Eight hour cream skin protectant review

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant


Eight hour cream skin protectant review

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Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant is a cream that helps to soothe, restore, soften and protect chapped, dry or mildly irritated skin. It aids in the temporary relief of chapped lips; smooths rough spots on knees, feet and elbows; and softens tough, hard cuticles and hangnails. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant is dermatologist, clinically and allergy tested. Suitable for all skin types. Also Available in Fragrance Free.

*Average star rating within the product image is based on a Review Crew panel of 50 and is correct as of 27/04/2022.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant


Holy grail

The Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Skin Protectant cream has been a long standing product in my beauty routine! I love how rich and thick it is, without the lasting greasy or heavy sensation. It blends well with other products and doesn’t move makeup or make it melt off during the day. It is perfect for protecting skin in the cooler months and is versatile for face, lips and body. I will continue to repurchase and recommend to anyone who has similar skin issues to mine. It’s time to stock up for winter!

Improvement after one use

I had been having issues with a callus on my foot and nothing that I tried would sort it out. After spending some time on google I read that this cream could help so being desperate i decided to try and and oh my....it was awesome. I noticed an improvement straight away and After 2 weeks of using the cream morning and night my foot is lovely and soft and the callus has gone. I am very impressed and would happily urge anyone who is having issues with rough and dry skin to give this product a try.

Balm for bed

The product was surprising to me as I didn't expect an Oily balm. The thick greasy feeling is not what anyone would want and the fragrance is strong and medicinal like. However for when you need a highly moisturising, almost barrier cream like, consistency for a rash or super dry skin area, to me, this is what the product is made for. The classy Elizabeth Arden packaging is beautiful as always and it's in a handy size package for slipping into your bag or displaying at home. It this packaging also allows you to dispense just the right amount of product at a time allowing less opportunities for a greasy mess in the bathroom! The balm is highly concentrated as expected and therefore a little going a long way. It wasnt great for my hands (I'm not a fan of the greasy feeling lingering on my hands) but I did use it on dry skin on my feet, elbows and knees to have them soften, ready for a tan for a upcoming wedding. This was applied mostly at night as well to avoid any transfer onto clothes etc. As expected the product softened the areas and helped keep them like that. If you can look past the balm like consistency and greasiness I have to recommend the product as it did do what I wanted from it once I understood it's intentions. It's not a daily use product but for when you need a really big injection of moisture into a dry area and you are willing to feel greasy for a moment to get that.

A Versatile Must Have!

BEAUTYcrew Staff Review: BC’s Issy D. This is a great product for those with sensitive skin that often becomes irritated by environmental factors like the sun and the cold. As I have sensitive skin that is on the dryer side, I tend to reach for products that I know will lock in the moisture that's in my skin or provide me soothing relief from changes in seasons. This Eight Hour Protectant is a great one to chuck in your handbag, it has several uses - whether it be face, body or hair. The product acts as a protective layer which retains the moisture in the skin and contains ingredients that aid and relieve sunburn, blemishes and windburn.

Great for a Mother’s Day Gift

I’m going to start off by saying that this is everything I would want in a product aimed at dry skin. It’s not a cream, it’s a luxurious ointment with a beautiful hint of colour. It softened my dry areas- nails, elbows, wrists, knees really well. So happy about that. BUT, the ONLY reason I can’t give it five stars and can’t purchase this again for myself is the scent. My goodness- it stays with you forever. Not even kidding. It’s like a rose hip oil, vintage rose perfume that reminds me of my great grandmother… It gave me headaches. My mother on the other hand, absolutely loves the scent.


I love that this cream has so many uses, it is a good staple to have in your handbag. The smell is nice and not too strong. The texture is a bit thick and sticky and so I would only use it on my face at night. It is very moisturising and i have found it moisturisers the dry and rough patches on my feet and also my soothes and hydrates my dry extremely dry chapped lips. I love that I can use it for minor cuts and scratches and scars, hence it's great to have a bottle in my handbag. It can also be used to shape and give us our eyebrows shine. I would recommend this to someone looking for a multipurpose cream, though I would say it is a bit on the pricier side for what you get.


