’s so hard to believe that in 2 days you’ll be gone for a year. You are missed beyond measure, the holes in our hearts will never mend. We see you in everything and think about you always, especially when we see your sweet baby girl. We know we will see you again and we look forward to the day we are dancing on streets of gold together. Xoxo ❤️, Sis MPY 9/18/88-5/6/22

... Angela

Scott Daniel Bradley Norman

Scott Daniel Bradley Norman passed away on November 6th 2016 He was using alone and passed away that night. You will be remembered for your hard work, determination, and your humor Rest Well I love you <3

... courtnay

Brandon Lyle Godfrey

A tribute in remembrance of Brandon Lyle Godfrey 1/12/1986-10/10/2022

Brandon passed away from a Fentanyl overdose. He left behind his precious and only son, Colten who misses his daddy dearly.

Apparently there were signs all around. Some of his own family even witnessed and found things more than once and still did nothing and said nothing! Had they spoke up, maybe Colten would still have his dad here. People need to know that they are not alone. They don’t have to fight their demons by themselves. There are other people who can help them. They are loved 💜

I wish I would have known, I wish I was told sooner. Rest in paradise Brandon!

... Allison & Colten

Austin Snow

I loving memory of my son, Austin Snow. Forever my baby. Loved and missed so much! Love, mom xo

... Becky


When I was 19 years old, I didn’t know April 3rd 2018 would change my life forever, addiction had taken another beautiful soul, What society sees is a bad mom, a junkie, a pill popper, a homeless person under a bridge, but the truth is that person your shaming, or judging was my mom, the woman who gave me life and she was more than any of those labels, she was my light in my world full of darkness, my biggest support, a provider, she was mom and dad, she was a rodeo queen, a veterinarian, a nurse at a hospital constantly helping others, she was a rescuer to everyone except herself, She was a magnet, and attracted and touched several peoples lives, even complete strangers were fond of her, she had a smile that was beautiful and bright, that smile also hid a lot of pain, that pain included losing her father, at age 28, her brother to suicide at 33, in/out of abusive relationships and dealt with an alcoholic mother most of her life, she also raised 2 kids on her own, and did the best she could with what she had. She always wore her heart on her sleeve, and that’s why things must’ve been so heavy, you wear it on your sleeve long enough and eventually it gets worn down, but she never let those trials weigh her down, she was always positive, bubbly, strong, you’d never even known she had the disease of addiction, and that was part of the issue, she didn’t have the courage to reach out when she was struggling, her pride told her she had to have it all together, and the truth is you don’t. Being a recovering addict myself, has given me a lot of love, and compassion for addicts, especially for my mother. Recovery is messy, and hard but my greatest accomplishments did not come from my greatest accomplishments, they came from my failures, if your struggling today USE YOUR VOICE, if my mother was here today, she’d tell you to use that voice too, you have the voice to heal others! Today I get to come before you and be that hope, light, and voice for every family member I’ve ever lost and I get to break the cycle of generational trauma, and addiction, and I know you can too!


... Keyara

A tribute to my niece. She passed away too young due to an overdose. I love her and miss her dearly

... Wendy

Desiree Monique had the most beautiful smile she had a good heart. She saw the best in everyone. I know Desiree wanted to live she had goals and dreams she wanted to go to Japan. My Dessy My Queen Forever 19

... Claudia

October 3rd, 2022.. will forever be the worst day of my life.. There was so many things we needed to do together.. so many things to talk about… So many ” i love you too” you needed to say.. Kainen, I miss you so much.. they say grief is love with no where to go, that’s why it hurts so bad.. I believe that because only all the love I never got to give you and still have for you could cause this much pain.. I’m trying to be happy, because I know you would want that, and I’m going to do all the things we were supposed to do together, and I’m going to do them all like you’re right there, and even though you will be, I mean I’m going to do them as if you’re actually psychically there… I love you…

... Hailey

To my uncle Brian I hope your finally at peace I’ll love you forever ❤️🕊️ 3-23-23

... Lena

Haley Paul Wesley 13-04-1990 to 01-03-2017



In loving memory of a partner, and father to our daughter Caydence Grace. Miss you everyday.

... Christy

I’ll never for get that day it will forever be on my mind my best friend just came home from q 15 month jail sit for the over dose of his children’s mother a woman he would have died for but he had only been home 22 hrs we talked from A to z that night and day we was planning to have a nice dinner and celebrate my birthday it was May 5th I went to get my check cashed and get him some fast food I can rem losing service on my cell phone coming up the mountain witch I only didn’t have cell service for 15 min so in that 15 min I would love to know what happend but what I didn’t know was when his step sister visited earlier that day she gave him a bag of heroin his biggest demond I got home and couldn’t get in my front door so I went and came in the back as I walked to his room he was in front of his bed in a praying pission I at first glimpse thought he fell asleep from being up all night but then I cought it outta the corner of my eye he held a needle in his hand Frankie had overdosed as I yell at a few friends that was with me to get me narcan that I just told him I wanted to get rid of cause none of us needed it any longer we was getting our shit together well that didn’t work he still wasn’t breathing so I went into what did Frankie always tell me to do I did everything he thought me to do if I was ever in a situation like this I gave him cor by my self cause I worried about everyone else getting trouble when they didn’t need it so it was just me and him and the awesome dispatcher for 45min till emt arrived for them to come in and do jack shit they wouldn’t even try to narcan him once more I begged them told them I couldn’t lose my best friend my boyfriend’s brother(boy friend was in jail) not on my birthday the lady looked at me and said there was nothing they could do I fill as they seen it as just another junkie off the street I seen him laying there as someone’s son father brother best friend they could have careless they wanted me to walk out side till the corner came but I wasn’t leaving him alone I can rem my phone ringing and not stoping it was my boyfriend calling to tell me happy birthday and to take care of his brother till he got home the cry’s of his mother as she came in the numb ness in my body I felt so outta body the neighbors 4 or 5 houses down said you could hear me screaming at him before emt came begging him to just breath please but I failed him I couldn’t save him his demons won I go threw that day every day I open my eyes I think of the what ifs and should ofs but none of that is gonna change no matter what I just wonder what the hell his step sister was thinking giving him that bag that day he was 15 months clean but not a day goes by he’s not on my mind rip Frankie G-$love you always

... Lil momma

Allen Lee Dotson III “Tres” 26 years old

... Tiara

Tamara Dawn Morris 30 years old Left behind 2 daughters; Tiara & Tori.

... Tiara

Mom, I remember the times before it all began. The times of love, laughter, gardening, playing. Your smile and laughter made me feel so safe. You helped my scraps and my broken hearts. You taught me so much. Just a few months it took. You disappeared. I got married and had my baby girl. I held her wishing you were there. You finally met her and I saw you again. Toward the end… I had my son just two years later. You never held him. I got that call late that night. I know you loved me and you know I forgave you. I miss you mom and I love you so much it hurts.

... Brittaney

Your light is what keeps me going every day, and especially in the darkest days of this work when I just want to give up. I miss you more than I could ever put into words. I promise you that I will never stop trying to fix all the broken systems that failed you and took you from a world that needed your light. I love you Dylan.

... Elizabeth

My mother Dorothy Ohlinger 08-25-1961-11-24-2018 my mother was one you could never forget from here kind heart to her out spoken personality who loved her animals and working in the hospitals, years ago she fell and broke her back she was good friends with all the doctors so when she feel she didn’t have to ask for the pain meds they were handed to her extras more than needed for a couple of years no one said anything they didn’t ask why after all that time nothing, until a real doctor with true care for his profession and knowledge started to see her, and realized real fast what was going on and put her on methadone years later she detoxed at home with no help her boyfriend still was on methadone he swore that he would help keep her strong she did it! so proud !on November 24 2018 my 2 small kids woke up to my mom that had passed away right before they opened their eyes the morning after thanksgiving and my son 12 was trying to give her CPR but it was too late her boyfriend admitted to giving her the methadone nothing was done not a thing he didn’t get it taken away or start his steps over nothing they were fighting that night but they looked at it as another junkie who overdosed, my mom like so many others was not a junkie but a victim to over prescribing from what we are suppose to trust with our life. we love and miss you mom

... tara

In loving memory of my brother ❤️ Cody M. Rodenbough 6/15/88-1/10/23

... Megan

My son, Ryan Garcia passed away at the age of 28 of Fetynal overdose. He had been battling substance abuse for 10 years. I wish I could of helped him overcome his addictions but these drugs make it so impossible to break free from them. He will forever be my in my heart.

... Sidelia

I would like to post tribute for my wife passed away 3 years ago March 19th she left behind a son who was only five at the time and loving caring so many husband we were married for 7 years and it was 7 years of my life there was ups and downs and she was a beautiful amazing woman and a great mother and I miss her sooooo much. Rest easy angel I know your with us when we need you

... Bobby

“The candle that burns half as long burns twice as bright.” This is what I think of when I think of my mother, Natasha Scantlin. I miss her everyday. She was a bright, caring soul who just couldn’t escape her demons and fell into addiction to cope with it all. 2/27/81-10/31/22. Rest In Peace, mama. 🖤

... Ethan

My beautiful mother, June. One month after I had my daughter, my only child, I got the news while breastfeeding her on the couch. On February 21st, 2019, we lost you forever. You were packing to meet your granddaughter for the first time. You were so excited. I am sorry for the anger I held during your last year. I was pregnant, hormonal, and emotional because I wanted more of you, but that is no excuse. I will live with these regrets forever. If I could go back, I would hold you. I understand now, mom. I know you struggled with the battles you faced as a child and the obstacles that followed you throughout your life. I watched you battle your demons my entire life. I saw the pain that haunted you. As much as I wish you were here, I know you are finally free. I hope you are no longer suffering. We say hello to you, dad and mike through the sunroof on the way to daycare every morning. Sofia knows your name. You are her angel grandma in the sky. I sing you are my sunshine to her every night; she won’t sleep without it. Our song forever. You are my sunshine mom; I love you to the moon. I miss you.

... Sabrina Marie

My uncle had overdosed many times in the past but on June 19th, 2022 he overdosed for the final time in Florida. He was in a group of people and no one did anything to help him until the next morning.

... Belle

Robert W. Hemrick

This tribute is to Robert, My Once in a Lifetime Love! He was my BEST EVERYTHING! He was always a gentleman, he was so smart and handsome! He has a son that he was so proud of! He was a brother and a nephew! He was a friend to everyone. I’ve had a crush on him since we were 16 years old, but I didn’t get to call him mine until 02/17/21. Unfortunately fentanyl was a part of our relationship until September 2022! We detoxed, he was clean 90 days, but in a moment on January 04, 2023 he stopped breathing due to a fentanyl overdose! Narcan didn’t work!!!!! His heart, liver, and kidneys went on to save four lives! I was honored to not only know you Rob but to have loved you and been loved by you!!!! You are dearly missed Papa Bear!!!!

Love you Robert,

Misty H

... Misty

I would like to pay tribute to two very important people in my life that were taken too soon by overdose. When I was 11 years old I lost my father to overdose, as far as I know it was an intentional overdose. My dad had a hard time battling his addiction and couldn’t live with the stigma of “thinking” he was ruining our lives so he took his. As an adult now I see the whole picture. People use and struggle with addiction because life is hard and sometimes people can’t do it alone. I met the man of my dreams, literally, in 2018. He was everything I ever imagined in a partner, and he loved me like no other. Unfortunately when I met him he had a heroin addiction that grew into a fentanyl addiction when it started taking over the market. That was about a year ago. He got clean while he did a 90 day program at turning point of Tulare county. He made it almost 2 months at home and clean until the morning that forever changed our lives. January 2, 2023 I lost the love of my life Aron Vance Matheson, Sr. to a fentanyl overdose. I believe it was the first time he used after being clean for a little over 100 days. It took him immediately. It is such a vicious substance. It has no regard for life at all. It is very sad. My heart goes out to everyone affected by fentanyl overdose.

Forever yours, aronsgirl81

... Tonya

Jason, we love and miss you so much. This wasn’t right. It’s not fair. There was so much more to do in this world. I hope you didn’t hurt and you weren’t scared. I hope you’re resting now in peace. It’s our only comfort knowing your pain is over, but your momma won’t ever be right again. You died on your sister’s birthday. We love you and miss you.

... Amy

Life will never be the same without you Son…if only you knew how loved you really are ..until my last breath will you live in my heart..

... Theresa

Renae Futch..28.. I miss you so much.I Love you.

... Ray

Billie Joe , You got taken from me way to soon you are the reason I learned what love was I was never loved until you came into my life and in turn I was able to live January 21,2018 was a day I’ll never forget because that’s the day the lord took you with him you will forever be the love of my life I dont want to go on without you but I know you would want me to I love you billy Joe and always will forever fly with the angels billy we will be together one day soon RIPMy dear husband billy Joe Phillips (1975-2018)

... Eula

Lindsey 💜

My sweet Baby Sister, loosing you has been one of the most painful things I have had to go through. I am so sorry this happen to you. My heart aches every day even more when I see the things you can’t longer see, smell the things you no longer smell, hear the things you no longer hear, touch the things you no longer touch, Breathe the air you no longer can. God knows I would switch spots with you. I love you from the first moment you came home with mom and will love you until my last breath.

09/28/2002- 03/15/2022 💜🕊️

I forever love you Pinchy!!

... Delsa

My sweet Baby Sister 💜, the day you left this world to never come back you took a part of me with you. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking what did I do wrong or why you did not come to me like you did with everything else. I try to be strong but I just can’t. How do I move on if you always were by my side in good and bad times. How do I tell my boys everything will be okay if nothing is okay. You were so beautiful inside and out, no matter were u stepped foot you brighten the whole room with your smile, and corny jokes. Loved the way you burped so loud after a meal and a coke, it was so loud everyone just laughed, how you were such an amazing aunt, amazing sister, dog sitter, I could always count on you. Oh baby sis how much I miss you not day, hour, min, go by with out me thinking of you. May your soul rest in peace.

I forever love you Lindsey!! 09/28/2002- 03/15/2022 💜🕊️

... Delsa

To my baby sister Mia, I miss you and grieve for you every moment of every day. I will forever hold the pain of losing you in my heart. I wish you had more time, this was not how things were supposed to be. Love you forever and I know that you are with me. Love, Mollie

Mia Patricia Alpaugh 2/22/04-09/10/22 💜

... Mollie

My 26 year old, Mother of 5 beautiful babies, died tragically after taking something she did not know was fentanyl. She also left behind the kids’ father.

... Julie

Remembering William “Cory” Crisp… The love of my life, my kids father You were such a smooth talker. I’d bet u could talk the devil into buying a Prius lol u were one of a kind that’s for sure. U had a special way of lighting up the room always trying to make ppl laugh or piss em off. There will never be another u. I’ve loved u since day 1. March 11, 2015 is when my life with u began and at 5:30am on Jan 3, 2021 I lost u forever. I lost my best friend, my love,my everything. I miss u every day. Ud be so proud of our babies. They act and look so much like u. U’ll always be in my heart my love Fly high Cory til we meet again there will always be a hole in my heart that died with u.

... Krystal

Benjamin Spaulding I loved you with my whole heart and soul. You said you were ready to give me everything and we talked about building a life together. I’m so sorry there were so many misunderstandings and issues towards the end. My love for you never wavered once. Not even during the darkest times. I told you I loved you and truly meant it. I should’ve told you I was falling in love with. Idk if I’ll ever find another magical love like we had. I know that you’re “home” and “whole” now back with spirit. Until we meet again my eternal love is always reaching for you.

... Jackie


Today is your birthday, you would have turned 37 …. But it wasn’t meant to be. You were only givin 27 years on this Earth. Ohhh how I would have loved to celebrate this day with you. I love you and miss you every single day. On the 8th of December it will be 10 years since you left us. The pain of missing you is still the same, it’s with us but we are better at hiding it, we are also able to find joy especially from your nephew and niece who you didn’t get to meet. I know you are with us, I see the signs you are sending me which gives me some comfort but I’m wish so much you were still here. Happy Birthday Szymku, I am sending you lots of love, kisses and hugs. I hope you are having party in heaven. Love Mum

... Iwona

To our son, Thomas Alan Barnes 12/02/89 – 11/04/22 Cape Coral Florida We wish we had one more day to tell you how much we love you, to hug you. The pain is unbearable the tears don’t stop we feel broken. We miss you so much. Our chain is broken and a branch from our tree is missing. Forever in our hearts ,just know we did and will always love you! ❤️ Mom and Dad

... Tammi and Tom


... Susan

I want people to say his name! Rendon Lee Meyers 01/15/1996-08/09/2022 Forever 26. My son was a loving, caring person. He loved football, his family and friends, and music. He played football for Allen High School. He went through some hard times, losing his grandmother, my mom, and his aunt about 6 years ago. He struggled with bipolar outburst from time to time. However, he was a good kid, just could not find his way. He is forever loved and missed every day. I will be forever broken. My heart is shattered.

... Mitzi

To my love James “Deven” Gurley you will alwayz be loved and 4 ever missed you are gone but will never be lost or forgotten we will be together again one day ur story ended to soon Love Alwayz and Forever Amanda “Mandi Bru” Bruzdowski.

... Amanda

grant you got me onto a bigger path in life my success in life and the whole change around i have is because of you i have world records and world firsts under my belt because with you watching over me i can achieve my goals in life. you are deeply missed even to this day. <3

... shane

My son Nathan Gutierrez lost his life due to an overdose on September 27, 22. He was the most amazing young man. He could walk in a room and set the mode either he could make everybody mad or he could bring joy to every person in his space. He has been addicted to drugs since he was very young maybe 12 years old. When he was young I was also addicted to meth. I have been sober now for 7 and a 1/2 years.. As we all know you cannot make someone else be sober. I was the best mom I could be and went to counseling with him and put him in so many rehabs and spent countless hours showing him how much I love him. I can only say that I am so thankful that he had a belief in Jesus Christ and was saved and I know now he is in heaven. His drug of choice was heroin which in turn turned him on to fentanyl. We believe it was funnel that killed him but we are still waiting for the autopsy . I want to do a Nay Nay Nike hikey because he loved to hike and he sold Nike’s for a living. I’m hoping to organize something with overdose awareness. I wish I could save everybody but mostly I wish I could have saved my son.


... Brenda

My Big Sister, She was a Mother, a Daughter , a Sister, and most of all she was loved more than she could ever know. Melissa, if I could trade you places I would. I wish I could have told you I loved you and that you were the strongest person I could ever have known. I am so sorry that I wasn’t there that day. I am waiting for you to walk in the door and say “Hi Sissy” …….. Until then……Gone but Never Forgotten WE LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH ……….R.I.P. MELISSA RAE DAVIS 05/25/1980-07/05/2022


To my wonderful nephew, I am so heartbroken over your loss!! I know you fought a horrible battle & it kills me that you lost that fight!!! You were so kind, funny, could tell a story like no other, your smile could like up any room & your laughter was so contagious!!! You are gone but not forgotten!!! You were & still are so loved & deeply missed by so many!!! R.I.P. Garland, love you forever, till we see each other again!!!

... Joyce

Ryan was such a loving, caring, and genuine person. I remember the first time I looked into his eyes and they felt so different from any set of eyes I had ever looked into. I’d soon learn that‘s due to his true caring and loving nature. He brought so much light to his Mom. And I know he loved to see her truly happy. She was right by his side throughout every slip-up with open arms and a welcoming heart. So much unconditional love there. Ryan enjoyed laying on the dock by the lake, going to spur-of-the moment concerts and having a blast, music production, playing GTA into the late hours of the night, playing guitar for me to sing along to, snuggling with the kitty and pup, and so much more. So many things that he won’t be able to do again. So many nights not having my soulmate to call and vent to. Ryan isn’t suffering anymore though. He struggled for years, and is finally free. He and I never believed in any organized religion, but I can’t wait for when I get to see him again in the afterlife. Sleep well my love <3 I love you, Mollie

... Mollie

My beautiful daughter who should be here. Taken way too early on November 14, 2020. We all miss you more than words can describe. My little Bushy, love you always and forever ♡ xoxo

... Jane

To August:

Hello, my soulmate and my angel I love that you have sent me a sign that you’re with me every single day I’m sorry you struggled but I want you to know who I feel I love! I loved a master electrician whose work was so meticulous that it wasn’t OK until it was perfect I loved a man who made pizzas and food that made us always say more I loved a man who cooked me beautiful dinners and it was like having a personal chef I love who was my father’s best friend and the son he never had I loved a man who was my mom’s literal angel and who saved her life I love a man who was always there for me who told me he loved me even in the middle of a horrific fight or a bad day Who still held me at the end of the night and we never went to bed angry at each other I loved a man who was a fantastic son who loved his parents and adored them who stood up for his sister no matter what who defended people who couldn’t defend themselves who was the best partner that someone in a profession that often gets judged could ever ask for I loved a man who I could kiss for hours who came to vegas and did not care about all the attractions only the quote gorgeous woman picking him up who tapped me on the shoulder and I immediately fell in love the second I saw who I called my mom right away and said I’m gonna marry that boy who literally saved my moms life and was the son my father never had who gave him the best friend he didn’t even know he needed. A man who was the most handsome loyal gentleman and still opened my door pulled out my chair and came home to me and only me every night who told me he loved me forever even on a day we were angry and who never went to bed with a grudge. I loved someone who held me so tightly before he passed it hurt who made sure I knew I was a good wife and took care of him even without an official document. I loved you August always have always will forever look up at the moon it’s you talking to me and I was your angel and now you are mine I loved my soulmate and forever will. I love you August thank you for blessing my life with your love until we meet again live on in my heart and I’m forever yours until we meet again August be in peace we all love you we all miss you

Your wife always, Kristine

... Kristine

Tami, I miss you forever. Why oh why did the world have to take my only sister from me? I guess I can’t dwell on all the sadness your death has made me feel these last 9 years but I know that I’ll still cry for you when I’m 99. You are my forever best friend. Please wake me up now from the nightmare that your death has left. Why don’t you come home? How can this be true that your really gone? I love you sis, always your biggest fan, your baby sis. Xx

... Elisha

I lost the love of my life Eliza on Sep 2nd over 2 weeks ago on this day.. It was a day before our anniversary. I miss her so much and I’ll never forget that day. No horror movie can compete with what I saw that day. Never did I think I would be the one to wake up and not her! I was also using myself and we struggled with addiction together. I was always the one taking too much and overdosing and she was always the one there to save me! She never overdosed, not once the whole time we were together! But that day she did.. We were living on the razor’s edge for so long, and did that dance with death so many time I guess we just felt we couldn’t miss a step.. we were wrong. RIP MY LOVE❤️ I feel so bad for not being there for you when you needed me! I will never forgive myself until the day I die.

