darien là gì - Nghĩa của từ darien

darien có nghĩa là

Darien is a small town in Connecticut known for its population of preppy teenagers who insisit on popping their collars, wearing uggs boots with mini skirts and driving Jeep Grand Cherokees in various shades of blue. On weekends, Darieners often find themselves taking road trips to Portchester, NY or "pocho" because it is the only place that will really sell them beer. Then they go to lame house parties which are broken up by the police in less than hour because the entire police force has nothing better to do than break up teenage drinking parties; Darien doesn't haev real crime, only places like Stamford or Norwalk do. When they do travel to such "ghettoes" they listen to their rap music (50 cent) too loud and lock their car doors in fear of getting mugged. D-baggers, or Darieners are outrageously wealthy and every teenager's dream. They live a fantasy life in a bubble unlike anywhere else. Their waterfront property with the oversized SUVs in the driveway is home to them and even when they say they hate it, they love it, they eat it up and wish they could return whenever they leave. Darieners, despite their lacking sense of reality, have more pride than New Canaan and Greenwich combined (and more money too!)


The Darieners wore popped collars and Hadley Pollet belts to the game, knowing that all the hottest lax players would be ripping it up on the field that morning, despite their wicked hang overs from the house party the night before.

darien có nghĩa là

One of the wealthiest town's in the country, second only to a small suburb outside of D.C.


As in, Darien is wealthier than both Greenwhich and NC, so claiming its some "lesser" version is absurd and done by only those who are jealous of the lavish lifestyle of its residents.

darien có nghĩa là

darien is a small town in connecticut, in fairfield county with an overwhelming population of the preppiest teenagers you can find, the most beautiful housewives and the richest men. country clubs, yacht clubs and beach clubs are abundant, and you are considered poor if you are not a member of one of these organizations where you often are not allowed without a collared shirt. darien is next to new canaan and near greenwich, westport and fairfield where the same kinds of people can be found at their waterfront mansions showing obscene wealth.

home to some of the most ridiculous house parties that would make college students jealous, darien also has some of the most worthless policemen alive, who do nothing but drive around and bust up a house party if they are in such a mood. polo, lacoste, burberry, louis vuitton, vineyard vines, gucci, and prada are some of the favorite brands of the teenagers there, many of whom must have been born with a lacrosse stick in their hands.

despite nonstop drinking and partying, darien high school students are often accepted at top ivy league and other colleges, or at least the ones who haven't already been shipped off to a boarding prep school such as Andover, Deerfield, Choate or Taft. the population of darien is arrogant as a whole, looking down on anyone with less money or intelligence or ability than they have. darieners spend their summers in nantucket, martha's vineyard, cape cod or block island at their second homes and their winters at their ski houses.


driving through darien on my way to the real world, i noticed teenagers driving BMWs, Jeeps, Audis, Mercedes Benzes and Lexuses, moms so hot that they could be in their 20s, and a ridiculous array of preppy teenagers and rich, conservative adults on their way to the golf course or the yacht.

darien có nghĩa là

Darien is a little town in Fairfield County where everyone looks and acts alike. All the moms drive around in suburbans with those ridiculous Blue Wave stickers that everyone in Stamford and Norwalk laughs at.
Basically, I'd rather live in the middle of Harlem then in Darien where everyone is a exactly alike and can not think for themselves. Everyones to busy worrying about what everyone else has and is doing.


Darien is so fake it makes Pamela Anderson's boobs look real.

darien có nghĩa là

Darien is a small town in southwest Connecticut. Some people wear alot of vineyard vines, lily, and polo. Though some dont wear labels and could care less about what they wear. I am from darien and I am defending my town. We are one of the top Unicef givers and we give to many charities. Quit dissing Darien. Its a sick town that you wish you could live in. THe car thing isnt true. BMWs arent at every corner. I might see 3 a day max. Why dont you visit darien b4 you start commenting. GO BLUE WAVE


What did you do while you were in darien, Kelly?
Emily and I helped out with this charity, did some light shopping, and had smoothies at Robeks.

