Which of the following is not a reason an organization would use the instagram stories feature?

Which of the following is NOT a reason an organization would use the Instagram Stories feature? Question/Answer & Solution

  • So that posts don’t show on your main Instagram profile
  • To allow in the moment posting and live broadcasting
  • To share content in a separate section of the app
  • Correct Answer : To keep a permanent record of shared content
  • To avoid cluttering the newsfeeds of your followers
  • .

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HomeQuestion Answer

  • So that posts don’t show on your main Instagram profile
  • To allow in the moment posting and live broadcasting
  • To share content in a separate section of the app
  • To keep a permanent record of shared content
  • To avoid cluttering the newsfeeds of your followers

The Correct Answer is:

To keep a permanent record of shared content





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Terms in this set (125)

brand advocacy programs should contain 4 components: program goals, criteria for selection, a plan for onboarding, and finally

a plan for continued engagement

let's say you're evaluating a customer of your organization as a potential brand advocate. in addition to the three r's, whats another criteria you could use to determine whether this person would represent your organization well?

brand affinity

shared content can be categorized into two main categories: curated, which is content gathered from trusted sources relevant to your industry, and ___, which is content produced within your organization including items like blog articles, white papers, inforgraphics, guides and visuals


when planning out your youtube publishing schedule, stick to ____ _____, as well as a predictable publishing schedule so your subscribers know when to look forward to your next video and what to expect

a consistent length and production quality

when running a paid ad on facebook, which of the following is not a placement option

facbook gropus

when buying an ad for Instagram or facebook, begin by selecting the _____ that most closely matches your business needs


to ensure your brand is being represented in the best light on Instagram, and to discover content from your customers, you should keep an eye on _____

photos in which your organization has been tagged

Instagram allows you to include clickable links in the following area(s)

website field

to place a video ad over youtube videos, which option would you choose

a video campaign through google ad expereince

you have just uploaded a 4 minute video clip into your IGTV Channel. you've added hashtags in the description to support discoverability. what's another tactic you could have used to surface this video to your followers

enable automatic publishing of a 60-second preview of the video in your feed

when optimizing your social media profiles, be sure to provide a consistent business description across all channels. brainstorm a handful of essential and ____ keywords that describe your company and incorporate them into the copy of your about sections


which of these is not a part of a social media strategy

prospecting strategy for sales leads

research shows that most facebook users are mobile, and engagement declines dramatically with longer posts. a rule of thumb you should aim to write posts that are around

50-60 characters

when you've been successful in building a community that is well- acquainted with your brand and products it can become self-monitoring. this means when a question arises

community members may pipe in with an answer, thereby reducing the resources you dedicate to customer support

when it comes to building community, which of the following is not a form of engagement

geo-targeted posts and tweets

if you are creating an Instagram story, with the purpose of gathering audience insights, which would be the bet feature to use?

a question sticker or poll

partnerships with complementary business whose audience shares values with yours are

a powerful way to grow your community

when taking photos for your social channels you can add depth by using roads, buildings, or bridges to create a pathway that leads the viewer's eye to a single spot. this is best described as

leading lines

you are taking photos for Instagram, using your phone's camera, and lighting conditions are not optional. what is the best way to compensate for this, before taking your photo

tap on your subject and adjust the exposure slider onscreen

individual Instagram stories have a limit of 15 seconds for video content. however,using Instagram's segments tool, you can record a longer video. the segments tool then automatically splices this longer video into 15 second segments, that will play consecutively for your viewers. to do this simply:

hold down the record buttom for the duration of your take

before launching a paid social advertising campaign it's best to have

clear business objectives, a well defined target audience, multiple ad variations

when it comes to content marketing on social media, research is the key to understanding what content will resonate with your audience. begin by looking at your social media audit, and then use network-specific tools such as ____ and ____ to identify your audience demographics by network

facebook's audience insights: twitter analytics

on snapchat, a great way to generate buzz and encourage your followers to amplify your brand is by creating image overlays referred to as ___


to take full advantage of your twitter media gallery, ensure that you've uploaded a minimum of

6 photos or videos

private twitter lists are a great way to ____

keep up with competitiors' content wihtout publicly folowing them

your social media content strategy should flow naturally from your ____

social media strategy and objectives

let's say you're a social marketer and you're about to start curating content for your organization. you're looking for tools that will help make this job more efficient and effective. which of the following is not a feature you would generally look for in such a tool?

