Which of the following is not a reason why upward communication is important?

What is upward communication ?? Have you ever asked this question to any working professionals around you? People around you will start giving you the most vague/unrelated ideas about it, as they are still oblivious with this concept.

So, lets get to know what is upward communication. If we go by the definition then; Upward Communication is the process of information flowing from the lower levels of a hierarchy to the upper levels. This type of communication is becoming more popular in organizations as traditional forms of communication are becoming less popular.

Since, the origin of the management thought Downwards communications has always been prevalent as it gives power to the people sitting on top designations in the organisations and has its own significance in the organisation as well. However, as we speak the power is upward communications is still not unleashed even by few big corporate houses especially in India.

As a working HR professional since last 1.5 years, these are the significance of Upward communication that I could jot down :-

1. Fosters Friendly Relations/ Makes employee empowered

Upward communication helps to bring about co-operation, goodwill and understanding among employers and employees. This stimulates friendly relations and they feel empowered.

2. Provides Valuable Feedback/ Inputs to the policy makers

Upward communication provides a valuable feedback. The superiors and management come to know how their plans and policies; orders and instructions are being received and executed.

3. Encourages Participation

By encouraging employees to make suggestion, upward communication helps to bring in elements of participative management in the organization.

4. Two-Way Process/ "You can't clap with a single hand"

Upward communication is a part of a two-way process which promotes better understanding between management and employees.

5. Making Suggestions/ reporting frauds

The employees are encouraged to make suggestions in the interest of the organization. Some of these suggestions prove useful, and the employees are suitably rewarded. Also, this will allow the employees to speak about any fraud or to whistle blow against any wrong act happening in the organization.

6. Introducing Change

As, we all know, "change is the only constant". Upward communication creates a healthy relationship between the management and the employees and this in turn makes it convenient for the management to introduce new schemes/ projects/policies etc.

7. Employee Morale

Upward communication develops and improves employer-employee relations and promotes employee morale. Employee's feel that they are being heard and thus feel valued and this inculcates a high morale in the workforce.

Information is crucial to a business’s success. At many companies, information traditionally flows from the top down, with leaders sharing significant developments or updates as needed. However, information isn’t unidirectional, and it can benefit companies to receive feedback from employees regularly. 

Upward communication is the process in which employees provide feedback to their managers and company leadership. Hearing from employees can help managers avoid losing key talent and achieve better results by restructuring processes. It can also help companies cultivate a more inclusive workplace. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what upward communication looks like on a team and in a larger company setting and how to begin implementing upward communication.   

In business, effective communication tends to take place in four directions: downward, upward, horizontally, and diagonally. Upward (or bottom-up) communication has become increasingly popular as more companies seek to improve their workplace culture. 

Upward communication refers to the movement of information from employees to those in a position of leadership, such as managers, vice presidents, and CEOs. It can be used company-wide or on teams. Let’s go over what each scenario might look like. 

Learn more: Why Is Workplace Communication Important? And How to Improve It

Upward communication at companies 

A growing number of companies see the value of encouraging feedback from employees. These efforts can lead to lower turnover and better alignment with larger business goals. This type of communication can take a few different forms:

  • Company meetings: In whatever cadence your company offers company-wide meetings (weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually), setting aside time to take questions from employees can be an excellent way to make space for upward communication. Employees can submit questions in advance or ask in the moment. 

  • Employee surveys: Annual employee surveys make sure that your greater efforts and processes align with your business goals and that you’re building a culture in line with your company’s mission.

  • Suggestion box or forum: Providing an ongoing digital (or physical) space where employees can make suggestions anonymously can help you understand common workplace trends, employees’ pressing concerns, and more. 

Which of the following is not a reason why upward communication is important?


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Upward communication on teams

Managers who continually receive input or feedback from their employees can better manage the individual personalities who make up their team, revise processes to develop stronger outcomes, and retain talent, among other things. 

Ways you can encourage upward communication on your team:

  • Performance review: Your team’s performance reviews are a chance for you to provide feedback as their manager, but you can also set aside time to invite their input, though it should be clear that their performance is not tied to this feedback. 

  • Individual meetings: Individual weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings with your employees—often called 1:1s in the tech industry—can be an excellent opportunity to foster dialogue about what’s going well and what may need to be improved, such as processes or workload. 

  • Team meetings: Larger team meetings can be a great space to encourage conversation about current projects, deadlines, workload or workflow, or other aspects of work relating to your team. In this case, it can help to dedicate a set portion of the meeting to questions and feedback. 

