care bear là gì - Nghĩa của từ care bear

care bear có nghĩa là

1. Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat, heavily preferring cooperative or solo PVE combat, chatting, or developing tradeskills/running quests. Depending on the game and the individual, this PVP avoidance can show up in several ways: by playing on strict non-PVP servers; by avoiding PVP areas or declining duels; or, by avoiding or condemning PVP players. Philosophically, they often cite unbalanced combat systems, overpowered guilds, ebayed characters, and ganking as reasons to prefer less aggressive play. The mindset can be self-sustaining in several ways: high-level "care bears" may have avatars that are tailored for PVE, not PVP; they may not network with skilled PVP players; or, they may morally refuse to learn aggressive PVP tactics. As an insult, the term applies less to players who merely prefer PVE to PVP and more to individuals who question the basic legitimacy of PVP or who greatly overreact to their avatars' deaths. Bear in mind that it is strictly incorrect to refer to the victims of heavy exploiters as Care Bears. Abbreviated CB. Compare with RPK, Player Killing/PK, PVP.
2. Adjective describing a strictly PVE server or game.


1. PVP: *kills CB*
CB: What the ****? I didn't do anything to you; why did you kill me?
PVP: You were there.
CB: This is bull****. Go away!
PVP: *kills CB again*
CB: Quit camping me! WTF is wrong with you?
PVP: You were still there.
CB: *logs out*

2. Player 1: Hey, why don't you come over to Final Fantasy XI? I'll get someone in the guild to level you up.
Player 2: Sorry, I prefer PVP MMOs; FFXI would be way too Care Bear for me.

care bear có nghĩa là

A popular 80's cartoon, that has recently come back into style, and features bears that shoot some kind of healing light out of their tummies. Also cared for the entire world, somehow.


Care Bears live in their kigdom in the clouds, called Carealot.

care bear có nghĩa là

A series of popular animal characters from the 1980s. They started out appearing on greeting cards in 1981, but became a line of stuffed toys and a cartoon in 1983. They were popular through much of the 1980s, but died out in the early 1990s. They have made a comeback today however. The Care Bears appear as multicolored bears with various symbols on their tummies that illustrate their personalities and caring missions.


The original 10 Care Bears were: Bedtime, Birthday, Cheer, Friend, Funshine, Good Luck, Grumpy, Love-a-lot, Tenderheart, and Wish Bear.

care bear có nghĩa là

An MMORPG player that plays nothing but PvE content. Often feels entitled to PvP rewards and acheivements even if they have not participated in any PvP, but is opposed to PvP players earning raid gear through PvP activities. Spends countless hours on the forums trying to either ruin or completely eliminate PvP and its players from whatever game they happen to be playing. Has absolutely no idea that other players (with different tastes) exist as well. You are a "kiddie" if you don't agree with them.


"The care bears from WoW and RIFT are invading Guild Wars 2."

care bear có nghĩa là

an endangered species most commonly seen lurking in the shadows of San Diego


That care bear almost took my chocolate

care bear có nghĩa là

A player in any MMO/MMORPG who has a habit of treating opposing players friendly and helping them rather than conquering/prevailing.


"Look at Charles helping that Tauren over there rather than killing it. He's such a care bear."

care bear có nghĩa là

a person who just doesn't give a fuck. basically someone who has just given up on "real" life and is down for whatever 24/7


guy: Hey man you feel like goin to Vegas right now?
care bear: oh fuck yeah, when we leavin.

care bear có nghĩa là

retarded person w/ downsyndrome who wants to make it on their own. The term "Carebear" could refer to anyone who is acting like a retard.


You are such a carebear.


Well, Care bear why dont you go ahead and get something to eat since you are so hungry.

care bear có nghĩa là

Used in some gay circles to define a young man who is hairier than a twink but too thin to be a cub.


Oh John's a care bear, he's not husky enough to be a cub!

care bear có nghĩa là

Although a care bear may be quite an attractive individual, don't fuss over Ms. care bear too much. For unless you are the Reggie Bush or Dwayne Wade of the future, you stand no chance and the rejection WILL be painful (as many of us have experienced). Daddy's little girl is accustomed to getting what she wants, when she wants it; whether it be her crystalized sidekick (priced at around 3 grand) or her platinum visa used to purchase clothes and various accessories daily, while attending exclusive day-school "GA". Although a care bear, a CT heiress can act surprisingly "down to earth," "fun," and even "kind," if you offend her in the slightest way you will quickly become acquainted with the "spoiled" and "entitled" care bear, usually followed by a call to Daddy to get validation that of course "she is right and those around her are all wrong." However, care bear's constant need to please those around her, spares most from coming to know her manipulative and spoiled side. Although newly single after dating a close childhood friend, who was surprisingly not up to par with her usual NFL standards, care bear continues to receive all the pampering that she could possible desire whether it be from her personal driver (who trots care bear to her various appointments in nothing other than a Bentley), her family chef, the household team of maids (God forbid care bear ever does her own laundry!), and of course "Daddy," her number one fan who would lick her bedroom floors clean if his "princess" asked him to...literally. To clue in all possible "beau's" of Miss care bear.. If you think you are the MVP of the week in care bear's book, -be aware that after meeting "Dante Stallworth," (wide receiver for the Browns) at the Patriots exclusive "2008 Post-Superbowl Party," care bear has remained connected to the prior-Patriot through phone calls, text messages, and even alleged visits from Mr. Stallworth. Although, if asked, care bear may deny such a connection to "Dants" (the name accompanying his number in her cellphone contacts), I personally, along with her close friends, have observed firsthand contact between the two. Extra curricular activities besides socializing with sports center's bachelors? Jetting off to the Caribbean on her private plane at (Daddy's expense of course!) and lets not forget brown-nosing anyones whom it concerns in order to get an A+. care bear is a prude and I would truly not be surprised if she is still a virgin; do not let her sex appeal and physique fool you. Although arguably a beauty, if care bear is not letting any of her baller-beau's "score," what are they sticking around for? I guess thats the million dollar question. But undoubtedly, when they too have the revelation that she is nothing more than a spoiled, degrading, prima-donna maybe care bear will realize (for once) that everyone doesn't always get their way.


after the patriots lose the 2008 superbowl to the new york giants a care bear would attend the patriots after party (within hours of their loss) and see Brady alone. A care bear would state "the party was pretty good except for like, Brady was like crying by himself the whole time. i mean its like, i know you lost and everything, but way to ruin a party Tom!" WOW