list of topics to avoid sharing

scope, process for creating and updating documentation, approvals + operational considerations, social media policy and education and training are the 5 constituent parts of what?

social media governance

organizations should have a crisis management plan for social media . this plan should identify the keywords, hashtags etc. that should be continually monitored, to proactively identify external issues before they spiral into a crisis. this component of a crisis management plan is referred to as a ______

social media monitoring strategy

the facebook page moderation feature:

prevents comments that contain certain words from being posted

which of the following statements describes a best practice regarding your facebook page profile picture

keep your profile picture consistent

____ are a youtube feature that show up at the end of your video and can be used to lead visitors to a landing page once they have finished watching it

video cards

the best method for determining future social media targets is to establish benchmarks. you can do this by _____

extrapolating data from past efforts to estimate future success

social media objectives should

adhere to the SMART framework

instant experience is a paid advertising feature on Instagram configured to show media, display a storefront, complete a form, or explore lifestyle images with tagged products. to use instant experience, you'll need to create your ad in ______


a social meida content calendar should be broken down into 2 major sections: your ____ which could contain items such as campaign starts, influencer takeovers and new blog posts, and a more fine-grained ___ which could be a detailed schedule of every post for each of your social network

larger monthly calendar;weekly calendar

to grow your community on twitter, it is suggested that you should

monitor conversations related to your industry and follow people whose interests align with what your community offers

community building on LinkedIn by organization with LinkedIn pages can grouped into three main categories

establishihng an employee network, growing followers of your linkedin page, and buidling active linkedin groups

in order to cement positive relationships with your brand advocates on twitter, you should

engage with their online content and give public shout outs to recognize their support

if you're using paid advertisements on twitter, and want more people to see your tweets, what's the best campaign types to use


an example of an 'earned' social media tactic

generating positive conversiaotns on soical around your products or services

sparking word of mouth recommendatiosn from previous customers forging mutually beneficial influencer relationships

encouraging employees to amplify your organization's soical content on their presonal soical channels

social media tactics tend to fall into 3 categories

paid, owned, earned

you should keep the information on your LinkedIn profile fairly sparse so people are compelled to navigate to your website for more information about your company


LinkedIn offers a unique type of paid advertising, where you can send targeted, customized messages to users' LinkedIn inboxes, where it appears alongside other direct messages. this ad type is called

sponsored inmail

what are the length restrictions when posting video content to the main feed of your Instagram account

3 to 60 seconds

identifying and defining ____ for the calendar year is essential when planning your social media activity

key dates and timelines

one benefit to having an employee advocacy program is that social

prioritize messages from individuals over those sent by organizations

tools like hootsuite amplify can make running an employee advocacy program easier by allowing you to _____

monitor program participation
monitor metrics like most shared content or most active advocate
provide company news and content that can be shared to advocates
social networks with a single tap
give advocaes dialy updates of relevant new articles that they should share

if you're editing a photo in the Instagram app, and need the bright areas of the image to be brighter without affect the dark areas, which filter would you use


your social content strategies should vary by network. for example, your post frequency and volume can be much larger on _____ than other networks. this makes _____ a great place to post the same piece of content multiple times and recycle evergreen content


which of these is not a best practice for increasing engagement on LinkedIn posts

include 10+ hashtags in your posts

a key part of running a business blog is ensuring its content is easily discoverable. make sure all your posts are ____ by incorporating keywords into the title, subheadings and body of your post, as well as the URL

SEO Friendly?

why should social media managers begin the budgeting process for their social marketing program well before final budget numbers are settled?

to make the most persuasive and data-driven case possible for influencing how much will be awarded

when it comes to creating video for your social channels, which of the following is not a best practices

since video will be consumed on mobile, record videos using mobile as well

the key question you want to keep in mind while undertaking a social media audit is: What value is your organization adding to your customers through social media now vs _____

the value you want to be adding

carrying out social media marketing without a ___ could result in posts that are unbalanced in tone, subject matter, or purpose. organizations wihtout this plan will find It more difficult to achieve social media goals and maintain an effective cadence with their posts

content strategy

when thinking about influencers you'd like to attract to your brand's community, what is the most important criteria to think about?

someone who can contribute their trusted insight to your community

a social media manager for athene suites hotels has gathered hundreds of vacation photos submitted by followers of the organization's Instagram account. the best of these photos will be posted on the channel in an upcoming campaign that celebrates customers. which term best describes these photos

user-generated content

when plotting out the content mix for your upcoming social media publishing schedule, promotional content about your organization shouldn't exceed ____ of your overall content mix

roughly 1/3rd

when drafting your social media posts, always aim to end them with a clear


cover photos have a prominent location in your social media profiles, so you should use this space strategically - for example, it's a great place to ______

announce new product releases or generate interest in upcoming events

when running an employee advocacy program, eventually you'll need to pull data to demonstrate the program's effectiveness. which of the following is not a common metric that program managers will look at?

