Lost my nerve nghĩa là gì

NERVE + VERB go, lead, run The nerve runs from the eye to the brain. | transmit sth The nerves transmit pain. | throb He lay awake, his nerves throbbing.

NERVE + NOUN cell, end, ending, fibre, tissue | pathway | impulse | damage, injury | gas

PREP. along a/the ~ The message travels along the nerve to the brain. | ~ in He's been off work with a trapped nerve in his back. | ~ to Cutting the nerves to the stomach does not affect hunger.

PHRASES every nerve in sb's body Intense pain shot through every nerve in his body. | hit a nerve, touch a (sensitive/raw) nerve (figurative) My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve.

2 nerves: mental state

ADJ. good, steady | bad, frayed, ragged, shattered, taut At the end of a day's teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered.

VERB + NERVE stretch Her nerves were stretched to breaking point.

NERVE + VERB be on edge After the bomb, my nerves were on edge. | jangle His nerves jangled every time the phone rang. | stand I'm not sure my nerves can stand another night like this.

PREP. ~s for Skydiving is all right for people who've got the nerves for it.

PHRASES a battle/war of nerves The union has been fighting a war of nerves with the management over pay. | get on sb's nerves His endless whining really gets on my nerves. | nerves of steel You need nerves of steel to be a good poker player. | a strain on sb's nerves Looking after him while he was so ill has been a great strain on her nerves.

3 nerves: nervous state

ADJ. exam, first-night I've never suffered from first-night nerves.

VERB + NERVE calm, control, soothe, steady She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves. | suffer from

PHRASES an attack of nerves I had an attack of nerves just before I went on stage. | a bag/bundle/mass of nerves By the time of the interview, I was a bundle of nerves.

4 courage

ADJ. sufficient

VERB + NERVE have I didn't have the nerve to ask. | lack | lose At the last minute she almost lost her nerve. | keep He kept his nerve to win a thrilling match. | find You must find the nerve to ask for more money. | take It took a lot of nerve to stand up and speak.

NERVE + VERB break, crack, fail (sb) At the last moment her nerve failed her.

PHRASES a failure/loss of nerve, a test of nerve Singing in front of so many people was a real test of nerve.

(giải phẫu) dây thần kinh

( số nhiều) thần kinh; trạng thái thần kinh kích động

chọc tức ai; làm cho ai phát cáu

khí lực, khí phách, dũng khí, can đảm, nghị lực

con người có khí phách cương cường; con người không gì làm cho xúc động được

(thông tục) sự táo gan, sự trơ tráo

(thực vật học) gân (lá cây)

(nghĩa bóng) bộ phận chủ yếu, khu vực trung tâm, bộ phận đầu não

chiến tranh cân não, chiến tranh tâm lý

trạng thái bồn chồn lo âu

a group of long, thin fibers in the body, esp. in the brain, which send and receive messages that control how the body reacts to signals it receives, such as to changes in temperature or pressure against the skin

nerve noun (BRAVERY)

[ U ]

bravery or confidence necessary to do something difficult or unpleasant:

It takes a lot of nerve to get up in front of a class when you’re not used to it.

[ U ]

Nerve also means the ability to do something rude without caring about other people’s feelings:

She has some nerve.

I can't believe she had the nerve to call me fat!

(Định nghĩa của nerve từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của nerve


The effect of chronically elevated intraocular pressure on the rat optic nerve head extracellular matrix.

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Each micrograph in a pair is taken from the same eccentricity of the intact and nerve-transected retinas.

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Analysis of the wave forms allows information to be obtained about the middle ear, the cochlea, the eighth nerve and the central auditory connections.

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It was no longer followed by movement of the muscle, as though the nerve vessel had been exhausted of fluid.

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Experimental animals received a total of four crush injuries to the right facial nerve over the course of 1 year.

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Direct and indirect activation of nerve cells by electrical pulses applied extracellularly.

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The proliferation was already prominent 2 days after nerve injury.

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Similarly, the nerve injury-induced proinflammatory gene expression in the spinal cord is also reduced in the toll-like receptor 2 knockout mice.

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The nerve injury-induced spinal cord microglia and astrocyte activation is reduced in the toll-like receptor 2 knockout mice.

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Therefore, we monitored the timing of mast-cell recruitment to normal nerves.

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From there, efferent impulses are carried by the vagus and phrenic nerves to the stomach and abdominal musculature, resulting in vomiting.

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The inhibition of sodium currents in myelinated nerve by quaternary derivatives of lidocaine.

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Cancer can cause peripheral neuropathy as a result of direct invasion or compression of the nerve or through remote (paraneoplastic) effects.

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They grow posteriorly from the lateral nerve ganglia into the developing neck region with cell bodies concentrated around their growing tips.

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Astrocytes are confined largely to the nerve fiber layer at the inner border of the retina.

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