darien có nghĩa là

hi, i currently live in darien, and just thought i'd give my two cents to the world at large, so far, the closest definition i've read is number 7. yes, there are those in darien who are rich, and then there are those who live in government substidized housing, aka allen o'neil area... yes, we also have the preppies, which are in reality the greater 75% of the kids who attend our public schools. These kids do drive their nice ass SUV"s to school, with their popped collars and their blasting crappy rap music (not that rap music sucks, they just have shitty taste). In reference to drugs, the kids in darien simply put get ripped the f*** off. They pay exorburant amounts for drugs that proably aren't what' they're being told they're getting, and sure as hell aren't the weight they're being quoted as given. That being said, darien teens can hold their alchohol, they know how to drink, and they drink alot. I know plenty of kids i go to school with who start off their morning routine with a couple shots of vodka and a swig or two of whiskey, it's sad to be honest, the amount of alchohl that these kids drink. To finish off my tweaking rant about this crappy town, all i can say is that NO it is not a good place to raise your kids. We do have good education, but if you ever want your kid to be happy or fulfilled with his or her life, do not, i repeat, do not settle down here. you will regret it when your kid goes to brown on a lacrosse scholarship only to get kicked out for cocaine use. and yes, it's true, the only thing the cops have to do around here is bust teenage drinking parties, if anyone from darien reads this, you'll know of a particular story that occured at the beginning of 2005 school year, pertaining to a certain for sale house. tragically, as a result of said incident, the only reallly cool person in darien was forced to move to new york. bummer, anyway, peace


an example of a typical darien high school male:

the average high school male will probably be a member of the DHS football team, which really really sucks, also, odds say that he will play hockey in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring. This guy will lift weights, but only his arms and chest, as he sees no reason to do anything else, and he'll pick on little freshman, even though most freshman are cooler than any senior. On the weekends, he'll go tanning at the toekeneke tanning salon... cause he's so macho with his "huge" biceps. After a good afternoon of fake tanning, him and his new orange skin will drive his rimmed out SUV to his friends mcmansion to get piss drunk and pass out.

darien có nghĩa là

the best place on earth!!!! the preppyest town in CT and one of the richest ones also!! darien is a place where every girl and some guys pop their colars and wear preppy clothes!!


darien to me is a place where rich kids live!

darien có nghĩa là

i have lived in darien my whole life and most of these defintions come pretty close. except the one about target. if u are older than 10 and wher stuff from target then you are a loser. most kids go to places like darien sport shop and wishlist to buy polo vineyard vines juicy coutour true religion and 'seven's". kids in middle school casually spend 20-50$ on dinner with their friends on weekends. everyone is afraid of norwalk and stamford,we all listen to 50 cent but we are terrified of NYC. most pop. shows are 24 and house and CSI. most kids have straight a's or a's and b's. 150-200 is the average price on jeans
in 8th grade most people havent done drugs but by high school...


at post corner pizza in darien the blonde 14 year olds casually slapped 80 dollars on the table after they spent 20 minutes figuring out the tip

darien có nghĩa là

1- a dicklick who cant get pussy cuz of his yeye lookin dope ass, he also is annoying in class and is usually friends with the stoner kid, and his hobbies are usually fapping to anime porn in the school bathroom, and playing overwatch
2- when a gay guy accidentally bends his dick to touch his asshole while he's shitting, making his head look brown, like a darien


1- yo i was droppin sum chocolate and my goddamn dick made a darien so i cut that ho offa my dick

darien có nghĩa là

1- a dicklick that cant get pussy and is a virgin faggot, he usually is friends with the stoner kid, and is annoying as possible in class, his hobbies consist of busting a nut to anime porn in the school bathroom and playing overwatch 2- when a gay guy’s dropping chocolate and his dick accidently touches his butthole so the head looks brown like a darien, then gets aroused by it, and sucks it off


"last night i made a darien, so after i was done i shoved a wine bottle up my ass ;)"