Whats 1 major health care legislation in the past 20 years that has had a major impact on improving access cost and or outcomes in the US population?

Health care remains a major theme in our national conversation. And as we approach the November 2020 election, we will hear a lot of debate about the right path forward to fix what ails our current system. It is encouraging to hear so many people—candidates, policymakers, opinion leaders and others—asking how our nation can provide the highest-quality and most affordable health care for patients.

The AMA strongly believes that every American should have access to meaningful, affordable coverage. We also believe we need to build on our current system of coverage provided by employers, government, and individually selected plans so that patients can benefit from choice and competition. This fits with our long-standing policies of pluralism, freedom of both choice and practice, and universal access for patients.

Preserving the ability of patients to choose the health plan that best fits their needs must be a priority. Also, retaining variety in the potential payer mix for providers while reforming payment and delivery processes is an essential element in fully covering the costs of care and ensuring practice sustainability.

Improving upon the Affordable Care Act (ACA) does not upend the model of employer-based health coverage, which has been the predominant form of U.S. medical insurance for the nonelderly population for many decades. In short, health insurance should cost less and work better for those who already have it, and should be much easier to obtain for those who don’t.

First, do no harm

A single-payer option is not a viable solution, because it is a one-size-fits-all approach that would ultimately reduce coverage options and eliminate patients’ freedom of choice. It also would destabilize coverage for some 150 million people with insurance, which accounts for about 20 percent of the U.S. economy.

In determining the best way forward for the world’s largest health care system, we should recall the ethical imperative to “first, do no harm.” Fixing the imperfections of the ACA will focus primarily on extending coverage to the uninsured, not dismantling the existing coverage most Americans enjoy today.

To make the ACA more affordable for individuals and families, the AMA is advocating to:

  • Expand eligibility for tax credit offsets to premiums to five times the federal poverty level.
  • Provide enhanced tax credit offsets to young adults while retaining the ACA’s current formula, which is inversely related to income.
  • Fix the “family glitch” while lowering the threshold that determines whether an employee’s premium cost is “affordable,” which affects subsidies to buy coverage on health insurance exchanges.
  • Support efforts at the state level to expand Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent of the federal poverty level.

It is crucial we also take steps to correct the flaws in the ACA’s individual-market risk pool, in which younger people without chronic health concerns are often reluctant to participate. The AMA backs efforts by states to adopt individual mandates while also expanding outreach efforts to inform patients about financial incentives they can secure to purchase coverage on the exchanges.

A permanent federal reinsurance market would further stabilize the individual market. Until such a program can be established, Section 1332 waivers for state reinsurance programs can fill the bill.

Physicians know that people who lack health coverage live sicker and die younger. The ACA provided the pathway to extend health insurance to everyone. Now is not the time to stray from that path, but to strengthen it to ensure we reach our destination: comprehensive and affordable universal coverage for all Americans.

Learn more about the AMA vision on health care reform.

U.S. President Barack Obama signs the Affordable Health Care for America Act during a ceremony with fellow Democrats in the East Room of the White House March 23, 2010 in Washington, DC.

Win McNamee | Getty Images

Recently, a federal court decided the central provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring all Americans to be insured or face a tax penalty is unconstitutional. Now, the entire law may be in limbo. Congress just repealed three taxes meant to raise revenue for the ACA.

In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had exceeded its constitutional power by requiring states to expand Medicaid — one of the main ways the law aimed to increase coverage rates. At least 14 states have refused to expand their Medicaid program since.

"Changes to the ACA have come from many different quarters, including Congress, the administration, state governments and the federal judiciary system," said Christine Eibner, a senior economist at the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit think tank. "Many of these changes have reduced the law's reach in terms of expanding coverage."

Indeed, some 28 million Americans are still uninsured.

Even so, the Affordable Care Act has made our health-care system unrecognizable from a decade ago.

"I'd say, in many ways, the goals have been closer to met than not," said Gregory Stevens, associate professor of clinical family medicine at the University of Southern California.

Despite suffering from a past heart attack and diabetes a woman was able to receive medical coverage through Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

Luke Sharrett | The Washington Post | Getty Images

The Affordable Care Act established health insurance marketplaces, including Healthcare.gov and state exchanges at which people could sign up for coverage and potentially qualify for federal subsidies. Despite initial spikes in prices on the marketplace, premiums have grown more affordable over the last couple of years.

"The tax credits have proven to be a very stabilizing force in the individual market," Eibner said.

More than 20 million Americans gained health insurance under the ACA. Black Americans, children and small-business owners have especially benefited.

Thirty-seven states have expanded Medicaid, deepening their pool of eligible residents to those who live at or below 138% of the federal poverty level. As a result of the increased access to health care, it's estimated that more than 19,000 lives have been saved.

The Medicaid expansion is popular with voters. After Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, won reelection in November, his lead pollster toldThe Washington Post that "no single issue was more important than the Medicaid expansion."

More than 90% of the expenses states pick up under their Medicaid expansion are reimbursed by the federal government. The Medicaid expansion in Connecticut has reduced the state's per-person spending on the program by nearly 6%, even while it brought on an additional 200,000 people.

That math has led even red states that criticized the Affordable Care Act to eventually adopt it, Stevens said. "It was increasingly tough to leave federal money on the table," he said.

