private school là gì - Nghĩa của từ private school

private school có nghĩa là

A form of education that, rather then provided by the federal government, is privately directed and must be paid for. Although the majority of the kids that go to these schools are white and relatively well off there is a large group of private school students who sacrific many luxeries to have a private education. Contrary to popular beleif, most of the kids who go to these schools are hardworking, inteligent, thoughtful, kind, and caring kids. All the schools are not all mono-sex, in fact most of them are not. They are not only for the rich and preppy. These schools are for kids that would like to have an education molded for them personally by a small group of inteligent people, rather then the government of The United States. So, please, rather then jump to conclusions about the kids and the schools actually find out about the places and we private school kids will do the same for public school.


Public school kid: O, private school are filled with preps and rich kids kids who never have to work for anything.

Private school kid: Public school is for people from the ghetto. None of them can complete a full sentence.

Me: Cant we all just... get along?

private school có nghĩa là

A school which rich kids attend who dont understand the value of money and which daddy gives everything to them on a plate and who believe they are intellectually superior to anybody else.

People who attend private schools are unlikely to come across many ethnic minorities or persons of a lower social class either at school or from the area they live in.

Tend to get ahead in life because of the family they were born into and life chances rather than because of merit.


employer: which school did you go to?
employee: I went to a top private school?
employer: your hired.

private school có nghĩa là

A private school is a system which creates a two tier standard of education which perpetuates the gulf between the have and have nots.

Private schools are meant to promote choice, choice for whom? The wealthy few and the token scholarship students who end up being excluded by the snobby rich kids and developing inferiority complex.

I doubt very much whether private school kids have gone through the same experiences as comprehensive school kids. Do private school kids have to worry about money and whether they can afford to go to uni? No because daddy can pay for all that and even use their contacts to get them into the top jobs. Or to put it another way, at the very least they have one less major headache to worry about. Their biggest problem in life is probably being able to navigate their way from the west wing of their mansion to their east wing.

Despite a greater emphasis placed upon equality by the government, the old school tie network is still very much alive and kicking, which creates a cycle which repeats itself from generation to generation. Rather than equality, meritocracy, and greater opportunities for all, private school stand for inequality and benefiting the select few who were fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family.


Just ask yourself one question?
Why do so many people go from top private school's to top universities and eventually into top jobs rather than working there way to the top? Is it because private school's offer a better standard of education? or is it the ability of rich parents to buy their kids education through the amount of money they spend, thus making damn sure there getting a return.

private school có nghĩa là

Those who think private school kids are all rich, snobby, white kids with everything handed to them on a platter are wrong. My school is more diverse than the public school that i would go to. There are always exceptions, but I actually have to WORK to be there. My family has sacrificed a lot so that I could go to my a school.The big difference between my school and the public school is that it has a good art program.


Public kid: "Ugh! she goes to a private school she must be extremely rich and snobby"
Private kid's friend: "Umm...actually... she is less stuck up than you are, and has less money too.She works on weekends to help pay for her school's fees."

private school có nghĩa là

for all you people out there who think that private schools are full of pompus, snobby, rich, 'Fuck-ups'. your wrong and don't dare say that us public/private school students are blinkered and norrow minded because everybody who says this is narrow minded them selves!
and for you information there are 2 asian people, 2 black people and 3 chinese people in my class so no, private school is not racially un aceptive.
and so maybe i am a pretty boy but if you knew me instead of just looking at me just as if you got to know the rest of my 'snobby,stuck up' freinds you would be surprised!


people are often very apprehensive to judge people who go to public schools
eg: state school pupil .."hey look at that pompus pratt over there, he definately goes 2 a private school"
private school boy.."hey look over there some people that don't even know us as people!"

private school có nghĩa là

A school in which the parents pay lots of money so their "little darling" can have the very very best.

This environment manufactures many things, such as, snobbery towards people who are not as economically prosperous enough to go to private school, or feel that they can get an OK education at a state school. Empiricism, shelter, pansyness, and most importantly, a severe lack of life experience, and a belief that the world really is this pretty coddling environment in which people will pick them up, dust them off, and whisper words of encouragement and love in their ears until they feel big enough to carry on.

The delusion is so complete, that most private school girls and boys have no idea that they are deluded, and are conditioned to think that the extremely easy lifestyle they lead is really tough. They say things like, "I'm not rich! We're poor from paying for tution." Not realizing that "poor" is where you cannot eat. And "poor" in the developed countries in which they live, is being in commission housing on the dole. However, this is rarely problematic, as most of them are financially taken care of, and able to continue to lead this easy lifestyle in which they are accustomed outside of school. However, it is occasionally problematic when said child's parents realize their mistake in raising the child accustomed to unconditional goodness, and decide to let it flounder. In which case, it fails miserably.


