Gods gift 14 days review

Korean drama ‘God’s Gift – 14 Days’ started off as a interesting suspenseful mystery that gripped the audience right from the start. The drama had an outstanding cast, but it was Jo Seung Woo who stole the show with his amazing performance and made everyone love his character, Ki Dong Chan.

Every episode of the drama was full of twists making you stand on your toes and curious on how the time travel twist will get resolved in the end. But the most anticipated ending turned out as a big slap on the face. The whole resolution was shown in the last 10 minutes of the finale with a big black-out screen scene creating an indefinite ending, leaving all fans angry.

How did the drama end?

We see Ki Dong Chan being drugged and tricked that his mom killed Saet Byul so he decides to toss her body in the lake. He then flashes back to what he thought was a dream but it turns out that he was Saet Byul’s killer in the original timeline (being tricked as well) and that is why he was tossed in the lake by the gangsters at Ji Hoon’s orders to avenge her death. This is repeated in the curent timeline except Saet Byul manages to move at the last moment alerting him she is still alive. But he remembers the fortune teller saying “One must die in order for the other to live” and he decides it has to be him… and then we hear a huge SPLASH and cut to a black screen. Everything after that is a few seconds scenes of the president admitting to his family crimes, Dong Ho released from prison with blurry figures waiting for him outside and So Hyun and Saet Byul staring at the lake and happily walking away.

Gods gift 14 days review

Gods gift 14 days review

What?! I had to double check again in case I missed something.. When a character dies its with the purpose of having a dramatic impact but here it was unclear and wrapped up too quickly.

Later SBS revealed another ending showing the bad people being arrested and Dong Chan telling the miracle story to Saet Byul. At the end of the miracle story Saet Byul asks if the knight that helped the mother and child survived and Dong Chan only smiles and pates her head. We switch back to So Hyun and Saet Byul walking away from the lake. END

Gods gift 14 days review

For me the key to the drama ending is the ending of the miracle story and we are given the hint with Dong Chan’s smile instead of answering if the knight survived. If we think that this is a story of a miracle time travel to save a child it does makes sense there to be a sacrifice.. so like in the story Dong Chan gives his life to save the child in the end.

I think this ending should of been shown in the original last episode to give more sense in the story. The writers creating an indefinite ending was really unsatisfying… but as the initial emotions are passing I am starting to accept and understand it.

I wasn’t sure we would make it, but here we are in the final stretch. Believe it or not, we’ve got more twists and turns in our final day, enough to make me doubt if anyone was going make it out alive. It’s been one hell of a ride, and we’re kept on our toes until the very end. All the twists make us a little rushed at the end, but we do come full circle with gaps filled to complete our original timeline. And while we do get the answers, the show still leaves us questioning what could have been, what was, and what will be. But as always, that’s just up to our old friend, Fate.


Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

First Son Kim Joon-seo, provokes Dong-chan, who reacts by chocking him on the hospital bed. Soo-hyun intervenes to stop Dong-chan just as we roll over to our final day.

Now out of Dong-chan’s firm grip, Kim Joon-seo laughs at their attempt to kill him. Soo-hyun threatens him with the pictures, but he smirks. The pictures aren’t enough evidence to prove that he did anything. He tells them to try, but in the time the evidence gets put together, Saet-byul will already be dead.

At that, Dong-chan pulls him into another chokehold, but the bodyguards rush in this time. Dong-chan struggles to get out of the bodyguards’ grip, but Soo-hyun tells him to stop. This guy’s not worth their time.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Outside the hospital, Soo-hyun tells Dong-chan that Kim Joon-seo is right: the pictures alone aren’t enough evidence to prove anything. What do they do now?

Dong-chan gets a call and brightens up when he sees that it’s Grandpa Chu; however, on the phone, it’s not Grandpa but an assistant, who tells Dong-chan to come to the hospital. He realizes that today is the day that Grandpa passed away from a heart attack.

