Make job là gì

Make job là gì
Liệu kết quả sẽ ra sao? Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

'Make the best of a bad job' = làm tốt nhất một công việc không tốt -> chấp nhận tình huống, nỗ lực hết mình để có kết quả tốt nhất trong một tình huống không thuận lợi, may mắn.

Ví dụ
He added: But it was a really bad time, I had no bones to pick with Lindsey, I loved working with him but I did see the point and I did see what the problem was. And you know, we're a democracy and we have to kind of make the best of a bad job

Any argument to Remain in the EU cannot be simply based on a cold economic calculation that households are a few thousand pounds a year better off if we stay. Nor can it be based on an argument that the EU is flawed, but being out is so much worse so we had better make the best of a bad job.

WH Auden put it well when he said: Satire is angry and optimistic (lạc quan). It believes that the evil it attacks can be abolished (hủy bỏ). Comedy is good-tempered and pessimistic (bi quan); it believes that however much we may wish we could, we cannot change human nature (bản chất của con người) and must make the best of a bad job.

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