pedosexual là gì - Nghĩa của từ pedosexual

pedosexual có nghĩa là

not real, make believe, bullshit.
just pedophilia.

Ví dụ

Lauren: "What is your sexual identity Mark?"
Mark: "Im a pedosexual"
Lauren: "No, you fucking dipshit. You're just a pedophile, you fuck children, and should be publicly hanged."

pedosexual có nghĩa là

A non-existent word invented by pedophile activists as part of their ongoing effort to legitimize and legalize the sexual exploitation of children.

See pedophile.

Ví dụ

Lauren: "What is your sexual identity Mark?"

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Mark: "Im a pedosexual"
Lauren: "No, you fucking dipshit. You're just a pedophile, you fuck children, and should be publicly hanged." A non-existent word invented by pedophile activists as part of their ongoing effort to legitimize and legalize the sexual exploitation of children.

Ví dụ

Lauren: "What is your sexual identity Mark?"

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Mark: "Im a pedosexual"

Ví dụ

Lauren: "What is your sexual identity Mark?"

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Mark: "Im a pedosexual"

Ví dụ

Lauren: "No, you fucking dipshit. You're just a pedophile, you fuck children, and should be publicly hanged." A non-existent word invented by pedophile activists as part of their ongoing effort to legitimize and legalize the sexual exploitation of children.

pedosexual có nghĩa là

A made-up sexual orientation in which the person is attracted to underage kids. It's OK to be straight. Or gay. Or bi. However, you are a fucking lunatic if you are pedosexual.

Ví dụ

See pedophile. Bob is a pedophile but he calls himself a "pedosexual" in order to portray his deviant sexual desires as a mere sexual orientation. The rest of us know Bob is really just mentally ill. 1. A person who engages in completely unnatural behavior towards young children.

pedosexual có nghĩa là

It's not a sexual identity, you dumb fucks. It's just a bunch of pedophiles trying to be included in the LGBT community, making them look bad. LGBT people DO NOT support pedophilia. It's just a bunch of angry religious people who think that making them look bad will get them to be who everybody tells them they should be.

Ví dụ

2. A term made up by pedophiles to try and make themselves look unjustly opressed. Pedosexuals cannot be allowed to reframe things so as to make themselves look opressed. A made up word that sick pervs use to justify wanting to have sex with children. Only the most sick and twisted people use this word. Andy thinks that it is perfectly fine to want to screw children and calls himself a pedosexual. being sexually attracted to an underaged person

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Bill: I think I’m pedosexual

Ví dụ

Edna: what the fuck A made-up sexual orientation in which the person is attracted to underage kids. It's OK to be straight. Or gay. Or bi. However, you are a fucking lunatic if you are pedosexual. Pedo: Hi I'm a pedosexual.

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Any sane human being: Ew tf.

Ví dụ

FBI: OPEN UP! It's not a sexual identity, you dumb fucks. It's just a bunch of pedophiles trying to be included in the LGBT community, making them look bad. LGBT people DO NOT support pedophilia. It's just a bunch of angry religious people who think that making them look bad will get them to be who everybody tells them they should be.

pedosexual có nghĩa là

Avery: Hey Harry, are you part of the LGBT community?

Ví dụ

Harry: Yeah.
Avery: What do you identify as?