the oslo là gì - Nghĩa của từ the oslo

the oslo có nghĩa là

Capital and biggest city of Norway. "Heroin-capital of the World", according to Los Angeles Times. Lots of hot blondes. Has a population of about 500.000. Can be split into two parts - west-side and east-side, whereas the west-side has a reputation of being a bunch of snobs, and the east-side has a reputation of being mostly immigrants.


Hey, I'm heading for Oslo for a week. Wanna come with me?

the oslo có nghĩa là

A city in Norway that's turning more and more into a shithole by the day due to drugs, prostitutes, and thieving little gypsies seem to flood the city as of lately. Just so happens to be the capital as well. In the west side of town you have the stuck up brats that freeload on their daddy's money while spending 3 tubes of wax every day greasing their hair to try and look more of a stuck up brat than the next guy. On the east side there's arguably mostly immigrants who are mostly good people but some real assholes in the mix as well. Personal handguns are illegal yet they seem to be able to get them, probably because the police are looking the other way. You'll find drugs anywhere by night in the city center well done mayor! They seem to be able to sell it freely yet our obsession with being overly politically correct makes law enforcement powerless to actually do anything about it, other than providing druggies with clean needles. Tourists seem to enjoy it here though as they come here a lot, especially the Japanese, they're for some reason overly fascinated by the statues of naked people in the cities biggest park. I guess one can have a nice time here if you go during the summer while the weather is good and go to the right places, though know that if you go to a restaurant you won't find many Norwegians working there as all the jobs are taken by Swedes. Which is fair enough, they're usually more hard-working and demand less vacation than us anyways.


Talkshow host: What's the drug capital of Europe?
Contestant: Oslo
Talkshow host: Yer

the oslo có nghĩa là

Capitol of Norway. Located in the parts of Norway refered to as the "Eastern Lands". Norway consists of five such parts. "The Southern Lands", "The Western Lands", "The Eastern Lands", "The Northern Lands" and "The Middle Lands".

There is about 500,000 people living in Oslo.


I'm soon gonna live in Oslo..

the oslo có nghĩa là

The next best, but biggest city of Norway.
The weather isn't quite as charming as Bergen and the city feels kind of dirty.
Some call it "Hemo", short for - "the hemoroid on the ass of the world"


Let's not go to Oslo and get hemoroids on our asses, let's go to Bergen instead and heave a great time...

the oslo có nghĩa là

The capital of beautiful Norway. One of the most safe and rich cities in the world. Known for having lots of hot, fit and blonde girls.


"Who is that blonde, fit girl?" - boy 1
"It's Heidi from Oslo of course!" - boy 2 "Wow, that girl is super hot!" - boy 1
"Of course, she's Norwegian!" - boy 2

the oslo có nghĩa là

a crazy motherfucker.


that nigga's an oslo son, dont fuck around with him

the oslo có nghĩa là

Psychological paralysis of a victim who internally elects to love their victimizer as an act of appeasement and survival strategy; ingratiating and groveling so absolutely as to experience cognitive dissonance to all truths and objective facts. Corollary of the Stockholm syndrome in which hostages come to identify and empathize with their captors. There are four stages of Oslo / Stockholm Syndrome: Stage 1: The hostage learns to survive by obeying the rules.
Stage 2: The hostage gets to know their captor so they can know how to avoid triggering him.
Stage 3: The hostage sees any act of kindness by the captor (ie. bathroom break) as a sign that he is a good person.
Stage 4: The hostage starts to see their captor as a friend and any rescuer as an enemy. Coined after a 1973 bank robbery in Stockholm when a group of bank employees were held hostage and developed a strong sense of empathy, respect and even admiration towards their captors. When the event was over, they even defended their captors by not wanting to say anything that might endanger their captors’ freedom. Also called “traumatic bonding” or “victim self-brainwashing”; Vampire minions who love their vampire master, prostitutes who love the pimp who beats and scars them, etc. Synonymous with eunuch, beta cuck, faggot sheeple, Captain Sweden syndrome, liberal left wing loony, minions of the vampire, devotees of Mammon, zombie fodder walking dead of Satan / Belzebub / Apollion / Abbedon / Baphomet / Molech, etc.


White Hillary Clinton supporters and White anti-Trump protesters are all suffering from Oslo Syndrome and foolishly believe that if they betray their own ancestors, family, nation, race, and descendants (in theory at least as they typically have none), indeed betray their very own selves, that Satan's hordes will spare them and allow them a place in Liberaldom aka Satandom.

the oslo có nghĩa là

The Oslo is when a guy called Bastian finds a random guy on the streets in Oslo and sucks him off for 500kr, a snus boks and a buss ticket.


Hey i did The Oslo yesterday! What?!! are you a whore

the oslo có nghĩa là

A guy who shits himself while playing Video games.


“Dude, you just shit yourself playing fortnite. You’re an Oslo!”