% decrease in cost per click and cost per impression

in Instagram stories, you can add up to 10 text hashtags to support discoverability. what are two techniques you could use the maximum number of hashtags while avoiding a cluttered look?

place a sticker overtop to hide them

camouflage them by color matching the text with a background color

on Instagram, what are highlights

a collection of stories, that you curate that dont disappear after 24 hours

a social media audit would typically not include"

KPIs goals and objectives for the coming year

what is a unique feature of an Instagram business account versus a personal account

you can include at least on contact option, in the form of an email, phone number or street address

when editing photos within the Instagram app, which filter would best be used to intensify the colors of an image


on Instagram, a great way to track key influencers and brand advocates to ensure you're engaging with their content is to

select "turn on post notificaitions" for a user's post, in the feed

under facebook's page settings, you can control whether the public can

tag your photos
post to your page
reach out to you via private message

brand advocates are:

dedicated fans with whom you should build closer relationships

which two of the following are not key components of a social media content strategy

list of content-specific goals and objectives

specifications for profile optimization

when dealing with negative sentiment, you should

address it quickly, and take the conversation to private messaging as needed

when creating content for youtube, keep your videos shareavle, accessible and discoverable by using:

high quality thumbnails, well written titles and descriptions and relevant metatags

content curation involves gathering and evaluating pieces of media from respected sources, and then sharing the most valuable gems with your audience. buy modern social media professional in larger organizations also need to gather, evaluate and share relevant content produced ____

within their organzation

the ____ feature on twitter is a great way to surface trending content, because it lets you save multiple searches using relevant keywords, hashtags, applicable sentiment

advanced search

____ have become increasingly important because of the decline of organic views and because of the overall increase in the volume of content being published on social channels

paid tactics

____ increase the efficiency and effectiveness of social marketing tactics. examples include upcontent, right relevance buzzsumo and hootsuite

3rd party software tools

when drafting the bio section of a social profile, keep in mind that only the first ___ _will appear to customers in search engine results, so be sure to convey the most important information first

140 characters

why is it important for social media managers to share insight into the performance of content shared on social media channels with individuals or teams within the organization responsible for creating branded content

these insights can influence new content being created

what element of a crisis management plan defines the process that should unfold once an issue or crisis is identified

decision tree

which of the following is not a reason an organization would use the Instagram stories feature?

to keep a permananet record of shared content

with respect to content calendar for social media, why is it a best practice to keep a larger monthly calendar with general information about upcoming launches and big events that impact your content strategy as well as a detailed weekly calendar with specific copy and assets

to allow yourself flexibility to accomodaate new social media trends that might appear unexpectedly

on your facebook business page, which feature would you use to provide your followers with the ability to shop now, sign up or contact your organization

call to action button

____ would involve serving messages and content organically through your organization's official social channels

owned tactics

a key tool to achieving your social marketing goals is a strong ____ which acts as a game plan for coordinating, creating and distributing your organization's _____

content strateyg: content

____ let you segment your company offerings by target market and are a great way to focus on different product separately so you con modify positioning and messaging

linkedin showcase pages

when broadcasting live on social, keep in mind that the best broadcasts are ones that feel like a conversation between brand and viewer. unlike other forms of social video, you'll get more views and engagement if you video

is longer and repeats key points

LinkedIn offers a type of paid advertising where a post is promoted in your target audience's homefeed, but is not published on your LinkedIn homepage

direct sponsored content

if you're new to twitter and want to grow your audience using paid advertisements, what campaign type would work best


oublic twitter lists are best used to follow:

industry influencers

Instagram doesn't offer many options for formatting your bio within the app, but there is a workaround for adding line breaks to your bio description to make it easier to read. which of the following best describes this workaround?