In his hospital bed, Grandpa finishes signing his will just as Dong-chan and Soo-hyun enter. Dong-chan scolds Grandpa for not taking care of his health and drinking all that coffee (aw), but Grandpa replies with an envelope, saying that this should help him with his investigation.

Gods gift 14 days review

Inside is a written suicide note from Grandpa’s son (Chu Do-jin), which retells the events at Moojin ten years ago. In a flashback, Chief of Staff Lee Myung-han gives the guys two options: (1) become accomplices to the crime and cover it up; (2) be charged of murder and spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Chu Do-jin acts first and makes the decision by picking up the knife and stabbing Soo-jung. Chief of Staff Lee then takes pictures of the three guys with Soo-jung’s blood on their hands as blackmail to seal the deal.

Finally with the truth, Dong-chan looks at Grandpa with betrayal. Grandpa knew this whole time that Dong-ho had been innocent, but he didn’t have enough courage to tell the truth.

Gods gift 14 days review

Dong-chan reasons that Grandpa must have offered the money to pay off Dong-ho’s imprisonment and tells him that he won’t be taking his money. He tells Grandpa to stay alive and live with repentance.

Dong-chan storms out, and Grandpa stops Soo-hyun before she leaves. He apologizes to her for acting so late and tells her that he has his people looking for Saet-byul. With that, Soo-hyun leaves and Grandpa gasps as he holds his weak heart.

Chief of Staff Lee relaxes in his home when suddenly Ji-hoon pops out in his living room demanding his daughter back. Lee acts oblivious, but Ji-hoon calls him out. He took the jewelry evidence, so let Saet-byul go.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Another flashback, but this time to five years ago when Ji-hoon still worked as a prosecutor. Yoon Jae-han, Te-oh’s hyung and one of the accomplices, offers to testify and asks Ji-hoon to reinvestigate the Moojin case.

Soon after this encounter, Yoon Jae-han dies in a car accident, and Ji-hoon storms into Lee Myung-han’s office, accusing him of staging his death. But of course, Ji-hoon doesn’t have evidence.

That’s where the jewelry evidence comes in. When Ji-hoon found the evidence recently, he threatened to use it against Chief of Staff Lee, but he also had some ulterior motives. In his negotiations, Ji-hoon says that he’s come to question how much he can do to change the world as a mere lawyer and asks Chief of Staff Lee to be a stepping stone for him.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

But at this point, Ji-hoon doesn’t care about the deal. He drops to his knees and apologizes for everything. He begs Lee Myung-han to save his daughter and calls himself a dog, saying he’ll do anything he’s asked.

At that, Lee calls for the drop-off of Saet-byul at a nearby hospital and tells Ji-hoon to go to his daughter. How nice but very uncharacteristic of him… This was way too easy.

Morning has arrived, and Grandma reads the headlining newspaper article about the capital punishment proceedings. Suddenly, the corrupt police forces come into the house and arrest both Grandma and Young-gyu for Saet-byul’s kidnapping.

Gods gift 14 days review

Dong-chan and Soo-hyun meet up with Jenny and Byung-tae to execute their next plan of action. Dong-chan calls Lee Myung-han with the truth and asks to meet up. Then he hands Jenny and Byung-tae the file for safekeeping.

Soo-hyun then gets a call from Ji-hoon with Saet-byul’s whereabouts. Dong-chan offers to go with her, but she tells him to go save his brother. Soo-hyun drives off on her mission, as does Dong-chan on his.

Dong-chan enters Lee Myung-han’s room, sarcastically commenting on how criminals live in great luxury. He kicks the board game off the table and sets down Chu Do-jin’s letter. Lee Myung-han reads the letter but says nothing.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Then he turns on his TV, which shows a live feed of Grandma, Young-gyu, and now Ho-kook, who is knocked unconscious. He says that there’s plenty of evidence — surveillance cameras, Saet-byul’s DNA at the Moojin hideout — that prove that Grandma is the kidnapper. Dong-chan doesn’t express too much worry, however, knowing that his mother isn’t the real kidnapper.