... Miguel

My brother passed away on june 15th 2018 the WORST day of mine and my families life ever😥 a NIGHTMARE 😒😥 HE fought and fought them demons for years after years 😥😒 until one day it came to an end 😥😒 he would get clean then relaspe and the list went on and off and overdosed a couple of times before and was saved by god and by us (family) by calling and getting help threw ambulance 😥😒 until again like i mentioned in my message it came to an end the night of june 15th when ambulance came to save him and worked on my brother for like about 45 minutes or so until they couldn’t nomore man,one of the ambulance came to me and my family and said i’m so sorry for your lost man,me and my family lost it big time and cried and cried until we couldn’t cry that night 😥😒 we had his funeral and my brother was LOVED by so many people,funeral palor was PACKED with my family and my brother friends 😥😒 He looked like a sleeping angel 😒😥 my eye’s tearing up as of now as i’m typing my message 😥😒 me and my family visit my brother at his resting place once a week and we all think about him daily every hour,second,minute and hour as days goes by and we also got a memorial for him in my house with his pictures with a candle battery operated with a angel praying 😒😥 i still can go on but,i will be typing for ever….R.I.P. MY BROTHER RYAN 😥😒🙏🏼🕊🕯💙💔

... Karen


I will always love you I miss you geo matter how many days go by it will never be a day I don’t think of you and keep you in my ❤️. I don’t know why god has taken you so soon I guess he needs to match angels for some work above. I think God every day that I wake up and continue this fight for us you may have lost his battle against thing we know is addiction but I will continue each and every day that I have a breath in my body to fight for each and every one of us I will let the world know what it is to be an addict it’s not something we choose it’s something that we just can’t flight off we don’t use to wake up every day and Chase what makes us feel like a normal human being and masker pain whether it be hide from something that we are free Dolph or something that we’ve dealt with in our past no matter what it is each one of us had her own demons to fight some of us may have lost but there is there one day pass that has still to this day or here and fighting every day to try to get this stigma of this what they call diction because unless you walk this path you have no idea what it is to be an addict we don’t like getting up every day I’m chasing this medication or this drug to make us feel better to where we can paste the world every day and not hide in the shadows cause you’re matter what each one of us are brother and sister mother daughter father and all of us have ones that love us just for us can’t see that because we’re so afraid of what we became to let anyone in so we hide in the shadows and we do the straw struck mask way we really feel I don’t let anyone see what’s really behind it seven till we meet again I will stand for all of us not just myself what are you can everyone of you that may have lost his demon until what I see we need to get above I will continue to fight a demon and try Tailey save one if I save one I’m OK with that because I know I’ve made that effort to help someone in need no matter what it might be cause he’s one of us are different and we all Chase this drug for a different reason do you know we’re not all the same so we shouldn’t be placed in a stigma because not all of us are saying we all have our own issues are old battles our own demons that we fight each and every day so I just want people to know this is it like we chose this is just what we were dealt should we did the best we could each day Live as we could what we could find a flight but it’s not a great life it’s a hard battle age and every day Sinatra come to this demon recall at record I love you guys and I will see you guys one day soon but until then I will keep your memory alive as long as there’s a breath in my body you will not be forgotten

... Sandy

Patrick M Clark If loved could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

... Kim

My dear nephew Alex,

You were a light in my life! You were one of the most awesome people I’ve ever known! I miss you like crazy everyday! I will always be devastated that you left us all so soon! We all have issues, and yours never made me love you any less! Until then, Auntie Kym

... Kym

My treasured nephew, son of my ❤, passed away 1 week ago today from fentanyl overdose. People need to know that they are not alone. They don’t have to fight their demons by themselves. There are people who can help them. They are loved💜💜💜

... Idella

I’m having difficulty starting this. I’ve overdosed around 5-10 times in the past. I died twice and lost my entire memory due to a seizure knocking the back of my head on a metal bar. I’ve also lost two close friends to overdoses. I have no access to help. While yes, I am from the UK, I live in Serbia. We get great dope but the stigma is horrible. I personally know the producers of the fentanyl epidemic and that is what I OD’d on; Mu-Fent and Carf. I feel a deep, deep responsibility for the current crisis and I feel the tens of thousands of lives on my conscience every day…so I numb it with heroin. I’m so, so sorry. I only wish I could have said something in time but my memory hindered me from doing /anything/. I almost starved to death because I forgot to eat. These aren’t excuses but I don’t know how else to justify my involvement in just an insane amount of death and destruction. I’m sorry.

... Ra

I miss you so very much my loving wife. The day I first met you was the best day of my life. You are so missed by anyone you came in contact with. Rest in place. Amanda Rae Darrow-Dorman. 9/23/1983-12/11/2021

... Michael

Johnny was a beautiful soul.

... Kait

A Tribute to my Nephew Michael who passed away May 15 2004. No matter how much time goes by you Never forget. Miss You more than anyone knows.. Love Auntie

... Jeannie

Cole Thompson 8/21/21 i love and miss you. to those who we have lost to our friends, family, and the people we love who were taken too soon. you will always be in our hearts.

... Hannah

Jordan Witt 23/09/1992 – 30/11/2020 To my little brother, not a day goes by where I dont think of you and wish you were here going through this life by my side. Jordan I love and miss you more than words can express. Sleep well baby brother I will see you again one day. Love you always and forever.

... Zoe

the beat of my empty heart is an echo your whispers are it’s words i love you more than beans and rice, my sweet, sweet tyler boy *canoe*

... Your mommy

To my beautiful niece, gone from this world way too soon; but loved more than she ever knew. No more…..ifs, whys, doubts, fears, worthiness, you have been cleaned and healed in ALL aspects of life. May God hold you in everlasting love and peace Gabby.

We love & miss you!


... Wendy

Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you or miss you. You were definitely taken too soon and it sucks! These new milestones your niece and nephew are going through make us all want to share them with you but I know that you’re watching over them and guiding them to do only greatness. Keep shining your light upon them all from above. We miss and love you very much. Rest easy my Juli.

... Viviana

In memory of my precious son, Jordan Taylor Wickline, you are so loved and missed by everyone that knew you. You were such a beautiful, talented person and if love could have saved you…

... Vicki

Robert : My big brother! I love you, we miss you so much.

... Valerie

We miss you, Kevin. We all love you so much.

... Val

To my beautiful Sonshine, Isaiah Gabriel Taylor. How I miss you everyday. To know you was to love you. Your heart was so big and many times you literally gave the shirt off your back and suffered in the cold so they were warm. Idkh I’m not male it without you, Isaiah. But for your sibings sake, I’ll do my best. I love and miss you “bug”. RIP. Forever 29. Save a place for me at the table baby!

... Trish

Benjamin, May you always know how much you are loved and still missed. Your impact grows forever strong, and your legacy shines through your beautiful memories. We think of you every day, Trish and Benji Lee

... Trish

My son loss his Battle to addiction on December 3 2021 He overdose on Heroin laced with fentanyl His name was Drew James He was a son father brother And we all love him and miss him every day 💜

... Tracy

Always and forever In our hearts Jeffrey David 4/25/1989-9/4/2020 Love always

... Traci

To my daughter who I couldn’t get clean fast enough to save. She died because of the dumbest stupidest drug. That pretends to be everything to you only to leave you crippled alone and with nothing but self hatred and the thirst for it for the rest of your life. I’d never give in to it ever again tho not after what it took from me . It’s not your friend it wants one thing…. Your life. Good ye to the friend who were not lucky enough to find a man who saved them. Like I was he just couldn’t save our little girl who I lost due to not taking care of my self fast enough. I’m sorry to the people who I ever introduced the shit to their is so many ppl who are dead now I couldn’t say good bye to just one almost everyone I ever new crazy one drug takes so many friends.

... Tori

This tribute is in remembrance of my oldest brother Tony Harmon who I love and miss. I miss hearing you calling me Sis. even when I was upset with you but you will all ways say to me that you love me and tell my nephew him too. You would always call or text letting your daughter, nephew, brothers and our other family members know that you loved them also. The addiction of any type of substance is bad and my prayer will always be for everyone that has an addiction will be healed and delivered in the Name of Jesus and I also pray that my brothers death and all others will not be in vain. This is not an accidental dealth it is murder. My brother ashes are on my bookcase while my son wears his uncles ashes around his neck. December 20, 2022 will be hard but my brother will forever be in my heart.❤️ ❤️ Praying for healing and deliverance of drug addiction around the nation.

... Tina

I had known Alex for a decade or so before he died. I met him at an NA meeting.He came and went but was able to string 2 years together before he overdosed. All the time and all the tributes helped heal but it’s an ugly scar. We couldn’t love him more, we couldn’t convince him it wasn’t worth it, we helplessly watched him struggle his last few months on this earth.

... Timothy

My sister-in law passed away in March 2022 and her husband passed away in November 2021 from fentanyl overdose. They left behind 4 children that are trying to find their way and I want to express how beautiful the children are. I know that they both tried hard to be the best parents and it definitely shows the way the children love them and share memories of their parents. I have also lost another brother-in law November 14, 2021 from an overdose and his children were also affected negatively but are the best and hold his memory in the most positive light. I hold their memories in my heart and know that the suffering is imaginable. Love Always Justice, Marty, and Lonnie Ray!!!!!

... Tiffany

In memory of my dear son Jacob Guerrero. He passed away May 30, 2020 from fentanyl poisoning. He is forever 31. 💜

... Theresa

Remembering Alexandra Charlotte Hay. Sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter, partner, friend. Dancer, climber, student. Amazing young woman. Sister golden hair, we miss you so much. Kindness begins with the recognition that we all struggle. Stop the harm! Love you always.

... Terry

My beautiful amazing son Ricki Wilson 14.03.1992 – 30.06.2015. Every day, in some way, you show me you are still here, but I miss you so much. You are so loved and missed by everyone who knew you Ricki, a beautiful heart and soul ,I’m so glad I told you. Till I see you again, I Love you Rick xx

... Terri

We lost my biological mom November 4, 2019. She was 54. She left behind 4 kids and 8 grandkids (3 she was never able to meet). Her addiction to painkillers took away so much from her and her family. We miss her daily.

... Teri

Taylor truly had a heart of gold and a smile that could lite up any room she entered. No matter what was going on she always made time to look out for others. She truly loved like no other. We all love and miss you Tay. ❤️💜

... Teresa

Caleb Michael Hunt Forever 23 We love you and miss you every single day. 💜💜💜💜

... Teresa

To My Beautiful little Brother Steven. I miss you more and more each day. I still believe our plan was a good one, you know it was! I am still kind of mad at you and my heart aches for you. I will keep my promise to you. I know you are no longer in pain and that is the only thing that comforts me. i love you so very much! Love Tree~

... Teresa

My beautiful cousin Bells (Isabella), gone way too soon, 2000-2018. I’ll forever miss her freckled face and her absolutely obnoxious laugh 🙂

My friend David. We met in rehab over 2 years ago and he left the Earth earlier this year. His favorite band was Breaking Benjamin, now whenever I hear anything by them its a bittersweet reminder of him

... Tatiana

I write this tribute out for Robert Arena, who would have been my future brother in law. I wish we could turn back time, I wish we stopped it. Please watch over your family, I will take care of your brother. Love you

... Tara

Wesley ‘Wes’ Lauer was one of the kindest people ever. He always had a smile on his face and a hug for everyone. He would give you the shirt off the back if you needed it. A few weeks before he got his wings he bought a kitten from someone he met because she needed the money more than he did. Now that kitty lives with us and is quite the cuddler, it almost feels like Wes sends us hugs through him. He loved working all different kinds of jobs, mostly in the restaurant industry. He was an avid Rockies and Broncos fan and enjoyed playing video games in his spare time. He is forever 26 and we miss him every single day. We are thankful for the signs that he is all around us, especially the dimes we find, but we would give anything to have him back.

... Tanis & Steve

My dear baby girl, Kelsey, you were taken from us way too soon. I still feel as if I am in a horrible nightmare. March 20,2020 my heart shattered and I am a no longer the same person. I am so sorry you had to struggle with this awful disease of addiction. God is embracing you now and he took away the pain and demons you were struggling with. I begged and prayed to him daily remove your struggles, and he did, just not how I wanted. I love and miss you every day. Hug your loved ones as you never know if you will have tomorrow.

... Tami

Sabrina Stockdale passed away to a toxic combination of alcohol and heroin. She was valedictorian of her high school class, a mother, my sister, a daughter, a best friend, and so much more to us and the world lost a lost when she went against her otherwise better judgment. My life has been forever changed without her as are many others. May, 15 1986-April 12, 2014

... Tabitha

For the loss of my daughter, Jacqueline M Helmke, forever 29, died in April 2018. I love and miss you so much😢

... Sue

In loving memory of my brother and best friend Thomas Burns. I miss you everyday and will never comprehend why you aren’t here to do life with me. I miss you so much little bro.

Love Steph

... Stepheny

My son Dalton Adams lost is life on February 7th. 2022. He passed away from fentinol overdoes. He was 22 years old. My only child. He was super great kiddo. Loved his family and friends to the fullest and his pets. He loved art and tattoo. Me and his father and family and friends are still trying to come to deal with the loss of such a wonderful person. We love you Dalton James Adams

... Stephanie

Chris, you are still missed by so many all these years on. I sincerely wish something, anything, could have prevented what happened that night. I wish you were here now among what has become our family ‘forest’ 💜

... Steph

We remember our precious daughter, Clover, who accidentally overdosed almost a year ago. Her fiancee overdosed accidentally a month before she did. They leave behind a beautiful daughter which we have happily adopted. We will fight every day to prevent this from happening again. Rest in peace my little Clover!!! You are loved and deeply missed!

... Stacey

... Shirley

My Sonny, Marvin James Sharpe, you most beautiful human! Oh!! How you are missed and loved and thought about every moment of everyday. But, I know someday – we will be together again and laugh and sing and feel each others big bear hugs and beating hearts. Until then, keep shining your bright white lights over everyone who loves you and knew you. I love you! Mom

... Shelly

For Tai Mitchell


My only sibling. My best friend. My confidante. Creator of my love of fitness and best workout buddy.

January 29, 1984 – August 30, 2021

... Shannon

Christian Ray Jones Sunrise-04/14/1998 Sunset-02/21/2022

Christian IS one of the kindest, most caring, selfless and just plain funny people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I am fortunate enough to be called his mom for the 23 years he was here on earth. His love for stray animals and people who didn’t feel like they had a place in this world was very evident. He loved with all of his heart and anyone who knew him can attest. He’d be homeless if that’s what it took to make sure an animal was safe. He’d give his friends his last penny or the literal shirt off his back if he thought they needed it more. Christian wanted recovery very much but it proved to be more difficult than any of us ever could have imagined. He tried detox, therapy, rehab. He did all of the hard work and the “monster” that is addiction always seemed to be waiting for him. I choose to remember my son as the kid who’s laugh was so unique, every time you heard it, you’d have to laugh right along with him. I choose to remember his heart, and how even when he was going through hell, he could always find a way to smile and make you feel loved. I choose to remember that even though he was only on earth for 23 years, he made a huge impact on many peoples lives. I vow to live my life making Christian proud and educating people about Substance Use Disorder. I love you very much, Christian. ❤️❤️❤️

... Shanna

My little cousin Stephen barely turned 21. He had a life full of demons and tried running away from them numerous ways. One being mixing prescription drugs bought from the street. This caused his untimely death. The street Valium was toxic and led to him dying in his sleep, My Gran (who he was living with at the time) didn’t know the typical signs of an overdose. If more people knew the signs of an overdose perhaps more lives could be saved. I now have ‘Naloxone’ in my home handy, just like I would cold medicine, just incase anyone in my life has an overdose. In Scotland you can order Naloxone online for free and get in delivered to your home. Not enough people know this. We need to normalize having Naloxone in our homes; as so many lives could’ve been saved if we did. R.I.P Stephen. You’re forever in our thoughts. I will make it my mission to make others aware of the signs of an overdose and how to hopefully prevent them.

... Scott

To Chris, the father of my children To Jess, the best girlfriend I’ve ever had To Carl my beautiful ex Words cannot begin to express how devastated I am to have lost you all in the past two years. Chris…our children miss you every day but not as much as I do Jess…my life is so empty without you Carl…life in Australia just isn’t the same without you here My heart hurts, my tears have still not finished and my life seems pointless without you all. I hope you’re all happier now and in a better place. Hopefully I’ll get to see you in a timeframe that seems soon. I love you all and think about you every day. I miss you all sooooo much. 😘😍🥰

... Sarah

Alex and Katie…

You are so, so missed.

... Sarah

I will always remember you – I will always sing about you. I love you Little Ronny. I believed in you. I miss you. loving you always – Aunt Sarah

... Sarah

Jeremy Parrow – you were my big brother, first and truest best friend, greatest confidant, loudest cheerleader, fiercest protector, relentless encourager and instigator of things that were crazy and joyous. You were larger than life with a heart to match. You were magic. I think of you every single day and will continue to fight for you by lessening the stigma of those who suffer from addictions. I love you!

... Sara

This is my handsome some Michael … Michael was always the life of a party… so quick-witted, and what a great sense of humor…loved his laugh. Once you’ve met him you would remember him. He was very successful… I was so proud of what he had accomplished. I especially miss the way he used to tease the heck out of me. You could never get the best of him either…way to quick for you… His brothers, family, and friends miss him so much… Michael lost his life on August 10, 2017. He was 47 years old Rest in Peace 💕 I love you…Mom

... Sandy

This is my handsome some Michael … Michael was always the life of a party… so quick-witted, and what a great sense of humor…loved his laugh. Once you’ve met him you would remember him. He was very successful… I was so proud of what he had accomplished. I especially miss the way he used to tease the heck out of me. You could never get the best of him either…way to quick for you… His brothers, family, and friends miss him so much… Michael lost his life on August 10, 2017. He was 47 years old Rest in Peace 💕 I love you…Mom

... Sandy

My toph, the first and hardest loss of my life. Still miss you just as much today as I did then. Love you forever.

... Samantha

I live my recovery today for Dennis Keener! 1 of the many people who have lost their life to active addiction. I wish things were different every single day..♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

... Samantha

You died night years ago and not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I miss you and hope you are in a happier place full of pick up basketball games, comedy skits, and jokes. I love you brother!

... Sallie

My biological dad died from HIV and a heroin overdose. I was luckily taken into a foster home at 2 months old and adopted. My dad died on the Vancouver Downtown Eastside. We didn’t have much of a relationship but I want to honour him. His name was Shawn. I actually overdosed on fentanyl earlier this month and thankfully I was saved by first responders with Naloxone. I’m dedicating my life to my biological dad and I’m getting help. I never want anyone to end up like him

... Ryan

In memory of Ross Blumenthal (March 12, 1997 – April 3, 2021), my son, best friend and soul mate. Not a moment goes by where I am not in intense anguish and profound sadness. A large part of my life and zest for life died right there with on that April day.

... Ross

Courtney, you were absolutely the “you’ll only meet once in a lifetime” kind of friend, and you touched sooo many lives in a positive way. You weren’t supposed to leave us so soon. You are loved, missed, and thought of every day. I love you my friend.

... Roni

In memory of my baby sister Rhonda who was the funniest and most genuine person I knew. She adopted other peoples kids and raised them to be good men, she gave of her time and talents to help others and most of all she radiated love and happiness. My best friend and confidant and all gone in the blink of an eye. A loving Tia and daughter who is missed so much. She passed on September 1, 2019 from an accidental overdose of cocaine. In the midst of a divorce met some guy who got her into crack. The girl who never did drugs in her life started using at 57 years old….. and died at 57 years and 3 months.

Rest in Heaven Dondi – till we meet again. Rhonda Merchant June 8, 1962 – September 1, 2019

... Robin

With love and understanding. We miss you Justin R. W. Smith, Son, Brother, Father and friend!

... Robert

Dear Joe, through the past four years we have shed many tears that your not physically with us and missed your loving presence. Those tears will continue to flow at times but instead of tears of sadness they will be tears of joy for what you brought to all of us. Thank you for being my son and for all the fond reflections we have of you. Love you Joe and your with us every minute of every day.

... Rick

To LARISA ZAGREAN I miss you every day. Wish you were here with us

Love always and forever RHONDA

... Rhonda

Keith I loved you so much! Gone way to soon, you will live on through Alice and all the terrific memories I have of you! 💔

... Renee

Karlie was an amazing person inside and out. A loving wife, daughter, sister, friend, and cousin. Our cousin Karlie was a kind and caring soul and a passionate nurse who struggled with addiction. She would give the shirt off her back and put everyone else first even despite her struggle..We know she is finally at peace and watching over us every day and we hope you are always with us.. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you..Our hearts will never be mended and you will always be remembered Kar.. we love and miss you more than you know.. RIP. Love Rach and Jak xoxoxo

... Rachel

To all those I have known and those unknown. may you all Rest In Peace. You are not forgotten.

... QueenChiya


I miss you so much cousin. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I love you so much and have so much regret, I wished I would of pushed harder or tried harder to help you. I know your in gods hands now cousin. You will forever be my angel. P.S. I got clean cousin I made the change for both of us!!! Love Chillz

In Memory of Alex Romo King Klipto RIP

... Priscilla

Matt Zaccingini you were taken away too soon. You were a friend beyond no other and sadly you left my life without being able to say to goodbye. You will be truly missed.

... Penny

Our son, Tim Willard, lost his long battle with addiction on April 25, 2022 due to a fentanyl overdose sold to him by a childhood “friend”. As in many tributes I read, the world lost another kind, caring, good hearted soul. My thoughts are that GOD ended his suffering here so that he might help others in a way he never could on earth. I think about him almost constantly and miss his goofy sense of humor, his sparkling brown eyes and the light he brought into my life and many others. We miss his poetry, paintings and musical talents. Rest in peace my son, know that you are loved beyond words. Until we meet again, GOD willing. ❤ Mom

... Peggy

Our son, Tim Willard, lost his long battle with addiction on April 25, 2022 due to a fentanyl overdose sold to him by a childhood “friend”. As in many tributes I read, the world lost another kind, caring, good hearted soul. My thoughts are that GOD ended his suffering here so that he might help others in a way he never could on earth. I think about him almost constantly and miss his goofy sense of humor, his sparkling brown eyes and the light he brought into my life and many others. We miss his poetry, paintings and musical talents. Rest in peace my son, know that you are loved beyond words. Until we meet again, GOD willing. ❤ Mom

... Peggy

Ryan made drawings, paintings, and writings and composed, arranged and played guitar, banjo with fervor and passion. He was as funny as he was brilliant and as annoying as he was adorable. As a musician and artist who designed and hand-printed t-shirts, one of Ryan’s most popular designs was the Remember Love image inspired by a song written by Thomas Scott Mckaughan and Ian Clement of Pizza T’s Z-Kamp Experience. His energetic printmaking produced countless prints of this image distributed across the USA. As an artform, printmaking compels the artist to reproduce its imprint over and over again. That is the message of “Remember Love” from Ryan. To Remember Love is reproducible. We invite you to repeat this message and feel its echo in many forms: Remember Love. – Patty Bode & Mark Moriarty

... Patty

In memory of Mike Diana. 1993-2021 We lost our son Mike a year and a half ago at the age of 28 to this horrible epidemic. Mike’s smile could light up a room. He was funny, kind, smart and had a beautiful soul. He loved adventure and conspiracy theories. He was the love of his girlfriend’s life and a devoted father to his amazing son. Words are inadequate to describe how much his dad, sisters and I love and miss him. I know someday we’ll be together again, but until then rest in peace, Mike.

... Patricia

To my dear cousin JR who was taken from us much too soon. You were caught up in a time where help was not available or understanding what addiction is. I was a little girl when this happened to you although knew who you were and grew to understand how you died. I have felt the pain and struggles of addiction myself and have been blessed for almost 33 years to stay drug free. Know that on many days I think of you and how your demise gives me strength. You did not die in vain. Until we meet again.

... Patricia

My brother had been prescribed pain killers for years because of a knee injury. While his girlfriend struggled with addiction, he was was there with Narcan and trying to help her get sober. He hated needles and never wouldn’t even smoke pot. Between 2013-2016, we lost both of our parents and our grandmother. He lost his job and insurance. He no longer had access to the pain medicine he had taken for years, and began using heroin. He went from owning his own business and making 6 figures to living in a hotel with everything he had in 2 storage lockers. On May 7, 2018, police were called when he did not check out of his hotel room. He was found on the bed, where he fell back after injecting himself. The heroin was laced with fentanyl. He left behind a 10 year old daughter. He was 48 years old.

