Sửa lỗi there is a job printing now 35 ricoh năm 2024
Hi,I have the Ricoh SP 213w and I'm having the error "There is a job printing now (35)" I have tried what you have suggested, and also I found on another forum to delete all print jobs from other printers, but I'm still having the same issue, Can you help please ? Show 5 Related AnswersSOURCE: unable to delete print job Switch off or unplug the printer and then delete it. make sure you have administration rights to delete print cue if your under active directory. SOURCE: DCP-130c error 44 Please Help error 44 dcp 130/mfc 240/440 etc.: abnormally high temperature within print head. You have two choices to TRY to fix it: 1. put in new carts. press menu then start copy b/w then fourtimes arrow up button (AUB) quickly one after another. press by help of AUB and OK: 7 - (Ok) 6 - (ok) 4 (ok) then start b/w copy to initiate the carts and let the machine do some power cleaning. leave the maintenance mode by pressing AUB 9 (ok) and 9 again. 2. Make sure that the ph is at correct position simply by pressing on it from top (power up machine. wait til ph runs to left side. unplug from power. simpl press onto the ph). replug to power. If you still receive the error the ph is defective due to bad generic ink and needs replacing. SOURCE: Printer not receiving jobs I have a Mac Book/Leopard & when I try to print to my HP 2410, it works for 2-3 weeks & then I can not get it to print. I call Tech Support thru Apple & they reroute my Airport Extreme & change passwords, & reinstall " Mac Os X Install Disc 1" which sometimes means being on the telephone for a couple of hours only to have it last a week or two & we have to go thru the same thing again. They tell me that my HP 2410 must be going into the "sleep mode" & the printer will not print. I don't know if going in & "waking up" the printer each time I want to print would solve the problem or not. Do you have any suggestions?? Thank you---Leon SOURCE: X5150 and Vista print issue I am posting this in hopes of helping others that are having issues with the Vista print spooler. In my case, I have an HP Pavilion laptop running Vista connected to a wireless hub. I also have a Minolta Konica 2300DL printer that is connected to the network via the wireless hub as well. Ever since obtaining this laptop, I have not been able to print to the printer other than stopping and starting the print spooler to obtain a single print 'job'. After about six months I found a post that contains the fix - I cannot take credit for it! Follow these instructions to get your printer to work: 1.) Go into control panel - I would suggest classic view as it is a little easier to navigate. 2.) Then go into User Accounts. 3.) From User Accounts go into Turn User Account Control On or Off 4.) UNCHECK Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. 5.) At this point you will probably require a reboot. Once this exercise is complete, you should be able to print. One more item off of my Honey DOO list!!!!! SOURCE: Network Printer Problem In the later HP LaserJet printers the printer has a "Mopier mode" that will provide better print performance on multiple copies. However, if you have "Mopier mode" enabled and you don't have an EIO hard disk installed, you'll get the above message. Right click on the printer, select "Properties". There should be a "Device Settings" tab. Under that tab, make sure that "Mopier mode" is Disabled at the bottom. The unit will still print multiple collated copies with that disabled. Add Your AnswerUpload an image from your computer × Uploading: 0% my-video-file.mp4 Complete. Click "Add" to insert your video. Loading... Include an image. It's worth a thousand words. Related Questions:How to Fix Error Code SC899 on Ricoh Printer?Steps to Fix Ricoh Printer Error Code SC899:- Start with unplugging the Ricoh printer network cable. Next, enter the service mode. Press the buttons in order as given after, [Reset] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol2FUcWg08k Printer receiving data but does not printare there any warning lights or message if not could be that print job has an error in file. check computers and clear any print job that is in que then turn copier off and back on and try a different file to print or try print a test page from printer proprieties. Error sp305Reset the job and reset the device. An error has occurred in printing.
For the time being, try restarting the device:
Ricoh Aficio SP C210 error messageTry loading letter size paper in tray1 .. Open the front door and the assembly attached to the front door is the transfer roller ASM. mybe you knocked it out of position ..There are green plastic clips that allow someone to the transfer roller unit so its easy to mess up good luck Open heat errorFrom looking at the manual it looks as if you have a faulty thermistor. When warming up, it has to heat up to at least 60 degrees. If it stays lower then 60 degrees celsius for over 35 seconds and doesn't reach 60 within that time frame then that would cause the open heat error that is happening on your machine. Unable to Print errortry resetting the print jobs from your computer printer que and also resetting all jobs from the printer side also good luck |