autistic là gì - Nghĩa của từ autistic

autistic có nghĩa là

Okay, there is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to autistic people. The REAL reason why they are so misunderstood is because people are not listening to the actual autistic people themselves when they hear about autism. Autism is typically said with a negative connotation. For this reason, people like to use autism as an insult, which would make sense if autism was actually bad. Additionally, autistic people often face some form of stigma such as ableism, or discrimination against disabled people. Think of autistic people as square pegs trying to fit into round holes. Instead of trying to change the autistic people into round pegs, try changing the holes into square holes. There is a reason why autistic people can be seen as reclusive or antisocial at times. It is because they know about the bad things people do to each other. Embrace autistic people whenever you can, and they will take you to places you’ve never been to before.


I’m actually autistic myself, so this is why I wrote this definition. I hope you have learned at least a little from it.

autistic có nghĩa là

The cause of autism is unknown, but studies show that people with autism have larger brains than normal.


There are different kinds of autism. Low functioning, middle functioning and high functioning.

Some of the lower functioning people with autism have the intelligence of a baby, in which they can only scream, grab at your shirt, drool, and do other baby type stuff.

However, there are people that are autistic that are very smart, such as Bill Gates.

To people that generalize autistic kids as retarded, be quiet, because you're probably using Windows.

autistic có nghĩa là

A way of being for a person with autism. Autism is not a disease. A lot of people feel desperately sorry for autistic people, and look for a cure, because autistics find empathising/conversing difficult. Many autistics are good at other things such as maths/physics, and rembering lots of information. Around 1 in 10 autistics show savant abilities, which may mean they can do VERY fast maths, or play a song they've heard once on a musical instrument without tution, and a variety of others.

A lot of people are oblivious to the concept of autistic adults, only thinking of autism being about children. This is not the case and many autistic adults (such as myself) have jobs and contribute to society like everyone else, and they are not always "high functioning".

Some Autistic people want to be cured, and that's fine if it's what they really want.
However, there are plenty of autistic people who would rather not edit themselves to conform to society's narrow defintion of "normal", of which I am one. The vast majority of people know nothing about autistic people who are HAPPY the way they are, which is a shame.


Pro-sure: "Oh look at that poor autistic child, his life must be so awful because he's different."
Anti-cure: "It's very likely Einstein was autistic, as well as a whole host of other people throughout history. How about appreciating autistic people for they are, not who you wish they were?"

autistic có nghĩa là

Describing autistic people in terms of functioning levels is controversial. Some children are labeled as low functioning because of a speech delay, but they later learn to communicate and turn out to be intelligent.


Albert Einstein, who was confirmed to have been autistic by an autopsy of his brain structure, did not talk until he was five years old.

autistic có nghĩa là

I don't know much about the technicals of autism. I do know some autistic kids personally. The ones I know usually socially isolate themselves to some extent. Some autistic kids are remarkably skilled in some area, and know a lot about things that someone would find very confusing.


My best friend's brother is autistic. He is socially awkward but he can name every country in the world and all the components of his computer with a description of their functions off the top of his head.
I knew another autistic kid who was amazingly awesome at street fighter for snes.

autistic có nghĩa là

A person with autism


Although I'm autistic, I will be graduating from college next month, and I know alot about music.

autistic có nghĩa là

That which pertains to persons gifted, or the gifts themselves--of focus, imagination, non-conformity, and profound observation.


Toss a pebble onto a list of names of people throughout history whose great intellectual works have altered humanity's trajectory, and it will land on someone whom was likely autistic.

autistic có nghĩa là

Formerly meaning a way to describe those with the developmental disorder autism characterized by a lack of social skills, extreme/low intelligence (depending on the severity), and other odd behaviours, it is now an insult/slang term used by trolls/failtrolls alike when they can't say anything better or think that it's cool to use a developmental disorder as an insult.


Normal YouTube Comment Section: User: *commenting on a Minecraft vid*
Troll: What are you? Autistic??
User: No. ._.
Troll: Yes, autistic. lol Oh look! It's a troll using autism as an insult! That hasn't been overdone by millions of other trolls in the last 2 years! *derp* (It is, but you should get the sarcasm implied here.)

autistic có nghĩa là

A word that fuck boys on Youtube think is an insult. They make themselves look like retards in an attempt to look "cool" on the Cringe Channel, which is full of other fuck boys with no respect for other people.


*normal guy with anime profile pic comments on Youtube video* Normal guy: "Great video man!"
Asshole: "Shut up weeaboo faggot kill yourself you autistic bitch!!!!!11!!!"

autistic có nghĩa là

A person who suffers from a deficiencies in social-emotional range/approach. Typically unable to discern key verbal and non-verbal queues most people and normally without much effort. This can impact social, relational, work, academic and generally any aspect of life that demands higher social skill than the individual has the capacity for. Coping with demand beyond this capacity causes in many repetitive motions, strict/rigid adherence to schedule and routine, extreme almost obsessive focus on key interest, and sensitivity to their environment. By definition a wide and diverse group of individuals can fall into this group so it's easy to say that if you've meet one person with autism then you've simply meet one person with autism. Two people with autism can be almost nothing alike except in the ways described above. To bring balance to this definition people with autism are capable of being some of the kindest and most loyal people you may meet. Not to stereotype but to give a pop culture example of such Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang theory is played as an autistic and despite the ways he puts many people off is is as loyal a friend to those he allows to be his friend as most anyone can be.


He is autistic and as much as he/she may annoy me at times they are a true friend.