What biometric factor describes how well a characteristic resists change over time?

Information Security: Challenges in Using Biometrics (09-SEP-03, 
One of the primary functions of any security system is the	 
control of people into or out of protected areas, such as	 
physical buildings, information systems, and our national border.
Technologies called biometrics can automate the identification of
people by one or more of their distinct physical or behavioral	 
characteristics. The term biometrics covers a wide range of	 
technologies that can be used to verify identity by measuring and
analyzing human characteristics--relying on attributes of the	 
individual instead of things the individual may have or know. In 
the last 2 years, laws have been passed that will require a more 
extensive use of biometric technologies in the federal		 
government. Last year, GAO conducted a technology assessment on  
the use of biometrics for border security. GAO was asked to	 
testify about the issues that it raised in the report, the use of
biometrics in the federal government, and the current state of	 
the technology. 						 
-------------------------Indexing Terms------------------------- 
REPORTNUM:   GAO-03-1137T					        
    ACCNO:   A08368						        
  TITLE:     Information Security: Challenges in Using Biometrics     
     DATE:   09/09/2003 
  SUBJECT:   Facility security					 
	     Information technology				 
	     Identity verification				 
	     Computer security					 
	     Information resources management			 
	     Homeland security					 

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Testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy,
Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census, Committee on Government
Reform, House of Representatives

United States General Accounting Office

GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10: 00 a. m. EDT Tuesday,

Challenges in Using Biometrics

Statement of Keith A Rhodes Chief Technologist Applied Research and

GAO- 03- 1137T

Biometric technologies are available today that can be used in security
systems to help protect assets. Biometric technologies vary in complexity,
capabilities, and performance and can be used to verify or establish a
person*s identity. Leading biometric technologies include facial
recognition, fingerprint recognition, hand geometry, iris recognition,
retina recognition, signature recognition, and speaker recognition.
Biometric technologies have been used in federal applications such as
access control, criminal

identification, and border security. However, it is important to bear in
mind that effective security cannot be achieved by relying on technology
alone. Technology and people must work together as part of an overall
security process. Weaknesses in any of these areas diminishes the
effectiveness of the security process. The security process needs to
account for limitations in biometric technology. For example, some people
cannot enroll in a biometrics system. Similarly, errors sometimes occur
during matching operations. Procedures need to be developed to handle
these situations. Exception processing that is not as good as biometric-
based primary processing could also be exploited as a

security hole. We have found that three key considerations need to be
addressed before a decision is made to design, develop, and implement
biometrics into a security system:

1. Decisions must be made on how the technology will be used. 2. A
detailed cost- benefit analysis must be conducted to determine that

the benefits gained from a system outweigh the costs. 3. A trade- off
analysis must be conducted between the increased

security, which the use of biometrics would provide, and the effect on
areas such as privacy and convenience.

Security concerns need to be balanced with practical cost and operational
considerations as well as political and economic interests. A risk
management approach can help federal agencies identify and address
security concerns. As federal agencies consider the development of
security systems with biometrics, they need to define what the high- level
goals of this

system will be and develop the concept of operations that will embody the
people, process, and technologies required to achieve these goals. With
these answers, the proper role of biometric technologies in security can
be determined. If these details are not resolved, the estimated cost and

performance of the resulting system will be at risk. One of the primary
functions of any

security system is the control of people into or out of protected areas,
such as physical buildings, information systems, and our

national border. Technologies called biometrics can automate the
identification of people by one or more of their distinct physical or

behavioral characteristics. The term biometrics covers a wide range of
technologies that can be used to verify identity by measuring and
analyzing human

characteristics * relying on attributes of the individual instead of
things the individual may have or know. In the last 2 years, laws

have been passed that will require a more extensive use of biometric
technologies in the federal government.

Last year, GAO conducted a technology assessment on the use of biometrics
for border security. GAO was asked to testify about the

issues that it raised in the report, the use of biometrics in the federal
government, and the current state of the technology. www. gao. gov/ cgi-
bin/ getrpt? GAO- 03- 1137T.

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on
the link above. For more information, contact Keith Rhodes at (202) 512-
6412 or [email protected] gao. gov. Highlights of GAO- 03- 1137T, a testimony

for the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental
Relations, and the Census, Committee on Government Reform, House of

September 9, 2003


Challenges in Using Biometrics

Page 1 GAO- 03- 1137T

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: I appreciate the opportunity
to participate in today*s hearing on the use of smart cards and biometrics
in the federal government. One of the primary functions of any security
system is the control of people into or out of protected areas, such as
physical buildings, information systems, and our national border. People
are identified by three basic means: by something they know, something
they have, or something they are. People and systems regularly use these
means to identify people in everyday life. For example, members of a
community routinely recognize one another by how they look or how their
voices sound* by something they are. Automated teller machines (ATM)
recognize customers from their presentation of a bank card* something they
have* and their entering a personal identification number (PIN)* something
they know. Using keys to enter a locked building is another example of
using something you have. More secure systems may combine two or more of
these approaches.