But Lee Myung-han doesn’t stop there. Grandma and Young-gyu will be taken to the police station, but on the way there, they will be allowed to escape. With the criminals escaping, the police will then shoot at them, not with their guns, but with Ho-kook’s gun. He orders Dong-chan to bring the original letter, or else the three of them will die.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Ji-hoon runs into the hospital to find Saet-byul, but she’s nowhere in sight. He calls Lee Myung-han, who tells him that Saet-byul ran away. Soo-hyun arrives and drops to the ground when she hears that Saet-byul is gone.

They’re running out of time, and Soo-hyun decides to go meet the president. She keeps thinking back to the phoenix tail that Saet-byul drew in the Moojin shack, the same one on the president’s ring. Frustrated, Ji-hoon tells her that the president has nothing to do with this scheme — it’s all Lee Myung-han.

Ji-hoon is sure the president knows nothing because he was in Switzerland as the president’s aide at the time. He actually sounds convincing, but Soo-hyun can’t trust him and needs to check for herself.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Dong-chan returns to Lee Myung-han with the original written letter, and the three are set free. Lee Myung-han rips up the letter, and we see that Saet-byul is still trapped in his basement. Oh, he plays extra dirty.

When Ho-kook wakes up, Dong-chan lies that he hit him, thinking Ho-kook was a thief. Then Ho-kook drops the news: Dong-ho is on the list for tomorrow’s capital punishment proceedings. Dong-chan knew this was coming, but the original date was a month later, not the next day. Uh-oh.

Dong-chan goes home and asks Grandma for food, shocking her by being less hostile than he’s been in years. He clearly feels regret for his attitude toward her over the years, and Grandma quickly warms up to his arrival, rushing to feed him. Young-gyu excitedly comments on how this is the first time Uncle Dong-chan has eaten a meal with Grandma and him.

Dong-chan turns to Young-gyu and asks if he wants to go see his father. Grandma protests, saying that Dong-ho will be shocked at Young-gyu’s state, but Dong-chan insists that he promised his brother.

Gods gift 14 days review

He takes Young-gyu outside to give him a bowl haircut, with a literal bowl on his head. And with Young-gyu freshly groomed, he suggests that they take a picture. Grandma looks back at Dong-chan, confused and worried, while he forces a smile for the picture. It’s a bittersweet moment.

Meanwhile, Soo-hyun is making way in her own investigation of the president. Looking at a video of the president that was recorded at the same time that the Moojin incident was taking place, she sees that he never walked offscreen — he had no time to take a call or do anything else, meaning that he really didn’t know. Soo-hyun puts on a different recording of the president’s inauguration and sees that there are two rings: one for the president, one for the first lady.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

The first lady was behind this all, trying to protect her own son. She has been looking after Saet-byul during her kidnapping and initially wants to let her go, but when she realizes that letting go of her would endanger her son, she decides the girl must be taken care of.

But why did Lee Myung-han help her cover up the crime? He says that he respected now-president Kim Nam-joon too much as a person and as a politician to let him to go down for his son’s mistake. He wanted to make him the president.

Lee Myung-han goes down into his basement and orders Tattoo Hand to get rid of Saet-byul. Tattoo Hand protests, saying that this is against his promise.

Gods gift 14 days review

But Lee Myung-han reminds him that his son’s killer needs to hang in order for his wife to stop her suicide attempts, and the list of felons set for capital punishment can be changed at any time.

Visiting the prison, Dong-chan greets his brother while Young-gyu hides under the table. As soon he sits down, Dong-ho asks if the noose for his hanging will hurt. He cries, saying that he scared and doesn’t want to hurt.

Then Young-gyu pops up from under that table, shocking Dong-ho. Young-gyu is disappointed at first, thinking his father forgot him, but Dong-ho calls out Young-gyu’s name and apologizes to him.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Once Young-gyu is out of the room, Dong-ho asks why Young-gyu is different (since Young-gyu was smart as a child when he last knew him), fearful that he is somehow to blame for the boy becoming mentally slow. Dong-chan claims that Young-gyu was just happy to see him, but Dong-ho knows something’s happened. Then he asks Dong-chan to be Young-gyu’s father if he dies.

