Act in accordance with là gì

Act in accordance with là gì
Không hẹn ngày gặp lại... Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

"In accordance with (something)" = phù hợp với, đồng tình với.

Ví dụ
The extended closure (gia hạn đóng cửa) is in accordance with Governor Eric Holcombs stay-at-home recommendations (khuyến nghị) for Indiana.

Ensuring (đảm bảo) that all associates entering the facilities are doing so in accordance with the social distancing (giãn cách xã hội) guideline of 6 feet-clearly marked-in accordance with the CDC's guidelines.

In accordance with the CARES Act the newly lowered leverage ratio (tỷ lệ đòn bẩy) will be effective (hiệu lực) either until the earlier of December 31, 2020 or sixty (60) days following the end of the COVID-19 national emergency declaration (tuyên bố khẩn).

In accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmers April 30 extension (gia hạn) of the states stay-at-home order (lệnh), the Capital Area Transportation Authority will continue its suspension (đình chỉ) of regular-route (tuyến thường) bus service through the end of April.

Thu Phương

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