Technologies called biometrics can automate the identification of people
by one or more of their distinct physical or behavioral characteristics.
The term biometrics covers a wide range of technologies that can be used
to verify identity by measuring and analyzing human characteristics*
relying on attributes of the individual instead of things the individual
may have or know.

As requested, I will provide an overview of biometric technologies that
are currently available, describe some of the current uses of these
technologies, and discuss the issues and challenges associated with the
implementation of biometrics. My testimony today is based on a body of
work we completed last year examining the use of biometrics for border
control. In that report, we discussed the current maturity of several
biometric technologies, the possible implementation of these technologies
in current border control processes, and the policy implications and key
considerations for using these technologies. 1 We performed our work in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

1 U. S. General Accounting Office, Technology Assessment: Using Biometrics
for Border Security, GAO- 03- 174 (Washington, D. C.: Nov. 15, 2002).

Page 2 GAO- 03- 1137T

When used for personal identification, biometric technologies measure and
analyze human physiological and behavioral characteristics. Identifying a
person*s physiological characteristics is based on direct measurement of a
part of the body* fingertips, hand geometry, facial geometry, and eye
retinas and irises. The corresponding biometric

technologies are fingerprint recognition, hand geometry, and facial,
retina, and iris recognition. Identifying behavioral characteristics is
based on data derived from actions, such as speech and signature, the

biometrics being speaker recognition and signature recognition. Biometrics
can theoretically be very effective personal identifiers because the
characteristics they measure are thought to be distinct to each person.
Unlike conventional identification methods that use something you have,
such as an identification card to gain access to a building, or something
you know, such as a password to log on to a computer system, these
characteristics are integral to something you are. Because they are
tightly bound to an individual, they are more reliable, cannot be
forgotten, and are less easily lost, stolen, or guessed. Biometric
technologies vary in complexity, capabilities, and performance,

but all share several elements. Biometric identification systems are
essentially pattern recognition systems. They use acquisition devices such
as cameras and scanning devices to capture images, recordings, or
measurements of an individual*s characteristics and computer hardware and
software to extract, encode, store, and compare these characteristics.
Because the process is automated, biometric decision- making is generally
very fast, in most cases taking only a few seconds in real time. Depending
on the application, biometric systems can be used in one of

two modes: verification or identification. Verification* also called
authentication* is used to verify a person*s identity* that is, to
authenticate that individuals are who they say they are. Identification is
used to establish a person*s identity* that is, to determine who a person
is. Although biometric technologies measure different characteristics in
substantially different ways, all biometric systems involve similar
processes that can be divided into two distinct stages: enrollment and
verification or identification.

In enrollment, a biometric system is trained to identify a specific
person. The person first provides an identifier, such as an identity card.
The biometric is linked to the identity specified on the identification
document. He or she then presents the biometric (e. g., fingertips, hand,
or iris) to an acquisition device. The distinctive features are located
and one or more Biometric

Technologies for Personal Identification

How Biometric Technologies Work


Page 3 GAO- 03- 1137T

samples are extracted, encoded, and stored as a reference template for
future comparisons. Depending on the technology, the biometric sample may
be collected as an image, a recording, or a record of related dynamic
measurements. How biometric systems extract features and encode and

store information in the template is based on the system vendor*s
proprietary algorithms. Template size varies depending on the vendor and
the technology. Templates can be stored remotely in a central database or
within a biometric reader device itself; their small size also allows for
storage on smart cards or tokens.

Minute changes in positioning, distance, pressure, environment, and other
factors influence the generation of a template, making each template
likely to be unique, each time an individual*s biometric data are captured
and a new template is generated. Consequently, depending on the biometric
system, a person may need to present biometric data several times in order
to enroll. Either the reference template may then represent an amalgam of
the captured data or several enrollment templates may be stored. The
quality of the template or templates is critical in the overall success of
the biometric application. Because biometric features can

change over time, people may have to reenroll to update their reference
template. Some technologies can update the reference template during
matching operations.

The enrollment process also depends on the quality of the identifier the
enrollee presents. The reference template is linked to the identity
specified on the identification document. If the identification document
does not

specify the individual*s true identity, the reference template will be
linked to a false identity.

In verification systems, the step after enrollment is to verify that a
person is who he or she claims to be (i. e., the person who enrolled).
After the individual provides whatever identifier he or she enrolled with,
the biometric is presented, which the biometric system captures,
generating a trial template that is based on the vendor*s algorithm. The
system then compares the trial biometric template with this person*s
reference template, which was stored in the system during enrollment, to
determine whether the individual*s trial and stored templates match (see
figure 1). Verification

Page 4 GAO- 03- 1137T

Figure 1: The Biometric Verification Process

Source: GAO. Verification is often referred to as 1: 1 (one- to- one)
matching. Verification systems can contain databases ranging from dozens
to millions of enrolled templates but are always predicated on matching an
individual*s presented biometric against his or her reference template.
Nearly all verification systems can render a match* no- match decision in
less than a second. A system that requires employees to authenticate their
claimed identities before granting them access to secure buildings or to
computers is a verification application. Stored

Database Processed

Processed 10101110....

