App ranked top free what to do next

It can be a tedious process to track where your app ranks across all categories and app types on the Apple App Store Top Charts. For example, if you have a game, it could be ranking for:

  • Games - Top Free iPhone Apps
  • Games/Strategy - Top Free iPhone Apps
  • Games/Strategy - Top Grossing iPad Apps
  • Games/Action - Top Grossing iPad Apps
  • And more!

Tracking where your app ranks for all these different categories can give you better insight into how well your app marketing and App Store Optimization is working. By using the Category Rankings module in Sensor Tower, we make it easy for you to check all of your rankings on one screen, instead of looking at each category individually. You can even use it to watch your competitors to see how well they are doing.

If you prefer the text version of this tutorial, it is available after the video.

Select Your App

Make sure that your app is selected at the top of the screen. If it is not selected, select it from the drop down menu or if it has not been saved yet, add a new app by clicking on the green Add New App button.

Check Your Rankings

Then select the Category Rankings module from the slide out menu on the left side of the screen.

At the top of the screen you will see the graph of the first category that your app ranks for. You can select the date range that you want to examine in the upper left corner of the graph.

Next to the date range selection box are buttons to choose if you want to see the daily chart or the hourly chart. This is useful for zooming in and seeing what changes take place on a smaller time frame.

On the right side of the screen, you will see the category that you are currently viewing. Click on the category name to see a drop down menu of categories that your app currently ranks for. Choose a category to see the historical graph of your app's rank in that category. The green plus symbols on the graph show when this app was updated.

In order to download the historical data from the chart in CSV format, click on the Download as CSV button below the chart.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see the following information for each category that your app is ranking in. If you would like view all the apps that are ranking on a chart, click on the Chart icon to view that chart.


This is an easy way to see how well your app ranks in all of the categories on the App Store. You can also use it to research your competitors and find out how well they are doing. If you do not know how your app ranks across all categories and for crucial keywords, get started with a free trial of Sensor Tower right now.

You have spent months designing and building your app. You have done your research, tested your app on users, and fixed bugs endlessly. And now, finally, your app is ready for the market—or in this case, the app stores! Hoorah! But now what? Well, not to be a Debbie Downer, but now comes the hardest part of launching a new app! Now you have to boost your mobile app ranking so that it gets full downloads.

And let me tell you, it’s not as simple as it seems. But it’s not that hard, either! So, in today’s article, let’s explore some ways in which to improve your mobile app store ranking and boost your app downloads!

Also, did you know that there are more than 8 million apps across various app stores now? Yes! You heard that right! The app market is a crowded one. You’re bound to face some competition no matter what niche you’re in.

But don’t worry. You can make your app soar above the competition simply by getting a few things right. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today!

Do you have an app idea that you just can’t stop thinking about? Convert that idea into reality with TheCodeWork’s Startup Ecosystem! Get everything you need under one roof– be it tech support, marketing/branding assistance, funding, or legal aid!

Click here to book a free consultation with our team now!

So let’s begin, shall we?

Why is it important to boost Mobile App Ranking?

Now, you must be wondering, “But why do we need to think about app store ranking at all?” Well it’s because your app’s ranking will determine the number of downloads you get.


See, the higher your app ranks in the search results of the app stores, the more visible it will be to users.

And of course, this will help more and more people to discover your app. Which in turn will drive your app downloads, reviews, and recommendations, and build your app’s brand awareness.

I told you, it is worthwhile to focus on app store rankings!

Top 6 ways to boost your mobile app rankings

In order to move up the app store ranks, you need to know how the store works. Here are a few TheCodeWork expert-approved methods to navigate the app store and improve your mobile app ranking in no time!

➡ Recognize app store optimization [ASO]

According to studies, the majority of people discover new apps through app store browsing.

And hey, that’s good news.

Because it means that individuals are actively searching for apps on the store. You just have to make sure that they find your app and not your competitors. Simple enough, right?

Now comes the real question: How will you make your app stand out from the rest?

The answer is: through App Store Optimization [ASO]!

App Store Optimization [ASO] is the process of optimizing mobile applications in order for them to rank higher in Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store. Once you’ve got your ASO basics down, it will catapult your app’s visibility and give you more downloads.

That makes sense, right?

In short, ASO is the trump card for ranking your app at the top of search results. Moving forward, let’s discuss some of the best ways to leverage ASO tactics to enhance your app’s performance across the app stores.

Pay attention, folks! You don’t want to miss any of these!

➡ Understand your Customer and Market Competition:

What’s step number two in improving your mobile app ranking, you ask? Well, it’s gaining a thorough knowledge of the following three things:

  • Customers need?
  • What your competition is already providing them?
  • Your market niche?

Needless to say, you have to do some rigorous market research to get a better understanding of all these.

You can also try asking yourself the following questions:

  • How do you want your users to describe your app?
  • The language that your customers use?
  • Does your app solve customer needs?
  • What distinguishes your mobile app from the competition?
  • What keywords are your customers looking for?
  • Can you use these keywords to set your app apart from that of your competition?

I know, I know, that’s a lot of questions.

But my two cents? You can easily get the answers to all these questions by first launching an MVP [ minimum viable product] of your app.

The MVP will only contain the most basic, core features–the very essence of your app. And trust me, it will give you massive returns:

  • Customer feedback
  • Real-time app usage data
  • Information about your app’s best [and worst] features
  • Identifying areas for modification

You can then add [or subtract] features from your app as you see fit. Easy-peasy, isn’t it?

