alfa là gì - Nghĩa của từ alfa

alfa có nghĩa là

An Italian car company that produces fun, fast sports cars and performance saloons (Sedans). Europeans like them but americans are obviously quite snobby and prefer their instant fuel tank drainers! Alfa Romeo is owned by FIAT and in the beginning AR owned Darraq, a well renowned manufacturer of now vintage cars. Post 1990 Alfa Romeos are a world away from the rusting, unreliable machines they were in the 1960's and can comfortably challenge Mercedes and BMW in europe.


in 1988, Alfa Romeo introduced the 164 and the rest is history!

alfa có nghĩa là

n. Acronym for "A Land Far Away". An ambitious persistent world project for Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, whose goal is to recreate the world of Faerun, following sources of official canon as closely as is possible. It is achieved by building with and tweaking the rules of the Neverwinter Nights engine to replicate pen and paper roleplaying on the computer.

ALFA's dedicated team of builders and DM's work relentlessly to bring the project to life and the result of their hard work is a living, breathing persistent world inhabited by dozens and dozens of fantastic roleplayers.


"I got sick of playing the OC and MotB and I'm looking for a PW to join, can you recommend one?"

"Sure, join ALFA!"

alfa có nghĩa là

n. Acronym for "A Land Far Away". An ambitious persistent world project for Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, whose goal is to recreate the world of Faerun, following sources of official canon as closely as is possible. It is achieved by building with and tweaking the rules of the Neverwinter Nights engine to replicate pen and paper roleplaying on the computer.

ALFA's dedicated team of builders and DM's work relentlessly to bring the project to life and the result of their hard work is a living, breathing persistent world inhabited by dozens and dozens of fantastic roleplayers.


I'm done with my homework early today, so I can hit up ALFA for some DM'd goodness.

alfa có nghĩa là

1. A male in a group of people (friends) that is the leader & other guys strive to be like..ex dress, walk, talk, ect..

2. The male in the group that most any girl would want to have sexual relations with due to good looks, great confidence & charisma. Also, most other guys like being his friend.

3. The alfa male does not have to be a popular actor of some sort or have a lot of money.

4. Other people in the social group will look to this person when it is decision time. Also, other people in the group value the alda male's "word".

5. The alfa male does not get into many fights because of his high intellect & high "cool" status with other males. A very laid back person unless him or his group is threatend or the reason to fight is totally justified.

6. Other people in a social enviroment can sense the presents of the alfa male when they walk into the room due to the vibe of insuperable he bleeds out.

The alfa male is not limited to a "single" male in a social group of friends.

Also commonly known as a Dillon or Josh


Ex: 1

Girl 1: Did you see that guy that just walk in? (Alfa Male)

Girl 2: YES! He just looks like the guy I would want to have my babies!

Girl 1: OMG..ME TOO!

Ex 2:
Guy 1: Man life sucks. I think I'm going to cry.

Alfa Male: it.

Guy 1: This might sound gay, but I love you. You are a badass friend.

Ex. 3:

Alfa Male(to his group): This place is boring let bounce like titties on Baywatch.

Fake alfa male(from outside talking to Alfa Male's females): Yall should stay & have fun with me.

Alfa Male: Don't sass me d*ckhead...back the f*ck off my sheep!

Fake alfa male(gets in Alfa Male's face): What you gonna do?? I'm taking your women!

Alfa Male(turns GREEN): AAHHHHHHHHH!!! alfa male's neck>

alfa có nghĩa là

Pronunciation: 'al-f&
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from Greek, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew Aleph aleph
1 : A self-important persistent world for Neverwinter Nights. You can usually tell if a dungeon master is from ALFA by their swagger when they walk and french accents.
2. To be sodomized by a treant. Ex: "He was a fine lad until he got the ALFA happened to him in the forest."


I am a DM for ALFA you natty little player-type. I am like a GOD and you, you are like my pisspot.

alfa có nghĩa là

Alfa Romeo is the essence of driving, their cars a beautiful. Their engines aren't that brilliantly reliable, but people let them off because it's an Alfa.


What car do you drive?
An Alfa Romeo.

alfa có nghĩa là

Angry Lesbian Feminist Association
Name given to the members who are those certain lesbians that never cease to let the world know of their anger. ALFA is organised into branches, each branch being led by a Queen ALFA. They tend to enjoy making both witticisms and titticisms about the male species from behind newspapers, Germaine Greer books or Sylvia Plath anthologies, along with frequent overt sexual behaviour to display their dominance over both other females (as an ALFA-female) and the typical alpha male.


Oh man, an ALFA just grinded on me in broad daylight yesterday!

alfa có nghĩa là

Acronym for “Actively Looking For Ass” Mode. When the sole purpose of your day is to find sex.


Girl 1: “Jessica seems distant and preoccupied this afternoon?” Girl 2: “Don’t mind her, she’s in full ALFA Mode today.” Girl 1: "ALFA Mode?" Girl 2: "Ya, she's actively looking for ass right now."

alfa có nghĩa là

Another Loud Fucking Australian


So, we have ALFA appearing on Saturday Kitchen this morning

alfa có nghĩa là

A Guy that has weird hobbies and weird personality. A leader and a member in communities.


Oh he is such an Alfa