Reference template 10101110.... Trial template Enrollment

Multiple samples Verification 1: 1

Sample Yes No (Am I who I claim to be?)

Does trial template match reference template?

Reference template 10101110....

Page 5 GAO- 03- 1137T

In identification systems, the step after enrollment is to identify who
the person is. Unlike verification systems, no identifier need be
provided. To find a match, instead of locating and comparing the person*s
reference template against his or her presented biometric, the trial
template is compared against the stored reference templates of all
individuals enrolled in the system (see figure 2). Identification systems
are referred to as 1: N (one- to- N, or one- to- many) matching because an
individual*s biometric is

compared against multiple biometric templates in the system*s database.
There are two types of identification systems: positive and negative.
Positive identification systems are designed to ensure that an
individual*s biometric is enrolled in the database. The anticipated result
of a search is a match. A typical positive identification system controls
access to a secure building or secure computer by checking anyone who
seeks access against

a database of enrolled employees. The goal is to determine whether a
person seeking access can be identified as having been enrolled in the

Negative identification systems are designed to ensure that a person*s
biometric information is not present in a database. The anticipated result
of a search is a nonmatch. Comparing a person*s biometric information
against a database of all who are registered in a public benefits program,
for example, can ensure that this person is not *double dipping* by using
fraudulent documentation to register under multiple identities.

Another type of negative identification system is a surveillance system
that uses a watch list. Such systems are designed to identify people on
the watch list and alert authorities for appropriate action. For all other
people, the system is to check that they are not on the watch list and
allow them normal passage. The people whose biometrics are in the database
in these systems may not have provided them voluntarily. For instance, for
a surveillance system, the biometrics may be faces captured from mug shots
provided by a law enforcement agency. Identification

Page 6 GAO- 03- 1137T

Figure 2: The Biometric Identification Process

Source: GAO. No match is ever perfect in either a verification or an
identification system, because every time a biometric is captured, the
template is likely to be unique. Therefore, biometric systems can be
configured to make a match or no- match decision, based on a predefined
number, referred to as a threshold, that establishes the acceptable degree
of similarity between

the trial template and the enrolled reference template. After the
comparison, a score representing the degree of similarity is generated,
and this score is compared to the threshold to make a match or no- match
decision. Depending on the setting of the threshold in identification

Stored N reference templates

Database Processed

Processed 10101110....

Reference template (1) 10101110...

(2) 01010001... (3) 00101010...

(N) 01101001... 10101110.... Trial template Enrollment

Multiple samples Identification 1: N

Sample Yes No (Do you know who I am?) Does trial template match

1 of N reference templates? ......................

Page 7 GAO- 03- 1137T

systems, sometimes several reference templates can be considered matches
to the trial template, with the better scores corresponding to better

A growing number of biometric technologies have been proposed over the
past several years, but only in the past 5 years have the leading ones
become more widely deployed. Some technologies are better suited to
specific applications than others, and some are more acceptable to users.
We describe seven leading biometric technologies:

 Facial Recognition  Fingerprint Recognition  Hand Geometry

 Iris Recognition  Retina Recognition  Signature Recognition  Speaker

Facial recognition technology identifies people by analyzing features of
the face not easily altered* the upper outlines of the eye sockets, the
areas around the cheekbones, and the sides of the mouth. The technology is
typically used to compare a live facial scan to a stored template, but it
can also be used in comparing static images such as digitized passport
photographs. Facial recognition can be used in both verification and
identification systems. In addition, because facial images can be captured
from video cameras, facial recognition is the only biometric that can be
used for surveillance purposes.

Fingerprint recognition is one of the best known and most widely used
biometric technologies. Automated systems have been commercially available
since the early 1970s, and at the time of our study, we found there were
more than 75 fingerprint recognition technology companies. Until recently,
fingerprint recognition was used primarily in law enforcement

Fingerprint recognition technology extracts features from impressions made
by the distinct ridges on the fingertips. The fingerprints can be either
flat or rolled. A flat print captures only an impression of the central

between the fingertip and the first knuckle; a rolled print captures
ridges on both sides of the finger.

An image of the fingerprint is captured by a scanner, enhanced, and
converted into a template. Scanner technologies can be optical, silicon,
or Leading Biometric

Technologies Facial Recognition Fingerprint Recognition

Page 8 GAO- 03- 1137T

ultrasound technologies. Ultrasound, while potentially the most accurate,
has not been demonstrated in widespread use. Last year, we found that
optical scanners were the most commonly used. During enhancement, *noise*
caused by such things as dirt, cuts, scars, and creases or dry, wet, or
worn fingerprints is reduced, and the definition of the ridges is
enhanced. Approximately 80 percent of vendors base their algorithms on the
extraction of minutiae points relating to breaks in the ridges of the
fingertips. Other algorithms are based on extracting ridge patterns.