... Paige

... P3 Ministry

My older brother died from an overdose on Jan 31 2021. It created a shockwave throughout our family that we continue to feel. We never knew him as an addict and didn’t even know he was using hard drugs. He is missed every day and we love him.

... Nicole

I had a friend whom I had been friends with since we were in the 6th grade, and we went all the way through high school together. She was beautiful inside and out and never hesitated to help a friend in need. She ran track, she was a model, she played soccer, and was a downright comedian at times. No matter what, she always had an impact on the people she met because of her kind spirit. That is what I remember about her. Once we graduated from high school, things just went south for her, even though she had a beautiful blessing in her daughter, she turned to a life of crime and drugs. My last time speaking with her, we had talked about meeting up for lunch just to catch up on everything and we sadly never got that chance, I got the news of her passing one morning while I was at work, right in the middle of the pandemic. I was devastated, heartbroken, hurt, angry, and regretful. I always felt like I should have and could have done more to reach out and help. Its been 2 years and I still have not found peace in her death. To you Ashley, I love you with all my heart and there is never a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. I hope that you continue to rest peacefully and look after your family. I love you my dear friend.

... Myeisha

I lost my sister to heroin. She was 6 months clean and thriving. All it took was one bad influence to take her down. She died on her 24th birthday. It’s been 8 years but it still hurts. I miss her so much.

... Monica

My mother passed away from an overdose (whether on purpose or accidental is only known by her and God) three years ago.

... Miranda

Bryan, Rest with the angels little cousin.

... Mickey

This is my little sister Tiffany Lynn Plowman. Her life was taken way too early. She was a mother of four. She left you always wear fake hair eyelashes and nails and lots of make up.

Sadly she lost her life at 33 years old on June 15, 2022 to heroin and fentanyl. We love you Tiffany.

... Michelle

... Michelle

My precious daughter lost her battle with opioids on 10/29/2015. I wish she would have realized the magic she possessed, how many people loved her for her humor, her laugh and just for being herself. Her magic, smile, humor and beauty are missed by everyone.

... Michele

My heart. My Love. My soulmate. My best friend. I lost him just 3 months ago to this gutwrenching disease. And how he fought so valliantly! He did not want to be a victim of this disease, yet I watched the devil slowly steal his life and turn ours inside out. Yet still… his true soul always shone through; his beautiful smile, his sarcastic humor, his deep love for me, his Dad, his family, our furkids and all animals, his wit, charm, concern for our world and injustice, his perseverance despite his injury. I will never be the same. My heart has died with his. The loneliness of life without him is unbearable and this never should have had to be. For any of us. For any of them. They, we, deserved so much more. I can only pray their suffering is over and they are at peace. I pray for all of us left here.

... Michele

My heart. My Love. My soulmate. My best friend. I lost him just 3 months ago to this gutwrenching disease. And how he fought so valliantly! He did not want to be a victim of this disease, yet I watched the devil slowly steal his life and turn ours inside out. Yet still… his true soul always shone through; his beautiful smile, his sarcastic humor, his deep love for me, his Dad, his family, our furkids and all animals, his wit, charm, concern for our world and injustice, his perseverance despite his injury. I will never be the same. My heart has died with his. The loneliness of life without him is unbearable and this never should have had to be. For any of us. For any of them. They, we, deserved so much more. I can only pray their suffering is over and they are at peace. I pray for all of us left here.

... Michele

I lost my son Pierce to an overdose just over 6 years ago. Pierce loved life, he loved his kids and his family and we all love him. He loved music. He fought hard to win his battle but the disease won in the end. I pray for all the unwilling members of this horrible club – parents who have had to bury their children. I pray for all the families affected by addiction and mostly I pray for the addicts. They don’t want to be addicts. They don’t want to be hurting themselves or their families. I will love and miss you endlessly P. I wish you were still here with us but I am glad your struggle is over.

... Michael

Our beautiful Joseph Paul, forever 24. Loved and missed every minute of every day. Nothing is the same without him in our world.

... Meredith

So many beautiful tributes, my eyes are wet, and I want to add my own, for my youngest son, Colter. He left this world on January 13, 2018, age 23. The shock of it still protects my heart, but only alittle. The reality is so deeply painful and all that keeps me breathing is knowing that, like many of you posted, my brilliant, beautiful child’s fight is over and he is safe and sound now, with his Heavenly Father. He went on ahead, which was his personality, always on the move. He left behind a son, who was only 4, and that child means the world to me. Colter dove down deep into the experiences that drugs offer, fearless and foolish. When he suddenly changed his life, at age 20, we were ecstatic beyond belief. He stopped all drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, having given his heart to Jesus, he couldn’t quit sharing about God’s love for him. I don’t know what happened that terrible night, but he used and breathed his last. This has happened to so many beautiful young people, why? The “harm reduction” approach doesn’t work, as this tragedy is growing. I feel that everyone who hasn’t gone thru this doesn’t want to hear about it; they think their loved ones are different, stronger, smarter, better. Anyway, I love my son more than words can say and I know I’ll see him again and we will laugh and hug and all tears will be wiped away. I miss you every second Colter Shane!

... Melonie

He was love, he was kind. He brightened up the room. He brought laughter and spark. He also had pain, trauma and a darkness we couldn’t touch.. RIP Brother, Love your Lil Sis Mel

... Mel

Our beloved and beautiful boy, Max, passed away from an overdose on July 30th, 2017. It never gets any easier and everyday, we miss his smile, his laugh, his ability to be kind and his hugs. Rest In Peace, our dear sweet one. We miss you every day. Love, your mom and pops

... Megan

Dear MetroLurking, You were one of the best online friends I ever had the pleasure of knowing. The way you met your end makes me endlessly upset but brings me solace that you passed in your sleep so you didn’t suffer. You had never deserved any the pain you received but always made me and everyone else smile. I hope wherever you are in the afterlife is filled with love and happiness, you deserve it.


... Max

In memory of Cody, gone far too soon. May he ever rest in peace.

... Maureen

In memory of my nephew, Ryan, who lost his battle with drug addiction on February 13, 2022. A good man, who struggled so. I pray he has found peace, and is free at last. I love you.

... Maureen

Drug overdose death and that drug overdose is preventable. Come out and stand in solidarity in order to reduce future overdose deaths. International Overdose Awareness Day 2022. Time to Remember. Time to Act. The world’s annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.

Wear a Purple Ribbon today.

... Matthews

My biological father was an addict pretty much my entire life up until he passed away on 12/11/2006 I wish we could of had that sit down like I always dreamed of but for now I talk to you during my prayers.

One of my very best friends passed away in January of 2010. I play his bands cd for my kids and now we sing along. You will always be alive in my heart and soul. You had so much to give and I know that you would of gotten the music deal that you had been working on. Your Mom and I are so close now and she has helped me get treatment for a friend. But, know that I still support you, love you and will always protect your memory. I miss you and love you.

My dear friend B. I should of made you get in my car to take you to get the helped you needed. You cried on my shoulder telling me “I know I am an addict. I am going to AA and have a sponsor. Its not working and Im tired” That will haunt me forever. You, Stace and the boys are our family. Just know that you are missed by everyone in my family, our friends, your sweet boys and your loving wife that prayed that you would get help. We love you so much.

... Mary

Brittany I know you are at peace now but you are still very much missed. Much love, my beautiful niece.

... Mary

To my Nephew Michael Hart I will never forget you I love you so much your always in my heart and mind you were a great guy I miss you every single day I wish that day never happened you will always be my Michael man xoxo love aunt Marie ❤️ 💙 ♥️

... Marie

In loving memory of all the young angels that have fallen before their time. You are missed, forever loved, and always remembered by family and friends.

... Maria

My son Justin David Harkins 10-10-21💜

... margaret

Jake Mcmahon Always in our hearts ♥️

... Marcy

Aaron McRae – forever in our hearts.

... Marcia

My Beautiful son Christopher Jonathan Brown was talking from me September 2nd 2018 , he was a special person with a huge heart and cared about people and never liked to see a person be sad , Me and his brother miss him so much and for me everyday is so hard and I know the world is missing out on a wonderful person who would have made a difference .

... Marcelina

Devan Knapp (2/19/1993–1/12/2013)

... Lynn

Mikey Williams. He was my friends son. Sadly, he was unknowingly poisoned by a hot pill, containing a lethal dose fentanyl. He didn’t deserve to die. I’m so sad for his mom and younger sister, the people who are left behind suffer, left without their son, and a big brother. Me , I’m very sad for them, and furious that no one has stopped the flow of these pills from China, that are being brought across our open southern border. They are killing an entire generation. Do you know someone effected by this problem? Its got to stop!

... Lisa

I want to post a tribute to my Nephew Chad. He was so lost and didn’t know how to ask for help or the way back 9n his own. We aren’t sure if he overdosed on accident or purposely. But, it doesn’t matter. He’s gone and is missed. He can’t be brought back.

I love and miss you Chad. Thank you for blessing us with your short presence in our lives.

... Kelly

To my nephew Nathan who died August 8 2022

... Genevieve

Albert Varela, beloved Son, grandson, brother, father, nephew, and friend. You are so loved and missed. Not 1 day goes by without think of you. You’re ALWAYS in my heart, son. 💔😭 He was truly a special young man. Loved by so many. The visitation and memorial service were packed. He touched many in his short life. Our family has never been the same. 3 weeks after his death, his only child, Kaylee, turned 3. We had to plan her party right after the memorial service. It was so difficult. She’s a senior this year! And a beautiful, talented, and hardworking young lady! He’d be so proud of her. He had a wonderful heart, a hilarious sense of humor and a smile that could light up a room. I’d give ANYTHING for just one more day! RIP, son. I’ll see you soon!







... Donna

Timmy Willard 3/5/90-4/22/22 – I think about you every day, love you!!

... Dee



... Dana

I am remembering all of the wonderful people who graced my life around Inn From The Cold and Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. And AJ of Mississauga via Cape Breton, NS. May his children know that their dad was a lovely person. Shame on the Conservative government in Ontario for not supporting safe consumption sites, access to safer supply, addiction treatment, and guaranteed basic income support – all programs that save lives.

... Christine

Maggie I mourn you everyday and not a moment passes where I don’t think about you wish you were here.

I don’t know if it was an overdose- if it was a withdrawal. They said it was a seizure but I heavily doubt that.

Not a moment passes that I wish I can text you telling you about my failures, my success, the good news, and the bad. You were always there to hold my hand through the hard times. You literally held my hand when I felt like I was going to die- I hope someone was there to hold yours. I hope you weren’t alone when it happened. I’d have held your hand.

I wish I was there. I know we had our falling outs but if you had text or called I’d have been there in the blink of eye. Not a day passes where my heart doesn’t ache. Not a day passes that I don’t miss you. I’d give anything to have you in my kitchen again preparing us a meal like the old days sipping coffee or going on a drive and venting about life. I’d have held your hand and you’d have held mine. It was truly a beautiful platonic love.

I know you still watch over me- when the sun warms my skin. When good things happen. When the rain gently falls on me after hearing good news. I know you’re the angel who protects me and you always have been my protector. I wish I was there to protect you.

I do a lot of good in your name. On the day of your death I do a small community based project in your name then some self care. On your birthday I do some self care because it’s too cold to go out. I donate to the homeless like we use to.

You had so many skills and so much to offer the world but crippling anxiety and our severe lack of mental health services or more so- our barbaric mental health services failed you. You really spiraled when they took away your anxiety meds and I’ll never forget that. You tried to get help twice and you got locked up for it like a prisoner and received no help and I’ll never forget that or forgive it.

Waking up to that text was a nightmare I thought I’d wake up from. I didn’t want to believe it.

You looked hard and tough but you were truly a soft heart, an angel with the tattoos and I’ll forever cherish our times together. I grieve so heavily my best friend. You were right- there is no one out there like you. I miss you. I love you. Sincerely, a name and person you never met yet. A dead name you knew me by. Thank you for being here you amazing human being. The world didn’t love you enough. I always will and now I can’t tell you how much I did.

... Andy

I miss you Dad. We don’t know if it was intentional or an accident. We don’t know if it was fentanyl or heroin.

We know you were in a lot of pain beating cancer once was hard, going through chemo twice, watching you lose all your hair and eye lashes, watching you get sick, dropping weight, and trying to maintain your extremely laborious job at the same time. You had no health insurance being an independent contractor. You had no palliative care. The tumors came back a 2nd time with a vengeance.

We want to think it was an accident. You had 3 cigarettes rolled and a full glass of pop sitting on the table waiting for you but you were acting really weird that night. You normally had a temper- but your ordered us a big dinner and told us you loved us.

The autopsy said it was a heart attack-and you did have heart disease but we know the truth. At least you’re not in pain anymore.

... Andy

This is hard as it still feels like yesterday that it happened. This is for my youngest son Mason Schell who passed away from an accidental fentanyl overdose 04/15/18 at the age of 26. He is still missed dearly everyday!


To our dear, beautiful, funny, sweet, kind and much missed Sister Lisa 💜

... Lorri and Pam

In today’s environs everywhere and everyone is affected in some way by overdose issues of today. We as custodians of this here earth owe it to each other to guide and protect and continue to offer that sometimes stagnant hand to any and all individuals facing issues of today. My question is how do we tell the stories of individuals who pass away to overdose? Action and policies!!!! To all who has pass may the creator meet you at the gate with the powers of the kingdom of God with the Phoenix in full colours.

... Lornex

To my only son, Christopher Daniel – It has been six years since I lost you. I told you that you will never be forgotten on this earth. I think of you every day and miss you so much – your smile and your laughter – your delicious cooking! Your doggie misses you too but he is now my boy and I love him so much. You will forever be in my heart – I love you so very much and will see you on the other side with our doggies! Love always, Mom

... Lorna

Christina Felice De La O We had to say goodbye for now to our deeply loving, wise & talented, spiritual & emotionally wise soul on February 22, 2020. Just 12 years after losing her young husband to effects from 2 tours war in Iraq. She died of total liver failure from Tylenol toxicity, sepsis blood infection & overdose of prescription pain medication. These were 1st given to her for sports injuries & car accident injuries but used by her to cope😭 (PTSD, anxiety, depression)Couldn’t tolerate antidepressants😢 She was a hair & makeup artist who loved cherishing each client & breathing life/love into their day/hearts🙌🏼🫶🏼🌻She loved all animals & God was the living center of her every day✝️🙌🏼‼️ I her mother carry her memory forward with a ministry of #?christinasmiles where I do random acts of kindness & hand out cards w/ her info asking others to do the same👍🏽🌻just as she would be doing if she was still here🌻✝️…. Her family & friends chose to focus on her life & not on how she passed…. That’s what she deserves 💝 As Christina always said to me… Mama… “Love Always Wins!🌻✝️💝!!

... Lori

I lost my dearest son, Mitch, to an overdose earlier this month. He struggled for a long time with drug abuse and we lost the war. He had just completed a lengthy rehab program and was looking forward to the future, but only lasted a day after being discharged.

... Lori

My son Eric died at age 49 on August 30, 2020. He had completed his PhD in Physics in 2015, but struggled to find the right job for him. He had struggled with depression for many years. He took antidepressants for years, but after he got his degree they stopped working. He grew very depressed and in about 2017 he began to use opiate medication. As many do, he found that it was cheaper to use heroin. On August 30, 2020 he texted his dealer and included, “Don’t give me any of that Fentanyl crap”. Unfortunately, the drugs he got were almost all Fentanyl. He probably died within minutes. A beautiful, brilliant, caring, and kind man was lost to the world.

I did not know that he had begun using until the day he died. I had recently retired from a 35 year career as an addiction counselor. Of course he didn’t want me to know. Even if I had known, I doubt I could have done anything to help him. He was also a very strong-willed person and I’m sure he believed he could handle it, he could stop any time he wanted to. The truth is that only by fully admitting to himself that he was powerless over using drugs and seeking help outside of himself could he have found recovery. At least he never had to go down the rest of the way into addiction – loss of home, stealing, jail, etc. At least that is a blessing. At least he is free from pain now.

... Liz

My beautiful boy David Forever 34


... Liz

Never a day goes by that I don’t miss you tanner! You are still loved beyond words…you will never be forgotten tanner I love and miss you everyday love mom

... Lisa

Remembering Courtney DeValk and my unborn grandson. It was only a couple weeks after the gender reveal. My heart will never forget.

... Lisa

Always in our hearts Nathan Gonzalez Gone but never ever forgotten


... Julianna

To my little brother Dylan, I think about you everyday, I miss you more than words can explain, and I will keep you in my heart always. You deserved a better life than this. I hope you are at peace now. Until we meet again. I love you.

... Lindsay

This goes out to the clients I have met and lost along the way to this horrid disease. Bobby, Barry, and all the rest of the boys I hope you have made it home. Bori, Jay, and all my fellow Floridians who also lost their fight to addiction, may you all fly high and rest easy. Love, Ms. Jess…..

... Jessica

Christopher, we miss you and think of you everyday. Thank you for the memories of you smile, laughter and bigger than life personality. You were one of a kind and missed by so many. I hop your taking pictures on this next journey you are on and taking loss of photos to show me when we see each other again. Rest peacefully my son. Mom

... Linda

To my son Anthony. I miss you so much it hurts. Three years ago Fentanyl took you away from us. We still see signs of you around us and that’s all we’ve got now. Butterflies and sunsets. Someday we will see them together again. I love and miss you to the moon. Love, Ma.

... Linda

RIP Danial Korver…your mom did as much for you as she possibly could, and it was never going to be enough. So many desperately sad stories by those who loved the victims of overdoses, unconditionally (and let’s face it, you need to unconditionally love someone with an addiction, and see past it, remembering other times, because no-one would tell you it’s easy watching someone you love choose to self-destruct). I don’t know what can be done, apart from putting people who flog fentanyl into prison for life, although they are often addicts too. The pendulum should also swing back to loving family intervenors letting doctors to commit extreme cases be committed and sent away far from drugs (although I admit addicts will still work damned hard to find them anyway). Heroin on prescription seems to work well for some cases (see Canada and Switzerland). Lastly, family members shouldn’t be too hard on themselves – there’s only so much you can do, you have your own lives to lead and it can be better to just let go, remember the good times, accept you did your best, and let the addict go – you didn’t put the drugs into them, and maybe they just weren’t meant for the sort of world we live in now.

... Lina

My brother Ryan Mosbrook passed away from an overdose back in 2016. Wonderful big brother, wonderful dad, he left behind a son, who is now a very brilliant 10 year old boy.

... Lexi

I miss you Ken VanZyp. Taken by an overdose and will never be forgotten. 💔

... Lee

I lost my youngest sister to a cocaine/heroin overdose 25 years ago at the age of 35. Karen’s addiction started with Opioids and spiraled out of control. She died in a crack house in Chicago and her body was dragged down the stairs and driven and dumped in an apartment in the suburbs. The circumstances were horrific, but her family was thankful that we had her body back. And the fact that she was finally at peace. Sadly, like most addicts when she had her senses about her, she was an incredible person. Most addicts are. My middle sister also died from an overdose 9 years ago at the age of 59. Susan started getting high in high school and had a monkey on her back daily. There was a point where I joined her just to try and get close to my “Irish twin”. Fortunately pregnancy and and marriage saved me. I know firsthand it’s not easy to stop. My heart breaks for everyone that has experienced this and have lost their loved ones to an overdose. It’s so sad to think of everything my sisters have missed over the years. There’s a misconception with people that drug addicts are bad people. No, they really aren’t. In their hearts they don’t want to get high. And when they steal to fuel their addictions, that isn’t them… it’s their addictions. I had no idea there was an International Overdose Day… I’ll certainly get involved next year. Thank you for reading….

... Laurie

This is for everyone who is still sick & suffering. Stay safe

wedorecover 💜🖤

... Laurie

Remembering and missing my very dear friend/ companion Ed Sowinski. Ed was so full of life, his smile just lit up the room when he walked in. Ed was a goof ball always making jokes singing and dancing around. He loved his family so very much the bond they shared was like no other. Ed was not only a friend, a love of mine but he was like family. His song to me was “Angel by Shaggy” and I play this very often and remember the great memories we shared. I promised Ed while he was still with us that I would fight to advocate for mental health and substance use disorder and I am doing just that I will be graduating to become a counselor next summer and he has given me more strength to do so. I miss him so very much xoxo

... Lauren

For my best friend Dillion Shane Smith he passed away Jan 10,2022 from fentanyl overdose…

... Lacey

In memory of my beautiful sister Shari Lyn Schumacher-Solari. Happy Heavenly birthday this month, 08/03/80- 02/09/09. She was the epitome of a “Blonde” but boy do we love and miss her.

... Kyla

Narin I think of you often my son. I miss your smile, your zest for life and even arguing with you. I will treasure every moment I given with you, but sad that it had to end so soon. Life has forever changed, but I look forward to the day I get to see you again. This disease did not define you. Love you and miss you. In my mind, you will be forever 21. Until we meet again…..

... Kuldip

Sending love and support to all families and friends who are grieving the loss of someone, and peace to those still sick/suffering.

... KT

I lost my nephew at age 30 last year to an accidental over dose.. it has really taken a toll on our entire family, mostly his mom. He was her only child. More awareness needs to be made about this.. none of us will ever be the same.. miss him every. Single. Day. So thankful and feel so blessed by ALL of the signs he gives us that he is at peace, in heaven, and in NO MORE PAIN!!! Love you so much… aunt Kris xo

... Kristy

Rest in Paradise to my beautiful sister Michele. 🫶🏼 You may not be here with me physically but I feel you so close to me every single day. I miss you tremendously and can still hear your laugh. Until I see you and mom again 😇 I love and miss you so very much 7-20-12 Love, your little sister Kristine 💜

... Kristine

Derek Reilly Lessard. Poet, musician, son,brother,cat lover, proud Minnesotan, lost his life in 2013 at age 26. He is missing out on everything but would be so proud of his brother’s recovery and the little family we have kept together in spite of his absence. The ties that bind family can never be broken. Until we meet again. All our live always.

... Kristine

Kyle, You were my best friend and always will be. We shared the same everything. Being a twin with you was everything. 1 year ago you gained your wings, how I miss you. 8/26/22 ‘til the battle is won

... Kori

Sean I miss you every day. I miss your beautiful smile and your amazing sense of humor. I am angry that you died from a preventable overdose. You should still be here. Love, Mom


... Kimberly

To my lil brother Scott (age 52), you left us just last week. We tried and fought as hard as we could. We are in shock and this entire world will never be the same. We know you’ll be making changes from up in heaven. You can do it!!!! Love, your big sister, Kim

... Kim

My beautiful youngest brother Corban lost his life in 2013 due to a lethal overdose of heroin at the age of 26. His engaging yet understated personality, kind heart and mesmerizing smile will be forever missed. There is a hole in our hearts that often aches when we remember all of the happy memories we shared. Corban loved cars, skateboarding, and adventure. He had so much to offer the world and we are shattered that he has left us too soon.

... Kijuana

Rest In Peace to my children Father. Rico you will be missed and loved. I’m sorry we weren’t on the best terms.

... Kendra

Remembering our son and father Mark who fought the battle and lost April 4 2022. He endured constant pain caused by a car accident and fought back with drugs. There has to be a better way. Love you RIP

... Ken

Remembering Zachary today and always. Beloved son, father, brother, and friend. Keep watching over us.

... Kelly

I miss that face, I miss those hugs, i just miss you , being your mom was my greatest accomplishment NIcholas Anthony Cook 7/7/89- 11/1/2020 Love you

... Kelley

Julian, You are missed and thought of by many people. Your friends and family talk about you all the time. Your missed and you were to young to go, but God needed you more than the world did. Rest easy friend.

