A patient with type 1 diabetes reports feeling shaky and lightheaded and is pale and sweaty

Diabetes is a medical condition in which there is little or no insulin production in the pancreas. The result is an inability to process carbohydrates, fats and proteins correctly.

Most patients with diabetes manage their condition well with diet and/or self-administered insulin. Sometimes sugar levels may drop and the patient needs urgent first aid. This condition is called hypoglycaemia.

Symptoms and signs – Not all may be present

  • extreme tiredness and loss of concentration
  • severe thirst
  • abdominal pain nausea or vomiting
  • dizziness and loss of coordination
  • erratic or argumentative behaviour
  • rapid loss of consciousness if not treated promptly
  • persistent headache
  • pale or sweaty skin
  • can seem drunk

How you can help

1.    If the patient is unconscious

Support the patient on their side and call 111 for an ambulance.

2.    If conscious, give the patient some sugar

  • If the patient is still fully conscious and able to swallow, give a sweetened drink, chocolate or glucose sweets to suck – an improvement usually occurs within minutes.
  • When the patient is more alert, offer a more substantial carbohydrate meal of a sandwich or several sweet biscuits.

3.    If unconscious

It is common for these patients to be unconscious. If so, support the patient on their side and call 111 for an ambulance. In thissituation, DO NOT give the patient anything toeat or drink.

  • Give frequent reassurance during recovery because the patient may be confused until fully recovered.

4.    Obtain medical advice

  • If the patient has improved with the intake of carbohydrate, medical advice is still necessary because a further deterioration may occur at any time. The patient should see a doctor.

If the patient does not improve afterswallowing the sweet food or drink, or if furtherdeterioration occurs and swallowing becomes difficult – call 111 for an ambulance.

A patient with type 1 diabetes reports feeling shaky and lightheaded and is pale and sweaty

If concious, give the patient some sugar.

DO NOT try to give the patient a dose of insulin because this can be dangerous unless a medical assessment has been carried out and the patient’s blood sugar level tested.

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Many people with diabetes have times when they sweat too much, too little, or at odd times.

Diabetes can make it difficult for a person’s body to maintain a steady temperature and produce the right amount of sweat to keep the body cool.

Reasons for this include hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular factors, and stress. Diabetes can affect all of these.

Sweating complications can be a sign that a person needs to review their diabetes management, including the effective management of blood sugar levels.

Learn more about how excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and insufficient sweating (anhidrosis) can occur with diabetes, and get some tips on how to manage or prevent them.

Sweating mainly happens for two reasons:

  • to regulate body temperature, for example, in hot weather and during physical activity
  • in response to emotional stress

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can disrupt normal sweating so that a person sweats too much or too little.

This can lead to problems during hot weather. However, the inability to regulate body temperature can also put a person at risk in cold temperatures.

Excessive sweating without a clear reason, on a cool day, or during times of minimal activity may be a sign that a person should see a doctor.

Sweating may affect:

  • the underarms
  • the face and possibly chest and neck
  • the hands and feet

People with type 1 diabetes may find that they sweat excessively in the upper body but that the lower body, including the feet, is less likely to sweat.

The most common reasons for unusual sweating in people with diabetes are:

  • low blood sugar levels
  • diabetes-related nervous system damage

Very low blood sugars — usually below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) — can result in a fight-or-flight response, triggering the release of hormones that increase sweating.

When blood sugar levels are too high for too long, a loss of nerve function can occur, known as diabetic neuropathy.

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), around half of people with diabetes experience some form of nerve damage, or neuropathy.

Damage to the nerves that control the sweat glands can result in them sending the wrong message to sweat glands — or no message at all. This can result in too much or too little sweating.

When the body gets too warm, the nervous system signals to the sweat glands to release sweat to cool it down. Sudomotor function describes the part of the nervous system that controls sweating.

Diabetes can result in nerve damage so that for some people, the nerves that control sweat glands are always “switched on.”

This can result in excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis.

People with diabetes-related hyperhidrosis may experience excessive sweating or sweat more than most people in the following circumstances:

  • during times of little activity, including sleeping and minor chores
  • in a cool environment
  • when trying to get warm by wearing extra clothing or seeking a heat source
  • during times of stress

Hypoglycemia refers to very low blood sugar levels, usually below 70 mg/dl.

If a person uses a dose of insulin or other diabetes medications that is higher than they need, blood sugar levels can fall.

Hypoglycemia may also occur if the person:

  • takes too much of another drug
  • exercises intensely or more than they expected
  • eats less than usual or misses a meal

There are two reasons why hypoglycemia can lead to sweating.

Low blood sugars can affect activity in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is responsible for reactions that people cannot control, such as sweating and digestion. The cholinergic system is a part of the ANS, and it regulates the production of sweat and other secretions. Activation of this system can lead to sweating.

The release of the hormone epinephrine, or adrenaline, is another possible trigger. Adrenaline is a hormone that the body releases at times of stress, sometimes called the “fight-or-flight hormone.” One effect of a sudden increase in adrenaline is sweating.

Hypoglycemia needs treatment, as it can be life threatening. Short-term treatment for mild symptoms includes taking a glucose tablet to raise blood sugar levels quickly. A person who has frequent hypoglycemia should see a doctor.

In severe cases, a person can experience confusion, seizures, or a loss of consciousness. Someone should call 9-1-1 as this is a medical emergency. It can be life threatening.