Hand geometry systems have been in use for almost 30 years for access
control to facilities ranging from nuclear power plants to day care
centers. Hand geometry technology takes 96 measurements of the hand,
including the width, height, and length of the fingers; distances between
joints; and shapes of the knuckles.

Hand geometry systems use an optical camera and light- emitting diodes
with mirrors and reflectors to capture two orthogonal two- dimensional
images of the back and sides of the hand. Although the basic shape of an
individual*s hand remains relatively stable over his or her lifetime,
natural and environmental factors can cause slight changes.

Iris recognition technology is based on the distinctly colored ring
surrounding the pupil of the eye. Made from elastic connective tissue, the
iris is a very rich source of biometric data, having approximately 266
distinctive characteristics. These include the trabecular meshwork, a
tissue that gives the appearance of dividing the iris radially, with
striations, rings, furrows, a corona, and freckles. Iris recognition
technology uses about 173 of these distinctive characteristics. Formed
during the 8 th month of gestation, these characteristics reportedly
remain stable throughout a person*s lifetime, except in cases of injury.
Iris recognition can be used in both verification and identification

Iris recognition systems use a small, high- quality camera to capture a
black and white, high- resolution image of the iris. The systems then
define the boundaries of the iris, establish a coordinate system over the
iris, and

define the zones for analysis within the coordinate system. Retina
recognition technology captures and analyzes the patterns of blood vessels
on the thin nerve on the back of the eyeball that processes light entering
through the pupil. Retinal patterns are highly distinctive traits. Every
eye has its own totally unique pattern of blood vessels; even the eyes of
identical twins are distinct. Although each pattern normally remains
stable over a person*s lifetime, it can be affected by disease such Hand

Iris Recognition Retina Recognition

Page 9 GAO- 03- 1137T

as glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune deficiency

The fact that the retina is small, internal, and difficult to measure
makes capturing its image more difficult than most biometric technologies.
An individual must position the eye very close to the lens of the retina-
scan device, gaze directly into the lens, and remain perfectly still while
focusing on a revolving light while a small camera scans the retina
through the pupil. Any movement can interfere with the process and can
require restarting. Enrollment can easily take more than a minute.

Signature recognition authenticates identity by measuring handwritten
signatures. The signature is treated as a series of movements that contain
unique biometric data, such as personal rhythm, acceleration, and

pressure flow. Unlike electronic signature capture, which treats the
signature as a graphic image, signature recognition technology measures
how the signature is signed.

In a signature recognition system, a person signs his or her name on a
digitized graphics tablet or personal digital assistant. The system
analyzes signature dynamics such as speed, relative speed, stroke order,
stroke count, and pressure. The technology can also track each person*s
natural signature fluctuations over time. The signature dynamics
information is encrypted and compressed into a template.

Differences in how different people*s voices sound result from a
combination of physiological differences in the shape of vocal tracts and
learned speaking habits. Speaker recognition technology uses these
differences to discriminate between speakers.

During enrollment, speaker recognition systems capture samples of a
person*s speech by having him or her speak some predetermined information
into a microphone a number of times. This information, known as a
passphrase, can be a piece of information such as a name, birth month,
birth city, or favorite color or a sequence of numbers. Text independent
systems are also available that recognize a speaker without using a
predefined phrase. This phrase is converted from analog to digital format,
and the distinctive vocal characteristics, such as pitch, cadence, and
tone, are extracted, and a speaker model is established. A template is

then generated and stored for future comparisons. Signature Recognition

Speaker Recognition

Page 10 GAO- 03- 1137T

Speaker recognition can be used to verify a person*s claimed identity or
to identify a particular person. It is often used where voice is the only
available biometric identifier, such as telephone and call centers.
Biometrics is a very young technology, having only recently reached the
point at which basic matching performance can be acceptably deployed. It
is necessary to analyze several metrics to determine the strengths and

weaknesses of each technology and vendor for a given application. The
three key performance metrics are false match rate (FMR), false nonmatch
rate (FNMR), and failure to enroll rate (FTER). A false match occurs when
a system incorrectly matches an identity, and FMR is the probability of
individuals being wrongly matched. In verification and positive
identification systems, unauthorized people can be granted access to
facilities or resources as the result of incorrect matches. In a negative
identification system, the result of a false match may be to deny access.
For example, if a new applicant to a public benefits program is falsely
matched with a person previously enrolled in that program under another
identity, the applicant may be denied access to benefits.

