Schindlers list summary


Schindlers List isSteven Spielbergs award-winning film which illustrates the profoundly nightmarish Holocaust. It re-creates a dark, frightening period during World War II, when Nazi-occupied Krakow first dispossessed Jews of their businesses and homes, then placed in ghettos and forced labor camps in Plaszow, and finally resettled in concentration camps for execution.Oskar Schindler, a German businessman and an opportunist member of the Nazi party acquires a factory for the production of mess kits and cooking paraphernalia. Not knowing much about how to properly run such an enterprise, he gains a contact, Itzhak Stern, who has links with the underground Jewish business community in the ghetto. They loan him the money for the factory in return for a small share of products produced for trade in the black market. Schindler witnesses the horrifying visions of the Holocaust and the toll it takes on the Jewish people. Schindlers motivations switch from profit to human sympathy and by lavishly bribing the SS officials, he is able to save over 1,100 Jews from death in the gas chambers.

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