concord là gì - Nghĩa của từ concord

concord có nghĩa là

Concord is a town in Massachusetts that Nathaniel Hawthorne succinctly labeled “Eden.” Due to its distinction as the birthplace of the American Revolution and its plethora of literary giants, Henry James described Concord as “the biggest little place in America,” its influence only rivaled by the cities of Boston, New York, and Chicago. Beyond Concord’s immense historical influence, it remains a wealthy and intellectual community (Harvard chose to relocate here during the War of Independence.). Social grace and a genteel manner are the norm in this preppy suburb, where residents frown upon crass displays of wealth and the Brahmin values of class and understated elegance still rule. Concord is further noted for the uniform quality of its superb schools, ranging from its nationally recognized public schools to the numerous top private schools in residence, including Middlesex, Concord Academy, Fenn, and Nashoba Brooks. Every generation of Concordians returns to reside in and continue Concord’s rich tradition as arguable the most idyllic town in America.


"I'm from Concord, Massachusetts. There's a reason I chose to reside in Concord, Massachusetts. I'm an American. Concord, Massachusetts is where the Minutemen fought off the British, personifying the heroism and patriotism of what it means to be an American." The Honorable Harvey Cooper, Boston Legal

concord có nghĩa là

British/French supersonic airliner, designed in the sixties and entered commercial service in 1976. A supreme technological success (and the only successful supersonic airliner), but catastrophic from a business point of view.

Concorde was designed when fuel was cheap, and when it didn't seem like there would be any objection to generating sonic booms over populated areas. By the time it was ready to go into commercial service, environmental concerns and fuel costs eroded most of the potential market. In the end, Concorde served only with Air France and British Airways, mostly flying on the New York - Paris and New York - London routes.

After the first fatal Concorde accident in 2000, the fleet was grounded for over a year. The decision was finally made to retire the two Concorde fleets in 2003, and the survivors were retired to museums in Germany, France, Britain, the United States, and Barbados. No supersonic successor appears likely


The last commercial Concorde flights were in October 2003.

concord có nghĩa là

The location of the beginning of the American Revolutionary war. Where one of the lantern's ("One if by land, Two if by sea") that signaled Paul Revere's famed ride can be seen. Where American authors Louisa May Alcott, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote their masterpieces. Speechwriter Doris Kerns-Goodwin lives there, famed marathoner Uta Pippig and gold-medal winner in women's hockey Lori Baker reside. As well as one-time world record holder in the one mile Noureddine Morceli.

Movies filmed there: "What's the worst that could happen?," "House Sitter," "Little Women," "School Ties."

A lovely gated community with only 16 reported crimes in 2003.


1. "I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only." -- Walden; Henry David Thoreau

2. "Tonight, what began on the commons in Concord, Massachusetts, as an alliance of farmers and workers, of cobblesmen and tinsmiths, of statesmen and students, of mothers and wives, of men and boys, lives two centuries later as America! My name is Josiah Bartlet, and I accept your nomination for the Presidency of the United States!" -- The West Wing

concord có nghĩa là

a massachusettes suburb full of middle class parents and their drug addicted children. Famous for high marijuana and poisonous mushroom abuse rates.


lets trip on shroomz in concord, MA.

concord có nghĩa là

A small town in MA 20 minutes from boston. There are a lot of punks running around and most kids do drugs because they can afford them. Concord is about average to upper class. Acton cares way too much about sports because that is all they can possibly have against Concord, but the truth is Concord doesn't care all that much about sports, and they are still good at them anyways, just in some cases is not nearly as good as Acton. Most Concordians are rich and can act stand-offish to people they don't like or are not from around here, and it's often confused with being snobby.


Tourists: "Let's take pictures of this historical town!"
Concordians: "Ew stupid tourists."

concord có nghĩa là

The capitol of NH , people call it a city but its more a large town or just a hick city


city where the hicks all go to shop

concord có nghĩa là

Concord is a small town in Massachusetts that is home to historical attractions, and that's about it. Parents move here to fuck and create bratty kids that either end up a druggie, slut, or a grade obsessed mess of a human. The education system is great, but in turn creates a stressful environment that makes kids feel retarded if they get anything under a B. Being a kid who lives here, there is jack shit to do for kicks around here. So instead we smoke bud and fuck everything in sight. The exact thing our parents thought wasn't gonna happen upon moving here.


Person 1: "Hey, wanna smoke under the bridge on the tracks?"
Person 2: "Yeah! Let's drive there in my Audi A6"
Person 1: "Sounds good"
Person 2: "Who are we buying bud from?"
Person 1: "Just about any jock in Concord will sell"
Person 2: "True"

concord có nghĩa là

A generally upper class town in Massachusetts, which many people confuse for drug-infested, worse-than-Acton, better-than-Bedford or having the same spelling as concorde, a jet built for supersonic travel. Its entry into apparently drives people into fits of misspelling.


Henry Davird Thereaough lived in concord, massechusettes.

concord có nghĩa là

noun. 1 agreement. 2 an index of the words used in a book or an author's works.


To be in concordance with protocol.

concord có nghĩa là

A huge nose that juts out with no particular definition or shape. It is often quite wide and long. It points in a slightly upward direction. It often looks unproportionate with the rest of the person's face. Women that have a nose like this often wear a lot of make-up in order to distract from their obvious flaw. Men that possess a nose like this often have excessively dyed hair (usually in bright or attention-seeking style) with a long fringe. They usually have an irritating level of obviously fake confidence.


"God I don't know why that girl acts like she's the bees-knees, she has a right concord on her!"