A false nonmatch occurs when a system rejects a valid identity, and FNMR
is the probability of valid individuals being wrongly not matched. In
verification and positive identification systems, people can be denied
access to some facility or resource as the result of a system*s failure to
make a correct match. In negative identification systems, the result of a
false nonmatch may be that a person is granted access to resources to
which she should be denied. For example, if a person who has enrolled in a
public benefits program under another identity is not correctly matched,

she will succeed in gaining fraudulent access to benefits. False matches
may occur because there is a high degree of similarity between two
individuals* characteristics. False nonmatches occur because there is not
a sufficiently strong similarity between an individual*s enrollment and
trial templates, which could be caused by any number of conditions. For
example, an individual*s biometric data may have changed as a result of
aging or injury. If biometric systems were perfect, both error

rates would be zero. However, because biometric systems cannot identify
individuals with 100 percent accuracy, a trade- off exists between the
two. False match and nonmatch rates are inversely related; they must
therefore always be assessed in tandem, and acceptable risk levels must be
balanced with the disadvantages of inconvenience. For example, in access
control, perfect security would require denying access to everyone.
Conversely, Accuracy of Biometric


Page 11 GAO- 03- 1137T

granting access to everyone would result in denying access to no one.
Obviously, neither extreme is reasonable, and biometric systems must
operate somewhere between the two.

For most applications, how much risk one is willing to tolerate is the
overriding factor, which translates into determining the acceptable FMR.
The greater the risk entailed by a false match, the lower the tolerable
FMR. For example, an application that controlled access to a secure area
would require that the FMR be set low, which would result in a high FNMR.
However, an application that controlled access to a bank*s ATM might have
to sacrifice some degree of security and set a higher FMR (and hence a
lower FNMR) to avoid the risk of irritating legitimate customers by
wrongly rejecting them. As figure 3 shows, selecting a lower FMR increases
the FNMR. Perfect security would require setting the FMR to 0, in which
case the FNMR would be 1. At the other extreme, setting the FNMR to 0
would result in an FMR of 1.

Vendors often use equal error rate (EER), an additional metric derived
from FMR and FNMR, to describe the accuracy of their biometric systems.
EER refers to the point at which FMR equals FNMR. Setting a system*s
threshold at its EER will result in the probability that a person is
falsely matched equaling the probability that a person is falsely not
matched. However, this statistic tends to oversimplify the balance between
FMR and FNMR, because in few real- world applications is the need for
security identical to the need for convenience.

Page 12 GAO- 03- 1137T

Figure 3: The General Relationship between FMR and FNMR

Source: GAO. Note: Equal error rate is the point at which FMR equals FNMR.

FTER is a biometric system*s third critical accuracy metric. FTER measures
the probability that a person will be unable to enroll. Failure to enroll
(FTE) may stem from an insufficiently distinctive biometric sample or from
a system design that makes it difficult to provide consistent biometric
data. The fingerprints of people who work extensively at manual labor are
often too worn to be captured. A high percentage of people are unable to
enroll in retina recognition systems because of the precision such systems
require. People who are mute cannot use voice systems, and people lacking
fingers or hands from congenital disease, surgery, or injury cannot use
fingerprint or hand geometry systems. Although between 1 and 3 percent of
the general public does not have the body part required for

1.0 False match rate (FMR) 0.75

0.5 0.25

0 0

False nonmatch rate (FNMR) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 Equal error rate (EER)

Page 13 GAO- 03- 1137T

using any one biometric system, they are normally not counted in a
system*s FTER.

Because biometric systems based solely on a single biometric may not
always meet performance requirements, the development of systems that
integrate two or more biometrics is emerging as a trend. Multiple
biometrics could be two types of biometrics, such as combining facial and
iris recognition. Multiple biometrics could also involve multiple

of a single biometric, such as 1, 2, or 10 fingerprints, 2 hands, and 2
eyes. One prototype system integrates fingerprint and facial recognition
technologies to improve identification. A commercially available system
combines face, lip movement, and speaker recognition to control access to
physical structures and small office computer networks. Depending on the
application, both systems can operate for either verification or
identification. Experimental results have demonstrated that the identities
established by systems that use more than one biometric could be more

reliable, be applied to large target populations, and improve response
time. Biometrics have been used in several federal applications including
access control to facilities and computers, criminal identification, and
border security. In the last 2 years, laws have been passed that will
require a more extensive use of biometric technologies in the federal

Biometric systems have long been used to complement or replace badges and
keys in controlling access to entire facilities or specific areas within a
facility. The entrances to more than half the nuclear power plants in the
United States employ biometric hand geometry systems. Figure 4 illustrates
the use of fingerprint recognition for physical access.

As noted in our technology assessment, recent reductions in the price of
biometric hardware have spurred logical access control applications.
Fingerprint, iris, and speaker recognition are replacing passwords to
authenticate individuals accessing computers and networks. The Office of
Legislative Counsel of the U. S. House of Representatives, for example, is
using an iris recognition system to protect confidential files and working

documents. Other federal agencies, including the Department of Defense,
Department of Energy, and Department of Justice, as well as the
intelligence community, are adopting similar technologies. Using Multiple

Federal Applications of Biometric Technologies

Access Control

Page 14 GAO- 03- 1137T

Figure 4: Using Fingerprint Recognition for Physical Access Source:
National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and

The Department of Homeland Security*s Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) is working to establish a systemwide common
credential to be used across all transportation modes for all personnel
requiring unescorted physical and/ or logical access to secure areas of
the national transportation system, such as airports, seaports, and
railroad terminals. Called the Transportation Worker Identification
Credential (TWIC), the program was developed in response to recent laws
and will include the use of smart cards and biometrics to provide a
positive match of a credential to a person for 10- 15 million
transportation workers across the United States. 2 Fingerprint
identification has been used in law enforcement over the past

100 years and has become the de facto international standard for
positively identifying individuals. The Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) has been using fingerprint identification since 1928. The first
fingerprint recognition systems were used in law enforcement about 4
decades ago.