... Kellee

My Tribute goes out to all those who lost their lives in this battle and my heart goes out to the friends and families members to you all!! And those of us that still try and beat the battle, and to those who have beat the battle and still clean. I’m sending prayers up to each and every person that has been apart of this battle. Jesus loves you remember he’s the light!!!!

... Kellee

Your mom and I love you and miss you so much! We give thanks and praise to God for the 29 years he blessed us with you. We live for the day when we will be with you again in Heaven.

... Keegan

My tribute is to my son Ryan. Born April 18, 1990 and passed away on March 18, 2020 from Fentanyl overdose. Gone but never forgotten. Love you and Miss you!! I can’t wait to be with you again in heaven!!

... Kay

My tribute is to my daughter Amber. Born February 25, 1986 and passed away on February 25, 2017 from Fentanyl overdose. Gone but never forgotten. Love you and Miss you!! I can’t wait to be with you again in heaven!!

... Kay

Matthew James Thies

-One Day At A Time January 7 1991- May 15 2021

... Katie

To my son, I think about you everyday and know you made ongoing attempts to fight your addiction but ultimately lost the battle giving in to an errant temptation. I rationalize this event as God calling you home. Maybe he even said Enough is Enough, come home and be safe. All my love, MOM❤️

... Kathy

To my sweet, kind, caring daughter Kassaundra who lost her battle with the demons March 20, 2021. I love and miss your beautiful smile and hearing your laughter! Always in my heart and on my mind!! 🖤

... Kathy

You were my person, we got each other. I miss how much we used to laugh. I miss little brother, dearly

... Kathleen

Today and everyday I miss you even though I don’t remember you. Overdose took you from me when I was only one, but I keep you close to my heart. Mom, I’m so sorry for whatever agony you were going through. I have your pictures and artwork. You were so bright and your light still shines for me.

... Katee

Corey Ashmore, my brother, was sober for almost 3 years and died February 16, 2022 to fentanyl poisoning. Always in my heart.

Forever 39 1/12/83-2/16/22

... Karen

I Love you Steve, you left us May 28th, 2011. You were my best friend family and you taught me unconditional selfless Love. You are and will forever be remembered and live on through all of our hearts. I LOVE you babes Kaileigh!!!!!

... Kaileigh

My handsome first born nephew, Jared Crable! He passed away 11 years ago at 32 years old! It was when the drugs first came to our little small town ! My poor sister and her family will never be the same! My sister still grieves for him every day, still! Love and prayers to anyone who, has lost a loved one!

... Judy

Forever in our ♥️ Greg and Matt

... Judy

In memory of my big Brother Christopher Michael May 4/18/79-12/12/20

... Candice

I loss 2 daughters trisha 32 and trixie27 2 years apart .herion over doses They are loved and missed deeply.

... Bud

My dear sweet son. Your heart was too good and sensitive for this world. I love you forever!!! I hope/know you knew this while you suffered. I hope/know you know this now that your pain is gone. Momma Dukes

... joyce

It’s been two years since you left us words can’t explain how much we miss you. I’ll never forget today August 30th just to hear the bad news. I hope your smiling down on us. You would definitely be so proud of your daughter who is your twin!! Very smart beautiful and amazing lil diva as you would call her your butt butt😥😥😥😥 No it a day goes by we don’t think of you. WE LOVE YOU TYWONN L.I.P💔💔💔💔💔

... Joy

I miss you so much, Jor, but I’m glad you’re not struggling anymore. Love always, Bub

... Jordan

Tribute is for the Duval & Hescock Family. Far to many lost to post. Thinking about them all today! <3

... Jordan

To my son Jake, you brought much happiness to all of our lives. We miss you and love you always!

... Johnny

Today my son Jonathon’s life matters! And I can say that without feeling ashamed of the illness of drugs that took his life. This illness that hooked into his brain did not defined him. If asked if he wanted to shoot a needle in his arm or live free without it, he would have chosen life. He was the happiest little kid you could ever know, and as an adult was a big hearted person who was kind to all and would help anyone in need without a second thought. As his mother I understand and love him unconditionally. I want him back. Now our government needs to step up and control the influx of drugs entering our country instead of killing our country’s children. What say you?

... Barbara

As long as there is a moon, a sun and the sea, there is love. Carter Mayes Watts, October 31, 2000 – January 18, 2021

A huge heart that could be filled with love and kindness for others – but not necessarily for himself. Such a crazy disease that has to be self-treated with support from others instead of treated or cured by others.

... John

My Uncle’s addiction started with prescribed pain killers after back surgery. When it was time to stop the prescription, he still had pain so he sought illegal means to continue with opioids. After many unsuccessful stays in rehab facilities, he died by suicide because he couldn’t get his addiction under control. He was more than his addiction. My Uncle was a talented landscape artist and he loved my Aunt very much. Over a decade later and the family still feels his loss.

... JoAnne

I have a handful of friends that have passed from drug overdoses. This time, this year, I dedicate this tribute to a dude that was like a brother to me, and like a son to my Dad. Peeps, we miss you. You were a better person, a better friend, and a better son than you gave yourself credit for- & we were all lucky for having you in our lives. I know that wherever you are, you’ve got an eye on us. I hope you have found peace with yourself, and no longer hold onto the things that caused you inner conflicts. I will see you again, someday. Please give Dad a hug for me.

... JM

Jovanny. Missing you this first year after your death. I think of you every day thinking there was something I could’ve done or not done so you’d still be here. Here; struggling, thriving, succeeding and failing in the journey together. I wish you know how being your father changed me for the better and that loving you was an incredible, awesome gift in my life. I’m praying that you find infinite peace and love in the Beyond! – Your Pa

... Jim

In loving memory : Cubby Aguirre and Amy Barrera with such sweet souls and good hearted humans recently lost their lives to soon on 8/27/2022. May they rest in peace.

... Jessica

In loving memory : Cubby Aguirre and Amy Barrera with such sweet souls and good hearted humans recently lost their lives to soon on 8/27/2022. May they rest in peace.

... Jessica

Missing you everyday Cinna somedays are hard and then somedays it doesn’t feel real. Love you and I’m sure we will meet again xx

... Jess

Thinking of you today, and always. I can truly say I am blessed to have had your presence in my life. I promise to continually make you proud in the decisions I make. You truly are my inspiration. My guardian angel, Keep shining down on us. We love you. Hope you are resting in the sweetest peace. No one is invincible and we need to help those in need. ❤️

... Jess

Remembering Emma Rose, a beautiful spirited, creative young lady who’s life was lost to a drug overdose April 2022. Rest in peace Emma. You are remembered.

... Jennifer

On this International Overdose Awareness Day August 31, 2022 I would like to pay tribute to my son Bryan Schreyer age 32 who died of an overdose on October 25 2021. He succumbed to his substance abuse disorder after 10 years of fighting ” the beast” to be the man he wanted to be. Bryan was a compassionate soul, funny, and articulate. His friends and family miss their ” talks” with him. He loved disc golfing and the electronic music scene with his brother and other friends. He loved sports of all kinds and was a veritable walking encyclopedia of sports trivia. It was an amazing experience to enjoy any sporting event by his side. Bryan had so much potential that was never realized, it makes my heart ache to think about all he missed out on and is missing now as our family lives on without him. I know where he is and I know he is free from the chains of his addiction and is experiencing an immense amount of love but I feel so much regret and sorrow. This pandemic of drug addiction is real! Even though Bryan had stretches of sobriety we felt the reality of the grip addition has and the consequential anxiety everyday for the past 10 years. With the introduction of Fentynyl into the drug world it has been increasingly scary for any addict . I hope that these ” awareness days” will get more people to agree to get the help they need. I do want to pay tribute also to the professionals in the addition treatment world that worked with Bryan over the years and helped us understand and cope with this devastating disease.

... Jennifer

Peter you are loved and desperately missed. I honor the life you lived, your sweet and gentle soul. I pray you have found peace. 07.14.1993 – 10.05.2021

... Jennifer

Forever GRATEFUL for your love Michael Kevin Cook. Man of GOD in his father’s loving arms. 08-02-1973—– 05/21/2021 I put it all down this day – God rescued me- He has a purpose 💜

... Jennifer

Oh Daniel. I miss you so, Boy. You’ve been gone longer than you walked the earth now, but I still miss you Love always xo

... Jennie


... Jennie

In memory of Megan, Shay, Amy, Cliff, Clint, Jackie, Tiffany, John Boy, Lauren, and many more. Yes I knew all of these people, some I got clean with, some I got high with. They were all beautiful people who suffered tremendously. If you need help, seek help. I am now 3 and a half years clean, I have overdosed more than a dozen times, if I can do it I feel anyone can. Rest In Peace angels, suffer no more

... Jen

Nicole Skye P (Melbourne, Australia) 30/06/96 – 04/05/2022 I missed you today but thats nothing new, I missed you a million times yesterday too, I picked up my phone to tell you the news, then realised again, I cant text it to you. I saw your bright smile at least 20 times, and then I remember it’s all in my mind, I drive without presence, the world seems surreal, and on comes your song and this doesn’t feel real. I missed you today but I miss you a lot, it’s helpful to miss you, it’s all that I’ve got, I wish I could pull you down here for a while, I fear I’ll forget the shape of your smile. I miss you today and I’ll miss you tomorrow, there seems to be no coming end to this sorrow, I try to go on as I know that you care, I know that you’re willing me on from up there. I miss you today but I’m trying to find, a way to move on but not leave you behind, a way to forge on with the love that we had, a way to recall you and simply be glad. Love always, with absolutely no shame of the nature of your passing, your Mumma Bear (Jen F) Poem by Donna Ashwort

... Jen

I lost my only brother and only sibling to a Heroin overdose 13 years ago. He was 30 when he died and struggled for half his life. Hug and support and raise awareness to the ones you love!!

... Jeannine

My beautiful, old soul, Elena, gone at 19. God bless all the families dealing with a loss of a loved one to overdose 💜🙏

... Janet

For Chetta

I know that no-one is probably going to acknowledge you, so this post is for you. I hope you’re at peace & you’re no longer in pain.

Thanks for always being kind to me.


... Jake

My Little Sunshine Girl, Jessica Taylor. 09051994-09122019

... JAG

Frankie even though you’re gone you will never be forgotten, I love you

... Jacquelyne

Joshua Boulay Kathleen Atkinson Robert Bronx Vasquez

... Jacob

On August 29, 2021, the light was dimmed when my 27 year old little brother lost his battle with addition. Life was forever changed.

He was one of sweetest, kindest and intelligent individuals I have known. I would toss out a topic and he was always quick to turn it into an entire conversation. He was always ready to greet some one with a smile from ear to ear & a huge bear hug (I sure do miss those). Israel excelled in everything he did from academics, to sports, to sharing and preaching the word of God. Israel was just an overall compassionate and caring individual.

Israel is now free from his life of addition, but we, his family are left now to carry the pain. Attempting to answer all the what if’s and trying to rebuild a life around the loss of his life.

If you struggle with addiction or know someone who struggles with addition DO NOT feel too afraid/ashamed or scared to ask for help, because even when people on the outside seem calm, the water can be turbulent beneath, and no one can help unless you ask! So please ask for help from all the people that love you.

... Isela

My beautiful daughter Amanda passed away on 03/18/2021. She was a wonderful mother of 2 beautiful children Anna and Noah. She was so full of life and absolutely loved being a mother. Her children were everything to her. We love and miss her so much.

... Hollie

Remembering my nephew, Brenden today. A wonderful young man who struggled and fought hard. He is messed every day.

... Heidi

Cynthia Robertson, who went by Cindy, was my mom and my very best friend. Her smile quite literally lit up any room. She was goofy, fun, and impulsive. I watched her give when it was the last she had. To say she would give someone the shirt off her back is an understatement. My mom loved the Lord and knew Him but she struggled with addiction. No one is perfect, and Christianity is not Biblically about perfection but the opposite. After one full year of sobriety from Heroin, she used again and it took her life on September 4th, 2017. She had dreams of starting a women’s recovery home. She had such a big heart and when she wasn’t using she accomplished so much in life and for the Lord. I believe my mom would want anyone reading this to know how they can make Heaven their home someday. The Bible says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8 My mom accepted Jesus as her Saviour at 12 years old and she grew to love Him throughout the years. God gives us free will. We hold the power to choose His gift of His precious Son Jesus or to turn Him away. While I miss my mom every day I know if I saw Heaven, it’d be cruel for me to bring her back here. If you don’t Jesus, accept what He’s done for you. There’s nothing you can do to earn it. Trust in Him, and ask Him to save you, He will.

... Hannah

My boyfriend David Tate died last August 2021 of an OD. I miss him so much! He was a wonderful father to my girls and a wonderful musician, loved playing guitar and writing songs. He was a head strong stubborn person. Would do anything for a friend. Loved his momma beyond words. Had the best personality. Best smile. Wonderful voice. He was my best friend. He got us through so many rough times.

... Haley

I miss my son Jharrett so much. 27 years old. 1/30/2022

... Greg

A couple of years ago10 years ago to be exact.I was in a really bad domestic violence relationship, my partner at that time not only physically and verbally abuse me he also had me hooked on drugs. One night at a slam me through a glass table and choke me till I passed out the police came I finally came to I asked them begged them for tears in my eyes please take me to jail anything is better than this. They didn’t take me to jail I took some pills trying to end my life I woke up in the hospital and some very supportive people helped me to leave him get off drugs give me a place on my own that was at that time I found God. I will be forever grateful for the nurses and counselors here at the hospital and for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving my life to this day I’m always striving to help others

... Gina

Today I remember all my friends and people who have lost there Life’s either through overdose or Addiction , R.I.P. Gone but Never Forgotten , God Bless Everyone a them ❤️🙏

... Gary

Keith Johnson Always in my thoughts forever. I love and miss you. You will never be forgotten

... Frank

My heart goes out to you and your family Danial korver We have let you Down big time so sad for you beautiful soul and the family you left behind rest easy in paradise Beautiful Angel

... Fiona

In loving memory of our dear son Wilmer who passed away in April 2019, only 23 years old. Wilmer died of an accidental overdose of méthadone. There are no words that can describe the horrible loss of our son. We will always love you. Wilmer’s family and friends

... Eva

The sadness truly never lifts when the thought of you no longer being here hits. Your beautiful soul is missed daily. I’ll never stop trying to learn and grow in your honor.

Forever in peace friend CB 🙏❤️

... Erin

Patrick J. Duddy ~ 1981 to 2020 ~

... Erin

Jake was a loving beautiful soul. He was an amazing singer songwriter who loved folk music and played guitar and harmonica. Jake was hilarious and loved to make others laugh. He is missed terribly every day by his family and friends.

... Emily

Alec Brandon Martinez, you are loved and you are so missed. I love you dearly my sweet big brother. I will make sure your legacy lives on and I will do my best to educate and inform in your memory.

... Emily

Alec Brandon Martinez, you are loved and you are so missed. I love you dearly my sweet big brother. I will make sure your legacy lives on and I will do my best to educate and inform in your memory.

... Emily

Nick, lost 10.26.19. I miss you every day. You were a gentle soul always helping other people and animals. I couldn’t wait to see the amazing things you would do with your life.

... elizabeth

I am a Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant. My tribute is to everyone struggling with a substance use disorder. Also, those who had loved ones pass away…you are in my prayers on thus day.

... Donyale

My beautiful son Jett was taken in 2021 at the age of 26 . Not from overdose but Fentanyl poisoning , A counterfeit pill that was Almost all Fentanyl . I miss and think of him everyday . Sometimes not sure how to go on without him , but you don’t have a choice . Your brother , your sister and all the rest of your family miss your beautiful face and loving personality . The one thing that brings me some comfort is that “ The dead don’t know their dead “ It’s the rest of us that nave to find a way to go on in your absence .

... Dian

It was one year ago on 8/17 that I lost my son, Michael Novak, who was my bestfriend. The day I lost him changed my life forever. He was such a kind soul and I will forever be broken and lonely without him. Until we meet again, my angel! I love you forever, Mom.

... Denise

The pain never leaves, memories both happy and sad, live on. We miss you always and forever. Victor, gone August 3, 2020 💔

... Deborah

The pain never leaves, memories both happy and sad, live on. We miss you always and forever. Victor, gone August 3, 2020 💔

... Deborah

In Loving Memory of my Step-son whom I never said goodbye. When we lost you, I only wish was to see you one more time, to see you and the kids come running through the door to your dad’s and my house, and to hear your voice. To no longer see your face or have a conversation with you, breaks me apart every day. I didn’t get to say I love you when you left to go home. I’m still broken.

... Debora

I lost my youngest son to a drug & alcohol overdose in 2017. Hardest & saddest day of my life. I will love & miss him all the days of my life

... Debbie

In honor of my son Aaron Dahlberg who died of an overdose on October 4 2017. Never forgotten and forever loved💜

... Deanna

Love and miss my son Casey James age 32 who passed from an accidental overdose on July 27.2011. We all miss you so much Casey and I cry for you everyday. I pray you are at peace and I know you did not mean to leave us. It is still so hard to believe that you are not here. I love you forever and ever. Love Mommy

... Daryl

To my talented, beautiful, wonderful, terrible, complicated friend Joe; we still miss you. I’m so so so sorry you had to leave this world alone. You deserved better.

... Darcy

I would like to pay tribute to my Niece/God Daughter, gone but never forgotten, and gone to young! Always remember you & your beautiful smile! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

... Daniel

I would like to pay a tribute to my younger brother Murray! Wished he could have gotten help for his addiction! Love you always brother! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

... Daniel

Patrick Terri “I think about them everyday” D

... Danette

This is my precious son, Qory Joshua Wainio. He was born November 16, 1989.

A people person, Qory could–and often did–walk into a room of 300 strangers and walk out with 300 new friends. He had an amazing sense of humor, enjoyed music from Classical to Heavy Metal to Dubstep to Country, and played the drums.

Qory lost his fight against heroin on September 7, 2011. He is Forever 21.

... Dakota

This evening Christina from Beavercreek gave a gripping tribute to her son, she shared his life story and tragic death at age 21. This was at our Celebrate Recovery Meeting. Sad. And brave if her to be able to tell it.

... Bob

Chantelle Burke your sisters love and miss you so much. Your son is growing up and you wld be so proud your missing out on so many things down here you should be here to watch your son grow into a man your nieces and nephews grow up you and your sisters should be growing old together with you they shouldn’t be missing you on holidays birthdays and when they need you most until they see you again fly high sweet girl.

... Angel

On this day we remember my brother Erik A. Trogisch who passed from accidental overdose on April 28th 2017

... Cynthia

My uncle Mike was one of the most beautiful men I knew. He struggled a long time with his addiction to drugs and alcohol before overdosing. Below is his obituary. I miss him everyday! He is always in my heart!

Michael N. “Mike” LaBarre PLATTSBURGH — Michael N. “Mike” LaBarre, 43, of Lozier Place, passed away unexpectedly Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008, at his home. He was born in Plattsburgh on April 6, 1965, son of James and June (Elvidge) LaBarre. Mike graduated from Plattsburgh High School in 1983. He enjoyed playing football. Mike coached and played football for the Plattsburgh Northstars. He coached for the Vermont Ice Storm Football team. Michael is survived by his one daughter, Santana LaBarre of Plattsburgh; two sons, Carson and Caidan LaBarre of Plattsburgh; his father, James LaBarre of Peru; two sisters, Deborah Carnegie of Plattsburgh, Michelle Trojanek and her husband Walter of Queensbury; several Aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, one great-nephew. Mike is predeceased by his mother, June E. LaBarre. The family will be receiving guest Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2008, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Pope John the XXIII Newman Center in Plattsburgh. A funeral service will follow at 7 p.m. Burial will be private at the convenience of the family. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Heald Funeral Home, 48 Court St., Plattsburgh.

... Crystal

Almost a year ago, one of the kindest, most loving, and amazing souls I was lucky enough to have known lost their battle of addiction due to overdose. He had struggled for many years in and out of rehabilitation centers, but fell victim to the drugs once more. God knew it was enough and brought him home, but he is missed every day here on Earth. I wouldn’t wish for anyone to endure what he went through over the years, but he is now without any pain or suffering from his illness and for that I am thankful. Addiction is a thief. It takes the lives of those who are so loved and replaces them with someone you barely recognize. I pray that this world sees addiction as the awful disease that it is and those who need the help find relief in recovery. In honor of ACG today and every day. I love you Bud, I’ll see you at the gates one day.

... Courtney

I cannot pick one. I am reminded of all of them. Losing a person to overdose is loss for our recovery community all together. R.I.P to our angels.

... Conscious

Everything is for you. We won’t forget 💜

... Colleen


I love you tru blu! I miss you. I think of you everyday and I feel you always with me. God counts every hair on our head. I cherish all our fun crazy times as some of the best in my life. Especially raquetball and bell isle. Your always always in my heart and I appreciate your guidance and spirit. I am always listening my friend and I never forget you. See you when I get there my tru blu.



... Clayton

For my gorgeous fun loving nephew Kane who lost his earthly life 11 years ago today following an accidental heroin overdose.

I miss him so much and its so isolating Love you Kane 💙

... Clare

Samantha M. To my dear niece/goddaughter, who was a shining star, and always had a smile. If there is one wish I had, it would be to turn back time. We all miss you dearly, especially your son, father and grandmother. You and grandpa take care of each other until we meet again. Love you always, Auntie Cindy.

... Cindy

In memory of Mike, who died at age 55 just 4 days before his 56th birthday January 1 2022 in British Columbia Canada from a suspected drug overdose. Rest in peace, and I hope that you are riding your motor bike in heaven.

... Christine

I own…an excess amount of candles so I decided to set up a bunch of wishes and thoughts. One candle for rest because we deserve it and Michael now has it. Summer storm for clearing the air. Feast for abundance because even when we lose someone, we still have abundance in our life. Queendom of Heaven for self care. And a special one just for Michael. The rocks all mean something, too. Pyrite luck, wealth, and protection. Amethyst for protection and warmth. Smoky amethyst for protection. Meteoroid for transcending time. Dendritic opal like Michael’s favorite rock for connecting with people who are gone, rose quartz for self love, and a crystal turtle which amplifies all the good wishes. I don’t really do the metaphysical stuff but I love what they represent and love setting an intention. And an extra candle for those who don’t have someone to light one or for those who aren’t ready to light one.

... Christina

Robin and Lonnie, There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you both. My beautiful siblings….my heart just breaks. You are missed by your sweet children, our father, myself, and all the lives you touched. We think of you today and every other one as well. Eternal Memory ❤️

... Christina

My best friend battled everyday fighting the excruciating fight against heroin. Unfortunately, he lost his battle to an accidental overdose 4 days ago and definitely took a piece of me with him💔 Parker was always the life of the party, always joking and making others smile. He had a heart of gold, so loving and empathetic. Just one look into his pure eyes could make anyone fall in love Immediately. Beyond charming and handsome. He himself had a heart the size of a mountain, a free spirit much like the animals that roam this world, the stubbornness of a long winter, and a smile like sunshine breaking through a stormy cloud. Only a person with a force of a character like Parker can leave this big of a hole in my heart, in everyone’s heart. He was one of the most comforting and compassionate souls you would ever meet. He could seem to help everybody with the issues they were facing except himself. I wish we could of helped you more baby, you’ll forever be missed!!!