I go to a private school. I cannot believe the arrogance of the wealthy.

I've seen and been through things these private school kids couldn't even imagine, and they have the nerve to act as if they know more about life than I do.

private school có nghĩa là

In the UK, a private school is a school for which the pupils must pay to attend. They are usually home to snobby, stuck up kids with a supiriority complex, even though tuition in such establishments is not much better than in the free alternative.
Very prestigous private schools are known as public schools.


The Art's Educational Secondary School in london is a private school, and Eton is a public school.

A pupil at a private school is known as a private schoolboy/girl, and a at a public school is known as a public schoolboy/girl.

A free school in the UK is known as a state school.

private school có nghĩa là

A school in which kids pay to attend. Contrary to popular or incorrect belief, the kids that go there are not all preps or rich kids that buy their way through life and get everything they want. Not all of them have mansions or are snobby assholes. A good majority of them are friendly, down to earth people. The good thing about the environment they see everyday in school is that it doesn't give them the tendency to yell swears in public and have no consideration for others.

The kids that go there know what its like to not have a lot of money. Sometimes the school facilities are pretty outdated and lousy. Their parents do not have that much money, but they know that the tuition for private school is so worth making their kids into decent people.

Kids that go to these schools speak and type with proper grammar: they sound intelligible. They don't write sentences like this: "i don give a fck what you thnk cuz your such a faggot."

A lot of times they can carry a decent conversation. They have good arguments for ideas and issues, and actually know what important ideas and issues are.


Recently I went to a public event down the street and there were so many idiots and jerks there, that I could have bet a lot of money they hadn't ever gone to a private school.

private school có nghĩa là

Okay, lets get this straight. this is a noun being used as an adjective. I'll try getting the adjective straight.

If you give a public school uniforms, then that's what private school is like, but in lesser numbers of students. the only difference is maybe a hundred/thousand dollars. A number of kids who are in a private school usually take the chance to go to a public school once they get the chance.

If you give them a few nuns/priests/brothers/teachers who actually give a damn/anything-of-the-like, then you have a catholic school.

For those who think that private school kids get the better jobs, take a good look at the most famous people today. One hell of a majority of them come from public schools. dammit, maybe even some of those people you see stuck on the street are from private schools.

By money, not everyone can afford private school, obviously. Some of the people in those private schools can barely afford the right things themselves. To put things into perspective, most of the laws passed to make schools better have always been pretty much 99.9% for public schools. If someone believes that private school has an immunity to black people or something like that, it depends on the school. last year, i went to a big catholic school, and there were probably four black people in our whole grade of 73 kids. Now i'm in one of the poorest(but most tight knit; which is good)private high schools in the area, and there's not a class i have without them(i'm proud of that.)

As high-end as you think we are, with an immunity to decently positive emotion, there's not much that a private schooler can hide from.

It's usually the really rich ones who end up having more problems later in life, protected from certain dangers, but in the end may have to face them. The more they avoid danger, the less they learn. without the common mistakes made in daily life, people can't really live and are gonna lack in experience. The people who you define as private schoolers are the people who can only understand the small little world that they had lived in(unless they pushed to understand more.)

The people of the stereotypical sort who believe that the pains and blisses that they have are only limited to them or others should understand that barely anything in this world holds a barrier on who a person or people are.


Recognize this. People really can't define themselves as private school or public school kids. It's like saying you live a normal average life.

There is no normal, there is no such thing as average.

there is no such thing as a boundary. What you see around you that says that the limit is there is an attempt to define and understand the world around you. that point might not even be correct.

private school có nghĩa là

private school is not a place for rich white snobs, although some private schools are filled with those, most of them are not. Actually, I go to a private high school and there are 300 kids in my class. about 75 are hispanic, 150 are white, 25 are asian and the rest are mixed. its not for preppy snobs either, i live in a one story house, not in the suburbs with a normal family and parents who work full time and many days aren't home for dinner because they are working their asses off to pay for my tuition. none of my friends at school have a mansion, okay maybe a couple have two story houses but most of them are average to small size one story houses. no, my parents dont hand me money, i have to work my ass off to get money, by mowing the lawn and shit. okay and for all of you saying private school kids dont go through the same experiences are misinformed. there are alot of disfunctional families at private schools and i know quite a few drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin, you name it). theres really not much difference between private and public except that the private school people pay for their education.

oh and alot of people smoke weed :)
were not completely sheltered from the outside world , ok?
(oh and btw i have a lot of public school friends and they are the same as my private school friends, theres really no difference)


public school kid: haha stupid spoiled brat, you go to private school!
private school kid: *lights up a joint* whatev, think what you want, but your just being a narrow-minded cunt.
public school kid: oh.