Unfortunately this Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream Skin protectant is not a product I would use again. The smell is so overpowering it puts me off using it as soon as I open the tube. It is just not pleasant at all. A very potent smelling herbal concoction. The texture of the cream is very greasy, thick and doesn't rub in well. It leaves quite a lot of residue and oily feel. My skin did feel hydrated and smooth when I could stomach using it, but would not recommend this at all simply because of the fragrance. If the fragrance was more subtle or they offered a fragrance free alternative I would be willing to try it again but until then it is a no from me.

Go-to all in one product.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant is super versatile and can be used on literally every part of your body. I specifically used them on any dry patches eg elbows, lips, hands, heels even the eczema I tend to get around my eyes during the colder weather. I was surprised with the texture, I thought it was cream based however it’s thick, oil texture. Similar to paw paw ointment however just a little thicker. With it being a balm with ointment, a small amount goes a long way. It absorbed beautifully into my skin without leaving the greasy residue. After 2 weeks I could see a difference in my overall skin, now with the colder months coming, having Elizabeth Arden 8 hour creams has come in handy at repairing dry patches on my skin and improving the hydration. I highly recommend and will purchase again.

Great for very dry and chapped skin

I think this skin product is perfect for chapped skin. I found it especially useful during a recent flu to soothe, hydrate and protect my chapped nose and lips. I also find it works well to soften quicks that develop along the sides of your nails. Texture is oily at first and I found you needed to spent a good amount of time rubbing it in to reduce the oilynesss but once done my skin felt hydrates and not chappy. The smell for me was a-bit strong, slightly chemical and I prefer something more natural. Could also be good for chapped heels, elbows and any other particularly dry areas. I think this is a useful product to have in your home, especially during the dry, cold months.

8 hour cream

While it’s an amazing hydrating product if not used at the right time of the day it can be very sticky on your hands. The best time of the day to use this product is just before you go to bed and you use those wonderful cloth gloves so that you can maintain the moisture that has just been put on your hands and your hands end up being very soft. It is not a good idea to use this product during the day as your hands will become very sticky and it can be very hard to complete tasks such as using a computer but putting this aside if you use it at bedtime this is a great product.

Great staple with many uses

Perfect all rounder. Great as a lip balm. I get a sensitive dry patch near my nose crease so have used this at night time for it and helps to rehydrate and calm it down by time I wake up. Texture is good. Not sticky and spreads easy. Smell is not the best but it’s not the worst. Would definitely purchase again. Perfect all rounder. Great as a lip balm. I get a sensitive dry patch near my nose crease so have used this at night time for it and helps to rehydrate and calm it down by time I wake up. Texture is good. Not sticky and spreads easy. Smell is not the best but it’s not the worst. Would definitely purchase again. Perfect all rounder. Great as a lip balm. I get a sensitive dry patch near my nose crease so have used this at night time for it and helps to rehydrate and calm it down by time I wake up. Texture is good. Not sticky and spreads easy. Smell is not the best but it’s not the worst. Would definitely purchase again.


This balm is so nourishing. I do not LOVE the smell but if you can get past this its great. I used this as an overnight nourishing treatment on my face, lips and hands. I found day time use it was too oily looking and thick. Overnight though it worked a treat. I woke up feeling moisturised and my skin was happy! A little goes a long way so be sure not to overdo it or you will have a gel like substance covering your sheets and pillows. I have very dry eczema prone skin and found no issues whatsoever. Im normally a cerave only kinda gal and this has hit the right spot. I would recommend and re buy even.

A Make Up Bag Staple

This is such fantastic product. Once you start using it, you wonder how you did without it! The herbal fragrance is pretty strong but I love it. I use it as a lip balm, on any extra dry areas like elbows, on patches of eczema, on cheekbones to give them a dewy glow, and even on pimples. There’s a small amount of Salicylic Acid in there which help with a minor breakout, but its so repairing that its great on sensitive skin like mine. It would be great for slugging if you’re into that. I’m going to keep a tube on this in my makeup bag for good!

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Protectant Review

I think of this product as the upmarket version of paw paw ointment. Use it in the same way, ie. for very dry patches of skin, lips, nails etc. It is very thick and does have a distinctive smell as some other people have mentioned. But I think you're meant to use it in smaller doses and not as an all over moisturiser. Used in small does the texture is not a problem. Overall, this has that cult product status for a reason - because it does serve a purpose which is to sooth very dry skin. So it will be great to use in winter as I can already feel my skin getting dryer as the weather starts cooling.