Dong-chan refuses, saying that Dong-ho should be his father and live happily together when he gets out. At that, Dong-ho’s face lights up and he asks when he can get out. But Dong-chan looks sadly at his brother, unsure himself.

Dong-chan goes to visit Woo-jin, who is still unconscious at the hospital. He tells Woo-jin that if he takes care of Dong-ho and Young-gyu when he’s gone and his mother passes away, then he’ll forgive him. Oh no, what is he doing?!

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

First son Kim Joon-seo is released from the hospital and swarmed by reporters when Dong-chan jumps in to give him a few punches. Then he proceeds to tell all the reporters that he’s the real killer in the Moojin cases and framed his brother for fun.

He puts on an act, claiming that he’s the real culprit and that it’s not fun when all the stupid police and investigators can’t figure out a thing.

He’s got the pictures to prove it and throws them at the reporters. Soo-hyun tries to reach Dong-chan but sees on the news that he’s being arrested as the Moojin killer.

Gods gift 14 days review

In jail, Dong-chan sees on the news that Grandpa Chu has passed away, just like in the original timeline. Then Ho-kook runs to him, knowing that Dong-chan did everything to save Dong-ho. Dong-chan keeps up the act and insists that everyone was fooled.

Grandma comes to the station and asks why Dong-chan is doing this. She accuses Soo-hyun, wrongly thinking that she reported her for kidnapping Saet-byul and now she’s ruining Dong-chan. She regrets not having held onto Saet-byul, dead or alive.

Right then, Soo-hyun runs into the station, and Grandma grabs onto her, demanding her to save her sons. Grandma is dragged out, and Soo-hyun confronts Dong-chan. What the hell is he doing?

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Dong-chan apologizes and says he’s done what can. Soo-hyun persuades him to not give up, but it seems that he already has. He tell her that Dong-ho’s capital punishment date is tomorrow, and this was the only thing he could do for his brother.

But Soo-hyun is not ready to give up. She still has time, and she’s going to use it to save Saet-byul, Dong-ho, and now Dong-chan.

Soo-hyun heads over to the Blue House, claiming she needs to talk to the president directly, but the guards won’t let her in.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Ji-hoon hasn’t given up either, and he’s back at Lee Myung-han’s house. Lee Myung-han denies any knowledge of Saet-byul, and Ji-hoon runs at him with a knife, an insane look in his eyes. But the bodyguards knock him down and beat him to a pulp.

Back at the station, Dong-chan is released. Apparently, the lack of evidence means that they can’t hold him in custody, so he’s free to go. He gets his phone just as it receives a text message with a meet-up location to save Saet-byul.

He arrives at the location, which happens to be the same club from the night he can’t remember. Dong-chan comments on the familiarity of the club and rejects any alcohol.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Unable to get an audience with the president, Soo-hyun forces his hand by talking to the reporters in front of the Blue House. They broadcast her public statement live, questioning the president’s lack of action. The president watches her from his TV.

And so do two men at the club. They complain about Soo-hyun’s persistence to meet the president and blame her for losing her child. Dong-chan, now somehow thoroughly drunk, confronts these two men and throws his drink at them.

Having made her statement, Soo-hyun is finally escorted in the meet the president. She tells him that he’s the only person left who can save Saet-byul and hands him her evidence pictures. She explains the truth and points out that her son has a scar on his collar from that night. It’s clear that the president was unaware of his son’s actions.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Tattoo Hand takes Saet-byul in his car, and she assumes that the first lady has let her go. She also sees that they’re headed to Moojin and assumes that Mom and Dong-chan are going to pick her up. She takes out a small wrapped bag and takes out her hair clip.

In a quick flashback, we see that Saet-byul received two clips in Young-gyu’s gift. Dong-chan threw one into the river, and Saet-byul has the other one. The clip hasn’t gone just yet…

Gods gift 14 days review

Dong-chan is getting beat up just like in the original timeline, and he gets a call. No one seems to be on the other end, so he gets up to leave. He grabs his jackets but leaves one.

