vodka là gì - Nghĩa của từ vodka

vodka có nghĩa là

A drink which makes you strong and clever.


"This vodka tastes piquant, ambrosial, nactareous and divine. I will now go lift some weights."

vodka có nghĩa là

As a Russian who is experienced in the art of vodka consumption i feel obligated to provide the following information about vodka drinking.
A) Vodka should never ever under any circumstances be bought in a plastic bottle
B) Vodka should never be served ice-cold or even moderately could when straight. BUT!!!!! the shoot glass should be ice cold.
C) Just because you have a carton of Tropicana and a bottle of Smirnoff doesn't mean you can make a screwdriver. Screwdrivers never have any plump in them
D) When drinking vodka never sip it, or drink it slowly! This way of drinking vodka leads to loss of taste buds and a reeking smell.
E) Before taking a shot of vodka cheers must be said, then let out all the air you have in your lungs, drink and inhale at the same time.
G) A good tactic for not getting sick while drinking vodka, is to supplement it with soda and some snacks.
H) Drinking vodka together with bear and champagne leads to short term memory loss.

Vodka a 40% alcoholic drink. In theory it can be made out of anything, even wood or marijuana. The solution to this magnificent drink is extremely simple: a 2/5 ratio of alcohol and water. Non-mass produced vodka, which is available in most of Europe and Russia, is an expensive high quality drink, which went through as many as 8 stages of filtration and sold for more that 100$ a bottle.
Rarely it is mixed in to cocktails, such as vodka martini and the screw driver.
In the United States only commercial, mass produced vodka is available and has a number of flaws. A) it is not made in Russia, even if it is called Smirnoff of Stolichnaya, but New Jersey or in the best case scenario Sweden.
Best brand of Vodka are: VEDA and BELUGA BLACK, these two brands made Stoli and Absolute look like absolute shit!
Please drink responsibly and enjoy.


Example a
guy1: So how was last night?
guy2: Man i meat this banging chick and after a couple shoots she was all over me

Example b
Girl1: so how was last night?
Girl2: (gives a 1/2 hour answer which in summary is someting like this) this guy gave disgusting cheap vodka from a plastic bottle and the next thing I know is that in the same bed with that pig.

vodka có nghĩa là

quite strong alocolic liquid (40-60%).
not brewed, like wine, so it doesn`t taste like yeast. what most people will use to get shitfaced. To avoid death, it is adviced to mix the vodka with a non-alcohol liquid.


with a 0,7 liter bottle of Absolut vodka in his bag , Jeff was gonna get shitfaced tonight. for his own safety he bought a 1,5 liter coke for mixing. Jeff would not get laid tonight, but he shure would get pissed beyond the invisible.

vodka có nghĩa là

One of the main things that Russians drink. In Russian everyone drinks vodka like water. Vodka is very cheap in Russia, you could buy it for about a nikle a bottle.


Kosta:Andrey napelsa chevota.
Denes:Naverna on plasnool sebe vodke.

vodka có nghĩa là

Basically, alcohol mixed with water. An alternative to just plain raw alcohol, invented by people who did not die like 4 seconds after drinking it (and apparently wanted more). Go to any spot in Russia you can buy it for like 50 kopeiks (2 cents) a bottle

Comes from the Russian word "water" (meaning that the Russians practically drink it as if it was water)


V Vodke Yest Vitamin
Skazal Tovarish Ho Chi Minh

-Ho Chi Minh

vodka có nghĩa là

Has 3 meanings:

1. Clear alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain or potatoes

2. Water in Russia, since most water found in russia that is not frozen is hazordous to your health and may be fatal

3. God in Russia, the Russian God, or, the God of the Russian people, or perhaps just the poor bums on the streets of Russia


" Let's have some vodka! "

" Vodka is life, he looks like he needs it "

" All hail vodka! "

vodka có nghĩa là

Russian courage! Gives you heat when you walk in the snow and lets you think you can sleep in it. Helped russian soldiers in WW2 getting killed for their nation!!!
Lowers inhibition to the "GET NAKED" point.
Also helps you play poker.

Russia equals Quebec but with less partys and less snow (I admit it's colder in Russia)


Vodka....we need some vodka, we need some VODKA!!! HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!! VODKA WE NEED SOME VODKA..........

Guy 1: Hey my glass of vodka is almost empty.......
Guy 2: DAMN FILL IT UP!!!! FILL IT UP!!!!!!!

1st Quebecer: Hey my glass of vodka is almost empty........ I'ma drink it one shot but could you please bring the Waterbong closer???
2nd Quebecer: Yeah which Bong do you want??? Don't worry I'm 18 I can buy alcohol any time I want!!!!

vodka có nghĩa là

5 letters to describe domenic


domenic stop drinking vodka. Domenic is on the ground with bottles of empty vodka bottles and drugs everywhere

vodka có nghĩa là

a colourless strong alcoholic drink made especially from grain or potatoes


This is my third vodka

vodka có nghĩa là

Potato Juice.


Want some vodka? What's that? Potato juice dude duh