The FBI*s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)
is an automated 10- fingerprint matching system that stores rolled
fingerprints. The more than 40 million records in its criminal master file
are connected electronically with all 50 states and some federal agencies.
2 See the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (Public Law 107- 71,
Nov. 19, 2001) and

the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107- 295,
Nov. 25, 2002). Criminal Identification

Page 15 GAO- 03- 1137T

IAFIS was designed to handle a large volume of fingerprint checks against
a large database of fingerprints. Last year, we found that IAFIS
processes, on average, approximately 48,000 fingerprints per day and has
processed as many as 82,000 in a single day. IAFIS*s target response time
for criminal fingerprints submitted electronically is 2 hours; for
civilian fingerprint background checks, 24 hours.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) began developing the
Automated Biometric Fingerprint Identification System (IDENT) around 1990
to identify illegal aliens who are repeatedly apprehended trying to enter
the United States illegally. INS*s goal was to enroll virtually all
apprehended aliens. IDENT can also identify aliens who have outstanding
warrants or who have been deported. When such aliens are apprehended,

a photograph and two index fingerprints are captured electronically and
queried against three databases (see figure 5). IDENT has over 4.5 million
entries. A fingerprint query of IDENT normally takes about 2 minutes.
IDENT is also being used as a part of the National Security Entry- Exit
Registration System (NSEERS) that was implemented last year. 3 3 Under
NSEERS, certain nonimmigrants, who may pose a national security risk, are
being registered, and are fingerprinted and photographed when they arrive
in the United States. These nonimmigrants are required to periodically
report and update, when changes occur, their registration information, and
record their departure from the country.

Page 16 GAO- 03- 1137T

Figure 5: An IDENT Workstation Source: INS.

INS Passenger Accelerated Service System (INSPASS), a pilot program in
place since 1993, has more than 45, 000 frequent fliers enrolled at nine
airports, and has admitted more than 300,000 travelers. It is open to

citizens of the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and visa waiver program
countries who travel to the United States on business three or more times
a year. INSPASS permits frequent travelers to circumvent customs
procedures and immigration lines. To participate, users undergo a
background screening and registration. Once enrolled, they can present
their biometric at an airport kiosk for comparison against a template
stored in a central database.

In a joint INS and State Department effort to comply with the Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, every border
crossing card issued after April 1, 1998, contains a biometric identifier
and is machine- readable. The cards, also called laser visas, allow
Mexican citizens to enter the United States for the purpose of business or
pleasure without being issued further documentation and stay for 72 hours
or less, going no farther than 25 miles from the border. Consular staff in
Mexico photograph applicants and take prints of the two index fingers and
then electronically forward applicants* data to INS. Both State and INS
conduct checks on each applicant, and the fingerprints are compared with
prints of previously enrolled individuals to ensure that the applicant is
not Border Security

Page 17 GAO- 03- 1137T

applying for multiple cards under different names. The cards store a
holder*s identifying information along with a digital image of his or her
picture and the minutiae of the two index fingerprints. As of May 2002,
State had issued more than 5 million cards.

The Department of State has been running pilots of facial recognition
technology at 23 overseas consular posts for several years. As a visa
applicant*s information is entered into the local system at the posts and
replicated in State*s Consular Consolidated Database (CCD), the
applicant*s photograph is compared with the photographs of previous
applicants stored in CCD to prevent fraudulent attempts to obtain visas.
Some photographs are also being compared to a watch list.

Laws passed in the last 2 years require a more extensive use of biometrics
for border control. 4 The Attorney General and the Secretary of State
jointly, through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
are to develop a technology standard, including biometric identifier
standards. When developed, this standard is to be used to verify the
identity of persons applying for a U. S. visa for the purpose of
conducting a background check, confirming identity, and ensuring that a
person has not received a visa under a different name. By October 26,
2004, the Departments of State and Justice are to issue to aliens only
machinereadable, tamper- resistant visas and other travel and entry
documents that use biometric identifiers. At the same time, Justice is to
install at all ports of entry equipment and software that allow the
biometric comparison and authentication of all U. S. visas and other
travel and entry documents issued to aliens and machine- readable
passports. The Department of Homeland Security is developing the United
States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indication Technology (US- VISIT)
system to address this requirement.