As he gets into the taxi, Dong-chan drops his phone on the street and asks the driver to take him to the Moojin reservoir.

Saet-byul begins to grow suspicious as Tattoo Hand pulls her along through the Moojin fields. When she falls, he puts his hands around her neck to choke her, but he can’t.

Gods gift 14 days review

Understanding that he won’t be able to carry out Lee’s order, he apologizes to Saet-byul and promises to take her home. But in the distance, a group of men arrive and Tattoo Hand runs away with Saet-byul in his arms.

Lee Myung-han is notified, but he seems to have a back-up plan, having predicted Tattoo Hand’s actions. He orders for the preparation of the plan while Ji-hoon lies on the ground, bloody and helpless.

Tattoo Hand hands Saet-byul his phone (with the Angel Foundation bell keychain) and tells her to run. After some hesitation, she runs off and he stays to fight off the men. But they play dirty, and he’s stabbed in his side.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Soo-hyun gets back in her car from her meeting with the president and gets a call from Saet-byul. She tells Mom that she’s in Moojin, but the group of men catch her before she can say any more. As Saet-byul is taken away, her hair pin drops on the ground.

Saet-byul is taken to a church, the same place where Soo-jung was killed. She sits down and empties her bag, looking for her pen, but only the Snake puzzle piece and the bell keychain fall out. She finds a crayon on the ground and begins to draw on the wall – the same drawings from the Moojin shack.

Soo-hyun runs into the Moojin shack, expecting Saet-byul to be there, but she’s nowhere to be found. Dong-chan has also made it to Moojin, and he drunkenly picks up Saet-byul’s fallen hair clip and puts it in his pocket.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

And then a bit farther along in the fields, Dong-chan finds Saet-byul lying on the ground. Unconscious or dead? Suddenly he remembers the call from that drunk night—it was his mother, who claimed that she mistakenly killed Saet-byul.

In denial, Dong-chan convinces himself that it wasn’t his mother; it was all him. He killed Saet-byul. In a voiceover, we hear Lee Myung-han’s plot and the reason for Dong-chan’s brain scan.

He knew about Dong-chan’s drunk blackouts, so he manipulated that weakness and made sure he had alcohol in his system the whole time. At the club, his drink was spiked, and in the cab, more alcohol was injected into his bloodstream.

Gods gift 14 days review

Then Saet-byul was made to look like she was dead, and a woman with a similar voice to Grandma called Dong-chan. Lee Myung-han predicts that Dong-chan will take the blame for his mother, just like Dong-ho did for him.

But that’s not all. As evidence, pictures will be taken of Dong-chan’s actions and will be sent to Ji-hoon at an appropriate time. Lee Myung-han trusts that Ji-hoon will take care of things once he sees that Dong-chan killed his daughter—and in the original timeline, we see that he’d done just that. He’s the one who ordered Dong-chan to be thrown into the reservoir with the cinder block.

Gods gift 14 days review

Just as Lee Myung-han finishes his briefing with the first lady in her son’s hospital room, the president walks in. He checks the scar on his son’s collar and steps back in disbelief, his doubts confirmed.

Dong-chan walks towards the water with Saet-byul in his arms, apologizing the whole way. Soo-hyun searches for Saet-byul in the fields, when suddenly she gets a call from the president. He tells her go to the reservoir and stop Dong-chan, who thinks that Saet-byul has died.

Dong-chan carries Saet-byul out to the water and starts to believe his worst nightmare. He convinces himself that he was the one in the original timeline to kill Saet-byul.

Gods gift 14 days review

Soo-hyun yells at him from a distance, and he apologizes to her as well. Just as we roll over to D-Day, Soo-hyun reaches the edge of the reservoir.

The president makes a public announcement about his resignation the next morning, saying that he will be facing the repercussions of his family’s unforgivable deed.

Dong-ho is released from prison and returns to three blurred silhouettes while Soo-hyun overlooks the Moojin waters with Saet-byul and her mother (no Ji-hoon). Please do tell me what happened.

