Can you write a google review anonymously

Any Google user can leave a review of a company; there doesn’t need to be an invitation; the Google reviews feature is there for anyone to use.

While Google my business can be a great new feature for businesses because it has been shown, positive reviews can increase sales.

However, there are many companies, which receive less than glowing reviews, or there are the individuals who wish to leave anonymous reviews on Google my business without leaving their names.

Here in this guide, you can find the answers to all these questions and more. If you want to know how to write a Google review without a Gmail account, you can learn that, and if you are a business, you can learn the smart way to deal with bad reviews. (Read the Business Owners Guide to Local SEO)

How Do I Hide My Name on Google Reviews?

It should be noted before heading off that you may find some Google services may not work without you signing up for a Gmail account or Google account. Google maps are one of the most common.

However, it is possible to hide your name if you follow these steps. You will find you are not hiding your name as such, you are signing up for a Google account without creating a Gmail account, and being a different Google user.

Here is how to leave a Google review by using a new name rather than your main account.

  1. If you have a Google account already, sign out
  2. Open your browser in incognito mode or private browsing mode (this doesn’t hide everything)
  3. Any Google service you try to open will ask you to sign in
  4. Here, you need to create an account using your current email address and not Gmail (create a burner email address or Gmail alternative, Proton Mail a good option)
  5. Fill in your name or any alias you wish to use
  6. Add a password and confirm
  7. Click next and verify the email with the sent code
  8. Click verify

From here, you can post anonymous Google review that will show your alias rather than your real name. You do, however, need to sign in every time in incognito mode to leave anonymous reviews, and not from your primary account.

One other option you can add to offer more anonymity is to use a VPN service. You can use this through the sign-up process, so the Google sign up procedure will think you are in a different location, as well as leave your anonymous reviews.

Can a Google Review Be Traced?

Anyone who leaves online reviews can have their IP traced by people who have the capability. Google will know your IP when leaving anonymous reviews, and your ISP will see because they retain all your online activity for 2-years in Australia.

If you use a VPN, you can mask your real IP address, as your location will be spoofed by selecting another VPN server outside the country.

Can You Block Someone from Leaving a Google Review?

Google reviews are there to enable the public to voice their opinions, so they can post a review on Google my business, or for other services.

For this reason, it isn’t generally accepted, any business can manipulate reviews to serve their purposes, or anyone leave anonymous reviews.

You will see that in no area does Google offer the chance to delete Google reviews, and thus if a business receives poor Google reviews, then they are there for others to see.

However, there is an option for a business to flag any business reviews they think go against the Google review guidelines. If you flag any reviews, then this goes back to Google who will then consider any moderation.

A couple of things that are worth noting here is that getting a full range of 5-star business reviews may not be as vital as you think them to be.

  • Over half of buyers trust products that come with a few negative reviews
  • One-third of online consumers understand many online reviews are fake, especially if there are nearly zero negatives
  • Buyers are less concerned with negative reviews now than they used to be

If you wish to highlight any particular negative or anonymous reviews, the only way you can go to block it is by flagging the said review.

  1. Log in to your Google My Business account
  2. Select the location of your business and click on ‘Reviews’
  3. Find the review in question and then click on the three dots to open the menu on the right
  4. Select ‘Flag as inappropriate’

One issue crops up when you get a one-star review with no comment. Such a review can still find its way onto a Google My Business page without violating any policy.

One tactic any business can take with negative reviews is to respond to it. Many consumers are not expecting a reply. In some instances, the consumer may do nothing to change their review, however some will.

Besides, a business can reply by stating they think the negative review is fake; this is the right approach if there is no record of any person making a purchase. While others can see your response, it can help Google decide to remove this review.


It can be favourable for any business to embrace their new reviews, although there does come a time when they need to take action. One of the best is being engaged and reacting to both new positive reviews, as well as negative ones.

Suppose you need to leave reviews, which won’t flag as being fake or overly negative. Using the VPN, option to mask your location and creating a new account using another Gmail alternative is the best way you can achieve this.

Read more: 7 Local Online Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Asked By: Ryan Ramirez Date: created: Apr 26 2021

Answered By: Carter Lewis Date: created: Apr 27 2021

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

A VPN encrypts everything you do on the internet, keeping you essentially anonymous on the internet.

The general rule is that if you’re using a solid VPN service, all of your internet activity will remain private..

Asked By: Alejandro Rivera Date: created: Jul 26 2022

How do I hide my identity on Google

Answered By: Geoffrey Torres Date: created: Jul 29 2022

Choose what info to showGo to your Google Account.On the left, click Personal info.Under “Choose what others see”, click Go to About me.Below a type of info, you can choose who currently sees your info.Choose one of the following: To make the info private, click Only you .

Asked By: Colin Bennett Date: created: Aug 24 2021

Should I use my real name on Google account

Answered By: Angel Bennett Date: created: Aug 27 2021

Firstly, you don’t necessarily need to put your real name (although it is a requirement by Google). You can just put your nickname and make it look convincing that it is a name, and you should be okay with it.

Asked By: Adam Martinez Date: created: Jul 12 2022

How does Google detect fake reviews

Answered By: Jonathan Butler Date: created: Jul 12 2022

Google asks that all reviews come from real customers, who are really online leaving the reviews themselves, not from businesses posting on a customer’s behalf. More than ever Google knows the difference between a review that’s real and one that’s not, a post that’s authentic and one that’s a fake.