There are other parts of the ACA with bipartisan support, including prohibiting insurers from denying coverage or charging more to people with preexisting conditions. More than 1 in 4 Americans report having a preexisting condition such as asthma or high blood pressure.

"Many key provisions of the Affordable Care Act remain because they are so popular with voters," said Summer Johnson McGee, the dean of the School of Health Sciences at the University of New Haven in Connecticut.

Other powerful changes of the Affordable Care Act don't fit neatly into sound bites.

The law prohibited health insurers from including lifetime and annual caps in their plans. In the past, the government estimates that more than 20,000 people hit those limits each year.

"It was horrible," said Laurel Lucia, director of the Health Care Program at the University of California Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. "Just when you've been hit with a really serious health condition, you're not covered fully."

The Affordable Care Act also banned insurers from charging rates based on gender. Prior to its passage, one study found that young women were charged up to 45% more than young men for their health insurance.

Under the ACA, Medicare stopped reimbursing hospitals for the treatment of hospital-acquired infections. "Prior to this, if you picked up an infection, the hospital earned more money," Stevens said. As a result, the number of such infections have plummeted and 125,000 fewer deaths have occurred.

In states where Medicaid was expanded, there's been a 6% increase in the number of early-stage cancer diagnoses, said Aparna Soni, a health economist at American University.

"Early diagnosis of cancer increases the probability of successful treatment and can lead to fewer cancer deaths, better outcomes for patients and lower costs of treatment," Soni said.

Yet there are problems — old and new.

Health-care spending still makes up nearly a fifth of the country's gross domestic product. "The ACA, in the last 10 years, has largely failed on reducing overall spending," Johnson McGee said.

Many Americans can't afford to take care of themselves. The average employer-sponsored insurance has annual family premiums over $20,000. One study found that more than 40% of Americans are struggling with medical bills or debt, and health-care expenses continue to be a leading cause of bankruptcy.

"While the ACA succeeded in creating a situation in which nearly the entire population either has, or can get, health insurance, it did nothing to reduce the underlying cost of medical care," said Ed Haislmaier, a health-care policy expert at the Heritage Foundation.

The Trump administration has been hostile toward the Affordable Care Act.

The overhaul of the tax code in 2017 repealed the individual mandate penalty. That central provision of the Affordable Care Act required every American to sign up for health insurance or face a tax penalty. A family of four could pay more than $13,000 for going uninsured. The administration has also slashed the Affordable Care Act's marketing budget by 90%. Advocates say it's now harder for people to learn about their health insurance options.

These changes are likely among the reasons 400,000 fewer people signed up for health insurance on the marketplace in 2019 than in 2018. Between 2017 and 2018, the number of uninsured children swelled by 100,000.

Since more than a dozen states continue to refuse to adopt the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion, 2.5 million people who would have been eligible remain uninsured. In Texas, one of the states that hasn't expanded Medicaid, nearly 1 in 5 people live without health insurance.

Meanwhile, it could become harder to qualify for Medicaid in some places.

Some 10 states are in the process of trying to impose work requirements for their Medicaid benefits. The new qualifications could lead to 800,000 Americans losing their health coverage.

"There's a lot of people who have health problems that prevent them from working," said Linda Jordan, a public benefits lawyer at the Center for Civil Justice in Michigan. Starting in January, many Medicaid recipients in Michigan will have to show at least 80 hours a month of workforce engagement to maintain their coverage.

Other states, meanwhile, have fully adopted the Affordable Care Act — and gone further to cover their residents.

In 2020, California will become the first state to offer state subsidies to people who earn too much to qualify for federal tax credits on the health-care marketplace. For example, an individual earning $70,000 a year and a family of four making $150,000 could qualify for the state relief.

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act participate in a "Save Obamacare" rally in Los Angeles, California on March 23, 2017.

Ronen Tivony | NurPhoto | Getty Images

The Affordable Care Act required insurers to cover dependents until their 26th birthday. Yet in New Jersey, some dependent, unmarried adults are eligible to stay on their parents' plan until they're 31.

And while the federal government no longer fines the uninsured, California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., still penalize their uncovered residents.

Washington state signed into law this year a public option for health insurance. Two front-runners for the Democratic presidential nomination — Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — are campaigning on "Medicare for All." And today, 6 in 10 Americans believe it's the government's responsibility to make sure all Americans have health-care coverage.

Not long ago, Lucia said, such developments would be unthinkable.

"I think the Affordable Care Act has been a game changer in terms of public support for health care as a right," she said.

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Which federal regulations have had the biggest impact on health care?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought mandatory, subsidized healthcare to the U.S., but this is only one part of the ACA. The full name is “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” and it's the “Patient Protection” portion of the act that has arguably had the biggest impact on healthcare compliance.

What was a major reform in health care?

Medicare and Medicaid Innovations. The Affordable Care Act ushered in sweeping insurance and health system reforms aimed at expanding coverage, addressing affordability, improving quality and efficiency, lowering costs, and strengthening primary and preventive care and public health.

What is the name of the legislation passed in 2010 in an effort to provide health care reform?

The comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010 (sometimes known as ACA, PPACA, or “Obamacare”).

What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?

The ACA enabled people to gain coverage by 1) expanding the publicly funded Medicaid program to cover adults with annual incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level; 2) establishing the Health Insurance Marketplace for individuals and small businesses, allowing them to purchase private health insurance (PHI); and 3 ...