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review

Just as Dong-chan was about to throw Saet-byul in the water, her hand grabs one of his buttons. He realizes that she’s not dead and thinks back to the prophecy. The two people in the prophecy weren’t Saet-byul and Dong-ho; they were Saet-byul and Dong-chan.

This was why Soo-hyun and Dong-chan were sent back to fourteen days ago. A big wave of relief passes over Dong-chan, and he smiles as he says that he’ll protect Saet-byul. With that, he walks forward, into the water.

Gods gift 14 days review

As our story comes to a close, Soo-hyun and Saet-byul look over the waters, and we’re also shown the ending of Dong-chan’s version of The Story of a Mother as he told to Saet-byul. “The knight saved the child and returned her to the mother. And the child and her great mother lived happily ever after.”

Then Saet-byul asks, “What about the knight? Did he live too?”

Gods gift 14 days review
Gods gift 14 days review


And yes, that is the end. We don’t get an answer to the Saet-byul’s question, and the fate of Dong-chan’s life is left open for us to decide. ALKSDJFOIENCZK. In my mind there are two options that makes sense: either Dong-chan realizes that he needs to sacrifice himself for this fight to be over, or he fights Fate and stays alive. But really, show? Did you really have to leave off on a cliffhanger? Given the nature of the show, I realize that this is supposed to be somewhat of an open ending, but this ending doesn’t really give us anything. I mean, it’s THE END, no more, nothing, nada. They’ve got to give us more than that.

In the case where Dong-chan does die (I know, infuriating to think about), we know his reasoning and the steps he took throughout the episode that showed this choice as a possibility. He was willing to take the blame for the Moojin cases to take his brother’s place, and he even went to Woojin to ask him to take care of his family. And when Dong-ho is released from prison, we’re purposefully only shown the silhouettes of three people without their faces. It could be Dong-chan, it could be Woojin, it could be Ho-kook. Who are we to know? But again, who are we to know if all these little hints are just red herrings?

I personally find the second option more compelling. If Dong-chan is alive (as I would like to believe), he’s shown that the whole journey through the 14 days meant something and had enough power to change Fate. Throughout the 14 days, we’ve seen our dynamic duo change things in Fate and alter the course of certain events. Why not this time? This time around, Dong-chan knows the truth and knows what he’s up against. He most certainly had the power to not give any shits about the prophecy and end the battle with Fate.

Gods gift 14 days review

Overall, it was kind of a confusing episode. Not that I wasn’t confused every episode, with all those false alarms and intricate twists, but I was expecting some more clarity. The show never failed to fool me again with their red herrings and anticlimactic moments, even in the final installment. I was legitimately scared when Dong-chan remembered the phone call from Grandma, who admitted to killing Saet-byul. I definitely saw that as a possibility and thought, “Holy shit, did Grandma really kill Saet-byul?” But nope false alarm. Also, when the tables turned and Soo-hyun had all the burden to save Saet-byul, Dong-ho, and Dong-chan. I was like “Hell yes! Full circle with motherhood and baddass Soo-hyun!” And about two scenes afterwards, Dong-chan was released, and we got lost the potential great moment to an anticlimactic one.

I was getting antsy when there were about ten minutes left of the show, and it was still going the wrong way. I had no idea how it was going to turn itself around and give me that happy ending I desperately needed. I wanted some enlightenment on how everything unfolded, how the baddies were punished, and how our Baddass Mother and Captain Awesome get their well-deserved resolution. But we were give so little, so I’m going to let my imagination flow to create that ending.

But despite the ending, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. It did its job in making me enjoy every second of anxiety and giving me that right dose of OHMYGOD to make me keep watching. It also showed me a new side of dramaland and a new twist on the time travel element that was executed quite well. And of course, we can’t leave out the acting. Lee Bo-young and Jo Seung-woo gave great performances individually and as a duo, and I really hope we get a chance to properly ship them in the future. And Kim Yoo-bin, charming and wonderful as always.