... Chloe

We pay tribute to all who have lost their lives to overdose on this day and particularly, my beautiful son of only 24 years old, Charles “Brady” Yaeger passed away from overdose on Aug 28, 2021. He had so much left to do with his life and He loved living by generously giving to all of his friends and family in so many thoughtful ways to make our lives better and happier. He is so very much missed and always loved, forever in our Hearts.

... Cheri

Mark, the children miss you. We all do. Hope you’re at peace x

... Charli

To my beautiful cousin Ashley. You were taken too soon by addiction. I now work as a SUD nurse and am motivated by your spirit. If I can help even just one family from loosing their beautiful sister, cousin, daughter, then I will. You are never forgotten!

... Chandace

My oldest son, Jason. 2 rounds of sepsis and endocarditis, 1/31/21. After 10 years of sobriety, Fentanyl overdose. Narcan was in his house, but no one used it. We must talk about it, share our stories so others know they aren’t alone. I miss my Boy, everyday; I am raising his son, recently granted full custody. Jason’s Mom


... Catherine

Simon, we met in kindergarten and went through primary school together. When we met, your mother had just died of an overdose as well as my father. We made it all the way to high school, then we too fell into our parents path. Just after I couldn’t deal with addiction anymore and tried so hard to leave this earth, you came and sat with me in hospital. The day I left the hospital, you said ” I will see you again soon”, but a few years later, with a broken heart, you too overdosed after staying clean for so many years. Your blue eyes and blonde hair, cheeky smile and vulgar mouth will always stay close to my heart, even though I feel like punching you so hard. May wherever it is that yo may be, please be in peace.

... Cass

Dad, It has been 36 years, that I have been living with the pain of your overdose. It doesn’t get easier. Time does not heal, it just pushes you further away from my memory. The tears still run down my face. Photos of you are the only thing I have left. You were gone before I could say goodbye, I love you and I needed you. It traumatised me then, and today is no different. You left a 6 year old without a father, one of the most important persons in a little girl and a woman’s life. I did not get married because who would walk me down the aisle. Life had no meaning for me once you were gone, but somehow with everything that I have been through, it feels like you have been watching over me from wherever it is that you are, or maybe that is just what I need to believe to keep on through this life without you. Dad, I miss you.

... Cass

My daughter’s last words were “help me” as her heart raced and ultimately stopped from an accidental overdose. Help didn’t come soon enough and two days later we removed the machines that were keeping her alive. Laura’s story is only one of thousands of Americans that lose their lives to overdose every day. Laura struggled for 15 years with addiction, co-existing mental health disorders and despite almost a million dollars worth of treatment, with no sustainable strategy to stay in recovery. Her story is not unusual and I honor her struggle and vow to dedicate my life to preventing substance misuse, educating families about the risks, and providing ways for people to start the conversation with their loved ones so tragedies like Lauras don’t happen.

... Carolyn

My dearest baby brother,

We all miss your larger than life personality and your goofy laugh. We miss the way you loved all of us. Your boys miss you terribly. 27 was way to young and our hearts are irreparably broken. I know you would change things if you could. Always here, Love Sis

... Bruce

Our sweet son Jared. Oh how we miss you 💜

... Brooke

To my mom, uncle ray and aunt chelsea, i love you all and i wish i didn’t have to grow up without you.

... brooke

Carolyn (A.K.A.CareBear) Oh my CareBear…You cross my mind daily! I talk to you often and I swear I can still feel you with me at times. Its been 2+ years without you here on this earth, but you have never really left me. Your humor, intelligence, your smile and them beautiful, glowing, bright blue eyes will ALWAYS & FOREVER be in my heart!! I miss you so much my DLFS! Forever young, Forever in our hearts! Carolyn Elaine Foster 02/24/1985 – 06/18/2020


... Brittany

Nick & Mike you both are missed unconditionally every single day , i know the both of you are watching over myself & the rest of the family ! Keep sending me signs & keep shinning bright up there 💗

... Briana

Miss you and always love you

Alexander Gray Bowers June 21, 1993 ~ June 1, 2020 26 Years Old

... Brian

For Julia – so strong, smart, funny, talented, and beautiful inside and out. So many people miss you. And for Didi and so many others whom you loved and lost.

... Brenda

I would like to recognize the life cut short of my step-grandson Michael Moran from Portland, OR. He was riding around with friends last October 2021 getting high and unknowingly ingested fentenal mixed with other drugs. His “friends” thought he was sleeping and when they realized he was in distress they dumped him at a hospital without giving the medical staff any information about what happend. It was too late for Mikey, he was brain dead. His mother was beyond consoling. Mikey was an organ donor and he lives on in others that he gave a second chance at life to.

... Bonnie

Missing my beautiful son Billy. It’s been over 7 years but that day is clear in my mind. I know you are always watching over all of us. Love and miss you every day my loving and beautiful son. Love Mommy

... Beverly

Son, it’s been 5 long years and your family is still broken As a mom I am supposed to help my kids thru hard times but this…addiction is bigger than life! I thank God for you in the short years I had with you here on earth and the impact you had on my life and pray that one day we will be reunited in Heaven🙏. RIP and know you will never be forgotten and our love for you continues

... BetteAnn

My best friend in the world died 3 days ago from an accidental overdose. He was clean for two years. He was someone’s sponsor. He had a job and an apartment. He was doing so good and now I’m never gonna hear his voice again… The world is full of bad people and we lose the best ones first.

... Bethany

May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear. How much we love and miss you and wish that you were here! May you all rest easy. You are still here with us as long as we all keep your memory alive.

Dana Deabner (29) 04/03/2005 Melanie Bobel Wanner (36) 04/29/2014 Joe Pushak (43) 07/23/2021

... Beth

John Henry Jordan III you are so loved and so missed every single day. Fly high honey!

... Becky

In memory of my mom, Dee Marchisillo. I love you mommy.

... Aubrey

In memorance of one of the strongest men I ever met. Carlos Diaz had such a strong spirit the most vibrant person I had such the honor to be around. I will always hold our memories in my heart and forever I will keep your memories alive and never let people forget how strong and kind of a man you were. You impacted my kids and my life in such a powerful way you will never be forgotten! You crossed those gates and now have so much peace. Rest In Peace Carlos Forever in my heart 1983-2022

... Ashley

I would like to give my tribute to my Mother Sonya

She was a beautiful soul who did not know how her beauty impacted the world, her light was dimmed dealing with Substance abuse, and unfortunately, she lost her battle to it on July 10, 2008, she will forever be remembered.

we love and miss you, The Bucci Family

... Ashley

I lost my son Jared on May 31, 2021. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about Jared or wish he had not taken that fatal dose of Fentanyl. Jared was 20 years old when he passed away. Jared had his whole life ahead of him, and instead of sharing the joys of birthdays and holidays or living ordinary moments, I am left with a hole in my heart that time will not heal. I miss you, Jared. Love always, your Mom.

... April

In loving memory of Kevi-poopoo and cousin Donna. Two beautiful, kind, generous, funny souls taken way too soon from OD. I miss you every day. Peace, love, and light to you both

... Annie

So many friends gone, so sad, so unnecessary. Rest in peace, everyone.

... Annemarie

To my son , ricker who died from fentanyl poisoning 21/2 years ago. We love you every day as our hearts crack open from missing you. Your beautiful son keeps your spirit alive ,his mom is doing such a lovely job parenting him. Your journey was wrought with racism And the greed of others. I am so sorry I couldn’t do better. We loved you every second of your life. Your mom forever.

... Anne

In loving memory of my little sister, Ilse. You were so kind and loving, so protective of your sons and oh so strong. While it took us all too long to realize the severity of what was happening with everything you were using to escape the pain, we did everything we could towards the end and we hope the pain you were running from is forever gone now. We miss you, we love you. You were a fierce mama bear gone too soon. Now your memory will always inspire us to be present, love hard and enjoy all those in-betweens we used to take for granted.

... Anne

In memory of Eric Loyal Adams, rest in peace

... Anna

David I will be your voice, I promised I wouldn’t let them do this to you but yet they did. I won’t stop until someone pays for what they did to you. I love you rest in peace

... Angla

My son died today I wailed today He’s rolling free in waves of joy today I laughed today I gave thanks today I loved today In it I’ll stay No sad for me Only joy for me

A mothers day

... Angela

My son was homeless for several years, had over dosed and resuscitated 3 times. Adam made it through and is nearing 2 years sobriety. My son is not out of the grips of addiction and likely may never be, but he chose life. His recovery is our recovery. Adam will not walk through the shadows of recovery without his mother firmly by his side, but he did it on his own. Our story continues with gratitude.

Angela Allen, mother of Adam

... Angela

Mikey Peters and Doug Smith, both gone too soon.

... Andrea

My Dearest Niece Annah…oh how I will miss you. I will miss everything about you…your infectious smile and laughter, your hugs & I love you’s, your excellent selfie skills cause I’m terrible (although I have gotten better over the years with your help). I will miss how you lit up your dad’s life. I will miss how you lit up everyone’s lives. I will miss getting another chance to go to Disney World with you. So many things I will miss about you. You will be in my heart forever. Give Grandma & Grandpa Brenaman a hug from me. I love you so so much.

... Amy

To my love, its been a year and 65 days since you left me devastated and confused. Our time was cut short and I miss you every second of every day but I will never stop fighting in your memory. I hold you in my heart always, beebo. I love you.

... Amy

Becca tried so hard to kick her addiction. She found herself on the side of sobriety several times before she lost her fight. She was the sweetest mom when she could be and loved her kids dearly. I pray they always remember the good times spent with her

... Amber

This is Scotty. We fell in love young and had a beautiful baby, and when our life together was over, he went on to have even more beautiful babies with another wonderful woman. He was always the goofy friend, doing anything to get a laugh. Helping those who needed the lift. Had the kindest soul and more demons then he knew how to handle. August 22, 2017, 2 weeks before his sons 10th birthday, we got the call his addiction had claimed him. Our son remains one of his greatest legacies and he would be most proud of him. I know I am. I pray your soul found peace and that we find a way to overcome

... Amber

Maria, I miss you all the time. Addiction took you from us too soon. You will never ever be forgotten, you will still be my children’s angel God mother. I love you

... Alyssa


You’re a new grandfather, how I wish you were here so I could pick on you for growing old, you know like your baby sister is supposed to do. Your first grandchild is a beautiful little girl, born with a huge head of hair – something I know you don’t know much about!! You left us way too soon, but I know your heart is at peace now. I miss you so much. I love you. <3

... Allie

There are too many names to list. Too many of you gone. I lost track once it was in the 60s. Some of you I met once, some of you I knew for months. Each one of you impacted me- you touched my soul and made me a better clinician and advocate. Each one of you I mourn in silence. I want you to know.. I cared for each one of you and your families. People care, more than you know… more than you expect. Please be at peace, that is all I can hope for now.

No man is an island. No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were;

any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Love Always, A licensed mental health and addiction counselor in South FL

... Alicia

R.I.P to my father angel guzman, my dear cousin matthew guzman and three really good friends brandon felix harry petersn and shelly steelman.

... alexis

Remembering Larry Ahn Jr. who passed away May 15th, 2017 due to an overdose of heroin laced with fentanyl. He never stopped fighting his addiction, and was the most loving and caring soul to cross my path. We love you, Larry. We miss you everyday.

... Alexandria

For my son, Dominick. I love you, I miss you.

... Agnes

My beautiful son Daniel you live in my heart and thought everyday, I miss your smile your kind heart. Love you forever mum xo

... Adriana

To all of the people I have know & been touched by who overdosed on drugs & medications. I hope your all at peace ✌🏻 in yourselves and have found a place where you love to be. My friends you are all thought of daily and in those moments you are not forgotten but celebrated for who you were & how you touched peoples lives. Peace to everyone who has lost a loved one to an overdose. Rest in Peace ☮️✌🏻


... Aaron

... Misty

... Misty

... Misty

In Loving Memory of my Mom whose life was ended in 2005. I love and miss u *Sheda* R.i.p Sheila Blair

... Misty

Edward Ray Jones

All of our loved ones Robeson County has lost to this silent killer disease. Awareness brings solutions!

... Meka

Travis Hunter L. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my son and I think of his life often. Some good, and some bad memories yet he is still my son. Son, you are not damaged goods and you are Never Alone. You are a child of God and pray for the day we can rejoice together again in the Kingdom of Heaven with the Lord. After making good strides in his battle with SUD and depression, my son got a pill laced with fentanyl and it killed him. After that, I declared war on fentanyl and this horrible grief and loss has changed me forever. It is through my son’s memory, that I will honor him by helping to save others from the horrible grips of substance use disorder. Big As A Mountain!

... Mark

This is Leigha Andrzejak Stokes – beautiful, loving, kind daughter, sister, friend and mother!

She is missed every single day. She loved her daughter more than anything in this world and was always there to give you a hug, advice or just tell you everything will be alright.

Sadly, she lost her life and battle with addiction in June 2017 at the young age of 35.

We love you Leigha – love all your friends and family.

... Lydia

To my beautiful son Jason you are not alone always on my mind forever in my heart.At the age of 39 he could not deal with his addiction any longer and took his own life by overdose.So sorry Jason if I would have gotten more involved might have made a difference.LOVE YOU MOM

... Linda

To my beautiful son Jason you are not alone always on my mind forever in my heart.At the age of 39 he could not deal with his addiction any longer and took his own life by overdose.So sorry Jason if I would have gotten more involved might have made a difference.LOVE YOU MOM

... Linda

I am a Substance Abuse Counselor and this is for all the people we have lost along the way to overdoses. I will continue to fight each and every day for people fighting with addiction.

... Kristin

Through the many years of working with our most vulnerable populations, I have had the privilege of knowing so very many gentle souls who sadly, are no longer with us due to Overdose. The list is long, the sadness lingers and the memories cherished. To each of you, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, to share the tears, anger, pain, laughter, joy and hope. You were and are loved and through the bonds, will not be forgotten.

... Kim

My mom’s life was ended far to soon due to overdose. She died at the age of 56 because of her struggle. I would give anything to have her back in our lives. I pray that no one else ever has to feel the pain of loosing someone from this illness.

I love you mom!!!

... Jessica

My best friend passed away almost a month ago on July 30 from fentanyl overdose. I guess he just wasn’t aware of how strong it was and did not have anyone around him at the time when he done it. I know it is so hard on his mother who lost her only son. I think he is with me at times and just wish there was more that could be done to stop the madness. This now makes several friends of mine that has overdosed over the years. This one being the closet to me. I’ll always carry you with me tommie!

... Jamie

Allie Salamone you have been greatly missed and honored your son is such a handsome young man. All your friends and family love and miss you dearly. Your name lives on through us, love your bestie… Holli

... Holli

To my cousin Karen who died when I was a teenager. You were so fun! A key to our family.

And my cousin Adam who was on the right path moved to Alaska to be close to nature. I miss you so much ! And your daughters miss you !

... Gina

My older sister Jennifer Anne, lost her life to fentanyl in October 2021. She left behind her 13 year old son and him and my mom saw her take her last breath.

... Danielle

This for my niece and god daughter, Tamara H.

... Clifford

This story was always Cassie’s to tell but she is no longer here to do that so I will try my best to do it for her. My baby girl was born with the most beautiful eyes that lit up the room. She was always a happy child but very independent and loved to make friends and be with her family. She was very athletic and had a very artistic side to her. Whatever she set her mind to do she would do it with all her heart and soul. She had many gifts and talents and loved to give. When she was 14 she was given alcohol with a drug in it by 2 older boys in her high school at an off campus cheer event. She wanted to fit in and be accepted. It was a mistake many young people make but her biggest mistake was trusting these boys. She was raped and that changed that happy little girl into a depressed and confused young teen. Changing schools, getting counseling and anti depressants she seemed to do much better. She found the Lord and made some good friends. She grew up in a loving home that had stability and kindness. She was married young and brought 4 beautiful babies into this world. When her husband pulled a gun on her one day that was the 2nd traumatic event in her life that brought out bipolar episodes in her like never before. We started to see it after the rape but then it became more serious. The drinking started and the risky choices she was making caused her to be away from her children. She tried and tried to find help over the years but the alcohol was too much for her. The addiction had taken control of too much of her life. She loved her kids so much and tried so hard to be the mom they needed and wanted but Cassie couldn’t be in one place for very long. She would run from the control, run from her mind and try to find some peace outdoors. She would always come back and try her hardest to settle down, work hard at whatever she set her mind to and focus on her children and family. Cassie loved to help others and had so many talents. She only wanted to have love, peace, and joy in her life. The holidays and Christmas were her favorite. The last time she ran was over a year ago and this time she didn’t come back. She missed Christmas and we knew something was wrong. We couldn’t find her but kept thinking she will be back. One day my girl will come back. She thought we were all better off without her in our lives because of her addiction. She was tired, she wanted help but didn’t know how to get it. So many people loved her and tried to help her but she couldn’t receive the love or the help the way she needed to. Fentanyl stole her life and stole my baby girl. There was nothing I could do to help her, there was nothing anyone could do to help her. So the Lord took her home. Home to a place where she is waiting for us, home to a place she is free of pain, her mind is free, her heart only feels love. She is in paradise and her scars are gone. She is completely healed. We miss her so much and the pain is sometimes unbearable. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t wake up or go to sleep thinking of her. Tears are never ending it seems but one day I will see my baby girl again and nothing will take her away from me again. We love and miss you Cassie. To infinity and beyond.

... Caroline

In loving memory of my colleague, my friend and mentor! Pina Newman who passed on May 4th,2020. We initially met in Gender Journey’s in 2015. She was my mentor, my inspiration and a good friend! We were colleagues at Sherbourne health center for 2years and she always gave me the encouragement I needed never to give up and to always put my best foot forward! She never gave up on me! Pina had the fire we all wish we had, and she never ever turned her back on us and was always there when we needed her! There is not a day that doesn’t go by that I don’t miss you terribly. You will always be missed!! I pray that your in a better place where you found peace and tranquility!

... Ashley

You are always on my mind and in my heart. I talk to you all the time and still hear your voice. It’s been almost a year without you but you have never left me. Missing and loving you always, Johnny.

... Amanda

My darling son Daniel I miss you every day your smile your kind heart you always Dazzled Dan. You were never meant to go first it defies all universal logic. God must have wanted another angel. Love you sweet boy Mum xox

... Adriana

Autumn Hopkins not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and remember all the wonderful hours we spent together. I miss you so much as does the rest of our family. You are still the most precious thing that ever came into my life and to lose you so soon is just devastating. Love you to the moon and back. Mommy Moo

... Pat

My beautiful daughter, Nikki lost her life on 11/7/2017 from an accidental overdose. It was just nine days before her 36th birthday. The coroner called to inform me she was found in her car, alone with her cell phone in her hand. No, not my Nikki! I told him there is a mistake, it can’t be her! Then I collapsed. That day I lost half of my heart, it forever changed my life & everyone in her family. She was my free-spirited, hippy child. She loved being spontaneous, being in nature, and enjoying spending time with the ones she loved. She was a beautiful person who loved deeply, and she tried so hard to make her loved ones proud of her. She had a beautiful smile & those big brown eyes. She loved her children more than anything on this earth. She had struggled in the past with alcohol and pills. I tried everything I could think of to help her. She went to different rehab places and would be clean for periods of time. Until she came home around the same people that didn’t care if she was clean or not. She came to me one day and said “Mom, I realize that I can’t be around the same people here & stay clean. I want to be the best mom for my children, because they deserve that, and I want to make you proud of me.” I was never more proud of her than I was that day & I told her so. She made the choice to move to a rehabilitation place she had went to previously. They offered her a job there to oversee all of the girls at that facility. It was in another town, as there are no rehab places for women in our area. She could not take her children, and that was really hard for her. But, she was determined to stay clean and get sole custody of her children. She thrived at her job. It was long hours, but she loved it and she loved those girls. She called them “Her girls”. Nikki was so looking forward to coming home to see her children on her first weekend off. She was doing so good….then I got the call… could this happen? During the months following her death I was on a mission to find out what happened. I talked to the coroner, the DEA agent, the solicitor, her friends, anyone who would talk to me. During this time I found out Nikki had text & called her “boyfriend” to arrange to see her children on her weekend off. He wouldn’t let her see the kids. I have her phone & I read the mean texts. Nikki had befriended a girl at another facility & she introduced her to someone selling pain pills (oxyocodone). After finding out she couldn’t see her kids, she purchased what she thought was a pain pill. Only it wasn’t…it was 97% fentanyl. My baby, my beautiful daughter didn’t even have time to call anyone for help! It really haunts me that she died alone in her car. When she realized something was wrong, did she call out for me? Was she scared? As a mother, I am supposed to protect my children. But, I wasn’t there to save her from this poison. The DEA agent said they were working on a big drug case. The drug dealers were ordering this poison through the mail (mostly from Mexico & China), then using a pill press, they mixed whatever they had on hand with the fentanyl and pressed into pills that looked like oxycodone. This poison was sold on the street as oxycodone. They finally did make their big drug bust, but the guy who sold it to my daughter only stayed in jail overnight and got probation. After all, the DEA was after the big dealers. It is very difficult for me to write this. I do so with tears streaming down my face. But, I want people to be aware of this drug, how it is sold, and just how fast it can kill. This drug crisis needs to be dealt with now. Treatment needs to be available to the people that need it. The laws need to be stricter on anyone that sells this poison. There needs to be more awareness about this drug. We, as humans need to be more understanding towards anyone dealing with the struggles of drug dependency. Parents be aware of your children’s friends and the warning signs. If my post could save just one person’s life & spare the parents living the rest of their life with the pain & emptiness of losing a child. My daughter’s death would not be in vain. To my Nikki….I wrote this for you….You left this world without a warning-We never got to say goodbye-Your life has touched so many people-Now broken hearted & left wondering why-Surely you know how much you are loved-I can still see those big brown eyes & your beautiful smile-I hope you can hear us from your heavenly home above-We will never forget you, we just wanted you to know-Fly high our free-spirited angel, your struggle is no more-One day we will be together again-Somewhere over the rainbow. I love you forever…..Mom

... Norma

For Hope Miller who lost her life too early do to the disease of Addiction! She was just shy of being clean for 2 years. When she picked back up for the last time a lost her life to Fentanyl. The behind his son and other family members she’s greatly missed gone but not forgotten this has to stop

... sarah

R.i.p Aaron Atkins! U r surely missed…love u my friend!

... Misty

When he was just 3 years old, our grandson’s father, Angel, passed away on 9/16/2018 from a heroin overdose. He had so much life left to live. He was only 31 years old at the time and had 2 other sons from a previous relationship. We do our best to honor his memory and keep it alive. We hope that he is looking down on his son with pride and is watching out for him too.

... Nancy

I participate in this event in honor of my son, Tyler Rudd who was taken too soon on October 16, 2013 at the age of 20. His smile and sparkling blue eyes will always be remembered. Tyler, you are missed!

... Pat

Anna Brooks 07/01/1995-12-30-2018 Love you and miss you so much❤

... Scarlett

I miss you every day, Brian. I wish you could have overcome your addiction and stayed with your family. Know you are remembered and loved, I know you did the best you could.

... MaryJude

Christian, I love you little brother. I have always loved you, despite us not getting to spend a lot of time together in the short 19 years you spent on this earth. You always have and always will be my brother and I will always keep you in my heart. Your humor, intelligence, and your face will always be in my heart. I love you.

... Mallory

Dear Shawn, We miss your smiling face and joyful demeanor. We will never forget you.

... Amy

Rayshawn Henry Koster,Johnathon Brewster, and lots of other friends,may God have mercy on all there souls….

