What has been the effect of environmental forces on the management of projects

The concept of construction project development may be impaired without a good knowledge and successful management of the impact of environmental factors influencing the performance of such projects. This study aims to assess the impact of environmental factors on building project performance in the Delta State, Nigeria. The instrument used for the data collection was structured questionnaire and the target population consisted of clients (government and private developers) and four groups of professionals who were architects, builders, quantity surveyors and engineers. The tools employed were Mean Score, Spearman correlation, Kendall’s coefficient and Chi-Square. Twenty-nine variables were identified as factors having an impact on building project performance and they were categorized under clusters; political, legal, construction technological and resources, economic and financial, socio-cultural and physical. The result of the Spearman correlation analysis of time and cost overruns with the identified factors affecting project performance revealed that the clusters of Economic and financial and Political had significant relationship with time overrun on p-values of 0.004 and 0.011, respectively, while the cluster of Social and cultural had significant relationship with cost overrun with a p-value of 0.007. The research recommended that stakeholders should take cognizance of the variables under these three clusters for proper management and prevention of cost and time overruns.

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by lynsey8, Feb. 2014

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What has been the effect of environmental forces on the management of projects
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Define a project.

A complex, non routine, one time effort limited by time, budget, resources and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs.

What are 5 characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization?

1. Has an established objective
2. Has a defined lifespan with a beginning and an end
3. Requires across the organization participation
4. Involves doing something never been done before
5. Has specific time, cost, and performance requirements

What are some of the key environmental forces that have changed the way projects are managed?

1. Compression of the product life cycle
2. Knowledge explosion
3. Global warming
4. Corporate Downsizing
5. Increased customer focus

Why is implementation of projects important to strategic planning and the project manager?

1. It can reveal new issues and challenges that planners may not have anticipated.
2. It is important in achieving goals
3. Big picture strategies

The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin. Explain.

Because successful project managers are skillful and comfortable in both areas.

What is meant by an integrative approach to project management? Why is this approach important in today's environment?

What are environmental forces in project management?

As a reference, the main environmental factors that can affect project management can be classified into three categories; organizational, human resources and technological systems.

What are the environmental forces that affect management?

Customers, competition, economy, technology, political and social conditions, and resources are common external factors that influence the organization. Even if the external environment occurs outside an organization, it can have a significant influence on its current operations, growth and long-term sustainability.

What is project environment explain the environmental factors that affect the project?

Thus, the environment includes virtually everything outside the project; its technology, the nature of its products, customer and competitors, its geographical setting, and the economic, political and even metrological climate in which it must operate.

What is the role of environmental factors in project management explain with example?

Projects are influenced by factors internal and external to the organization, these are known as EEF Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF). Examples of internal EEFs are company infrastructure, skill availability, risk attitude, governance approach, etc. Examples of external EEFs are political and financial climate.