draft your bio using teh notes app on your device then paste your formatted copy into the bio field

when engaging with your community, it's important to keep your ____ in mind and let it guide your response

brand's voice and mission

which of these is not a best practice for increasing engagement on pinterest

use video content whenever possible

if you want to ruin a paid advertisement that appears across a wide variety of websites, videos, and mobile apps, your best choice is

google ads experience

you should use the 3 R's: relevance, reach and resonance, to help you evaluate advocacy candidates resonance refers to ______

the level of engagement they have with thier audience

if you are regularly posting content to multiple social networks, an important rule of thumb is to ______

none of the above

which of these is not a best practice for sharing content on social media

re=post content frequently so it can be seen at the optimal times in every timezone

if you have a facebook business page, you can also create and manage ____ ads through the facebook advertising platform


a best practice for optimizing your video content for facebook engagement is to:

include captions and text overlays

branded hashtags work best on the following platforms

instagram and tiwtter

branded hashtags work best on the following platforms

instagram and twitter

a social media policy is intended to

provide guidelines for appropriate and inappropriate use of soical media by company employees

the value of social advertising lies in the large audience size your company has the potential to reach and the _____ social ad platforms offer

finely tuned targeting capabilities

identify the order of the elements below that most accurately reflects their relationship to each other

organization goals, departmental goals, soical meida goals, social media objectives, social media tactics

let's say you want to create an Instagram ad, and want a high degree of control over budget, targeting and creative. which is the best method/tool to use

facebook ads manager

a good first step to connecting with influencers is to

start building a relationship by engaging with the content they share

Instagram lets you pst photos as portrait landscape, or square. why is it a good idea to take your photos in the format/orientation you intend to post them in

so you can better compose all the elements in the shot

you're a social media manager for a hotel chain that's planning a campaign to raise awareness about a new hotel location. which of the following are examples of SMART objectives that could support an awareness campaign like this?

enage a certain number of local social media influencers to post about thier expereinces with the hotel in Q1

Drive a certain number of mentions of a relevant branded hashtag in the first two months following the opening

when pitching your budget to decision makers, focus on conveying two things: first demonstrate ROI from the current year and second:

showcase the value of the initiatives, campaigns and goals you have in mind for the coming year

your profile picture should be easily recognizable, even at ___ size. your _____ is usually the best choice

thumbnail; logo

since a business cannot follow their facebook followers directly, it's important to build a community and demonstrate customer care by _____

responding to questions and comments from customers on your facebook post's comment threads quickly and thoughtfully

since a business cannot follow their facebook followers directly, it's important to build a community and demonstrate customer care by _____

responding to questions and comments from customers on your facebook post's comment threads quickly and throughtfully

which of the following is a component of a social media strategy

crisis management plan

when announcing an employee advocacy program, it's important to reinforce why sharing content on behalf of an employer is in the employee's self-interest. employee advocates can showcase their engagement by sharing content that portrays the organization in a positive light, thereby

differentiating themselves as a dedicated performer within the organization

a partical benefit of ____ is that it requires little in the way of resources which can be helpful for organizations that don't have a dedicated content team, but that still want to position themselves as trusted advisors in their industry

curated content

when composing photos to share on your channels, a best practice is to balance the elements of your photo along 3 sections. this is described as

the rule of thirds

when editing a photo in the Instagram app, which filter would you use to darken the edges of the photo so the viewer's eye is drawn to the centre


when optimizing youtube page, use _____ for grouping together relevant videos to viewers progress naturally from video to video, thus generating more views through their session


let's say you're looking to increase the visibility of your company blog. what in addition to SEO tactics, could you do to make it easy for people to organically find your previously published posts?

link internally to previoiusly published blog posts

once you've onboarded a participant into the brand advocacy program, focus on keeping and growing their commitment and cultivating enthusiasm. at the start, check in periodically to make sure your new advocate is engaged and committed. ______ check ins are a good rhythm

30, 60, and 90 days

brand voice/persona should be developed after your social strategy has been implemented for 6 months to see what kind of voice/persona occurs naturally


a benefit of using google ads experience is the ____ option, which automatically manages an ad after initial set-up by determining the most relevant targeting options

smart campaign

which of the following would best be used to make your Instagram story more discoverable

adding a location adn hashtags

if you encounter a question on social media channels to which you don't have an answer, what is the best way to respond

honestly- explain you don't have an answer, but that you'll get back to them with it

you have just uploaded a 4 minute video clip into your IGTV. you've added hashtags in the description to support discoverability. what's another tactic you could have used to surface this video to your followers

share the video as a story

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