... Gabriel

Our son and brother Adam overdosed on November 24, 2012. He was only 22 years old. He was an incredible person who lost his life after using heroin, an accidental overdose, after 150 days of not using. He struggled daily with a substance use disorder. He worked hard on his recovery through treatment, recovery support, and medication. Because of the debilitating challenges a person with this brain disease faces, sometimes they lose the battle. We can’t change what happened to Adam, but we can be a voice for others so they know they are not alone. These past few years have definitely been challenging. We speak out about substance use disorders so other families can find support, resources, and recovery and they won’t feel so isolated or hopeless. We speak out so our community does not have to live with the shame and negative stigma society associates with addiction. We speak out because it diminishes the sting every time we tell our story. Never give up on someone you can’t go a day without thinking about! Forever Young, Forever in our Hearts!! We love and miss you, Adam!

... Darlene

My son Shane M. Smith,my baby,of three children 32 passed away 05-19-22. He died of a drug overdose! That Day my heart stopped!! I found my Son my worst nightmare came true! But I truly believe he is at peace ! My son Shane M.Smith came to me in my sleep and he told the family he was happy cause he did not do drugs anymore!! I remember the last conversation with my son a day before he passed “He just wanted to feel normal again” well Son you are feeling normal and you are at peace! For ever you are my ❤️ till we meet again!

... Charlese

My Melody, daughter, best friend and the best mom ever to your beautiful son Phoenix. We all miss you beyond words. Your death will not be in vain. We keep your memory alive every single day.

Watch over me as I continue to raise your son.

Melody Christine Warden 9/8/1988 – 11/26/2019

“A Melody softly soaring through our atmosphere”

... Toni

Jacob – losing you was like losing a piece of myself. My baby boy, you are gone but not at all forgotten. You won’t be. The lack of resources and support – too little too late. BC is the worst province in Canada, with over 10,000 lives lost in six years. But you were not a number. You were a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a friend. You gave joy and love, shared in laughter and adventure. Not a day goes by without your name being said aloud. You are missed.

... Shirley

In memory of Dillon Patrick Dennis 2/13/1992-5/18/2022

... Terry

Jessica’s Story

I’m going to tell a story…about a girl..that became a woman, and her view, pain, love, and hate of this world and the people in it and her difficulties to cope with each. I’m writing this as her mom, but some of the content of this will be her words that came from a few journals that we found after her passing. I battled for days and weeks, now months, whether to make her life/cause of death public, but knowing Jessica, if this could help just one person she would do it!

In an excerpt from one of her journals she wrote the following: “It must almost be over. What am I going to do then? All my friends are gonna go to hell. I can’t handle any of this….anymore….life….people….talking….breathing…being a part of this thing called living. I absolutely can’t deal. God please help me… Nobody can understand, not anymore…everything seems so useless and hopeless…I’m so weak. I can see the future, but I don’t know how to help my friends, the people that I love…they don’t know God…just like everybody else I know…I’m so lost…far away…gone. I love them too much…I care about everybody too much. I wish I could stop…I want it all to go away…everything…to run away…thats what I want to do. Leave the world behind…the depression…sadness…loneliness…emptiness…the infinite sorrow of death and pain. The torture of living. I want it all…to stop. But I don’t wanna die I just can’t do that…I care too much about everybody else…to hurt me…that damn caring thing again. God help me. I see so much beauty…but it all comes from the pain and sorrow – it hurts- but I can see the beauty- what is wrong w/me. God please help…help me please. I don’t know what to do and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. There’s no point. Give me someone to talk to. Why can’t I just be like everybody else…somewhat normal- but please-no one is normal, maybe I am – no I’m not. God please.. I’m tired of fighting with w/myself and with/life.

That was my daughter, pretty much, in a nutshell, and this was written in middle school so she carried these feelings of hopelessness for decades! She cared so much for other people and their ups and downs, their sadness, their losses, their hopes and dreams, and she absorbed all of their misery and carried it day to day, and if she couldn’t fix their problems it ate a hole through her soul. This is a girl who found it extremely difficult to help herself and couldn’t fix her own problems but she would always be at your doorstep if you called. She had to fix people. She attracted the broken ones. This was, I’m sure, why she chose to find ways to numb herself. First it was the doctors, anti-depressants, anxiety meds, etc. Nothing worked…I don’t remember the first pain pill, but she soon realized the euphoric feeling was the answer to all her misery! Now I do realize that she dabbled in many things off and on through high school and college. It wasn’t something she did everyday or even every week but the different “highs” she experienced made her forget how she felt…for a little while at least! Later on in life she actually started withdrawing a lot…she ignored phone calls, messages, etc. This was partly her disease and partly because she realized trying to be everything to everybody was killing her. She did this off and on for the rest of her life.

She also struggled with her appearance. She was taunted in middle school and that left a very deep scar. So when she started losing weight it really didn’t raise any red flags. Needless to say it wasn’t done without a drug. Doesn’t matter what drug but she went through methadone treatment and NA to get off of it. And she did…that was many years ago so we thought she was finally on the right path…then she started drinking. A lot.

Jessica always had a smile on her face and you would never know that she was going through anything of any magnitude. She worked 40 plus hours a week, she made good money, customers loved her. She was high functioning with her addiction. She didn’t look like your “typical addict”.

This girl struggled with how people treated each other, how they treated animals and what the world was becoming and the pure evil that surrounded us! This also was her pill to swallow…she hated this life…she was not of this world…she was just playing a part until it was her time to go. She came to us to teach us… and left us…to teach us something else.

Jessica was an angel on Earth and now she’s returned to heaven as a heavenly Angel💔 Mama loves you baby and I will never get over you leaving us😢

Jessica died in my bathroom floor all alone. This haunts me! The ME’s report says she accidentally overdosed on heroin. Yes, she had heroin in her system…but she also had an artery that was 90% blocked and for almost a week prior she was having trouble breathing, and of course, she thought it was her asthma, so we never thought much of it. Now I’ll never know if she had gone to the ER?? What if?? I have a lot of what ifs….

Red flags…none except moodiness…but hell that was normal sometimes! I never knew she had ever used a needle…let alone heroin….this was something we talked about and she said, “No way, I’m too chicken to do that!”

Pay close attention to the people in their lives. No matter how old your children are pay attention to their new friends or old friends that reappear in their lives.

This was our first red flag!! I wish like hell now that I would have been psycho mom! There’s always that one person that you just can’t put your finger on…but something is off. Another “what if”? But the sad thing I have to come to terms with is that Jessica was a grown woman and I probably couldn’t have done anything that I hadn’t done already or tried to do.

Burying a child is unnatural…I will never be the same…that’s all I know for sure right now Love your kids, never take them for granted….This was something that happens to other people or in the movies. Well I’m not in the movies so I guess I’m one of the “other” people now.

I did not write this for sympathy or any kind of attention. I wasn’t sure if I should put Jessica’s deepest thoughts or demons she fought out there for everyone to see. I’m still struggling but addiction is killing more and more of our families and I never in my wildest dreams would’ve believed our family would become a statistic.

I hope the details of Jessica’s life and death touches someone out there and give’s them the strength to get up and reach out to somebody for help.

PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THE HELL OUT OF THIS!!!! I need it to go far and wide to reach those that need it–that person sitting on the side of their bed wondering if this is how life is supposed to be and if life is even worth this pain, relying on a drug to get through the day to day. Is that living? Even though my daughter didn’t commit suicide it’s the same results. She knew that every time she let the devil take over and pierce her skin with that needle it could be her last. She took that chance every time. It’s not worth it! Get up off the bed and tell someone, anyone, you need help! Hell, if you don’t have anyone else call 911. Call the suicide hotline, 1-800 Suicide, check yourself into a rehab, just DO SOMETHING! Your life IS worth it!!

I will always remember the morning of Nov. 5th as the day my heart broke in two.

... Theresa

Linda Tynan forever missed by her family, friends and everybody that knew her she was verry giving and loving .Till we meet again my love born:august 31,1961 passed away:august 31,2020

... Serge

In loving memory of my Mom! Though she is no longer here, I will devote my life to fighting addiction in effort to save a others!

... Sandi

My father Ernesto Rodriguez from Chicago IL is a victim of drug induced homicide. My father was found by me in a public bench in Humboldt Park on 10-20-21 I do not wish this on any family! I will no longer stay silent and I will be my father’s voice! He was a humble, funny, person he enjoyed being a mechanic, he enjoyed music and playing his instruments and most of all loved his family especially his grandkids! He is missed so much but NEVER forgotten! I love you dad and I will forever live with this trauma 😞💜

... Marcelina

My Brother was young, full of life and still had so much to live for. At just 25 yrs old the fatal brain disease of Substance use disorder took him from us. He’ll forever be 25. I’ll forever be his voice. Robert H Tavares Jr. you are missed so much. You are thought of all year through. Love you always, your big sister Lori.

... Lori

I lost my baby brother Scotty October 8, 2015. He was just 44 years old, thought had his whole life ahead of him. Scotty had the biggest heart until an accidental overdose caused a massive fatal heart attack. I am comforted now knowing he is together with my parents in heaven, where he can be at peace. Til we meet again ❤️🥀, Sis.

... Laura

My sister Erin died on 8/19/2022. I miss her terribly.

... Kelly

This is my beautiful daughter Kalee Salene Conner.

Kalee was loving, giving and selfless, most of all she was fierce, courageous, brave and determined. She was her own unique style…undiluted, non-judgemental, a friend to everyone and a caring mother to her son Elam.

Unfortunately, on May 5, 2022 she was pronounced at the young age of 27. Kalee lost the battle to addiction when the cocaine/opiates she did had fentanyl mixed in.

I think of her every passing day, as I get closer to seeing her again. At times I believe my angel is near me, I guess heaven can come to visit us from time to time.

My wish in posting this tribute is to bring awareness and save as many lives as possible. Kalee would want this as she saved three peoples lives with her organ donation. So lets show her “WE GOT THIS” by squashing the evil that continues to steal our loved ones…


Peace and Rest Baby Girl, see you soon. Love, Momma.

... Karen

Remembering our son Eric who died of an accidental drug overdose in 2015. We miss him dearly

... Karen

My brother and my best friend Matthew, I miss you and think of you every day since you’ve been gone. I love you so much and will always do my best to spread awareness and try to save others from this crisis. I love you forever and know that we will be together again someday! In memory of Matthew David Parish 7/9/83-1/16/21

... Heather

For my brother, Shane. I miss you. I love you. I know you are at peace. We will see each other again one day.

... Gabrielle

To my son Shawn Powers

forever27 💜 who lost his life to Fentanyl poisoning. I miss you so much my sweet angel 😭

... Dawna

In loving memory of Nick Dunn, you’re missed everyday by a lot of people “gone but never forgotten”

... David

Remembering Shaun Michael Borden of Pittsfield, MA 3/4/1991 – 12/2/2015

... Christine

8/19/22. RIP. Our beloved son Grant , taken too soon , due to Fentanyl. Forever 30. 💜♥️💜

... Amy

Deanna Marie Tropper, died November 14, 2020 of a fentanyl overdose.

... Alane

I went to work as usual when I had a cousin race to my place of work and said somethings wrong with my uncle… I raced down to his house to see what was going on. I rushed through the door and I had found him overdosed on his Livingroom floor my heart felt like it shattered. I had nightmares of that day replaying over and over. He had struggled with addiction most of his life and being in and out of jail but myself and parents were his main support system through it all. The rest of my family seen him as another thing that they had to take care of or deal with but I would say that is an automatic to help when someone is struggling with addiction by themselves. So this tribute is to my uncle who was like a brother to me. I love you and will miss you everyday, there is never a day that I don’t think of you. love, your niece

... Abby

To my dear nephew Jack Archer-Muscat, you are missed by the minute. Our hearts are overwhelmed with your loss! We hold on tight to photos, videos and your beautiful smile! Nothing can ever fill the void, you have left in our hearts. We love and miss you dearly, Love Aunt Tess❤️

... Tess

May God grant you the peace you’ve been seeking for so long my precious daughter. I miss you, and I can only pray that you know how much I loved you. I live with your pain today and will until my last breath. If I could have carried your pain while you were with me I would have. Mom

... Natalie

My darling son …I miss u so very much broke more hearts than you could imagine…in our hearts for eva….R.I.P CORY ALEXANDER CASSON_-MCLEAN…..1987- 2022

... Bronwyn

My sweet Nephew Tyler. The pain of losing you is unlike no other. I miss you so much. A piece of my heart went with you the day God called you home 06/29/2021. I LOVE YOU XOXOX AUNTIE ❤

... Sandra

Donnie, you are in our hearts every minute! We will continue to work to raise awareness, reduce stigma & to keep your memory alive! Your death caused by the disease of Substance Use Disorder does not define you! We remember everyday your love of sports, cooking talent, giving spirit and how much you loved your family! Until we are together again, we love you! Mom & Dad

... Roxanne

My son Danial passed away on June 11th at 4pm after injecting heroin alone in an alleyway. Danial was 38 years old. The Coroner report stated that he died as a result of polydrug use. His doctor was prescribing him a plethora of unnecessary drugs which contributed to his death and made getting through to him very difficult. As a parent I felt helpless and hopeless. We miss him very much, he was a beautiful soul who would help anyone and everyone. We are comforted knowing he is at peace. The loss of a life so young with so much potential is heartbreaking.

... Katrina

I had a beautiful, loving Aunt who struggled with a past she never asked for. I think of her so often, looking back on her pain and how she pushed through for so long trying to make sense of all the tragedy in her early life. We love and miss her amazing soul. <3 <3 <3

... Julie

ROGER DALE MATHIS. He was an amazing, strong man. I felt magical when I was with him. He loved Big Red soda pop. There was never a dull moment with roger. His knickname was “GHOST”. He lived life to the fullest and did not let anyone stop him. He was so SPECIAL to me. Roger could teach you to do just about anything. He had traveled all over the country. But, he loved Bloomington! Rest in peace my sweet FREEBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... jennifer

My beautiful daughter Jessica Anne💜 I miss you SO very much. Nothing is the same. Your smile would light up a room. I do have a small comfort in knowing you are Finally Free! I love you babygirl💜💜

... Gina

My friend overdose last just I miss him so much he was a good person

... Dianna

My beautiful boy Marlow, taken way to soon. A part of me went with you. Miss you so much. Love Mama

... Perri

To my precious son gone too soon! You are so missed and so loved. You were and always will be my baby boy. Until we meet again 💜💜 I love you Vince ❤️

... Michelle

I love you my beautiful son

... Joy

February 19/2019 one of my Oldest and best friends Steven Macri passed away unexpectedly from an Opioid Poisoning in Edmonton AB CAN. He is sorely missed. He was an amazing person and Friend and he is gone but never forgotten. We miss you Steve

... Chris

To my friend Chrissy. I miss you so much.🌺💙

... Bonnie

I love you Mom. Your death was not without purpose for me. It impacted who I am today and how I am used to make a difference. I thank God that you are no longer in pain and know that in heaven you are happy, healthy and new. I know that one day we will see each other again. Until that day know that I think about you everyday and I love you so very much.

... Sharilyn

When I had caught word that You had passed away because of a drug overdose, at first- I felt stunned and numb. When my father proceeded to ask and inform me of your passing as well, I don’t know exactly how I responded, but when he spoke to your mother about the conversation over the phone while I was within earshot, he made the simple statement:

“He was devastated.”

I was devastated, and I didn’t even know it. At the time, I didn’t comprehend how close to my heart I had held You. We had future plans to work together on music. I’ll never forget how fun it was to freestyle with you while cruising in my dad’s Corolla. We had dreams. Had I known my time left on earth with you was going to be so limited, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have reached out to you immediately. I thought we had more time. I’m sorry. I regret my lack of use of time deeply.

When I spoke to your sister, we had a deep conversation. And you know what she said? She said:

“I see my Brother, in You.”

I couldn’t quite comprehend that statement at the time, and maybe I never will fully. But what I do know, is that I treasure the life you led within my heart forever. So yes, in some way, you do live on within me, in ways that many will never know. Your name lives on in my heart forever. I’ll see you at the Crossroads. Until then, this is my Tribute to You.


Your memory will live on within all of us, Forever.

Akin Forever

Rest In Peace

... Seun

I know you are finally at peace and I try to find some comfort in that. You will never be forgotten. I’d give anything to hear your laugh and aww thqt smile one more time. Stephen W Viars 1984-2022

... Sandi

I want to remember my friend Aiden. He was only 14. He thought he was taking a oxy but was something else. He died in a dirt lot his friends just left him there.

... Peggy

I lost my husband, Steven M.O. Holmes, to a drug overdose when my oldest son was 9 years old and my youngest son was 2 months old. Steve was only 31 years old at that time and he never got to see his two boys grow up to be the wonderful men that they are today. My boys grew up without a dad and I had to be both mother and father to them and care for them as a single parent. Steve’s death was tragic and untimely and caused my family a lot of grief and sadness.

... Pamela

To my mother, “C..M.M.A” From the sound of your voice to the taste of your meatballs… it hurts to know that your gone… But deep down inside, you’re still here with me… And so it’s been long… 369 days to be exact…but who’s counting… When I touch the sand I think of you… When I hear the waves I see you through… I miss your hugs and your giggles so sweet.. It brings me comfort to know you are always with me… I bring you everywhere I go… from the rainbow at Niagara Falls to the tallest building in Nairobi Kenya… To the swamp where the alligators live on the coast of Florida… I know you’re with me.. You show me lil things as I travel along time… Your smile from ear to ear brings me joy through my tears. Until we meet again..

love always your babies, K & H

... Mungai’s

My Son, I miss you everyday, I wished you could have stayed longer. Love you so much! Mom

... Michelle

For my Beautiful Son, Michael, My heart was broken the day I lost you. The world can’t possibly understand how much I miss you every single day! Your beautiful smile, your generous hugs, your encyclopedic mind of facts, your love of music, your quirky sense of humor, your infectious kindness, your consideration of everyone around you…the world lost a beautiful, loving soul when you left us. I will hold you in my heart until the day we meet again. I love you and miss you, Momma

... Michael

To Bridget and her mother Grace who were both victims of over doses and suicide

... Lisa

My tribute to Joe Ziggler 27. 2020 rest in piece friend, you were loved and are missed by me and Anthony.

... Kayla

Rest in the arms of Jesus, dear Mike Seed. Your family misses your bright, quick smile. You were taken too soon from this Earth, and we miss all you had to offer the rest of the world! I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there for you. Maybe I could have made a difference, maybe not. I’m sorry for your sweet mom and brothers that will miss you, until we all meet again. I love you, Aunt KayCee

... KayCee

My beautiful daughter was poisoned by fentanyl on 12-27-21. She was sweet, kind, loving, the best of friends, and everything to me. She lit up a room and her laugh was contagious. I’ll never be the same without her 💔

... Kara

My cousin, Millard, lived a seemingly charmed life. He was handsome, funny, and charismatic. Yet below the surface were demons who eventually defeated him: the sense of failure from unmet expectations, the grief of losing his sister and father to long and painful illnesses, and health issues that threatened his livelihood. He hid his addiction very well from most of his family and friends. Too late, we learned that he was in a grasp he could not break. Now, we are left with “what ifs.”

... Joyce



I still have to stop myself from calling you every day to talk about your grandchildren, all the milestones, the gossip and all the little things I know you would have loved to hear. We all miss you so much, it still hurts, like it was yesterday. There is a gaping hole in our lives that will never be filled again. I wish I could have helped you battle your demons. I see you in every rainbow and I’m trying to teach your grandchildren things you taught me. I will never forget you. You are forever loved and missed x

... Jess

In memory of my brother Gary Gene Ely 8/19/1983-11/03/2020. Gary was the most down to earth person. He was loved by everyone. He would go out of his way to help others, though he often times struggled to help himself. He struggled with addiction for most of his adult life, seeking treatment in various forms including multiple stays at residential treatment facilities. He fought hard, a battle he ultimately lost. He left behind four children, his Mom, his Dad and his sister. Our lives are forever changed, our hearts forever broken. We love and miss you terribly.

... Crystal

James I know that you’d have thought such a tribute suss but you are missed terribly. I struggled to accept that you went out this way and although grief was muddied by a sense of irredeemable disappointment we are all just human after all. How I wish you could have made it out. Forever my rock and roll kin. To all those people who have had to accept this painful reality, I am in solidarity even though I cant ever comprehend how this loss has impacted you. Every human life has a story and there is no satisfactory afterword for this. Be kind to yourselves.

... Cripes

To my beloved brother, Jeff. Luck was on your side so many times, but you played a risky game and it ended with the loss of your life. You will forever be in my heart.

... Corinne

On the worst day of my life, February 26, 2019, I lost my only child, my son, Colby💔. Colby was an athlete, a loving friend and someone that could be counted on whenever he was needed. His life was cut short by a Xanax laced with fentanyl in Carfentanil. One pill will kill! I pray that other parents never have to feel the tormented grief I feel every day.

... Cindi

loss my love one Desmond D Morgan 10/30/1087-april/3/2021

... cheryl

My beautiful, amazing son Michael left us in March 2022. He was my world, my only child. I will spend a lifetime grieving, loving, and missing him. I will also spend a lifetime being grateful for our good times, our love, and the laughter we shared.



... Carol

Anthony Joseph Oddo I miss your face. When you found me I wasn’t actually living. You took my hand and we did. Oh how we did! You showed me how to live in the moment, you showed us all how. You are a smile in the shining sun, the crackle of a fire and the sizzle of bacon. You are a firework on a dark moonlit night. You are the sound of music. You are the glow of a glow stick. You inspired us all. You lived full, loud and unapologetically you. You were in pain that day, the day you helped your grandma pull bushes out of the front yard in the hot sun, you took medication. It wasn’t the opioid you thought you were taking. It was given to you by your aunt. I found you later that day July 11, 2019 without life. It was fentanyl and it was fatal. We now still live, in your memory.

... Bee

For Keith, and everyone who lost their battle to substance use. You are gone but not forgotten, and we will continue fighting for a world where help is sustainable and accessible regardless of race, income, and location.

... Ayanna

Patricia You are forever loved and never forgotten. 5/21/17

... Shiela

To my beautiful daughter Kylie… I love and miss you with every fiber of my being. Your funny laugh, your amazing smile… just everything! My shining star that left way to early. Our hearts are broken and our lives will forever be changed. You’re always in our thoughts and always be in our hearts. Till we meet again 🧡


... Bambi

Allison I miss you so much, I was not given the opportunity to be able to day goodbye. Why was I chosen to wake up to find you. I cannot describe the emptiness that has taken over. I look to the sky and question as to why you had to get in that van to go live down by the river without me. 333MPB

... Alan

My baby brother-I wish I knew now, what I didn’t know back then about Opioid Addiction coinsiding with Mental Health. You are gone way too early at age 50! I am trying to help others when I now see signs of Drug Abuse by referring them to a Consulting Agency or sending them information on Family & Friends Intervention. So sorry I didn’t take Mental Health serious enough at the time. RIP Dear Brother and I will see you again one day! Save a seat for me there in Heaven! Love you to the moon and back! Suzy

... Suzy

... Meagan

As a teenager I felt such anger and loss that both my parents were stuck in the opioid crisis. First in 2010 my dad overdosed, was revived by Naloxone and arose in an agitated state. With naloxone not being promoted enough, they saw the normal reaction of anger as a sign he was out of control and tasered him to death. On Christmas my mother was using and overdosed. Whether she was alone or the people with her were scared of being persecuted, she had no way of receiving naloxone and passed away. I was left feeling so lost, angry and empty. Ten years later I am now a Social Service Worker who works at addressing harm reduction in our community through education and hands on outreach. The people we see on the street are human beings as well and deserve compassion, support and understanding. I can only wish now that I understood that at age 17 instead of anger. I will always love you mom & dad. I will forever use your stories as an inspiration to help others better their lives.

