Bottle up emotions là gì

Đè nén cảm xúc sẽ chỉ khiến bạn khổ sở hơn thôi. Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

"Bottle [something] up" nghĩa đen là rót vào chai, nghĩa bóng là kiềm chế, nén, giữ.

Ví dụ
Sometimes we can bottle-up our anger and this can be quite an uncomfortable experience.

'It's the worst type of grief [đau buồn]' - Glens captain Kane urges people not to bottle up emotions.

And I have to tell you if I could bottle up that energy in the second half and sell it, Id be on a yacht somewhere right now.

Pessimists [người bi quan] would no doubt argue that the vast volume [số lượng khổng lồ] of exports necessary to become the world factory are infeasible [không thể làm được] in the wake of Covid-19. But they forget that no shock ranging from the black death pandemic of the 14th century to Spanish Flu and Great Depression of the 20th to 9/11 terrorist [khủng bố] attacks and the global financial crisis [khủng hoảng tài chính] of the 21st, has been able to bottle up trade for long. World trade will rise up again sooner than most pessimists think.'

Thu Phương

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