While biometric technology is currently available and used in a variety of
applications, questions remain regarding the technical and operational
effectiveness of biometric technologies in large- scale applications. We
have found that a risk management approach can help define the need and
use for biometrics for security. In addition, a decision to use biometrics

4 See the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools
Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act)
(Public Law 107- 56, S:403( c) and S:414, Oct. 26, 2001) and the Enhanced
Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 (Public Law 107- 173,
May 14, 2002). Challenges and Issues

in Using Biometrics

Page 18 GAO- 03- 1137T

should consider the costs and benefits of such a system and its potential
effect on convenience and privacy.

The approach to good security is fundamentally similar, regardless of the
assets being protected, whether information systems security, building
security, or homeland security. As we have previously reported, these
principles can be reduced to five basic steps that help to determine
responses to five essential questions (see figure 6). 5 Figure 6: Five
Steps in the Risk Management Process

Source: GAO. What Am I Protecting?

The first step in risk management is to identify assets that must be
protected and the impact of their potential loss.

Who Are My Adversaries?

The second step is to identify and characterize the threat to these
assets. The intent and capability of an adversary are the principal
criteria for establishing the degree of threat to these assets.

5 U. S. General Accounting Office, National Preparedness: Technologies to
Secure Federal Buildings, GAO- 02- 687T (Washington, D. C.: Apr. 25,
2002). Risk Management Is the Foundation of Effective


Identify Assets

Identify Threats

Identify Vul nerabi lit ies

Assess Risks & Determin e Pri ori ties

Identify Countermeasures

Page 19 GAO- 03- 1137T How Am I Vulnerable?

Step three involves identifying and characterizing vulnerabilities that
would allow identified threats to be realized. In other words, what
weaknesses can allow a security breach?

What Are My Priorities?

In the fourth step, risk must be assessed and priorities determined for
protecting assets. Risk assessment examines the potential for the loss or
damage to an asset. Risk levels are established by assessing the impact of
the loss or damage, threats to the asset, and vulnerabilities.

What Can I Do?

The final step is to identify countermeasures to reduce of eliminate
risks. In doing so, the advantages and benefits of these countermeasures
must also be weighed against their disadvantages and costs.

Countermeasures identified through the risk management process support the
three integral concepts of a holistic security program: protection,
detection, and reaction. Protection provides countermeasures such as
policies, procedures, and technical controls to defend against attacks on
the assets being protected. Detection monitors for potential breakdowns in
protective mechanisms that could result in security breaches. Reaction,
which requires human involvement, responds to detected breaches to

thwart attacks before damage can be done. Because absolute protection is
impossible to achieve, a security program that does not incorporate
detection and reaction is incomplete. Biometrics can support the
protection component of a security program. It

is important to realize that deploying them will not automatically
eliminate all security risks. Technology is not a solution in isolation.
Effective security also entails having a well- trained staff to follow and
enforce policies and procedures. Weaknesses in the security process or
failures by people to operate the technology or implement the security
process can diminish the effectiveness of technology.

Furthermore, there is a need for the security process to account for
limitations in technology. Biometrics can help ensure that people can only
enroll into a security system once and to ensure that a person presenting
himself before the security system is the same person that enrolled into
the system. However, biometrics cannot necessarily link a person to his or
Protection, Detection, and

Reaction Are Integral Security Concepts

Page 20 GAO- 03- 1137T

her true identity. While biometrics would make it more difficult for
people to establish multiple identities, if the one identity a person
claimed were not his or her true identity, then the person would be linked
to the false identity in the biometric system. The quality of the
identifier presented during the enrollment process is key to the integrity
of a biometrics system.

Procedures for exception processing would also need to be carefully
planned. As we described, not all people can enroll in a biometrics
system. Similarly, false matches and false nonmatches will also sometimes
occur. Procedures need to be developed to handle these situations.
Exception processing that is not as good as biometric- based primary
processing could be exploited as a security hole.

A decision to use biometrics in a security solution should also consider
the benefits and costs of the system and the potential effects on
convenience and privacy. Best practices for information technology
investment dictate that prior to making any significant project
investment, the benefit and cost

information of the system should be analyzed and assessed in detail. A
business case should be developed that identifies the organizational needs
for the project and a clear statement of high- level system goals should
be developed. The high- level goals should address the system*s expected
outcomes such as the binding of a biometric feature to an identity or the
identification of undesirable individuals on a watch list. Certain
performance parameters should also be specified such as the time required
to verify a person*s identity or the maximum population that the system
must handle.

Once the system parameters are developed, a cost estimate can be
developed. Not only must the costs of the technology be considered, but
also the costs of the effects on people and processes. Both initial costs
and recurring costs need to be estimated. Initial costs need to account
for the engineering efforts to design, develop, test, and implement the
system; training of personnel; hardware and software costs; network
infrastructure improvements; and additional facilities required to enroll
people into the biometric system. Recurring cost elements include program
management costs, hardware and software maintenance, hardware replacement
costs, training of personnel, additional personnel to enroll or verify the
identities of people in the biometric system, and

possibly the issuance of token cards for the storage of biometrics.
Deciding to Use Biometric

Technology Weighing Costs and Benefits

Page 21 GAO- 03- 1137T

Weighed against these costs are the security benefits that accrue from the
system. Analyzing this cost- benefit trade- off is crucial when choosing
specific biometrics- based solutions. The consequences of performance
issues* for example, accuracy problems, and their effect on processes and
people* are also important in selecting a biometrics solution.