  • Forums: Sometimes, employees may not feel comfortable speaking up in a team meeting or during a 1:1 with you. In that case, developing an anonymous forum, such as a Google poll or form, can be a great way to capture anonymous questions and comments you can address. 

When you manage a team, upward communication can be an excellent way to learn more about your employees’ preferences. While you can’t always accommodate every single one, understanding more about your employees’ needs, goals, and personalities can help you develop a stronger overall team. For example, learning how your employees prefer receiving your feedback can go a long way. Some employees prefer a formal report, while others prefer to hear it during their informal check-ins with you. 

Which of the following is not a reason why upward communication is important?

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Several benefits come with encouraging upward communication on teams and at companies: 

1. Inclusivity 

Inclusivity has become an increasingly important aspect of workplace culture, and upward communication can help you create a more inclusive workplace for your employees. Employees can flag potential problems or visibly champion ongoing efforts, making them feel heard and part of the company’s mission. 

Learn more: What We’ve Learned About Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

2. Trust and rapport

Creating relationship dynamics where your employees feel comfortable stating their needs or sharing any difficulties they’re facing at work is crucial to ensuring your team’s success. If you know what’s going on, you’ll be able to better adjust things, such as deadlines or communication methods,  or respond to a problem in real time rather than finding out about it much later. 

3. Improved processes 

What processes or approaches previously worked to accomplish business goals may not always be the case as your company’s business evolves, which is why iterating processes is key to success. Hearing from employees who directly participate in daily processes can help you revise how your team completes its work, leading to better functionality. 

4. Lower turnover 

Retaining your employees is imperative for the continued success of your team—and company. In a survey of employees who left their previous company, 52 percent said their manager could have done something to make them stay [1].

Losing talent can impact your company financially—and even strategically. According to Gallup, replacing them can cost up to twice your former employee’s salary [1]. It’s also important to consider the time cost, which involves conducting a search, finding a replacement, and training them. Strategically, losing key team members can impact your team’s quality of work, productivity, and more. 

Learn more about how to begin using upward communication on the team you manage with the tips below. 

1. Build a team policy. 

Whether managing an established team or moving into a managerial role for the first time, make it a team policy that employees can—and should—be vocal about their excitement, concerns, and more. As much as possible, outline where this communication should occur, such as in team meetings. 

2. Ask for feedback. 

It’s helpful when your team understands your general policy for upward communication, but you should build in opportunities to ask for feedback specifically. For example, if your team knows that you prefer input during meetings, carve out a specific time so they can deliver it. Perhaps that entails setting aside the last five minutes of every team meeting to answer questions or address concerns. 

Which of the following is not a reason why upward communication is important?


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3. Be approachable.

A policy about upward communication won’t automatically lead your employees to provide feedback. Because of the hierarchical politics involved in a lower-level employee highlighting a problem to a senior member of the company, it can take a great deal of courage to speak up. 

While upward communication builds trust in a team over time, it’s important that you develop a rapport with your direct reports so they know they can come to you with important information that could affect your team’s performance, the project you’re working on, or something else.  

4. Listen.

When someone on your team comes to you with a concern or problem or to offer general feedback about the way work is being done, it’s important that you listen. While it can be uncomfortable to receive criticism, your employee may simply be trying to improve how things are done. Listen to what they have to say as openly as possible. 

5. Respond.

It’s vital that your employees know their feedback can be used constructively. Upward communication isn’t about venting—it’s about providing valuable information that can be used to improve some aspect of the work being done. Work with your direct report to identify the next steps so things don’t end at their feedback but build into a constructive solution. 

Next steps

Learn more about fostering communication with Johns Hopkins University’s course Principles of Management or the University of Michigan’s specialization Leading People and Teams. Or improve your communications skills with courses from the University of Pennsylvania’s esteemed Wharton School. Learn at your own pace and master essential workplace skills. 

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Why is upwards communication important?

Upward communication is the process in which employees provide feedback to their managers and company leadership. Hearing from employees can help managers avoid losing key talent and achieve better results by restructuring processes. It can also help companies cultivate a more inclusive workplace.

Which of the following is not a mode of upward communication?

Except corporate policy statements, all the options given are examples of upward communication.

Which of the following is upward communication?

Explanation: Upward communication is the vertical flow of information from a lower level to a higher level in an organization.

Which of the following is a common problem with upward communication?

Upward communication can be stifled when subordinates fear retribution from management. Supervisors believe they communicate more information than subordinates perceive they receive.