Spotify stops playing after one song Android

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Brendan Romano
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After the Android 11 update, my Spotify stops playing everytime my phone is locked. Pixel 3A XL.
After Android 11 update, my Spotify stops playing everytime my phone locks. Then when I turn the screen back on, the music automatically starts playing. Tried uninstalling Spotify and restarting my phone, but unsuccessful. Hoping a new update is released soon. I've had a great Pixel experience this far, but this definitely hinders that.
Device Performance, Google Pixel 3a XL
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Spotify stops playing after one song Android
He/Him, RN, BBQ Guy , Dad, Husband, Brother, Runner, Cyclist and Google PE
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Thats an issue you need to bring up with spotify
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Mark Haswell
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It's not just Spotify. It happens with other media apps too
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Liz Stoll
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EDIT: First, make sure your battery saver isn't turned on, and go into the spotify app settings and select "allow play in the background". If it happens with other music/media apps/web players too, the see below:

I'm not sure if this will help but it certainly helped me.

I don't wanna risk giving you the wrong information that would result in having everything attached to your Google account gone disappear, so go to, select "pixel phone" and you should be given the option to contact customer service about your issue. During the chat, explain that someone had to remove and readd their google account from their phone for the problem to be solved and ask how to do that.

Again, I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, but after I did that my music hasn't paused randomly since, and this was a few days ago and I listen to Spotify all day during work and have no issues!
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User 10564114782598432999
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ive been having the same problem. its not a problem with spotify (happens with bandcamp too) and i dont think its because of notification controls or app settings. the music plays for a moment, then starts getting choppy (not fully pausing music where you need to hit play, and not skipping forward like its a connectivity issue, if you pull down the notifications bar to view the media player in the settings section, which is another bad change imo, youll see that the music isnt paused and is sometimes advancing the songs progress bar. ive had songs that were one and a half minutes long show being 4 minutes in because of the glitch), and even just double tapping the screen to show the clock will make music play clearly, but once it locks it starts glitching again. i got a pretty serious crash error once after unlocking my phone to see what the problem was (along the lines of "system.ui has stopped working"), and after restarting it spotify had forgotten where i was in my podcast and started from the beginning. i think this audio glitch is because media controls are no longer in the notifications bar. i wish there was a way to toggle where the media player ends up at, because i sincerely think that this switch in location (and subsequent relying on a different part of the phones os to support it) is causing the glitch. i hope it gets resolved soon, because i can only listen to audio some of the time when the screen is locked.
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Same here. Since installing Android 11 on Pixel 3a, Spotify cuts out intermittently or stops playing altogether when connected to Bluetooth. This was not an issue before Android 11 and no other settings have changed on my phone.
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Pixel 3a users
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I got similar problems with the combo pixel 3a, android 11, bluetooth and spotify. When streaming spotify doesn't seem to know what is playing and interrupts streaming often. This is not only when streaming over bluetooth, also wired with headphones. However turning bluetooth off on the phone seems to fix all problems.
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Ian Trottier
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I am also having this issue on my Google Pixel 3A, since I updated to Andriod 11. Any help will be much appreciated.
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Stan Beccer
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Same here. Pixel 4a. Almost all bluetooth devices (my taotronics headphones work fine for some reason) and multiple media players (most prominently spotify and youtube music) start pausing randomly and the apps sort of freeze up and then it just stops entirely when the phone is locked.

This NEEDS to be fixed, I can't use my phone as media device in my car like this as it stands.
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Chris Gordon 1814
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I have this issue as well
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nzevent Cam
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hey all.. I had this exact problem after upgrading to droid 11 with my music player.. fixed it!

its a battery saver function in my case... go to settings.. battery and device = battery = background usage limits = never sleep apps = add any apps you want to keep running like your music player... ( and of course you can remove anything that android thinks should be running but your don't agree... )
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