The Privacy Act of 1974 limits federal agencies* collection, use, and
disclosure of personal information, such as fingerprints and photographs.
6 Accordingly, the Privacy Act generally covers federal agency use of

personal biometric information. However, the act includes exemptions for
law enforcement and national security purposes. Representatives of civil
liberties groups and privacy experts have expressed concerns regarding

(1) the adequacy of protections for security, data sharing, identity
theft, and other identified uses of biometric data and (2) secondary uses
and *function creep.* These concerns relate to the adequacy of protections
under current law for large- scale data handling in a biometric system.
Besides information security, concern was voiced about an absence of clear
criteria for governing data sharing. The broad exemptions of the Privacy
Act, for example, provide no guidance on the extent of the appropriate
uses law enforcement may make of biometric information. Because there is
no general agreement on the appropriate balance of security and privacy to
build into a system using biometrics, further policy decisions are
required. The range of unresolved policy issues suggests that questions
surrounding the use of biometric technology center as much on management
policies as on technical issues.

Finally, consideration must be given to the convenience and ease of using
biometrics and their effect on the ability of the agency to complete its
mission. For example, some people find biometric technologies difficult,
if not impossible, to use. Still others resist biometrics because they

them to be intrusive, inherently offensive, or just uncomfortable to use.
Lack of cooperation or even resistance to using biometrics can affect a
system*s performance and widespread adoption.

Furthermore, if the processes to use biometrics are lengthy or erroneous,
they could negatively affect the ability of the assets being protected to
operate and fulfill its mission. For example, last year, we found that
there are significant challenges in using biometrics for border security.
The use of biometric technologies could potentially impact the length of

6 5 U. S. C. S:552a. Effects on Privacy and


Page 22 GAO- 03- 1137T

inspection process. Any lengthening in the process of obtaining travel
documents or entering the United States could affect travelers
significantly. Delays inconvenience travelers and could result in fewer
visits to the United States or lost business to the nation. Further
studies could help determine whether the increased security from
biometrics could result in fewer visits to the United States or lost
business to the nation, potentially adversely affecting the American
economy and, in particular, the border communities. These communities
depend on trade with Canada and Mexico, which totaled $653 billion in

In conclusion, biometric technologies are available today that can be used
in security systems to help protect assets. However, it is important to
bear in mind that effective security cannot be achieved by relying on
technology alone. Technology and people must work together as part of an

overall security process. As we have pointed out, weaknesses in any of
these areas diminishes the effectiveness of the security process. We have
found that three key considerations need to be addressed before a decision
is made to design, develop, and implement biometrics into a security

1. Decisions must be made on how the technology will be used. 2. A
detailed cost- benefit analysis must be conducted to determine that

the benefits gained from a system outweigh the costs. 3. A trade- off
analysis must be conducted between the increased

security, which the use of biometrics would provide, and the effect on
areas such as privacy and convenience.

Security concerns need to be balanced with practical cost and operational
considerations as well as political and economic interests. A risk
management approach can help federal agencies identify and address
security concerns. As federal agencies consider the development of
security systems with biometrics, they need to define what the high- level
goals of this system would be and develop the concept of operations that

will embody the people, process, and technologies required to achieve
these goals. With these answers, the proper role of biometric technologies
in security can be determined. If these details are not resolved, the
estimated cost and performance of the resulting system will be at risk.

Page 23 GAO- 03- 1137T

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement. I would be pleased to answer
any questions that you or members of the subcommittee may have.

For further information, please contact Keith Rhodes at (202)- 512- 6412
or Richard Hung at (202)- 512- 8073. Contacts


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Which physical biometric characteristics are used to identify or confirm the identity of an individual?

A measurable physical characteristic or personal behavioral trait used to recognize the identity, or verify the claimed identity, of an applicant. Facial images, fingerprints, and iris scan samples are all examples of biometrics.

Which physical characteristic has the greatest degree of accuracy when used in a biometric authentication scan for computer system access?

For high-security environments, iris recognition provides the best accuracy, followed by palm vein recognition. Some biometric security systems verify identities using one or more detection technologies, while others don't verify the identity at all to keep costs low.

Which of the following measures the rate at which we fail to authenticate legitimate users in a biometric system?

Two rates are used to describe the ability of a biometric system to authenticate its users. False match rate (FMR) describes the probability that a biometric system will incorrectly authenticate an individual or will fail to reject an impostor. It measures the percentage of invalid matches.

What type of authentication is based on what the user has?

ANSWER: Multifactor authentication uses multiple types of authentication credentials, such as what a user knows and what a user has, whereas single-factor authentication uses only one type of authentication.