Cách chuyển cad 2023 về classic

The timelines below are for administrators and users. If you're not a Google Workspace customer, see this different timeline for consumers.

The new Google Sites has become the default for website creation. As the next step, enable new Sites for user groups that don't already have access within your top-level organization. Your users can still switch back to classic Sites.

Prepare to transition to new Sites

With the right permissions, anyone can use the Classic Sites Manager to streamline the migration process. For details, go to Migrate classic Sites to new Sites.

If the Site creation and editing option is set to Users cannot edit Sites in the Google Admin console, the Convert this site option in Classic Sites Manager isn’t available.

Note: Convert websites created with classic Sites to new Sites by January 1, 2023.

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What do I need to know?

Use the key dates below to plan and manage your organization’s migration from classic Sites.

August 2020: New Sites becomes the default for website creation

If you have:

  • Both classic Sites and new Sites enabled, sites.google.com goes to new Sites.
  • Classic Sites enabled and new Sites disabled, sites.google.com takes you to classic Sites. 
  • Only new Sites enabled, sites.google.com takes you to new Sites.

March 2021: Provide admin access to Classic Sites Manager

Anyone with the Manage classic Google sites admin privilege or Services Admin privileges can see and manage all websites in your organization created with classic Google Sites in the Classic Sites Manager. To give someone this privilege, go to Assign specific admin roles.

Starting May 2021: No websites can be created in classic Sites

New websites can only be created in new Sites.

Starting December 1, 2022 (previously June 2022): Editing of remaining classic sites will be disabled

Site editors can’t make changes to their classic Sites. Viewers can still view classic Sites.

Admins can bulk disable and re-enable the ability for users to edit a selection of sites in Classic Sites Manager. We recommend taking this action earlier to help ensure a smooth transition to new Sites for your users.

Starting January 1, 2023 (previously July 2022): Classic Sites transition

When users try to visit a classic site, they won’t see the website content. Remaining classic sites are automatically downloaded as an HTML file, saved to the site owner’s drive (in Google Drive), and replaced with a draft new site for site owners to review and publish.

Tips to avoid disruption for viewers

If you want the site to be available to viewers, convert it to new Sites using the Classic Sites Manager or Sites settings before January 1, 2023. Using this tool, you can publish your new site at the same URL as the old site to avoid disruption to viewers. For details, see Migrate classic Sites to new Sites. 

What do I need to do?

Start planning for the change to ensure a smooth transition for your organization. See the dates below and recommended actions you as the admin should take by those dates.

August 2020: Enable sites creation in new Sites, review old sites & plan migration 

  • Enable site creation in new Sites in your Admin console for everyone. Users can switch back to classic Sites until January 2022.
  • Using the Classic Sites Manager, review how many classic Sites are in your organization and develop a migration plan. Use this tool to view all classic Sites in your domain; export a summary to Google Sheets for project management; and take bulk actions to delete, archive, or convert your sites. See below, for the Sites transition best practices for admins.

Before May 2021: Turn off sites creation with classic Sites & convert old websites

  • Disable classic Sites creation to ensure new sites are in the new experience.
  • Using the Classic Sites Manager, convert classic Sites to new Sites.

Before December 1, 2022 (previously June 2022): Turn off editing of sites in classic Sites 

  • Disable editing of classic Sites on your domain to help ensure a smooth transition for your users.

Before January 1, 2023 (previously July 2022): Migrate all remaining classic Sites 

  • Convert or delete all remaining classic Sites.

If no action is taken, the changes outlined above will automatically be applied to your domain.

Sites transition best practices for admins

First, ensure all user groups have access to new Google Sites and to turn off creation of sites in classic Sites as soon as possible.

Next, decide on your approach for the transition. Do you want individual site owners to migrate their sites, or do you as the admin want to manage the entire migration?

  • If you want individual site owners to migrate their sites, point them to Convert your classic Sites to new Sites.
  • If you as the admin want to migrate your site, use the Classic Sites Manager.

Manage classic Sites migration

  1. Migrate inactive sites by deleting or archiving them. Choose an option:
    • Export classic Sites using Google Takeout.
    • Delete any classic Sites that are no longer useful to your organization.
    A sign that the site might be a good candidate to delete is that no one edited or viewed it in the past year.
  2. Turn off editing in classic Sites. (Feature scheduled to launch)
  3. Start migrating active sites by converting them or rebuilding them in new Sites:
    • Convert the most viewed or most frequently edited sites from classic Sites to new Sites.
    • When you have a draft of the new site, compare the sites and make any manual adjustments or changes the new Site might need.
    • Publish the new site over the URL of the classic Site.

For certain sites, you might consider rebuilding the site from scratch in new Sites using the site templates available. This might be easier than converting and manually adjusting sites, especially for sites with a number of features that are unsupported in new Sites.

Go to Compare new Sites & classic Sites.


How do I know if I’m affected?

To see if your organization has any classic sites that need to be migrated, visit the Classic Sites Manager.

I’ve seen different transition timelines in user help articles or forums.

The key dates for consumers and Google Workspace users are different. The dates in this article are accurate for Google Workspace customers. If you’re a Gmail user using classic Sites, see Convert your classic Site to new Sites.

Why is this change happening?

We designed new Sites to help you and your users create websites without programming experience, across mobile and desktop, and with real-time collaboration. New Sites is a replacement for classic Sites, built on Google’s latest infrastructure. For more information, see the related Google Workspace blog entry.

How do I know if I’ve correctly enabled new Sites?

After you enable new Sites in the Admin console, sites.google.com redirects to sites.google.com/new, instead of sites.google.com/classic.

I don’t have access to an Admin console. What steps should I take?

What are the differences between classic Sites and new Sites?

Who becomes the site owner after converting a classic Site to new Sites?

The person who converts the site from classic Sites to new Sites becomes the site owner.

For example, if an admin converts the site, they become the owner of the new site, and:

  • Previous owners become editors.
  • Viewers stay viewers.
  • Editors stay editors.

The admin can later transfer ownership of the site to someone else, if needed.

For more information about the experience for users, see the section about converting your site in classic Sites settings in Convert your classic Site to new Sites.

How do I delete my classic Site?

During the migration phase, you will not be able to permanently delete any classic Site with a corresponding new Site draft. These classic Sites will be removed by Google after the migration is complete.

To view your classic Site content, you can export your classic Site by clicking Download in the classic Sites home screen, using the Classic Sites Manager, or going to takeout.google.com. Note that Takeout may not be enabled for all end users in a domain.

  • Turn on new Sites for users
  • Turn classic Sites on or off for users
  • Compare classic Sites & new Sites
  • Convert your classic Site to new Sites
  • Create your site

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