A doctor may prescribe the following to reduce or control sweating with diabetes:

  • Clinical strength or prescription antiperspirants: These products contain high doses of aluminum chloride can prevent sweating by blocking sweat pores. However, skin irritation is a common side effect.
  • Nerve-blocking medications: A doctor may prescribe oral medications, known as anticholingerics. These block the chemical messenger called acetycholine that can affect certain functions in the body, including the release of sweat. Dry mouth, bladder problems, dehydration, and blurred vision are common side effects.
  • Botox (Botulinum toxin) injections: Botox can block sweat-producing nerve signals. Side effects include short-term muscle weakness near the injection site and target area.

Other options may include:

  • some antidepressant medications
  • surgery and electrical current therapy

Home therapy options for managing symptoms include:

  • maintaining regular body hygiene
  • wearing natural fabrics rather than synthetic, such as cotton shirts, socks, and underwear
  • changing items of clothing daily or more often when they become sweaty
  • not wearing the same pair of shoes day after day
  • wearing open shoes when possible and making sure feet get air throughout the day
  • choosing sports clothes that are made of “wicking” materials, as these move moisture away from the body

Deodorants and other products are available for purchase online.

Facial, or gustatory, sweating occurs on the face, scalp, neck, and, occasionally, the chest.

Gustatory relates to the sense of taste.

According to research published in Diabetes Care, it is a rare form of sweating that happens because of nerve damage.

For many people, this is a familiar reaction to eating hot or spicy foods. However, people with diabetic neuropathy may experience facial sweating to a greater degree.

The person may find that they sweat and become red in the face while eating, regardless of the temperature or spiciness of foods.

Some people will start to sweat when they think about eating or food.


Sweating may occur on the:

  • forehead and temples
  • cheeks
  • lips
  • scalp
  • neck
  • chest


Treatment options include:

  • appropriate blood sugar management
  • topical antiperspirants
  • Botox injections
  • anticholinergic drugs to apply topically

Damage to the salivary glands, due to surgery or other reason, can also result in gustatory sweating.

Over time, the combination of facial sweating and flushing can injure these glands, causing a condition known as Frey’s Syndrome.

Learn more about Frey’s syndrome and how to prevent sweating after eating here.

Anhidrosis refers to an inability to produce enough sweat. This means that the body will find it hard to keep cool in a hot environment.

As with excessive sweating, this can result from damage to the nerves that control the sweat glands.

In anhidrosis, the sweat glands do not receive the signal to sweat, even when sweating would usually occur.

People with type 1 diabetes tend to sweat more than usual in the upper body and less than usual in the lower body, which can lead to overall anhidrosis, according to research.

They may also have lower blood volume and less effective blood flow.

These cardiovascular problems can also contribute to overheating. As the blood flows under the skin, this helps a person to keep cool. If it does not flow effectively, overheating can result.


Symptoms of anhidrosis and overheating can include:

  • difficulty staying warm or cool enough
  • little or no perspiration
  • trouble cooling down, even after minor tasks
  • becoming overheated during minor physical tasks or a warm environment
  • dizziness
  • facial flushing
  • muscle cramp and weakness
  • a rapid heartbeat
  • nausea

If symptoms are severe or affect large areas of the body, the person should see a doctor.


Treatment options mainly focus on cooling the body, for example, by:

  • drinking cool fluids
  • taking a cold shower
  • adjusting the room temperature, if possible
  • avoiding intense physical exercise in a hot environment

If a person’s body cannot maintain a consistent or healthy temperature, serious health complications can arise, such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Studies show that people with diabetes are more likely to experience discomfort and medical problems leading to hospitalization during hot weather than those without the condition. The inability to keep the body cool can be life threatening.

For this reason, it is important to seek medical help if a person finds they are unable to keep cool or cool down.

Diabetes is not the only reason for problems with sweating.


Other common conditions that can trigger excessive sweating include:

  • an overactive thyroid gland
  • some forms of cancer
  • obesity
  • some heart conditions
  • menopause and hot flashes
  • the use of certain medications
  • fever during an infection


Other causes of low sweating may include:

  • dehydration
  • conditions that have affected the sweat glands from birth
  • skin damage
  • other causes of nerve damage, such as alcohol use disorder
  • certain pain and psychosis medications
  • many metabolic conditions

Sweating is an important function that enables the body to maintain a steady temperature. Excessive sweating can be embarrassing. However, not sweating enough can lead to overheating, which can be dangerous.

Managing blood sugar levels and following the treatment plan is one way to reduce the risk of sweating problems.

Anyone who is concerned about sweating rates or the inability to maintain a comfortable body temperature should seek medical help.

Read this article in Spanish.

Does type 1 diabetes cause excessive sweating?

People with type 1 diabetes tend to sweat more than usual in the upper body and less than usual in the lower body, which can lead to overall anhidrosis, according to research. They may also have lower blood volume and less effective blood flow. These cardiovascular problems can also contribute to overheating.

What is the treatment for a casualty with diabetes who is sweating trembling and confused?

Treatment. Sit them down and give them a sugary drink, or glucose sweets (not a diet drink). If they begin to feel better, give more drinks and some food, particularly biscuits or bread to sustain their blood sugar – a jam sandwich is great.

What are the 3 P's of hypoglycemia?

The main symptoms of diabetes are described as the three polys - polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.

What causes hypoglycemia in diabetes?

Common causes of diabetic hypoglycemia include: Taking too much insulin or diabetes medication. Not eating enough. Postponing or skipping a meal or snack.