Asked By: Ralph Ross Date: created: Jul 08 2022

How do we write a review

Answered By: James Cooper Date: created: Jul 09 2022

Table of contentsProvide useful, constructive feedback.Talk about a range of elements, including customer service.Be detailed, specific, and honest.Leave out links and personal information.Keep it civil and friendly.Feel free to update your review if needed.Check you’ve got the right domain name or company.More items…

Asked By: Martin Stewart Date: created: Jul 31 2022

Why are Google reviews fake

Answered By: Gregory Patterson Date: created: Aug 03 2022

What makes a Google review “fake?” Fake Google reviews are untrue reviews written about your business, products or services online. They’re often written by your competitors to disrupt your online presence. They can also come from those who never shopped or interacted with you – the trolls.

Asked By: Harold Brown Date: created: Sep 06 2021

Did Facebook Get Rid of star ratings

Answered By: Ian Cooper Date: created: Sep 09 2021

Facebook has retired the star rating system. Rather than giving users a 1-5 scale to leave a review, Facebook is now simply asking whether or not users would recommend a business. … Previous review data will still appear on local business pages.

Asked By: Bruce Russell Date: created: Oct 04 2021

Are Facebook Ratings anonymous

Answered By: Sean Ross Date: created: Oct 06 2021

Facebook Help Team Ratings are private, so you cannot see who left them. However, if you have feedback about ratings on Marketplace please do let us know.

Asked By: Francis Wright Date: created: Mar 08 2022

Do Facebook recommendations show up on news feed

Answered By: Eric Perry Date: created: Mar 09 2022

Recommendations will appear in the newsfeed and across all of Facebook. … If they recommend something on FB, you are more likely to use that business.

Asked By: Harry Sanders Date: created: Jun 03 2022

Can I hide my name on Google

Answered By: Louis Morgan Date: created: Jun 03 2022

By default, when you send your emails, you give away your full name instead of only the email address. You can hide your first and last name on Gmail by configuring the “Send Mail As” feature of your account. You will need to provide a fake name or your pen name.

Asked By: Horace Wood Date: created: Mar 27 2022

Can you give a Google review anonymously

Answered By: Gordon Alexander Date: created: Mar 27 2022

Keep in mind that all reviews are public, and Google will not allow customers to leave anonymous reviews, either good or bad. This means anyone can see what you post in your reviews — not just what you say but any photos you post, other reviews you have posted, and your name on your About me Google page.

Asked By: Daniel Edwards Date: created: Jun 22 2021

Can I post an anonymous review on Facebook

Answered By: Wyatt Mitchell Date: created: Jun 25 2021

Among their complaints: The ratings can be left anonymously, sometimes with no real feedback attached to them, and without any way to respond to the reviews or correct mistakes in them.

Asked By: Luke Jenkins Date: created: Feb 14 2022

Can you hide your name on Google reviews

Answered By: Brian Edwards Date: created: Feb 16 2022

You can’t add an anonymous review. Here is some more info that others will see: 1. The name on your About me page 2. Other reviews you’ve written on Google Maps 3.

Asked By: Noah Gonzales Date: created: Sep 30 2021

Can you leave an anonymous review on a Facebook page

Answered By: Gerld Robinson Date: created: Sep 30 2021

The social media site allows anonymous reviews and ratings, which, when negative and false, can hurt a business page’s rankings online. … Now they’re discovering flaws in the ratings system and saying Facebook reviews are hurting their business’s reputation.

Asked By: Martin Taylor Date: created: Apr 30 2021

Can I post something on Facebook anonymously

Answered By: Jayden Martin Date: created: Apr 30 2021

Anonymous posts in Facebook groups allow members to publish posts anonymously, without a name. Their identities are not revealed to members of the group, and they stay completely anonymous in comments when interacting within discussion in that specific thread.

Asked By: Carter Rogers Date: created: Jun 14 2022

Can a Google review be traced

Answered By: Walter Washington Date: created: Jun 16 2022

As a normal user it should not be possible to find out from which IP address user made review. These IP addresses made connections to google and submitted reviews are confidential data of Google.

Asked By: Nathan Turner Date: created: Apr 18 2021

Can owner delete Google reviews

Answered By: Jake Martin Date: created: Apr 20 2021

All reviews are public, so anyone can see what you write. If you change your mind about a place you reviewed, you’ll be able to edit or delete the review while signed in to your Google account.

Asked By: James Anderson Date: created: May 19 2021

Can I contact a Google reviewer

Answered By: Walter Sanchez Date: created: May 19 2021

No you cannot contact a reviewer, and at the moment a reviewer is not notified of a response either.

Asked By: Carl Bell Date: created: Dec 24 2021

How do you get rid of fake reviews on Google

Answered By: Christian Ross Date: created: Dec 27 2021

Great, let’s do this.Step 1: Check Your Google Account for Reviews. … Step 2: Evaluate the Reviews. … Step 3: Respond to Reviews Quickly and Politely. … Step 4: Flag Fake Reviews for Removal. … Step 5: Report the Fake Review to Google Small Business Support. … Step 6: Get More Positive Reviews.Mar 8, 2018

Asked By: Stanley Sanchez Date: created: Jun 12 2021

Can you get in trouble for leaving a bad review

Answered By: Abraham Campbell Date: created: Jun 15 2021

If a customer posts a review that is factually inaccurate or contains accusations about your business that are untrue, you may have grounds to sue the online reviewer for defamation.

Asked By: Gilbert Campbell Date: created: Jun 30 2022

Can someone sue you for a bad Google review

Answered By: Kevin Perez Date: created: Jul 02 2022

In almost every case, the review platform (e.g. Google, Yelp, Glassdoor) cannot be sued. It is imperative that you sue the individual that left the negative, defamatory review.