A bone of contention nghĩa là gì

bone of contention Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

a bone of contention

An unresolved problem, dispute, or disagreement. Jerry leaving his dirty dishes in the sink for days became a bone of contention between him and his roommate.See also: bone, contention, of

bone of contention

Fig. the subject or point of an argument; an unsettled point of disagreement. We've fought for so long that we've forgotten what the bone of contention is. The question of a fence between the houses has become quite a bone of contention.See also: bone, contention, of

bone of contention

Main issue of a disagreement; something to quarrel about. For example, Grandfather's will was a bone of contention for the whole family. This expression alludes to two dogs fighting (contending) over a single bone. In slightly different guise, bone of dissension, it was used figuratively in the 16th century and took its present form in the early 1700s. See also: bone, contention, of

a bone of contention

COMMON A bone of contention is an issue that people are arguing about. Both players were lectured severely by the referee, but the real bone of contention was the injury to Montgomery. Pay, of course, is not the only bone of contention. Note: The image here is of two dogs fighting over a bone. See also: bone, contention, of

a bone of contention

a subject or issue over which there is continuing disagreement. The idea is of a bone thrown into the midst of a number of dogs and causing a fight between them.See also: bone, contention, of

a bone of conˈtention

a matter about which there is a lot of disagreement: The interpretation of this painting has long been a bone of contention among art historians.See also: bone, contention, of

bone of contention

The subject of a dispute.See also: bone, contention, of
See also:
  • bone of contention
  • contention
  • a difference of opinion
  • (there is) no problem with that
  • bone of contention, the
  • in dispute
  • have a beef with (someone or something)
  • hold out an olive branch
  • hold out an olive branch (to someone)
  • get square with (one)

bone of contention

point of disagreement, controversial point Job security is the bone of contention in our discussions.

bone of contention|bone|contention

n. phr. Something to fight over; a reason for quarrels; the subject of a fight. The boundary line between the farms was a bone of contention between the two farmers. The use of the car was a bone of contention between Joe and his wife.