If you want your app to ace the app store rankings, MVP is the name of the game. In fact, the most popular apps–Instagram, DropBox, Airbnb, you name it–started out as MVPs. Tell me, how’s that for a good track record?

Have an app idea you’d like to test out? Get your app MVP up and running in no time with TheCodeWork’s MVP Program!

Click here to get the best team of professionals for your dream app.

➡ Select an Appropriate App Name and App Title

“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare once wondered.

Well, if the name belongs to your app, then I’d say A LOT is riding on it.

Your app’s name is the first thing anyone will see on the store, so it’s important to get it just right. What’s more, the right app name and title will also play a crucial role in improving your ASO results.

So here are some tips on nailing that app name before the launch:

  • Keep your app name short and sweet– both Google and Apple have a 30-character limit. You know that, don’t you?
  • Make sure your app’s name reflects its main functions and features
  • Ensure it is easy to pronounce and easy to remember
  • Base your app title on searchable keywords. Since most users discover apps by putting in keywords, it’s a smart move to choose a name that relates to these keywords. [More on this later!]
  • Try to come up with a name that can turn into an action word too. If you want, you can also “Google it!”

See what I did there? *wink wink*

Once you have got the name sorted, it’s time to focus on the app description and relevant keywords.

Read on to know how to fine-tune them for the stores!

➡ Track your App Store Keyword Rankings

Most users discover apps by using some relevant keywords. For example, if they’re looking for a health and fitness app, they’ll most likely type “Health app” in the search bar.

Now, the key is to rank first among the search results. And the best way to do so is by finessing your app store keyword rankings.

What’s that, you ask? Well in ASO, keyword ranking indicates the position of an app in the search results obtained for a particular keyword. For example, if the health app appears first in the search results, you can say that its rank is

1 for the keyword “Health app.”

Simple enough, right? So how will you go about improving your keyword ranking in the app store? Let’s find out:

  • Use relevant keywords

Make sure your app keywords [in the app title and description] are relevant to your app’s features. Apple and Google can in fact lower your app store rankings if your keywords don’t align with what your app performs!

And you definitely do not want that to happen!

Pro tip: avoid cramming the same keywords more than 5 times in your app description.

This will likely backfire as both App Store and Play Store penalizes keyword stuffing.

Simple yet valid rules you see?

  • Optimum keyword search volume:

Keywords with a higher search volume will drive greater traffic to your app. However, don’t just go for the highest search volume word. It might get lost among the dozens of similar keyword search results. Makes sense?

My advice: Begin with combination keywords or lesser search volume keywords. Once you start ranking well for these, you can replace them with the higher search volume words.

Slow and steady!

Need help with app development and app store ranking? Brainstorm and build with top experts in the field at TheCodeWork’s Startup Ecosystem!

Give us a call now!

➡ Focus on your App Ratings and Reviews

Consider the following stats: will look at an app’s ratings before downloading it. Furthermore, research by Apptentive shows that 50% of mobile users will only download an app if it has 4-star ratings or higher. And about 77% of users go through at least one review before installing a free app.

Obviously, user ratings and reviews play a significant role in convincing people to download your app. Ratings and app reviews also have a significant impact on your ASO, and, in turn, on your app store ranking.

For example, Google and Apple both favor apps with more positive ratings and reviews. Isn’t that obvious?

Here’s what you can do to make sure your app has higher rating and reviews:

  • Ensure your customers can contact you with any requests, complaints, or questions. Get an email address for the same!
  • Create a support website
  • Update your app regularly.
  • Try to fix any bugs
  • Once you’ve resolved your customers’ issues, request a second review

Want to climb the ranks at the app store? Consult with experts at TheCodeWork’s Startup Ecosystem to learn the best way to boost your mobile app ranking!

Click here to know more!

➡ Drive more traffic to your app

The more traffic you drive to your app listing, the higher it will rank in search results. I mean, that’s just common sense, right? To get more people to download your app, you need to build a presence outside of the app stores as well!

  • Build a solid brand presence by leveraging social media and content blogs, or through press releases
  • Add captivating screenshots or promotional videos of your app on the app storefront. This will create added visual appeal that will draw in more downloaders
  • Translate/customize your app’s title, description, or screenshots to suit your user’s location. This will also help you bring in a wider range of users, and that’s always a plus, right?

Not sure how to go about building a global presence for your app? TheCodeWork’s Startup Ecosystem has just the solution for you! Reach out to our marketing/branding team and build your very own brand in a flash!

Click below to get on a call with our team now!


Your mobile app ranking influences the number of downloads you get, and vice-versa. The more downloads you receive, the higher your ranking. And the good news is, you can improve your mobile app store ranking by following the above steps. I do hope you found these useful though.

So no more dreary days with no app downloads!

And if you find it difficult to navigate the ASO strategies at any point– they can get quite confusing, I know – don’t hesitate to reach out to TheCodeWork team for assistance!

How does the top chart work in the app store?

The number of downloads is crucial for app ranking on both stores. The more downloads and user engagement your app has, the higher it will rank.

How do I increase my app rank?

11 Best Ways to Improve App Ratings and Reviews.

Proactively Ask Users for Feedback. ... .

Target Users at the Right Time. ... .

Use Ad Campaigns and ASO to Boost Downloads. ... .

Leverage Influencer Marketing and Featured Mentions. ... .

Directly Address All Reviews. ... .

Don't Just Collect, Act on the Review Feedback. ... .

Make It Easy to Find Help..

What are the most popular type of apps?

The Most Popular Apps in 2022.

What app do people use to rank stuff?

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