How do I shadow text in Word?

Text boxes are used quite often in some Word documents to hold information that is ancillary to the main text within the document. For instance, you might use a text box to create a sidebar or other text object. To enhance your layout design using text boxes, you can add a drop shadow, so the text box appears to float about the actual printed page.

To add a drop shadow to a text box, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text box you want to format. Small selection handles should appear around the perimeter of the text box.
  2. Click the Format tab of the ribbon. (This tab is only visible when you select a text box, as directed in step 1.)
  3. Click on the Shadow tool in the Shape Effects group. Word displays a palette of available shadows.
  4. Click on the shadow desired.

Text boxes are used quite often in some Word documents to hold information that is ancillary to the main text within the document. For instance, you might use a text box to create a sidebar or other text object. To enhance your layout design using text boxes, you can add a drop shadow so the text box appears to float about the actual printed page.

To add a drop shadow to a text box, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the Drawing toolbar is displayed. (You can click on the Drawing tool on the standard toolbar to display the Drawing toolbar.)
  2. Select the text box you want to format. Small selection handles should appear around the perimeter of the text box.
  3. Click on the Shadow tool on the Drawing toolbar. (In Word 2002 and Word 2003 the tool is called Shadow Style.) Word displays a palette of available shadows.
  4. Click on the shadow desired.

Word art is some beautifully designed text, such as adding gradient, embossing, shadow, reflection and other special effects to the text. In Word, ordinary text can also be used with word art effects, which are called Text Effects and Typography. There are 15 built-in styles for Microsoft Word text effects. You can use any style you want to your own text. In addition, after using the art effect for the text, you can freely set the shadow, outline, reflection, light for it to create a more beautiful word art that meets a variety of needs.

WordArts are generally used for exquisite documents, and they are generally not used in the ordinary documents, or only used for a small part of the text that requires prominence. The following is how to apply text effect in Word.


I. How to apply Microsoft Word text effects

Select the text to be set, for example: Text effect and typography Word, and click Text Effects and Typography (A with blue shadow) under the Home tab, pop up a list of WordArt styles. There are 15 kinds of artistic styles, move the pointer of mouse over the artistic styles to preview the effects of the selected text, for example: Gradient Fill: Blue, Accent color 5; Reflection, after clicking the selected style, the selected WordArt is used on the selected text. The demonstration is shown in Figure 1:

How do I shadow text in Word?

Figure 1



II. Shadow text effect Word

1. Select the text you want to set, for example: Shadow text effect in Word, click the Text Effects and Typography icon, select Shadow in the pop-up menu, and then select a style from the expanded shadow styles, such as Offset: Bottom Right under Outer, the selected text will be shaded at the bottom Right. The demonstration is shown in Figure 2:

How do I shadow text in Word?

Figure 2

2. The perspective shadow effects of the text are better than the Offset effects. In the same way, select Perspective: Upper Right, the effect is shown in Figure 3:

How do I shadow text in Word?

Figure 3

3. In addition to shadows, Word text effects also have Outline, Reflection and Glow. You can also use the above methods to set them. The effect of text is the same as that of Word Art in Word. More detailed setting methods will be introduced in the chapter of Word Art Effects.


III. How to change the default stylistic set in Word

Select the text that has been set with text effects, for example: Shadow text effect in Word, click the Text Effects and Typography icon, select Stylistic Sets in the pop-up menu, and then select one of the expanded styles, for example the second type under Individual, the selected text becomes the selected style. The demonstration is shown in Figure 4:

How do I shadow text in Word?

Figure 4



IV. How to add the Word Art to the Quick Access Toolbar

If you use WordArt frequently, you can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar, the method is as follows:

1. Click the Text Effects and Typography icon again, and in the open drop-down menu, right-click the style you want to add to the Quick Access Toolbar. Just click it Add Gallery to Quick Access Toolbar, and the Word Art is will be added to there, as shown in Figure 5:

How do I shadow text in Word?

Figure 5

2. If you don't use WordArt frequently and want to remove it from the Quick Access Toolbar, just right-click the WordArt A icon in the Quick Access Toolbar, select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar in the pop-up menu, it is removed from the Quick Access Toolbar, the demo is shown in Figure 6:

How would you give a shadow effect to the text?

Android: Which Is Best For You?.
Select the text you want to add the shadow to by dragging your cursor through it..
You should see the floating toolbar display immediately above your selected text..
Click the Shadow button in the toolbar..

Why is there shadow behind text in Word?

The formatting is probably text shading. In the Word document, select the text and press Ctrl+SpaceBar which removes direct character formatting. In the future, you can paste as plain text.