Lỗi an error has occurred see the log file eclipse năm 2024

After installing the QMF for Workstation v12.2 and or a higher version and fix pack, when the user starts the QMF for Workstation application, the following Eclipse error displays:

An error has occurred. See the log file C:\Users\


Resolving The Problem

If the user has more than one version of QMF for Workstation installed on the same Windows Operating System, for each QMF version that has been used, a folder is created in the user's home directory.

If the home directory is in the same Windows OS then the path should look something like in the following:

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\IBM\QMF for Workstation\settings

where the is the Windows userID logged in.

If the home directory is in the network, then the location for \...\IBM\QMF for Workstation\settings will be on the network.

To address the problem, the user should click Ok to the error message, go to the .settings folder and delete all the contents of the folder.

If the user is prevented to delete one or more of these contents, then a QMF for Workstation session is running and is active. Please close QMF for Workstation and go back to delete the remaining files from the .settings folder until it is empty.

This should allow the user to successfully start QMF for Workstation.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6QWT","label":"IBM QMF Analytics for Multiplatforms"},"Component":"QMF For Workstation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"QMF v10.1, QMF 12.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

So! I clicked on the link, did what was indicated, and for those who are getting sleepy like me, don't want to read what is on this link, and just need a quick "how to", here is what you gotta do:

Open the eclipse.ini file with textedit (nothing else would work on my mac) Add the " --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM " line right after the " -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 " line. Only the first one will do. Don't forget to change the eclipse.ini permission first so that you can edit it (cmd+i). Close the file, open Eclipse again and it should work fine now just as it did for me.

I hope this is my last problem with Eclipse, because at this rate I'm not going to learn Java anytime soon.