just sayin là gì - Nghĩa của từ just sayin

just sayin có nghĩa là

a term coined to be used at the end of something insulting or offensive to take the heat off you when you say it.


Jordan: Anna you have really let yourself go.

Anna: What the hell! What is your freaking problem?!

Jordan: Just sayin'

Anna: Oh well in that case, I suppose its okay.

Jordan: Friends?

Anna: Fer Sure

just sayin có nghĩa là

a phrase used to diffuse any ill feelings caused by a preceded remark.

sort of like a mentos.


"dude, your bitch has cankles...just sayin'."

just sayin có nghĩa là

The punctuation dumb people put at the end of an unsolicited, factless assertion to indicate self satisfaction at having stated something they erroneously believe to be clever, biting, and insightful.


"Twelve doctors told me that I'm wrong, but I don't care. Because I'm a MOTHER, and I KNOW my baby is allergic to peanuts, carbon, municipal water, and the color orange. Don't listen to doctors- they don't know more than you. Just sayin'."

just sayin có nghĩa là

This term is used after you inject your statement/opinion into a conversation. Generally, this statement/opinion is non-factual, so by saying "just sayin'", you are clarifying that this statement/opinion is unprovable and it is just a thought off the top of your head.

During an IM conversation, this term can be abbreviated with "JS".


Bill: So, what are your thoughts on Chrissy?
Dean: Honestly, I think she's pretty stupid lookin'.
Dean: Just sayin'.
Bill: Truth.

just sayin có nghĩa là

This often rage-inducing saying is typically preceded by a blatantly honest statement that's likely to insult at least one person with it's cold, bitter truth. Frequent usage of this saying can spread it's use like a highly aggressive plague, eventually saturating almost all conversations, particularly on the Internet where anonymity encourages impolite truths.


Erin: Dude, this game is mad hard.
Jay: If you just had a lobotomy it might be. Just sayin'.
Erin: ... I hate you so much right now.
Jay: Look, I'm just sayin' that-

just sayin có nghĩa là

A phrase tacked on to the end of any bigoted, biased, hurtful, wrong or simply stupid remark. The speaker tacks on the phrase with the intent absolving themselves of any guilt or argument over the statement.


Danielle: Oh my god Becky, look at her butt! She's really asking for it in that skirt, just sayin. Becky: Exactly WHAT are you “ just sayin”? That she deserves to get raped because she’s wearing a short skirt? Danielle: I WAS JUST SAYIN! THAT'S ALL! Becky: Ohhhhh you were just sayin…I get it now.

just sayin có nghĩa là

A phrase used to indicate that we are not about to justify what we just said with facts. When used excessively, especially in online situations, can lead to much aggravation, with the end result being a head slap to the party or parties overusing this phrase.


person1: Yo, I've been running uber hot lately
person2: No doubt, that was some sick beats you put on that donkey.
person1: Yeah, he was a real poser, He prly thought I was such a deutschebank! ROFLMAO!
person2: Hey, that's not nice, calling him a poser.
person1: Hey, I'm just sayin.
person3: That's it, I'm about to do some old school name callin, get 3 bars ivory soap and a dirty sock and slap one of yous right upside the melon. And I'm serious, you don't see no happy emoticon this time.

just sayin có nghĩa là

Telling someone some home truths about something and dont want to get into trouble? Just finish the line with "....Just sayin" as if you are just pointing out the obvious that others wouldn't say.


Tamwa: She should sooo not wear those crazy boots with those jeans, she looks like a fucktard...Just Sayin

just sayin có nghĩa là

Pointing out some information or fact without stating any particular opinion about it, leaving the other person to form their own opinion based on what you've said. The equivalent of the old phrase, "I am just giving information here."


Tom: "Check out this article about alien experiments at Area 51."
Betsy: "The dude who wrote that article also says Elvis lives in his basement. Just sayin'."

just sayin có nghĩa là

“Just saying” or Just Sayin” in the Midwest is used as a tag on the end of a thought almost always used for comedic effect. Sometimes it is used to indicate you expressed something that should be obvious to everyone but most people are too intimidated or uncomfortable to say out loud (like the elephant in the room metaphor). Depending on context it can also mean “seems obvious to me but it’s obviously just my personal opinion.” Occasionally it is tagged on the end of a sentence to indicate your previously expressed thought or opinion was just a quick first impression or “off the top of my head” response. Context is everything to understand the correct meaning. In my experience it can be applied equally to a compliment, a criticism and/or as an effective form of sarcasm. Most online definitions for it’s use completely missed the functional meaning of the phrase stating it was used “to claim something as fact without evidence”. Some claimed it was to “soften criticism or defer provoking anger from someone”. The worst was from people claiming it was used by “people with no balls to say something controversial or potentially offensive but to accept no responsibility for saying it.” Another misinterpretation Claimed the user knew their statement was false but were unwilling to acknowledge or respond to any facts proving otherwise”. Personally I have never once heard the phrase used as described in this paragraph.


Example of it being used as a compliment: A friend of my complimented me on some pictures I had posted on either Instagram or FB. She expressed an opinion that I should consider pursuing photography more diligently with a belief that I could earn some money licensing or selling prints etc. At the end of her complimentary opinion she added the “Just saying” comment. Example of good natured sarcasm i.e teasing a friend or giving them some friendly grief: A younger girl/woman you know well wants to wear high heels to an engagement but is obviously struggling to maintain her balance while walking around at home. “Perhaps a nice pair of flats would be a more sensible option.... Just saying....” You are having a meal with a friend at a restaurant and they spill their beverage on something while drinking or the ice shifts in the glass causing their beverage to spill out on themselves. “Perhaps a straw would be a good idea...Just saying.” Then there are tons of political and other memes out there with the phrase used for various types of sarcasm.