Why holistic health is important

Wellbeing isnt just about being happy, wealthy/successful or in good physical health/wellness. It is about a combination of our love for what we do each day, the security of our finances, the quality of our relationships, the vibrancy of our physical health and our role and contribution to communities (Rath & Harter 2010).The medical approach to healthcare tends to see each of these areas separately; however in reality they are completely intertwined and cannot be separated. It might seem easier to treat the critical areas in our lives as if they are independent, however an intense focus on one area of wellbeing can actually be detrimental and lead to feelings of frustration and even failure. One good example of this is weight loss; where we are quick to buy into diet/exercise programmes that promise to help us lose weight but will likely give up if they conflict other areas of our lives.

American psychiatrist, Dr. George Engel first expressed the need for a new medical model in 1977 suggesting that physicians instead of separating the body from the emotional makeup of patients in should adopt a biopsychosocial model. He believed it was important to examine all areas of life, including body-mind health, interactions with your environment and others, with these interactions being interdependent not independent of one another.

Why holistic health is important
With so much interest recently into the field of epigenetics (factors that switch on and switch off our genes), Dr Engels theory is proving correct. If our genes can be silenced or activated over time by chemical changes caused by lifestyle modification; diet, exercise, social interactions, stress levels and even levels of happiness, our approach to healthcare needs to take an holistic approach and address all areas of wellbeing. The good news however is that epigenetics is reversible and we therefore have more influence over our wellbeing than often led to believe.

The role of a holistic therapist is to do just this and look at their client as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms.

A Holistic therapist takes into account that everyone is unique and tailors the treatment to that individual; developing their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional awareness and wellbeing. The holistic therapist needs many skills in order to assess and help individuals develop these aspects of wellbeing. The key to a successful therapeutic relationship is about building a rapport based on trust. To do this a therapist needs to tune in to their client from the moment they meet by observing their body language and nonverbal communication, being attentive to the individual and interested enough in the client to explore all aspects of the clients life. Being able to ask the right questions in the most appropriate manner i.e. being interested [in the client] but not prying is also vital to building a trusting relationship. The idea is to assess the physical ailments of the client and to relate this to the individuals life. This could be anything from stressful situations, work life balance, past experiences, diet, exercise, family life, social life, personality type. Holistic therapists will then use a combination of treatment techniques most appropriate to that individual to work with their client to help improve their wellbeing. This may include massage techniques, Reiki, reflexology and meditation and mindfulness techniques amongst others.

Another key element to being a holistic therapist is to understand other approaches to health and wellbeing that could support the client and ensure they achieve their potential as well as encouraging them to be proactive in their wellbeing. Other treatments may include nutritional advice, counselling or physiotherapy.

Rowan House recognises the holistic model as being essential to optimal health and wellbeing. Our logo identifies wellbeing as multidimensional with all dimensions overlapping and connected to that individual.

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