... Kendall

I want to pay tribute to my two brothers who overdosed on Heroin and Alcohol. They were unique, intelligent, loveable, funny, and are both missed every single day. It’s been almost thirty years, but the thought of them dying this way haunts me and has left a terrible legacy. RIP.

... Jacqueline

Chance was the smartest person I have ever met. His mind was always working. He was a junior studying Actuarial Mathmatics at the University of Michigan when he began self-medicating. He died as a result of Fentanyl poisoning. We miss seeing his potential grow and wonder how he could have changed the world.

... Dawn

In loving memory of my charasmatic, loving brother Landon who lost his life December 4, 2002 to the disease of addiction. A 19 year old with a bright future ahead cut short after his first use injecting Heroin. It’s been 17 years and our family still feels his loss.

... Angie

Joseph Douglas Williams ll Forever 22 MY JOEY ❤️ I MISS YOU SON!

... Rebecca

My only child Logan Williams died of fentanyl poisoning on April 2, 2020. He was just 16 years old. Logan had an infectious spirit and had a smile that could light up a whole room. He is missed beyond words. Our hearts are broken. Fentanyl is a massacre against our youth.

... Marlyse

Thank you, Mark For making me Your wife Forever in my heart And soul

... Lisa

My beautiful son and only child Eric was a soldier, a musician, a creative, intuitive, intelligent and loving man. After serving his country he suffered from PTSD, anxiety, medication resistant depression, and physical pain from herniated discs. He suffered from SUD after being prescribed pain pills. He fought for over 8 years to get his life back but his physical health continued to deteriorate and he evidently did not get the right type of therapy and help he needed.

He died suddenly on March 3, 2022 from fentanyl. I miss his bear hugs, his insight into world events, his long and detailed conversations, his love of his beautiful dog, his telling me how thankful he was for me, and his most gorgeous blue eyes. He will never be forgotten, I will never stop loving him, and I will create a legacy for him that he never had the opportunity to finish.

When I look at the stars I see you my love. Please walk with me until I can join you. Eternally loved – Mom

... Eric

My beautiful son Michael was poisoned by fentanyl 4-30-19. He transitioned to his life in heaven while he was away at college. He was the most loving, empathetic, caring man I’ve ever known. He was just as handsome on the outside as he was on the inside. Everyone that met him wanted to be his friend, he had a great sense of humor that they couldn’t find resistable. It wasn’t his time to leave earth, he didn’t want to die, he told me this, he was just addicted to oxy and took one a day, just so happen the one he took that day was laced with fentanyl. He will be forever 23 on this earth and I will miss him with my whole being until I’m with him again some day. I cry everyday.

... Denise

My son, TC Clark, was lost to an overdose on 02/24/19- Forever 25. TC was a light to everyone when he walked into a room. He had a smile that could bring a smile to anyone’s face. His infectious laugh is still heard in my mind, and he lived life to the fullest. His spirit is what keeps me going every day and makes me want to be a better person. Knowing that he would want to help others is why I choose to do what I do every day, by spreading awareness and educating others about stigma and substance use disorder. I feel his presence daily helping me continue and to share his legacy with those who never had the pleasure of meeting him. I love you TC and will miss you until the day we meet again.

... Debra

My dear friend Bill tragically died alone in his room without anyone knowing. He died from Cocaine and Methadone toxicity. He left a grieving mom and siblings and many friends whom all loved him very much. He was only 54 and in so many ways, had so much to live for. He had charm and charisma and he was the sweetest guy. He made you feel like you were the most important person in the world when in his company and to him, in that moment – you were.

The drugs stole him from us, leaving a lonely, black void in his place. I knew he had pain management problems. I knew that the Covid lockdown would not fit him well as he needed people in his presence to feel alive. I had no idea he was in such a bad space and neither did the rest of his friends or family. Death of a loved one like this is painful and dangerous. It makes you feel like “if only I had”, and it makes people blame themselves for their loved one’s death. I pray everyday for his soul and for his dear mom and family/friends; that they will somehow find peace in all of this.

We cling to his memory. We cling to the laughter and the fun times we shared. We cling to the hope that we will all see him again someday and that we find him at peace and without the shadow that hovered over him in this life.

If you know someone that has trouble with addiction/ drugs… please reach out to them regularly if you can and just make sure they know that you care, are there to support their recovery and to be a safe person for them to share their struggles with. I wish I had done this for Bill. I can’t change it now but I sure wish I could.

“If only I had…” God Bless you Bill – until we meet again my friend xo

... Wendy

My son Lewis passed away from a drug overdose in 2016. That was the day I died as well. He was the best son a mother could ask for. He was the best brother to all his siblings. He was an amazing husband to his wife and the best daddy to his 2 beautiful children. I will never let your brightness fade out. I will honor you and your memories. I would give you life all over again and help you get passed your addiction. I love you and I miss you so very much. Please know as you are in Heaven that you are so loved my beautiful boy. I love you and miss you. I will never say goodbye…

... Mary

In your Memory Shane! There is not one day that we don’t think about you. We miss your smile, silly laugh, and amazing soul. You were so talented, a wonderful dad, amazing brother, and more. I miss you little brother. Love your sister, Natasha

... Natasha Lee

My first born, my precious Emilie. My heart is shattered and our lives forever changed. You struggled and fought the demons of addiction. God won and took you home. He answered our prayers, not the way We wanted, but apparently what was His best. Rest easy baby girl until we’re all together in heaven again someday.💜

... Kellie

I remember that final night so clearly. We kissed at the doorway and I wished him a good time with his friends for a birthday celebration. I remember telling him in my pajamas that the door would be unlocked for when he comes home but he never did… I received that ground-shattering call the next morning. He was gone forever with little to no details on what happened. My world felt like it was spinning all too fast and all I knew was that I needed to find out what really happened.

Tony passed at a party on the floor surrounded by friends while he overdosed to death. Each one of them too scared to call police in fears of getting arrested. Two months later, which felt like an eternity without Tony… The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act was implemented and all I could think angrily was “It’s TOO LATE now” but then I felt complete sadness. Tony was failed by his friends, by me for not being there, the system and the sick cycle of drug abuse.

I encourage people to call for help in the case of an overdose, I encourage people to talk about how serious overdosing is with your friends. I encourage all to carry and know how to administer NARCAN just in case. It can save a life.

I wish someone had tried to save Tony’s life but that’s how our story goes. I miss him dearly and will continue to honor and tribute him. I will continue to share experiences around drug-related deaths to end the stigma attached to drug overdoses. It’s important to me to do this work on Tony’s behalf, because he didn’t deserve any of that.

... Shannon

James “Jimmy” Ward was one of the most funny people. He was the ultimate joker. He was in pain though and it got the best of him. The times that I wish to get his take on some life situation of mine are endless, its frusterating. I miss him a lot. He was my friend. Not a perfect person. Drugs can really mess people up.

... Jessica

I want you remember my daughter Brittney who overdosed Jan 24 2020 I miss her so much

... Angie

My brother James was the most complex being I’ve ever come across. He was immensely intelligent, restless, daring, spontaneous. The things he did in the short years he had on Earth one couldn’t even believe. He was a trouble maker, but he made a lot of good trouble. Almost as if to say to everyone “stop taking life so seriously” and there are many hysterical stories to come from that. He loved me so much, and as we grew older and closer, realized we weren’t at all that different in the ways we had thought before. He found wonderful friends, and was very healthy the last few months of his life. He loved the idea of family, and basked in it when he was well. I will work in harm reduction the rest of my life to try and keep as many people from feeling the loss that lives in my heart every day. I love you so much, James. 8/3/1993-12/4/2019

... Ally

Sister, today was the end. No more phone calls, no more waiting, no more questions, no more guessing, no more stones to uncover. There is just silence where you once existed. It’s time to be still with acceptance of what was, what is, and what will be. The wounds that have torn into our family are deep and ragged. They may never heal. You are the stars in every night sky, and the face of every little blonde tomboy with a baseball cap planted on her head. You are every RN at the hospital, cheerfully caring for a patient, or laughing with coworkers in the break room. You are in the faces and hearts of Isaiah and Kenan. You aren’t here, but you are everywhere. This part of Earth-School is over, and your love and sacrifice have been recorded in the Book of Life.

An angel with the Book of Life Wrote down my sister’s birth. And whispered as she put it down “Too beautiful for Earth”.

... Julie

In loving memory of our beautiful and beloved son, Curran J. Tierney.

Curran, our only child, passed away suddenly on April 23, 2022 at the age of 27 after a long struggle with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). He was a beautiful person with a dazzling smile, an infectious laugh and a remarkable capacity to love. He fought valiantly against his disease, returning again and again to treatment in various forms for more than 10 years, often picking himself up from the darkest of proverbial ‘rock bottoms’. He was loved and supported by his friends and family throughout his quest for peace and calmness while never quite finding it.

His baby daughter carries his spirit and although she will never know him, she will always know how special he was and how much he loved her.

Forever in our hearts, Love Mom, Mark, Katie & Maelynn

... Cheryl

In loving memory of: Steven Marcus Johnston 4/20/1984-8/4/2022 He was the most amazing man I have ever soulmate.. We were almost at our 8 year anniversary and tragedy struck.. he was clean for 4 years and randomly decided to relapse and do heroin and it was laced with fentanyl.. my heart hurts so much.. I love you baby…💔💔

... Brandy

Anthony Perron died peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday, August 18th. His loss was unexpected and profound. Anthony grappled with the effects of mental illness for a long time, and that was often the only thing people saw when they looked at him. He was so much more than his illness if you looked closely enough. He was tremendously smart, without even trying. He was incredibly philosophical and would surprise people with his thoughts. Anthony loved passionately. He was a deeply protective son, brother, partner, and father. He was a cherished grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend. His absence will be felt by every life he touched. Anthony fought the battles of mental health and addiction so hard, every day, and was still not ready to give up. His strength was undeniable and ever so inspiring. He worked so hard to be a better person for his daughter, Hollie. We are heartbroken that this journey was interrupted.

Anthony, we love you so much and will miss you every day.

“Still ain’t the man I wanna be but I’m still fighting.”

Note from his Mom. Anthony died from an accidental overdose of methadone. He was 26 years old, never to be 27.

... Heather

I lost my nephew, BJ Quickle to an overdose on October 2, 2014. He had battled addiction since he was about 15 and he was only 26 when he passed. He had been sober 2.5 years and relapsed due to stress and worry that he might have to go back to prison. He never really had any healthy coping skills and was involved in counseling when he died. He used drugs as a way to self medicate because he thought there was no other way. BJ was the most amazing young man. He had the biggest heart and gave the best hugs. He was an amazing and loving father to 3 beautiful children who remind me of him every day. I miss him more than words could ever describe. If you are battling any substance use issue please reach out for help. Addiction doesn’t discriminate and mental health issue are more common than people want to admit. If you don’t know who to contact, reach out to me and I’ll help connect you with someone who can help you take the first steps. You are not alone and if you feel like no one loves you, I do. No one grows up wanting to battling addiction so if you are, I’m here. Let me help because if I can keep even one family from having to experience this pain I will gladly do it.

... Desiree

In memory of my amazing daughter, Sarah Michelle 8/13/1992 – 10/14/2021. My heart aches for you every single day Sarah. Life will never be the same without you. I am so very sorry I couldn’t save you. I would have given my life for you. I know you finally found the peace you were searching for and someday I will see you and hold you again. I can’t wait, but until then, know your mom loves you and misses you.

... Rhonda

I lost my mom when I was 14 & my dad when I was 18 – both to their addiction. I miss you both. My life has never been the same. I traveled down that dark & lonely path myself but I’m breaking the cycle. I wanted free of those chains. I am sober & refuse to look back. I’ve lost the two most important individuals in my life I’ll be damned if I lose myself again. I want to make you both proud. I wish so badly I could see you for just 5 minutes but I don’t think I could let go. My life has never been the same. My heart yearns for you. Dang it I am so mad that there wasn’t enough to save you both. I’m so hurt and angry. I am going to therapy which is much needed as my life involving you two has been chaos. Beautiful, beautiful chaos. I love you and I’ll see you in my dreams.

... Tabitha

Dashaun, You always told me “We’re here for a good time, not a long time.” I haven’t had words resonate with me that hard. You may have joined my class for a cash grab, I knew. But I still saw you try. I still saw you make an attempt and you passed on your own merit. I’ll miss the random “Miss. Stephanie, can I bring you a Red Bull?” text messages long after you graduated. It was always code that you needed to talk to someone and for some reason that person was your vocational college instructor. The world lost such a bright light to such a senseless tragedy. Please, whether you think you need it or not, have narcan. The moment you need it and don’t have it, lead you to tragedies like this. You’ll always be one of my pharmacy babies, and I hope wherever the universe leads us has been a blast so far.

... Miss. Stephanie

Casi,First, I and so many friends and family miss you so much! Your best friend still posts to your Facebook page regularly! You offered so much in life and I so appreciate your kindness, it meant so very very much to me when you said you loved me days before you passed. Thank you so much for knowing and caring enough, even with your suffering, to say that. I’m sorry I didn’t follow my gut with all the red flags, there is a lot of guilt and blaming..the truth is we collectively failed you. You have to know how smart and caring your daughter is, at 8yrs she was explaining to Ma how I’m just a person like everyone else and to please accept me; most adults don’t have that emotional maturity. Ma and I finally get along now because of her and it makes her so happy to have the whole family together for holidays, etc. She loves her dad and has a great motherly figure that helps her celebrate your birthday every year. She’s the best cousin to your brother’s 2 boys, the love between them is palpable and Aunt Steph also loves and supports her. She is surrounded by loving family. Every summer and school break she has at least 3 choices on who she wants to visit. PopPop and I cherish the 2weeks she stays with us during the summers. She’s 10 now and is a beautiful young lady with a bright future. Thank you for doing the most difficult thing, being drug free for her benefit while pregnant. Another example of how big your heart is. You’ll forever be missed.

... Julia

Ally, you will be forever missed. It feels like yesterday that you were here. I am constantly fighting to make sure your death means something. Your family and community miss you.

... Ashley

Alan Jeffrey Eagle II ‘Jeff”, my only son, my middle child, was taken from us on September 1 , 2021 by an fentanyl overdose . He left behind parents and step parents, two sisters, a girlfriend, many family members and sadly 2 beautiful daughters and a handsome sweet little son who was only just over 2 moths old . He struggled with addiction since he was in his teens and lost his battle just a little over a month away from his 35th birthday. I miss him terribly every day, my life is not the same as it was with him in it. No more phone calls or texts with pictures of whatever food he made that he was always so proud of….he loved to cook. He was a very kind soul and all around genuinely nice guy. He was a terrific father and adored his children. Sadly his son will never know him but his daughters got the chance of a lifetime having him as a daddy. I hold on to hope that his passing will help someone that is struggling with addiction and pray that he’s free now and not in pain . We love you , and always will `

... Diane

My son, Dom, was a handsome, smart, charming, self-possessed, super outgoing kid who brought joy and comfort to people. He was so kind to the animals and tried his best to be a good friend to his people. When he began experimenting with Oxy, that begain the long slow burn and fade of this beautiful boy. He could have done anything he chose in life and instead, drugs chose him. They took this child from all of us and he did fight and try his very best to overcome at certain points. He befriended kids in his rehab who no one else could reach. He was the biggest blessing a mother could ask for and then he was gone, too soon, by just 18 years old. Dominic was a wonderful person inside, deep and thoughtful, sweet and caring. It’s not fair that he is gone, and I honor the good, precious memories that I still have.

... Tee

Sonya Marie Battermann 5/15/1976….3/27/2022 Sonya age 45 passed away on Sunday March 27,2022 From an accidental overdose. Sonya fought her demons off & on for many years,but lost her battle. She was Daughter,Sister Mother,Friend,Musician & A Harley Davidson Enthusiest. A kind hearted person who was a free spirited & also the lead singer in her band “Synplicity ” and loved this part of her life which ended far to soon. Our lives have been shattered for sure.You are greatly missed by so many.You will never be forgotten, you are loved deeply. But as you’d always say..”The show must go on” Rest in peace now my beautiful daughter. “OUR ROCK STAR FOREVER” Love Always Mom…& your Family.

... Liz

My youngest son Erik passed away at the age of 19 November 1,2017. As someone who struggled with anxiety and was an avid marijuana user he started dabbling with other illicit drugs. He was going down a road to addiction this accidental overdose left a huge hole in our family. His siblings still struggle, with addictions and mental health challenges as they navigate their grief. As a nurse I turned my loss of my son to honouring him, and now work with Addiction/mental health Clinic and outreach. With a high homeless/indigenous population I am growing, learning and connecting with people where they are at. My son Erik is with me everyday leading my path. Trying to save lives and help as many as we can. 💜💜

... Rhonda

I lost my boyfriend of 36yrs to Fentanyl Poisoning on 12/8/21, I’ll never be the same. I miss you so much Bobby. I love ❤️ you! Robert J. Robicheau 💜

... Patricia

Kieran April 1, 1999 – May 22, 2017 Gone but not forgotten Miss and love you ❤️💜

... Kieran

My cousin Wayne. You are missed by all your family daily. May you now be forever at peace X

... Soraya

Michael, You were the sense of humor in our family. Funny, crazy, talented full of life We are so sad we lost you. Always with us in our hearts, our memories. Life is not the same without you

... Jan

In loving memory of my son Luke. He left this world for a better place, June 12, 2022. Gone but not forgotten. We miss miss and love him forever. Till we meet again, my sweet son. 🙏🏻❤️

... Tina

To my nephew Dustin. My heart aches for you. It’s still hard to believe you are gone. I watched you grow up since you was a baby. Spending time with you, your brother and my kids. Playing outside, gardening, swimming, sleep overs and just having fun. Just the day before you left us you were taking out hornet nests for me.

I’m not sure where all this went wrong. So many family members struggling with addiction. You were the first to leave. And as I sit here watching others in the family struggle with addiction. Denying there is a problem. Thinking they can do it on their own. Watching them relapse after being clean for a while. Knowing that one day we may lose another to addiction from drug overdose. It brings back all the flooding memories of losing you. 😭.

I’ll never forget the day I received that phone call from your mother. Asking me to go to your house. Because she received a phone call saying your son is dead.

Not a day goes by that you aren’t missed or thought about. Please watch over all the others down here struggling with addiction. You were taken way to soon. Forever 29 my dear sweet nephew! Hugs and kisses to heaven till we see each other again.

Love 💕 and miss you so much! Aunt Robin

... Robin

Our Luke! Awesome son, brother and uncle. We will never see him get married or have children because of a horrific drug called fentanyl. We love you forever and always. Taken way to soon on April 4th, 2017 at the age of 29.

... Rhonda

This month makes 9 months without my dad .. sometimes it still doesn’t even feel real and i often don’t know how i’ve come this far since he’s been gone. He had 2 weeks left of rehab when he left me. PLEASE speak up if you struggle with any type of addiction. I’d much rather hear your story and problems than read an obituary about anyone.


... Madison

Lost the love of my life Nov , 12 2021 … not a day goes by that I don’t miss him. There was no one like him and never will be . I will love my angel for always.

... Kayla

My cousin Jason lost his fight May 18, 2021 & is finally able to rest his tired body. He was 45. He fought for over 20 years. I want people to know he’s not just a statistic but a brother, son, uncle, cousin but most of all my best friend!

... Charlene

To my son Ian Nicholas-Gunnar Nelson, time stands still without you here and you are missed more than anyone can imagine. You have traveled to Washington DC, Orlando FL, Italy, Spain and there are more places for you to travel. You are the face of the organization that I started in your honor and Picking Up The Pieces is saving lives and helping people get their lives and families back because of you. I remember when you were a little boy and you asked me why I gave you such a long name and I told you that people will remember that name and you will be famous one day, but I didn’t intend for you to be famous in this way. People see your face and they know who you are and that you are a gift. Forever 26 Love you Ian to infinity and beyond XOXO Mom

... Michelle

... Marilyn

We miss you, little sister. I kept my promise and know I am making you proud every single day. We love you, Ashley, forever and always!

... Justin

Never forgotten: Heather DJ Brent Keith Pam and many more!

... Jessica

Shaelagh-Rae O’Neill

04/10/1993 – 25/02/2018

My bestfriend. My twin flame. My guardian angel.

So full of life, and love for those around her. Shae is the reason I am sober today. I carry her in my heart everyday – but that does not take away from the amount of pain and heartache I feel knowing she is no longer here with us. I carry her story and share it with many to help raise awareness around overdose. I believe it is what she would want.

I love you and miss you every second Shaelagh, love always – your best friend xoxo

... Jade

My seven year old son lost his father January of 2022. Mark loved our son with everything he had. He was so proud of everything our son did and encouraged him to be strong and never give up. Mark always wanted to know how school and sports went and attended events when he could. Living in different cities we never knew he struggling with addiction until the phone call came. The night we told our son there was a huge snow storm and school was canceled for the rest of the week. We were able to stay home and pour our love and support into him. A seven year old should never know what drugs are but he has been so brave and open to talk about his dad that he is setting an example. He reminds everyone to love people where they are at and never give up hope that there will be brighter days.

... Autumn

This tribute is in loving memory of my son, Ryan,who died last summer,on July 31,2021, to a fatal drug overdose,of Fentanyl,Clonazepam, and other drugs. He was a loving,single father of my granddaughter, Chloe Morawski,age 9. He was my firstborn child,then,my best friend,and now my angel,up in heaven. I pray for all others,who are going thru this horrible grief. Rita Curtiss,his mother

... Rita

Remembering David Todd Benton who died from an accidental overdose on June 10, 2020. You are not forgotten. We love you

... Terri

Missed more then words can explain. Loved even more. 26 years of your soul on earth side would and will never be enough. My heart still aches 9 years on from your sudden death almost as much as it did the day the police came and told me you were gone. I just have learnt how to walk around the giant hole loosing you has left. Your nieces would of been so loved and loved you so much I wish you could meet them. There is pieces of you in each of them thou and that brings my heart some sort of solace.

I love you tam.

Love your little sister who will always have a giant deep aching soul and heart were you should be.

I miss you. So much.

... Leeeesh

9 years since I laid next to you and we binge watched breaking bad. That long since I kissed you and told you I loved your cold body at the funeral parlour. You didn’t want to die, you didn’t mean to take too much of the drug. I know so badly how much you would be sad you left and how much it’s broken not only me, but ma and dad and nana. I still visit your grave once a week with your favourite gerbera and your nieces met you their for the first time. Can you believe I’m a mum??? I know!!! How you would have adored being an auntie. Your eldest niece always asks if your watching her from the stars and I tell her she is always right next to you. Thank you for being her guardian angel through her health battles. I wish you were able to be here to support me and give me your shoulder when my legs are tired. I’m forever walking around the huge black hole your death left in my world and it will never be easier I’ve just learnt to navigate the walk around that deep abys of utter heart ache. I miss you so much you should be here and I’ll never stop crying about the time we have not gotten to live our lives together we didn’t get to do our bucket travel list or even those road trips. But I did them with your photo in my pocket and your heart in mine. I love you I love you I love you I love you. Please keep my beer cold on that sweet by and by when my time comes and until then it’s not goodbye but we will meet again.

I love you tam tam….

... Lil Sissta

Adam was a son, brother, Uncle and nephew. He had a kind heart and always wanted to please everyone which is ultimately what led to his 8 years of addiction. Adam loved the outdoors and he loved photography! A few months after he passed, I found his journals which has been the best gift he could have given us. Adam was such a deep spirited soul who struggled with who is was. Even though he had his families love and support, he continued to struggle with his demons. He is our spirit in the sky! Fly like an Eagle Adam! September 19, 2001 … Forverv 39.