Helped my skin

BEAUTYcrew Staff Review: BC’s IssyR At the start of this trial I had just started using a new night cream that I applied to my face and neck. My neck had broken out in a rash which was itchy and red, and it flared up mostly after showering and exercising. I applied this product both morning and evening to help relieve the symptoms. It took about 4-5 days before I noticed the rash starting to go, however this cream really helped at the time of application to reduce the itchiness and the willingness to scratch it. My skin started to feel restored and after a week the rash was completely gone. The consistency of this formula is thick and a little goes a long way. It doesn’t easily absorb if you put too much often, so I recommend starting small. Given how well it worked on my rash, you can use this to protect chapped and dry skin, so it is a multi purpose product. I will be grabbing for this as we move into the cooler months to protect and moisture my dry lips. Highly recommend!

Nice lip balm

I was really excited to try this product and was hoping the multi purpose use would make this a holy grail in my skin care cupboard but it just missed the mark for me. I used it in every way suggested; elbows, knees, eyebrow taming, highlight and lips. It was just so greasy and sticky it was uncomfortable to apply and it didn’t soak into the skin quickly. The smell is strongly medicinal which I didn’t mind but my partner didn’t like. The only way I can use this product comfortably is as a lip balm. It’s not the best lip balm I’ve ever used but it does the job to leave them soft and moisturised.

Balm not cream

I was excited to try this product after hearing so many rave reviews but I was totally thrown that it is not a cream consistency (as the name implies) but an oily balm. I tried this product on my cuticles and lips and while it did help somewhat, I was put off by the oily feel. However, I have this issue with all balms, not specifically just this one. I did like that it comes in a tube which is much less messy than a tub. It was hydrating on my lips but the effect didn't last long enough for my liking.

Elizabeth Arden I’m torn….

Elizabeth Arden I am torn. On one hand I can see the results with use of the product, on the other the thick greasy feeling and herbal smell leaves little to be desired. The classic streamlined packaging is handy for slipping into the handbag and allows you to dispense a tiny amount at a time. The balm is highly concentrated with a little going a long way. I didn’t like to feel of the product on my hands so I Only used it on dry skin in my feet and knees. The product does achieve results and as advised on the packaging can be used for multiple purposes from moisturer to lip balm and brow styling. In the short time I’ve used the product I have noticed a significant difference which I haven’t seen in similar products. If you can look past the balm like consistency I have to recommend the product as it is one of the few creams that most definitely matches its claims.

Multi use moisture cream

I love a product that can be used for many things. A little of this product goes a long way, it is thick and has a greasy texture that is soon absorbed into dry skin. Its great for using on chapped skin, dry lips and even putting on cracked heels. When the kids come to me with a bite, sore or dry lips and noses this is the cream I use. I also use on my hands by massaging into my cuticles. I also suffer from dry skin in my hairline and a little of this rubbed into my scalp is amazing. If you have dry skin or dry patches this is the cream you need for intense moisture.


I have been using the eight hour skin protectant cream for 4 weeks now , and it has worked wonders on my skin , especially those dry patches on my knees , elbows and feet . I have also been using it on any sores I had , and found that it healed very fast. I love that this product is incredibly versatile, you will definitely save money , instead of buying multiple products. You can even use it for chapped lips . This cream will be very good to use in winter time . I highly recommend, and will definitely keep using this in my skin care routine.

Is 8 hour cream good for your face?

Its versatile formula goes beyond moisturisation, working wonders to shape brows, add shine to cheeks, soothe dry hands, smooth cuticles and nails, and more.

Is 8 hour cream just Vaseline?

"Similar to Vaseline, the product contains primarily petrolatum, a non-comedogenic that locks in moisture "It also contains lanolin, which acts as an emollient to soothe and soften dry winter skin; mineral oil, which is both a powerful occlusive and emollient; salicylic acid, which helps reduce the skin's pH to improve ...

Does Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream help wrinkles?

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream benefits Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream is formulated to hydrate skin and acts as an all-purpose skin care product that can be used on the face to shape the brows and hydrate skin around the eyes to reduce puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes.

Does Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream help rosacea?

In conclusion: it works for acne, it works for rosacea, it works for eczema. No rash or sensitivity whatsoever for me. ***(EDIT) Been using this more than a month now and still no rash or reaction, which is practically a miracle. I have started using it in the day too.