rexburg là gì - Nghĩa của từ rexburg

rexburg có nghĩa là

A small town located in south - eastern Idaho. The population is 100% mormon. The only activities allowed are reading the book of Mormon and giving your money to the LDS church. Full of wannabe gangsters that think they are badass but in reality are the biggest faggots ever. BYU-I is located in Rexburg. The towns' official sports are sucking dick and fucking your grandma. If you stop by you'll regret it.


(2 guys driving on the freeway)
Guy 1: Hey do you wanna stop in rexburg? Guy 2 :Fuck no!

rexburg có nghĩa là

Rexburg is basically the mormon version of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Its always freezing and has a bunch of people that you do not want to be around with for more than ten seconds.


Your going to Rexburg for school? That sucks big time.

rexburg có nghĩa là

One of the worst small towns in America. Home to BYU-Idaho, which co-incidentally is a crappy University. Cold Winters, crappy summers, and not much else to talk about. Aside from a few hot bitty's and sadly a lot of ugly beezy's, not much happens around here.


Person 1#: Rexburg is shitty
Person 2#: I know, lets leave and never come back

rexburg có nghĩa là

The shittiest town (It's In Idaho) I've ever lived in. The atmosphere is typically childish, like a never ending "youth conference" at the age of 14. Mandated rules are enforced upon all students, who actually happen to be adults typically from 18-30. The culture is beyond dreadful and causes oneself to drivel. On the other hand, there's a 2-1 girl boy ratio and plenty of sluts who came to school because of the price, or their parents holy insistance upon living in "Zion" and finding the right potential "Eternal Companion". If you live there, you'll make do and find right crowd. If you don't, never come to this infested nest of hypocrites and little goody two-shoes.


Student 1: Man is there any clubs or cool dances in the Burg?
Student 2: Nah, but my parents are paying for my school.
Student 1: Man what a shitty town, wish I knew earlier.
Student 2: I know, but you can always transfer to UVU, USU, or UoU.
Student 1: God...Think I will. Martha keeps asking me to go on a date reading scriptures and then watch "The First Vision".
Student 2: LOL welcome to Rexburg.

rexburg có nghĩa là

Down in the small town of Rexburg, Idaho is a college campus filled with many spiritual, strong, and wanna be athletic people. As they pursue their studies at Brigham Young University Idaho, many of them are continuing their education after having spent 2 years or a part of that time on a full time mission for the church. Having a dry spell of women for 2 years is kind of a long time for most men. I don't know of many men who go that long without women.....most men would have a heart attack an die. So where does the term Rexburg Rump Hump come from?.....well.....the students at the school have opportunities to attend the off campus parties where there is a lot of bumpin&grindin, NCMO's and slutty dressed girls to attract the guys who haven't gotten it in for life!! So you know the rest from here. Guys walk up to a girl an ask if they wanna dance and off they go. They start gettin their grind on, doin their thing, an then the next level of grindin gets turned on, the Rexburg Rump Hump. This is the next level where it looks like they are just doin a lil B&G, but in actuality they are humpin harder than a pair of bunnies. This is basically having sex through your jeans/partially clothed areas because your in a public place where there are others with the same standards as you. So if you want to get to a place where you can make love to your rump hump partner, go to the gardens or a car since those seem to be the most frequent places people go.


Guy: Hey you wanna dance?
Girl: Ya sure
(She turns around an starts dancing up on you)
Guy: So what's your name?
Girl: (her name)
(Small talk until your favorite party song comes on, an it may be a really dirty song u can make love to on the dance floor)
After you have been goin hard at bumpin&grindin, gettin all of her rump up on your junk, you take your your partner to the next level and make love on the dance floor.
The two of you have now officially found your Rexburg Rump Hump partner.

rexburg có nghĩa là

Rexburg idaho is a small town near the end of the snake river in south east Idaho. It has a population of about 35,000(roughly). It is also the has 2nd most concentration of Mormons in the us. If you are another religion other than Mormon there you will be look at with a weird"why are you different" look


Guy1: hey wanna go hangout?
Guy2:yeah sure we should invite (Guy3)
Guy1:No its Sunday, and hes from Rexburg, ID,he has to read scriptures..
Guy2:oh dang....

rexburg có nghĩa là

Very similiar to Provo All Star. Some main distinctions that are commonly viewed among Rexburg All Stars:
1) Go to BYU-Idaho because its the only University they can afford to go to.
2) Go to BYU-Idaho because their parents are Uber Holy and tell them they must go to THIS school.
3) Go to BYU-Idaho because their parents are Uber Holy and tell them they must go to THIS school IF THEY WANT tuition, rent, 2012 BMW, Laptop, and everything else paid in FULL for.
Especially number 3.
Also, Rexburg All Stars tend to congregate around the Tuscany apartments or The Ridge apartments due to the lack of rules and care for modesty and morals. Typically they try to find the slutty, horny ass girls that roam at Off-Campus Parties or Dances that happen occasionally. Usually these are girls that also came to BYU-Idaho because of their parents demands and or leverage with "Financial Endorsement" like the rest of the cooler and more attractive students who don't give a shit about the honor code.
Also, Rexburg All Stars tend to tell people "I came to BYU-I because my parents are paying for it" or "There is a 2-1 girl boy ratio, E-Z rump on my junk."
Usually typical locations to find Rexburg All Stars will be World's Gym, Anytime Fitness, or even the School Fitness Center on campus. Conversations tend to include how big their muscles are, how many girls they've hooked up with, and how many girls they will hook up with in the semester.


(World Gym)
Dude 1: Who the hell is that guy working biceps with one hand while using the other to take pictures of himself right in front of those 5 girls on ellipticals?
Dude 2: Oh, you mean the dude with the monster hat, spray tan, sperry's, and cut off tank top?
Dude 1: Yeah!
Dude 2: That's just one of the local Rexburg All Star's here, Betcha 5 bucks he'll get 5 phone numbers before he's through with his workout.
Dude 1: Nah man I already know those chicks are sluts, he'll have no prob doing that.
Dude 2: Rexburg... God let's leave and never come back.

rexburg có nghĩa là

A resident of Rexburg, Idaho. Rexburgers are known for their religion (Mormonism) and their political views (conservatism). has referred to Madison county (the Rexburg area) as the "reddest country in the nation." An encounter with a Rexburger will very likely support this observation.


Although I live in Rexburg, I do not think of myself as a Rexburger, considering that I'm an atheist.