Captivators là gì

Many will be captivating and valuable teaching aids.

These fascinating musical profiles of burlesques reinforce the notion that the works were designed to captivate a diverse audience.

All of us are captivated by media representations of scenes we would never look at twice in real life.

They certainly made their responses captivating and illuminating.

Like all masterpieces, this single movement for large orchestra is both lucid and unfathomable; both captivating and overwhelming.

An immediate and noticeable difference from the earlier editions is the many engaging photographs to captivate the reader.

Although not a primary aim of the book, many of the images are simply captivating by the intricate complexity of their form, and beguiling patterning.

However, the current movement is not just remarkable for its virtuoso treatment of formal and generic expectation: the material is captivating throughout.

Second, there is a captivating quality to the sensual pleasure afforded the listener by the technical excellence and gloss of the production techniques.

He would capture the heart of the young woman who has captivated his own.

Theoretically, it is not an easy read, but her evocative contextual descriptions are captivating and fluent, drawing the reader in.

I found the ethical issues discussed utterly captivating.

While she may well have been captivated by his views, a critical attitude would have been more revealing.

However, the material works well to illustrate the mystery of human language and will likely captivate readers, particularly those with little or no background on the subject.

I was totally captivated with the hypothesis that there was some built-in syllabus or innate language acquisition device that would account for the common features of learners' interlanguage.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Mục lục

  • 1 Tiếng Anh
    • 1.1 Cách phát âm
    • 1.2 Danh từ
    • 1.3 Tham khảo

Tiếng Anh[sửa]

Cách phát âm[sửa]

  • IPA: /ˈkæp.tə.ˌveɪ.tɜː/

Danh từ[sửa]

captivator /ˈkæp.tə.ˌveɪ.tɜː/

  1. Xem captivate.

Tham khảo[sửa]

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