A big thank you to javabeans and girlfriday for getting me through the bootcamp and letting me write for this awesome Dramabeans community! This was a great first drama recap experience, and I thank all the Beanies as well for bearing with my struggles. Until next time!

Gods gift 14 days review


What a letdown of a finale. Aside from the Dong-chan question (which I’ll get to in a moment), it was poorly slapped together, its live-shoot process evident in practically every transition. There were cuts that felt like a commercial break had been edited out, which I could have dealt with if only it didn’t also feel like whole scenes had been chopped out too.

Twists are fine and all, and based on the pacing of this story the whole way through, it seemed likely that we were going to be thrown more curve balls. Where the drama dropped that ball, however, is in adequately explaining the twist or building up the tension to arrive at that point so that our principal reaction is “Oh my god, I totally didn’t expect that but it makes perfect sense!” and not “Wait, what’s happening now? Why?”

As for the ending, I believe Dong-chan is dead, but not because the drama showed that to me or explained why satisfactorily. I believe it because the trappings of a heroic death are there (an episode full of goodbyes and making provisions for ones left behind), even if the logic lacks persuasiveness, and also because it’s in all the news stories and the producers have insisted that Dong-chan’s death was something they’d considered from the synopsis stage. So if your drama producer tells ya that he’s dead, I think he’s dead.

Now, here’s the thing. I think a Dong-chan death could have worked. And I do believe many of us would have been fine with an ending where he died if it had been executed well—after all, I do like the poetry of Dong-chan both thwarting Fate (Saet-byul lives) and succumbing to it (the price is himself). If only the poetry coincided with reality. How frustrating was the reservoir scene? The whole build-up of the frame job was to ensure Dong-chan would dump Saet-byul’s body believing that the girl was already dead. Then he sees the girl is alive. And his reaction is, “Ah, then Fate must mean I’m supposed to die instead of her”? Why, why, whyyyyy.

But this drama has always had more ambition than ability to execute. It wanted to do so much and threw so many threads into the mix, when really a solid edit would have done wonders. Clarity, as dramallama mentioned, was sorely lacking, and how can I be content with a finale that leaves me confused? In the beginning the pace was fast and the steady stream of clues and revelations were addicting, exhilarating even, so that I was happy to go along for the ride, thinking it would all clear up in the end. But then the clown car of killers just kept spitting out more bad guys and the plot hurtled forward based on the flimsiest of evidence and the show seemed much more interested in pulling out reversals than ensuring that those reversals felt organic. And I would be willing to accept flimsy logic in many cases—say, for instance, seeing a ten-year-old photograph and immediately knowing that the fifth guy must be our killer—because God’s Gift was always about the direction of the investigation more than the details of the investigation. As long as these clues kept the plot moving, fine. Except in the last case where it does us wrong, and Dong-chan assumes that Fate must be appeased, and that he must be the one to die, and that there’s no other reason for his magical journey back in time, all based on the prophecy that Soo-hyun told him she once heard. Aghhhhhhh.

I was ready to forgive this show a lot of its flaws because it was still an entertaining, sometimes gripping ride and I found every episode to be engaging. So as long as I ended on a satisfying note, my affection could override the minor quibbles with the sometimes-clunky execution. Alas, the finale just tanked it all, and now I’ve just got this sour taste in my mouth. If only I had 14 days to give the producers to go back and do it better. Unfortunately, their stance on Fate’s will sort of suggests they’d just muck it up all over again.

Is God's Gift 14 days worth watching?

You'll have to sit & sift through A LOT in order to get the finish line, so the final payoff better be good when you eventually get there, and it is! Bottom Line: 7.5 to 8 out of 10 stars. Very Well Recommended (if you can overlook its flaws).

Who is the killer in God's gift 14 days?

Suddenly he remembers the call from that drunk night—it was his mother, who claimed that she mistakenly killed Saet-byul. In denial, Dong-chan convinces himself that it wasn't his mother; it was all him. He killed Saet-byul. In a voiceover, we hear Lee Myung-han's plot and the reason for Dong-chan's brain scan.