Mua price list template

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V14 - report_action on QWeb Template print a PDF only with one page instead of multiple pages

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Mua price list template
Renaud De Boeck
23 tháng 11 2020
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In Odoo 14.0, I would like to print a PDF of a qweb template for several models / docs but when I open my PDF, there is only one page with all my docs which are superimposed. I mean, all the content is there but on the same page and not One page for each doc.

datas = {'ids': product_ids}
res = self.env['product.template'].search([('id', 'in', product_ids)]).read(['name'])
res = res and res[0] or {}
res['template_code'] = code
res['date_start'] = date_start
res['date_end'] = date_end
res['pricelist'] = pricelist
datas['form'] = res
datas['active_model'] = 'product.template'

return self.env.ref(template).report_action(product_ids, data=datas)

This code is called when I press an action and I get a PDF back but as I said, I only get one page with all my products information overlapping each other (5 products names at the same place and so on...)

Do you know how can I print a custom report but with multiple pages?

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1 Trả lời
Mua price list template
Khay Leng
15 tháng 12 2020
Best Answer
I don't know if you got it right. It's because of web.basic_layout. Put it inside *