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Convincing the trainers of the need to insert braces was a major if partial achievement.

Although it would provide a firm foundation for practitioners wishing to become trainers, it is discouraging to find so few references to theory and research.

The other two publications could provide some of the supporting material for trainers.

The training programme was positively evaluated by the recipients, the trainers and the researcher who observed it.

Research into pedagogic discourse can become a powerful tool for teacher trainers but also for language researchers interested in the process of language teaching.

Implications for the role of sensory input in the control of locomotion and the design robotic of step trainers are discussed.

In their introductory article, the editors (pp. 3-20) noted that language teachers can use technology in their role as practitioners, developers, researchers, or trainers.

The various difficulties and problems that trainers might encounter are discussed in some depth.

To eliminate experimenter effects, each of the two trainers trained students in both conditions.

Stallion candidates are evaluated at a young age on their own performance by a panel of medical experts and trainers.

As such the role of trainers, too, cannot be overemphasized.

The trainers offer different answers to that question.

The trainers felt that the training went well, as did the main researcher who observed it.

In captivity, learning by imitation of conspecifics is commonplace in dolphins, and relied on by marine mammal trainers.

Quibbles over style aside, it is clearly a valuable addition to the literature currently available to carers and trainers alike.

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(Định nghĩa của coach từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của coach


He would book coaches well in advance and collect the fare in instalments prior to each away trip.

Often this coaching involves parents telling children how the investigators are evil and trying to tear their family apart.

Another chapter covers the rise of black coaches.

I'll hopefully still be playing hockey, and probably umpiring or coaching or something like that, but not nearly as much as now.

The local intendent was delighted: although he had already built two special coaches to carry the ill, he happily accepted another.

Since coaching is a results-based intervention, pre- and post-intervention measurement and evaluation is crucial to demonstrating coaching efficacy.

Even the coaches let some nonstandard words pass when they evaluate employees.

They were the ones who went on special patrols, escorted the stage coaches, and sometimes died on isolated country roads.

He was coached, and all in an effort to stifle my notoriety.

Elaborate descriptions, usually illustrated with engravings showing the sumptuous costumes and the carving and gilding of the coaches, might be published to commemorate the event.

He also wrote plaints in a form acceptable to the courts, and coached litigants in their presentation.

Successful coaching programs focus on individual, team and organisational business objectives and goals.

Apart from the matter of solid empirical corroboration, coaching in general, and executive coaching in particular, does have a number of practical shortcomings.

Evaluating coaching outcomes, however, is a complex process.

A locomotive pulling a train of coaches or wagons does work.

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Các cụm từ với coach

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với coach.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

acting coach

Gains has also worked as an acting coach.



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assistant coach

The ensuing gunfight resulted in the deaths of the assistant coach, team spokesman and bus driver, as well as injuring several others.



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baseball coach

He served as the head basketball and baseball coach from 1924 to 1930.



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Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.