All along là gì

all along Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

all along

all the time I knew all along that he would not get the promotion.

all along the line

all along the line
Also, all the way down the line. At every point, stage, or moment. For example, We've had problems with this supplier all along the line, or He's been very helpful all the way down the line. The line originally referred to a row of troops, but the expression has been used figuratively since the late 1800s. Also see somewhere along the line.

all along|all|along

adv. phr. All the time; during the whole time. I knew all along that we would win. I knew right along that Jane would come. See also: RIGHT ALONG.

all along

The entire time. Kristen was disappointed to learn that Pete had been lying to her all along.Learn more: all

all along

From the start, throughout, from end to end, as in I've known he was innocent all along. [c. 1600] Also see all along the line. Learn more: all

all along

all the time; from the beginning.Learn more: all

all aˈlong

from the beginning: I’ve said all along that this would happen.He knew who they were all along but he pretended he didn’t.Learn more: all

all along

From the beginning; throughout: saw through the disguise all along.Learn more: all
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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "all along", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ all along, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ all along trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. All along, it was you!

2. as he has all along.

3. You planned this all along.

4. I knew the truth all along.

5. I've been fooling myself all along.

6. This has been your plan all along.

7. I've been telling you that all along.

8. Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.

9. Bright lights blazed all along the street.

10. Maybe Ray had it right all along.

11. His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.

12. Cars were parked all along the road.

13. Whatever happens, you must survive all along.

14. 9 Fair maids, hold hands all along.

15. Surprises will pop up all along life’s path.

16. Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.

17. Your machine is what I wanted all along.

18. Find what I've been searching for all along.

19. The enemy is surrendering all along the line.

20. He has categorically denied his guilt all along.

21. All along or ( informal ) right along adv. phr.

22. He was in business for himself all along.

23. I suspected all along that he was lying.

24. There are lighthouses all along the eastern shore.

25. He's been opposing me all along the line.

26. There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.

27. Two-hour watches tonight all along the line.

28. So, Seung Jo liked Ha Ni all along.

29. Later, sardine canneries developed all along the Portuguese coast.

30. Tanks have been deployed all along the front line.

31. Reeds grew in clumps all along the river bank.

32. Groups of police were dispersed all along the street.

33. The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast.

34. Do you think he's been cheating us all along?

35. I realized it was in my pocket all along.

36. 3 There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.

37. 1 The enemy is surrendering all along the line.

38. You old devil! You were planning this all along!

39. 2 He's been opposing me all along the line.

40. These revelations only prove what I suspected all along.

41. They suspected he was on the fiddle all along.

42. Xiangzi had remained silent all along, standing there woodenly.

43. He has all along worked hand in glove with Jack.

44. All along a narrow way that marks a crooked line.

45. This faithful Witness had kept track of me all along.

46. There was laundry hanging all along the shower curtain rod.

47. Have you assumed all along that he was above reproach?

48. 5 They suspected he was on the fiddle all along.

49. 15 Groups of police were dispersed all along the street.

50. 6 Tanks have been deployed all along the front line.

“ALONG” là một giới từ được sử dụng thường xuyên trong tiếng Anh. Tuy nhiên, vẫn có một số người còn chưa nắm rõ được cấu trúc và cách sử dụng của “ALONG” và dễ bị nhầm lẫn với các giới từ khác có ý nghĩa tương tự. Do đó, bài viết này sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức để hoàn thiện kiến thức của bản thân nhé!


1. Định nghĩa từ “ ALONG” 

( Hình ảnh minh họa cho từ “ ALONG” ) 

ALONG” là một giới từ trong tiếng Anh, thi thoảng nó còn được coi như là trạng từ . Khi nó được sử dụng là giới từ thì theo sau nó sẽ là một danh từ.

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