... Shelley

On september 8, 2020 My Father- Jason “TEX” Lee Taylor, 51, of Pawtucket, RI, lost his battle with addiction. My dad attended the Art Institute of Dallas where he learned to perfect his techniques. He was an artistic genius who saw the world in a million different colors. At the time of his death he was using his artist abilities doing inlay wood and tile design in new construction, and thinking of ways to publish his book. There are essentially so many unfinished projects

My dad was animated, warm hearted, kind and although he battled mental health and addiction, he would make a fool of himself just to put a grin on anyone’s face. My dad made a positive impact on people from all walks of life with his art and obnoxious zest for life. He is truly missed.

... Angel

Crystal Lea Williams 06.06.88 – 28.11.21

Crystal Lea Williams, age 33, passed away on Sunday, November 28, 2021, in Edmonton Alberta of an accidental overdose after a long brave battle with addiction.

Crystal was born on June 6, 1988 in Cornwall Ontario and grew up in Quebec. Crystal was a natural born leader always ready to take charge of any situation and obstacles were never an issue even from very early on. I remember at not even 2 years old when we brought her sister Ashley home Crystal had to feed her, change her diaper and would climb out of the crib at the littlest noise.

Crystal never did things half way, she always put all she had into everything she did. Crystal was outgoing with a love for life and even more so a love for people. She was also very smart and picked things up quickly.

Crystal was an awesome big sister as she set the path for her many siblings. Crystal always found the time to make everyone feel special and she was the glue that kept our families together. She loved her family deeply and believed strongly in second chances.

Crystal was always ready to lend a hand and got great joy out of helping others and never asked for anything in return. She loved helping her grandparents and spent many hours just talking with them.

Crystal loved nature and animals and had a curious mind. I remember this one spring day I was waiting for her and Ashley to get home from the school. Once they were a half hour late, I went into mom panic mode and set out looking for them. I must of drove every street in Davignon park twice but they were nowhere to be found. As I was heading up our road, I found Crystal Helping Ashley out of the ditch. They were all dirty with red hands and Crystal proudly announced her discovery “Mommy did you know there are raspberry’s growing in the ditches?” “And they are very good”. From that day forward raspberries became the after-school snack of choice.

Crystal was fearless and never afraid of a challenge. She was feisty and outspoken but would do anything for anyone and always lit up the room with her smile and sense of humor even while struggling with her demons. Crystal always seemed to take the harder road in life and often found herself in trouble because of it.

Crystal was never a big person in size, maybe about 5’5″ and 125lbs soaking wet, I remember having a hard time finding clothing that fit her size 0 figure. But when it came to protecting the people she loved you would swear she was 10 feet tall and she never wavered in her convictions. She didn’t care who you were if she had something to say she said it and didn’t care if you liked it or not.

No matter how stubborn she could be, Crystal was always a loyal and true friend. Just ask anyone that has had the pleasure of being one and once she knew you it was for life. She never forgot a birthday and always found time to keep in touch with everyone. Crystal could always find the good in everyone and accepted people as they are. She was always ready to listen and never judged anyone. She was very open and honest about everything in life. These qualities made her easy to approach and even easier to love.

When Crystal decided to go out to Alberta, I really didn’t want her to go. But as always, there was no stopping her when she decided. I still remember the day she left for Alberta by bus all alone with confidence. It was one of the hardest days I had to face and believe it or not she consoled me and had enough courage for us both. She always kept in touch during the good and the bad times. She never complained when life through her a curve ball and never showed off when thing went well.

I remember when she began to work at Alco, she was so proud of her job and when she came down to visit, she just glowed. Her biggest worry was seeing everyone before she left.

Family and friends were so important to her. She always made it a point to be there when you needed her like in 2009 when her grandmother had a heart attack and again in 2014. When her grandmother’s health took a turn for the worst, she got on the first plain she could. Unfortunately, she didn’t get back before her grandmother passed but did, she ever stand up to the situation. She took charge and did everything. She made it look simple from the funeral home to the church. Oh, and let’s not forget dealing with Frank her grandmothers’ blind boyfriend.

But her biggest accomplishment in her life was the day she had her son Jayce. She devoted so much of herself in becoming the best mom she could be. She loved him to the moon and back. She learned everything she could about babies before he was born and all of a sudden, her Facebook became all about him. She had her fair share of life’s problems at the time but it didn’t stop her from being an amazing mother.

So, it’s understandable that it just crushed her the day youth protection took Jayce away from her because of the friends she kept! With little support and a system that is way over loaded, Crystal’s demons slowly stole her sole. I only wish I could have supported her more and wanted to go help her but life’s situations made that impossible. She tried to fight and stood up for herself and never stopped fighting for Jayce. But her demons were too strong and they finally won.

I will never forget the last words she said to me when I was trying to encourage her that life will get better. She said “Mommy, I’m a heroin junkie” Although I tried to tell her how much more than that she was she just laughed and hung up the phone. Her final words echo in my head every day. I wish she could have seen herself through my eyes. I cannot imagine what a dark place she must have been in.

Well now we are here today and thinking back I have to say because of Crystal I am a better person. She taught me to see the world as good, her love gives me strength and her passion will live in my heart forever. I admire Crystal for always being true to herself and others. She was definetly taken away too soon. Although her death was senseless, I promes to not let it be in vain. The world lost a beautiful soul the day she died and my life will never be the same.

... Joanne

Dear, ABE RANSOME 5/14/77- 5/02/09 When our loved ones are taken from us so suddenly, we don’t get the chance to say ,”Good bye.” Thank you for the opportunity to feel like I could. Its been 13 long years since I could hold you, or hear the sound of your voice. It’s taking me many years to get through the shock and depression when it set in. I had to remind myself each day to breath in and out, get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. I now know with the time that has passed The Love We Have For Them Stays With Us Forever, but in time God will heal the pain in our hearts. How I wish I could pick up the phone to call you, I want you to know we have a paleontologists, a cosmetologist and a U.S. Soldier. I will continue to keep your memory Alive. I miss you everyday. I’m safe in knowing you are looking out for us where ever you are, till I see you again…good bye. Love Mandi

... Amanda

You will never be forgotten as the loveable loud happy Casey, who loved her 3 kids and her amazing family. You are an Angel now

Drugs do not discriminate They are not your friend You are loved and worthy !

... Casey

I miss you every day. I just don’t want to believe that you are gone. Life has not been the same without you. It has sucked really. I wish there was something I could do to bring you back. I’d trade my life if you could still be here. I love you Anthony.

... Frank

My beautiful son! You are my sunshine Don ! My thoughts and prayers are with you every day. It was a beautiful journey we shared. I am so sorry I lost you I know your soul still lives on. But mama misses you. Until we meet again I love you

... Don

My son Jerry was my light, love and my mini me. He would give anything to anyone. He loved life and enjoying doing things for little kids. He was sober for 6 years and was having a rough time and relapsed. He was told by the dealer the drug was dangerous, but he didn’t know how dangerous until he nolonger woke up. My son was murdered by fentanyl and someone he grew up with, someone he trusted. I miss him so bad, I miss his smile, his laugh, his practical jokes. I miss him and will always love him. ❤️

... Nikki

Ronald Wayne Carpenter 6/6/92-8/4/18 I miss you my son each and every day and these past four years without you have been the hardest. Taken just to soon from us all but we will not let you be forgotten.

... Tanya

13 unspoken names. Love ❤️ and miss you.

... Tracy

Cherylyn Renee Bennett September 30, 1993-December 04, 2021 Cher was probably the most soft spoken, kind, shyest person I had ever met when I first met her. It’s only been 6 months since you lost the battle with addiction and they say in time it will get easier but I know I will never be the same. Everyone misses you so much. I wish I would have been a better influence. I’m lost now. I love you. I hope someone sees your tribute and that it maybe is an eye opener for them. Rest in peace. My Cher-Bear.

... Christopher

Sarah, You are not forgotten. I honor your struggle by working to help others with substance use and mental health disorders. Know that you were loved, even on your darkest days. People cared about you.

... Annette

We lost our son, Devon, 5 weeks ago. The confirmation of what happened is just heartbreaking. We still believe there was foul play involved but we may never know. I wish we could’ve done more for him, dealing with his addiction. All we can do is grieve, try to heal, and try to comfort each other knowing he found the peace he couldn’t find while on this earth. “A Place to Rest. God looked down upon your body so tired from hanging on – From a life so overwhelming and he wanted back his son. So he took away the air you breathe and gave you what was best – A place where you could be at peace, a final place to rest.” We miss your vibrant smile, your contagious humor, and your loving heart.

... Bernadette

My beautiful 21 year old daughter is currently in the hospital on a ventilator totally unresponsive and the outcome doesn’t look good. she was recovering from addiction and had just gotten a job where most of the employees were using drugs. so she ended up doing coke that was laced with meth after being up for two days was worried about what her roommate would think so she proceeded to take a Xanax well it was laced with fentanyl so she overdosed and went into cardiac arrest. she’s so young. you’re not supposed to outlive your children. I can’t believe it’s happening I am so frustrated I wish I could trade places with her she will be missed and loved forever by many. her name is Korena Phillips she is my daughter.

... Isabel

To my friend, A brother, A husband, A Father and A Son – ADAM HORNER. You had a beautiful soul and a beautiful person. Life was taken from your too fast and too soon. May you rest in peace brother! I’ll always remember you and will always be missed…

... Joshima

Congratulations to everyone who contributed to tonight’s episode of the ABC’s

youcantaskthat on prescription substance use disorders.

There are few crueller, and more complex, diseases in this world than prescription substance use disorders. No one is immune. It often strikes when we are already on our knees, and just when we can’t imagine life getting any worse.

It strikes our teenagers when they are only looking to be accepted and loved for who they are. It strikes the grieving widow who can’t sleep, police officers and soldiers who can’t forget, and survivors of abuse can’t unlive their pain. It strikes us when we lose a job, or lose a loved one and, most of all, it strikes us when we are lost, alone, and isolated.

It’s a disease deepened by shame, and precipitated by punitive laws. In fact, the best way to ensure that someone does not recover from substance abuse disorder is to handcuff their wrists, as if they weren’t in chains already.

It can’t be treated by one doctor, and it can’t be treated without the human right of a home. The cost of not treating substance abuse disorders is far more than stamping them with the stigmas of addiction, like we do now.


Treating people with complex prescription use disorders isn’t just about saving lives; it’s about making sure that they can still have a good life. No one ever chooses to have such an affliction. Thank you to you all for sharing your stories.

Steven Bailey

... Steven

Timothy Joseph (TJ) Cravens 3rd January 24, 1989 – Febuary 18, 2018 My son Tim struggled with his addiction for a long time. He was clean for almost 4 years and relapsed. He truly was a thoughtful, smart, giving, person and would give the shirt off his own back if someone needed it. He never got to be a father or get married or even have a drivers license. We miss him very much. We love you Timmy. . .

... Tanya

Jamie (Jameson Adam Rybak) – a wonderful big brother, son and friend. He had a heart of gold. He was loving and caring always worried about everyone, but not about himself. Jamie had a great sense of humor and a warm, loving smile. He loved playing golf and the beach. He was the person who always forgave others and tried to see the good in others. He is missed every day.

... Suzanne

Michael Andrew Hampton 12/16/1991 to 2/6/2021 Son, there are so many things that I want to say. I love you and miss you more than any words that I can put on a piece of paper. Please know that I am really trying hard to move forward and honor your life. I will never be ashamed of who you were, you was so kind, loving and a heart of gold that we can only hope others have. I am pushing forward to help others that are battling this disease of addiction. Your kindness, generosity and love of others is what keeps me going on the days that I want to give up. I think about watching you push forward and giving everything you had to stay sober. It only took 1 time for it to all end, but I know that you fought with everything you had. I love you my baby boy Boo!!!

... Angie

Our son David died at 33. He struggled his entire life from severe learning problems all the while being the kindest. most generous and smartest kid you would meet. He turned to drugs as an adolescent and we got him the help he needed. Later he ended up in a Florida rehab and got hired there helping others. I recall when he came home he would never take no for an answer and got people placed. He terrorized insurance companies to pay out and made sure people got where they needed.

During the pandemic, my son relapsed after 10 years sober living. He needed to get to a meeting but none were there. People he supported hid the relapse. He needed to take care of himself but chose to care for others. I spoke to him the night he died and had no clue. He thought he was using heroin but it was fentanyl. He is part of this horrible epidemic now. My family will never be the same. His sense of humor lit up a room. He never got into legal troubles nor did he steal. He was a great kid and packed two funerals. Many people he helped came who barely knew him.

I hope to see him in heaven.

... Bruce

Aundrea Carissa Haas forever young and missed, an angel flying too close to the ground

... Chere

Amber Catherine Stewart.



Two girls. Both let down by the system. Both preyed upon by an evil soul. The dark side of town and its ringleader took them Both in. Amber passed away 8.3.2000 “Becky” passed away 26.3.2016. I learnt of ‘Becky’ today. 16.6.2022 No publish orders need to be squashed. Amber NOR Becky should have died at all. Both lost their lives to overdose in the ‘care’ of a man many years their senior. I am here to remind the world that I love Amber. And Becky is loved also. Amber and I grew up together in a small country town in the Southern Highlands of NSW. Eventually we both moved away but kept in contact. We are soul sisters. And nothing could ever change that. My C.C.Bloom. The sun on any beach would rise to meet Amber. So full of life. So Sas. So proper. She wanted the world. Always reaching for the stars. Though the skies got her first. Amber just 14. “Becky” just 15. I have such fond memories of Amber’s step dad ‘James’ as we knew him. He would take us to Bondi. We loved beads, monopoly, it, beaches and making paper mache and pressing flowers was always devine. The narrow halls of the Bondi unit was the perfect scene to be scared after watching Jurassic Park or it. The Catholic Girls school stood dark and dreary beside the unit, though the laughter between the lunch bells was always enticing. We always sat and watched, handball, skipping, ome climbing tree in the centre of the courtyard facing the ‘split into two’ terrace home. We dreamt of owning many of the flash cars we watched zooming by on the front lawn of the small city terrace.. we were country kids. 3 hours or there about from Bondi, Exeter, NSW. The only traffic our street saw was the parents taking the kids to school. On our street. We lived fast. We were young. We were everything to one another for a long time. I knew I had you. And you loved having me. We were all we needed. I still love you like yesterday when we hugged at the train station. Holding on so tight. 13 & 14. Damn. I miss you. It’s been 22 years Bam. And I still need you. Yet somehow I know you are there. And for whatever reason you wanted to tell me of “Becky”. I’m not sure why for yet But thank you for staying with me girl. My Angel. Bam xx Love Jus xx

... Justene

On April 14, 2022, My beautiful first born son, died of an overdose, Heroin mixed with fentanyl. A part of me will be forever lost. He was my confidant, my hero, my support, my everything. I miss him so very, very much. He was trying so very hard to quit and succeeded for 11 days and then the monster got hold of him, He was a Gentle Giant, a tall and large man with an extremely gentle and loving heart. Our society needs to know that 5 to 7 days of going to a clinic and “getting clean” is NOT enough, We need to help our daughters, sons, husbands, wives with this terrible illness. They need long term assistance, and if you dont have health insurance, they have nothing, no help, especially when they want it and need it, no support, nothing. I want to say a prayer for all of us who have lost a loved one to this terrible disease. Please know, you are Not alone

... Ramona

Thank you Prince, tribute music. I miss you and let’s stay off drugs together. I’m going to try and play your music in my band. Thank you for your music. You are a Cleveland. Thank you. ~Tianna Mudd

... Tianna Mudd

My son Tanner Andrews is my forever angel. He was so loving and larger than life. He loved his music and his friends. He was taken way to soon my heart is forever changed. But I know he is in the arms of Jesus now and has no more demons on more addictions and is finally at peace. I have peace knowing he will be waiting for me at heavens gates! 10-11-97 to 08-04-21

... Michelle

Mathew Lee Keller December 10, 1980- September 8, 2017 In memory of my beautiful beloved son Mathew, who was funny, loving, smart, and so kind and giving to others. Mathew was fluent in French, a talented and skilled mason with bricks blocks and rocks, learning and working along side his dad and uncle as a youngster. He beat his addiction and was gloriously happy and grateful to be finally living his life the way he felt God intended for several years. Sadly he wasn’t prepared for a sudden tragedy in the family and he relapsed. During the following year my son begged and begged for help for his addiction and grief with no results. Finally a date for a bed came up for rehab and would be available on the 14th of Sept. on the 2nd of Sept my son took a poisonous supply- street fentanyl. He lay in a coma with us holding his hands until the 8th when he took his last breath on his own. My son is forever 36 now, but his huge acts of kindness to others along with his final loving act of “signing to be an organ donor” which has helped a man to live a longer life will be remembered always and the love Mathew shared with us, his family, will be felt in our hearts forever. RIP my sweet beautiful son.

... Anna Maria

This is my Handsome son Clifford Clifford was an outstanding friend and a wonderful son. Clifford’s friends and family miss him terribly. Clifford died 2-26-2017 Multiple Drug Intoxication He was 27

... Leslie

This is a tribute to Cooper Noriega, a kind soul we lost too soon. Cooper was an inspiration to many, using his platform for good and spreading awareness about mental health and ending overdose. He would’ve wanted us to continue his legacy to create a safe space for those healing from drug addiction and mental health issues. He recently made a discord server before he passed to create a safe space for those with drug addiction and mental health issues to talk about whatever they wanted and to provide a support system for those struggling. Rest in peace coop You will forever be missed.

... mel

(My mom) Brandy Sansotta was loved by so many people, she loved to help everyone even with her own problems, and would give anything to make anyone happy. My momma tried really hard to stay away from everything, she was fighting to stay away from it all and I’m proud that she was able to fight as long as she did. After her passing away it was hard knowing that I wouldn’t have my mom here to help me or be here for me, but after month of her being gone I found out I got excepted into the school that she wanted me to go to. My momma was the strongest person I could of ever known who fought to stay away from it all

... Lindsie

Steven my son..I miss you so badly..I’m so lost without you..I don’t know what to do it hurts so much ..I love you my son my hero🥲11/23/2019 until we meet again my son love

... Selina

Braelynn, Colbie, Kaylin, and Liam miss you more then they could put into words. You left 4 beautiful children behind who will never even forget you. They will never forget your humor, your ridiculous dad jokes and the way you always had the camera in our face. At the time it was so annoying and unnecessary but now looking back I wouldn’t have it any other way. You captured every moment, happy, sad, funny, and intimate. I hope, no, I KNOW you’re looking down on your smart, hilarious, selfless kids.

I need your help more than ever right now. I don’t always have the answers to their questions so please guide me. You know I have a problem with stuffing my emotions down but we have 4 kids who want to know every thing about you. Please believe me when I say I’m gonna keep your memory alive as best as I can. With your crazy pictures and even more crazy videos. There was never a dull moment with you, I will always keep your memory alive and your stupid dad jokes wherever we go.

We love you more than you’ll ever know .. Liam, Kaylin, Braelynn, and Colbie


... Ashley villlari

To my baby brother – I miss you every day, though it’s been eight years since you passed. I wonder what your last moments were like and I pray you weren’t afraid. May we save others in your honor, Dylan. I love you forever <3 Sissy

... Teena

I lost you with out warning and the way your life was taken from me was not fair. It’s been 5mnts since I heard your voice and it’s been hard waking up without you there💔. You will always be a special part of me that no one could ever replace or duplicate and I promise you that I will live the rest of my life for the both of us and carry your love to get me through those hard parts. I love you baby and I will never ever stop. Love always, your wife, and best friend ❤

... Roshelle

Christopher loved and he was loved. You always could explain life’s complexities in the simplest of terms. Your selfless, non-judgemental, accepting, genuinely caring, and loving soul will always live in my heart. I so miss our daily chats and text messages that always ended with “I Love you.” You gave me and your brothers so much more than you will ever know. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen and I can’t tell you how sorry I am that it has and that so many others have also lost loved ones in the same manner.

The stigma that addiction carries is cruel in itself and stands as a barrier for so many to seek out the help and assistance that is deserved. Christopher, your story will be told in hopes of helping others better understand mental and emotional health challenges that so many in the world struggle with. So if you are reading this tribute to my most amazing son and you want help–it’s out there, don’t let shame, embarrassment, or any stigma stop you from reaching out and getting help–Christopher would always tell you that you deserve to live your best life possible. It really was that simple to him.

... Mom

September 25, 2020. I had a call after I had not heard from my only child for days. It was an “unknown number”. I answered it.

“Hello, this is the Hartford CT Major Crimes Division Detective……XXYY and are you at home?” Yes of course I replied. I thought maybe my Son got in trouble or some other issues or just was up again in another detox or whatever.

Must have been 20 mins. Three detectives came to my Home at the front door. Are you the father of Peter Miller Lowenstein? I replied yes…of course I am. We are sorry to tell you that after a wellness check by his girlfriend family both have been found deceased. WHAT?

I started screaming. I know I did. I remember sounds coming from by body. I don’t know, I screamed and screamed. My only child.

And I only have His memory as I casted his ashes into the sea.

... Tony Father Of Peter

My fiance, my love, my partner, my best friend, you were only 34 when you made a choice that took your life and left me alone and heartbroken. I will forever love you and never could I forget or replace you, nothing seems right or makes sense any more. I miss you more everyday and wish I could bring you back to stay. I love you Charlie and I hope when I get there you will be waiting for me and a beautiful day that will be .All my love sweetheart, until we meet again. ~Lisa

... Lisa

This is my brother Adam. We lost him September 19, 2021 after an 8 year battle with addiction. He was always there when you needed him. He was a spiritual soul. He knew there was something bigger and greater then this life. I hope he has found it and is at peace and pain free. We miss him dearly. Adams Light….Forever 39.

... Shelley

Brittany Lynn Goodfellow:

Forever missing my other half, my best friend, my sister, my cousin. I love you so much. Words can’t describe the way I feel now that your gone. Until we see each other again. 👼♾♥️♾

... Sky

Dad, I miss you so so much! Shine on you Crazy Diamond, until I see you again, I love you so much!

... Therese

Fentanyl took the life of the most beautiful soul, the BEST personality, the most caring and giving little girl, and sweetest daughter, sister, Neice, and granddaughter. Tyler Nicole Marie Williams was taken from us on January 20, 2022 from a fentanyl Overdose at the young age of 13. She is missed beyond measure and loved by so many. We hope that Tyler’s story can save lives and show people that overdose does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter your age, your gender, or anything like that. Tyler; you are loved and missed by so many, forever our guardian angel❤️

... Michael

My role model, my heart, and my soul passed on July 3, 2019. She meant everything to me and more. I would do anything to feel one last hug. Her love for others, animals, and her soul in general is something i aspire to be everyday. I think about you every day little big sis. Love you little big sis.

... Claire

To my sister from another Mr, Life was cruel and sometimes alcohol was a release for you, i understand and i miss you every single day. you had a short life but you you were a bright star and you will always shine in my life.

... Marni

This is my beautiful daughter Jennifer. She was the most loving, giving and caring person you ever met. She would give you the shirt off her back if she could. She had a beautiful smile and a contagious laugh. She lost her battle to drugs on May 6, 2022 at the age of 37. Rest in peace my Angel, love Mom.

... Terri

I am still lost without your voice and your solid nature by my side. So many things in life seem empty now that you’re gone. I miss you so much, and I wish you were here. You will always be my McPoopie.