teen love là gì - Nghĩa của từ teen love

teen love có nghĩa là

something that happens in summer. feels real, and you know for sure it is. but its not, cos everyone tells you ' oh that wont last a week - you'll get over him/her sooner or later.' except it doesnt last a week. it lasts ages. tháng. even years. and when you do break up with them, you never do get over them. teen love IS love. shouldnt be called teen love. but it is seeing as adults 'know' [or i should say assume] that it isnt real love and the teenagers dont experience any of the feelings you do when you fall in love.

Ví dụ

Her: omg i cant fucking stop thinking about him
Her mom: yeah.
Her: i sit up all night waiting for him 2 call
Her: i just cant describe it.. feels like ive died and gone to heaven
Her mom: teen love, i see. darling you will be on to another boy next week!

teen love có nghĩa là

An oxymoron.

Seriously people. Romeo and Juliet was a story.

Ví dụ

Her: omg i cant fucking stop thinking about him
Her mom: yeah.
Her: i sit up all night waiting for him 2 call
Her: i just cant describe it.. feels like ive died and gone to heaven

teen love có nghĩa là

Her mom: teen love, i see. darling you will be on to another boy next week!

Ví dụ

Her: omg i cant fucking stop thinking about him
Her mom: yeah.

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